@TheChrisGlass I came here to say exactly this and it was the first reply, ha! Maybe that’s why they ended up on Meh…the company discontinued them after an incident. LOL
I would totally pretend to pull a pin and then toss these, just to see if anyone reacts. Maybe I’d paint them green or black first. Would be fun to see how people reacted.
TSA baned the Disney coke bottles shaped like a explosive device from star wars movies. And that is no matter if the item is full of coke cola or empty, so imagine this going through with its shape and electronic interior. From the TSA
"Replica and inert explosives aren’t allowed in either carry-on or checked bags.”
Not so long ago TSA went through my hardsided golf case as we used it to transport a hoard of toy nerf guns, i can only imagine what the xray screen was think when the image appeared on the screen. I finally got something good to make up for letting the knifes through last week.
@blaineg@dtwsportsfan Joe Q Public doesn’t work for the TSA. I think it is appropriate that Disney props are banned from the airport security theatre stages.
Need more mAh than these have to really be useful. 3350 mAh won’t take you through more than a charge or so, And even 5000 mAh banks are running closer to the $5 range, full retail.
@ruouttaurmind Yeah, the comments section should be exploding with stuff like that. Fragments of pun lacerating the text. With any luck, this will pull the pin on that kind of thing.
@therealjrn EXACTLY! That was my 1st thought, and the carabiner doesn’t help. Pink? Even more suspicious, you painted it in a really stupid attempt to disguise it. They run it through the scanner, instant confiscation. Dumb, dumb dumb
@Artista Running it through a scanner would show that it is just a power bank so I don’t see why they would confiscate it. That’s sort of the whole purpose of why they scan those things. Besides, the TSA is a government-run agency that is remarkedly bad at their job EVERY time they get tested.
I take it you’ve never looked at the TSA Instagram account. Lots of pics of otherwise harmless stuff they confiscated, just because it looked like a grenade.
@Artista@grimblegromble And remarkably good at overreacting to the wrong things. They tried to take away Peter Mayhew’s (Chewbacca) cane because it looked like imaginary weapon.
There are zero redeeming qualities about this product. In today’s world of increased violence and tension, what were you thinking selling a mock grenade?
I really don’t understand who in the hell they were trying to market this to. If it looked more like a real grenade, it would have probably sold to the ex-military and survivalist dudes. But by making it pink, you even scared those people away from it.
@RiotDemon I have bad luck with cheapo powerbanks. One with a Lipo battery randomly swelled up… and one with a normal 18650 battery caught fire. Saving a few bucks isn’t worth burning my house down… or the awkwardness of randomly yeeting your charger away from you.
grenades have been around in the urban vinyl/toy scene for a bit, i have a big army green colored one. you pull the pin and remove the top and it says “bang” XD
also have a small grenade flower vase. another artist has a nice sculpt of snow white holding the apple only the apple is a grenade, but it’s out of my price range. anyway, these kind of appealed to me but i don’t need a power bank and i don’t need two.
@jerk_nugget I don’t have a problem with grenades, per se, but, I’m willing to bet that you don’t walk around with your giant, army, green grenade hanging off your belt loop. I’m not quite to the point of sliding fresh picked daisies into the barrel of a sub machine rifle aimed at me, but in this age of mass shootings, I’ve gotten a bit sensitive to flaunting violence, even if it is pink.
@lasdeauna i can understand that, we all have our own personal boundaries when it comes to this stuff for sure. from an art perspective it’s more about subverting it than celebrating it. (not directly implying this is anyone’s “artistic endeavor” tho lol.) for me, this isn’t gonna tip the scale one way or the other. people who are into weapons and violence already have plenty of ways of showing off. anyone who’s ever seen the personal property of a gun nut can vouch for that, heh. i’d way rather see this ridiculous pink rubber thing than a lot of other stuff that may be less literal but more harmful making the rounds but ymmv, and of course you may wish to see neither column A nor column B and i respect that.
Planning to go to the airport with 10 of these clipped to my backpack during Brest Cancer awareness month and see how much support I get from the TSA dudes
Why are we even calling these grenades??
That word isn’t mentioned anywhere on the box.
I’d say it looks more like the bulb of a turkey baster. Missing the dropper piece.
And then notice that if you repeat the brand name (BuQu) over and over it kinda sounds like the Cadbury bunny, so again, an indirect and incomplete poultry reference.
@blaineg Ooh, I missed that! Huh, hold on… Nade?!! As in “Nade Electronics”*??! Aren’t they the universally unknown electronics mini-giant headquartered in… yup… Istanbul!!! Capital city of…
At this point I’d start shaping a tin foil hat, but my roll has a roasted you-know-what depicted on it as a usage suggestion.
@blaineg@unksol no, that’s an actual thermite grenade being shot from that thing - follow the link if you want to see a very strange collection of things he’s constructed. No potatoes were harmed in the making of that video …
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$26.60 (for 2) at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Oh, the TSA will have a field day with these
@TheChrisGlass I came here to say exactly this and it was the first reply, ha! Maybe that’s why they ended up on Meh…the company discontinued them after an incident. LOL
Be careful taking this through TSA security I guess.
Wonder if the TSA will want to shut these down too.
Do these have the old cells from the Note 7 in them?
@Deelron Repurposing is the highest form of recycling.
/giphy grenade

