@macromeh@mcanavino@werehatrack I think it’s a punctuation wine - “What?! Do you desert wine without any muscles?”
Doesn’t seem to help the joke much, though.
It so true and frustrating and ridiculous that it’s sort of funny, buts it’s no joke.
I own an iPhone, but Apple can be a bit ridiculous.
One: Their $5,000 computer screen where the stand is sold separately for $1,000. If you don’t buy their stand, you must pay $200 for Apple’s VESA adapter to use the display with a third party stand or mount. https://www.google.com/search?q=apple+monitor+stand+stand
Two: all the adapters and such that are absolutely needed or are very commonly needed to use an iPhone are sold separately but the prices on the iPhones keep going up. You can’t charge an iPhone or use it with headphones without adapters and accessories that are sold separately.
@GLaDOS@joelmw@mike808 Apple is evil that way. Third-party charging cables wouldn’t work for my iPhone 4 or 5C, and I refused to pay Apple $50 so i could have a spare for my car. I escaped the tyranny and switched to Android. Now I can have charging cables in every room and 2 in my car!
All those things are true, but no, you don’t need an adapter to use this with an iPhone or iPad. It doesn’t charge. It just holds things.