oh what fun this would be inadvertently stuck in my boss’s kit the next time he goes through a TSA checkpoint.
@alacrity Wouldn’t that be former boss?
@Pamela why so tense?
@alacrity projecting I guess, based on the bosses I’ve had.
This may be the dumbest product I have ever seen, meh or not.
I would jump on it for $7 or less
@thechinglish beat me to it!!!
The dreaded three stars.
How do you fuck up a power bank of all things?
The entire brand seems to orbit around the cringey type of festival goers that adorn themselves with headdresses.
What the BUQ
There is something fundamentally wrong with a pink grenade.
@phendrick clearly it is a grenade for girls!
@phendrick @tinamarie1974 Feminine protection?
Good way to get shot by the cops while brandishing your pink grenade power bank at the mall
@mellowirishgent what are cops doing at a mall?
@mellowirishgent @unksol haven’t you seen Paul Blart?
@mellowirishgent @unksol What is anyone doing at the mall?
@Brandon313 @mellowirishgent @unksol It’s for people that haven’t figured out the amazon.
@blaineg Or need to try on the clothes/shoes they intend to buy since sizing isn’t consistent even within a brand…
I would totally pretend to pull a pin and then toss these, just to see if anyone reacts. Maybe I’d paint them green or black first. Would be fun to see how people reacted.
@savvysapphire Seems like a good way to get arrested
Being lithium polymer batteries, they probably also have about a 0.025% chance of actually exploding when thrown LOL
@savvysapphire “It’s just a social experiment, bro!”
@savvysapphire For a better reaction, throw the pin, and keep the grenade.
@savvysapphire seems like a great way to get shot
@blaineg @savvysapphire
Just point out to the nice TSA agent about to cavity search you that they are … pink.
TSA baned the Disney coke bottles shaped like a explosive device from star wars movies. And that is no matter if the item is full of coke cola or empty, so imagine this going through with its shape and electronic interior. From the TSA
"Replica and inert explosives aren’t allowed in either carry-on or checked bags.”
Not so long ago TSA went through my hardsided golf case as we used it to transport a hoard of toy nerf guns, i can only imagine what the xray screen was think when the image appeared on the screen. I finally got something good to make up for letting the knifes through last week.

Who doesn’t love drinks packaged to look like thermal detonators?
@dtwsportsfan @mike808 Come on, Joe Q. Public would think that was a Christmas tree ornament, unless you spelled out the Star Wars connection for them.
@blaineg @dtwsportsfan Joe Q Public doesn’t work for the TSA. I think it is appropriate that Disney props are banned from the airport security theatre stages.
@dtwsportsfan they reversed that and allow them if empty.
But yes the TSA is totally pointless and full of shit and serves no purpose
Need more mAh than these have to really be useful. 3350 mAh won’t take you through more than a charge or so, And even 5000 mAh banks are running closer to the $5 range, full retail.
Beware you probably cannot take these through airport security. No matter how pink they are they do not like things that look like they are weapons.
@5665150 What could possibly go wrong with just an everyday tactical war hammer?

this is not what i meant when i said i want more bang for the buck
In case you needed that last minute, finishing touch to your back to school shopping. I can see the add now…simply clips to any backpack…
These are really stupid. I want them.
Too expensive. But if the girl in the picture was selling, well, umm, sold!
@mcemanuel took me a while to see the powerbank in that image.
@mcemanuel @tweezak I spotted a nice pair of powerbanks right away.
/image habitual-ominous-spot

/giphy habitual-ominous-spot
Did anybody stop to think what a bad idea this was before it went from design to production?
@eslovick I’m sure it was exactly like every company meeting I’ve ever endured.
Actual quote from a brilliant manager many years ago: We need a laser-like focus… on EVERYTHING!
@eslovick Since he was asking for even illumination on everything, we figured he meant we should provide the equivalent of a 60W light bulb.
2 for $4 maybe. Probably not.
All the pithy comments in this topic and nobody touched the obvious “These are the bomb!” or “This sale is gonna bomb.”
@ruouttaurmind Yeah, the comments section should be exploding with stuff like that. Fragments of pun lacerating the text. With any luck, this will pull the pin on that kind of thing.
@EvilSmoo There ya go!
If this deal included horseshoes it would be close enough.
Completely not funny. I only like novelty products that are funny, cute or both. Grenades of any color don’t qualify.
@alacrity well where are you going to hide your grenade?
@unksol boss’s carry-on
Wow. I am REALLY impressed by the amount of complete idiocy it must have taken to think this was a good idea.
Pink or not it’s still a grenade! …nevermind the insensitivity, especially these days. Jus sayen
@Lynnerizer - When they start selling pink, beer-dispensing “suicide vests” we’ll have passed a cultural milestone.
And not in a good way.
A bombshell selling a weird charger, pretty in pink.
Apparently the TSA has already softened its stance on the SW thermal detonator bottles. The Force is strong indeed.
@lordbowen You can’t tell me mockery and derision don’t have their place.
An interesting situation… selling 0 would be too many of this product.
No way. Pull one of these out and you’ll probably get shot.
@ellett Grenades are best left to professionals.
Good luck getting through airport security carrying one of these.
Has anybody mentioned how hard these would be to get through TSA security yet?
@therealjrn Not yet,thanks
@therealjrn EXACTLY! That was my 1st thought, and the carabiner doesn’t help. Pink? Even more suspicious, you painted it in a really stupid attempt to disguise it. They run it through the scanner, instant confiscation. Dumb, dumb dumb
@therealjrn Oh and they evacuate the airport, bring in the bomb squad…

@Artista Running it through a scanner would show that it is just a power bank so I don’t see why they would confiscate it. That’s sort of the whole purpose of why they scan those things. Besides, the TSA is a government-run agency that is remarkedly bad at their job EVERY time they get tested.
I take it you’ve never looked at the TSA Instagram account. Lots of pics of otherwise harmless stuff they confiscated, just because it looked like a grenade.
@Artista @grimblegromble And remarkably good at overreacting to the wrong things. They tried to take away Peter Mayhew’s (Chewbacca) cane because it looked like imaginary weapon.
@Artista @blaineg @grimblegromble lol, wut? Not like light sabers are a real thing.
@Artista @blaineg @grimblegromble poor Chewy!!
@Artista @grimblegromble @RiotDemon TSA: imaginary protection from imaginary dangers.
/image distressed-literal-newt

/giphy distressed-literal-newt

Edit: I’m already hard to get through tsa
@Brandon313 Phrasing!
@Brandon313 I just watched that movie with mom! The second one not the dragon one.
Just in time for Back2School!
There are zero redeeming qualities about this product. In today’s world of increased violence and tension, what were you thinking selling a mock grenade?
@amyplant I thought “zero redeeming qualities” was the Meh ™ promise
@amyplant @billyrogers you catch on quick!
I really don’t understand who in the hell they were trying to market this to. If it looked more like a real grenade, it would have probably sold to the ex-military and survivalist dudes. But by making it pink, you even scared those people away from it.
@ultimatebob it’s for that clueless girl hiking but on her phone in the pics.
@ultimatebob Apparently it was also sold in gold and copper colors.
These just seem like a terrible idea.
Get a string and hang them around your neck, down to the nipples, and under your shirt, of course.
I was close to buying these… but close only counts in horseshoes and… dammit.
@larryg18 so you’re going to buy it now, right?
@RiotDemon I have bad luck with cheapo powerbanks. One with a Lipo battery randomly swelled up… and one with a normal 18650 battery caught fire. Saving a few bucks isn’t worth burning my house down… or the awkwardness of randomly yeeting your charger away from you.
@larryg18 @RiotDemon so… You’re concerned about having to toss a grenade?
grenades have been around in the urban vinyl/toy scene for a bit, i have a big army green colored one. you pull the pin and remove the top and it says “bang” XD
also have a small grenade flower vase. another artist has a nice sculpt of snow white holding the apple only the apple is a grenade, but it’s out of my price range. anyway, these kind of appealed to me but i don’t need a power bank and i don’t need two.
@jerk_nugget I don’t have a problem with grenades, per se, but, I’m willing to bet that you don’t walk around with your giant, army, green grenade hanging off your belt loop. I’m not quite to the point of sliding fresh picked daisies into the barrel of a sub machine rifle aimed at me, but in this age of mass shootings, I’ve gotten a bit sensitive to flaunting violence, even if it is pink.
@lasdeauna i can understand that, we all have our own personal boundaries when it comes to this stuff for sure. from an art perspective it’s more about subverting it than celebrating it. (not directly implying this is anyone’s “artistic endeavor” tho lol.) for me, this isn’t gonna tip the scale one way or the other. people who are into weapons and violence already have plenty of ways of showing off. anyone who’s ever seen the personal property of a gun nut can vouch for that, heh. i’d way rather see this ridiculous pink rubber thing than a lot of other stuff that may be less literal but more harmful making the rounds but ymmv, and of course you may wish to see neither column A nor column B and i respect that.
Now with a full body cavity search at no additional cost!
Um…Hello! These are actually bumpy butt plugs. Nice try Meh!
@Bumplepimp in that case, calling @mfladd!!
Planning to go to the airport with 10 of these clipped to my backpack during Brest Cancer awareness month and see how much support I get from the TSA dudes
Why are we even calling these grenades??
That word isn’t mentioned anywhere on the box.
I’d say it looks more like the bulb of a turkey baster. Missing the dropper piece.
And then notice that if you repeat the brand name (BuQu) over and over it kinda sounds like the Cadbury bunny, so again, an indirect and incomplete poultry reference.
@jester747 They call them Nades, that’s definitely shorthand for a turkey baster.
@blaineg Ooh, I missed that! Huh, hold on… Nade?!! As in “Nade Electronics”*??! Aren’t they the universally unknown electronics mini-giant headquartered in… yup… Istanbul!!! Capital city of…
At this point I’d start shaping a tin foil hat, but my roll has a roasted you-know-what depicted on it as a usage suggestion.
*(with a very mediocre 2.6 star rating btw)
Try this at home.
@blaineg I don’t think firing a potatoe at a rigged fixed explosive counts as… Anything
@blaineg @unksol no, that’s an actual thermite grenade being shot from that thing - follow the link if you want to see a very strange collection of things he’s constructed. No potatoes were harmed in the making of that video …
@blaineg @stolicat @unksol
/youtube Colin furze thermite grenade
@RiotDemon @stolicat @unksol Yes, Colin Furze is my favorite English Mad Scientist.
At least he always wears his Safety Tie.
@blaineg @RiotDemon @stolicat @unksol Ah, Thermite - so many happy memories!
@mehcuda67 @RiotDemon @stolicat @unksol I’m listening…
Not really relevant, but too funny to not share.
Keep in mind that the TSA does not allow anything bomb-shaped. Questionable if this can be flown with.
@charliefaber Thanks, didn’t know this,
@charliefaber @therealjrn Definitely the first to mention it.
@blaineg @charliefaber @therealjrn

/giphy snicker
Smoke grenade, lucky for him.
Watch this!
@blaineg I always say stupid should hurt. In this case, it did!
Open for your (mis)interpretation: Bosie, Idaho bought most of the 142 sold.
@blaineg sorry, that was me…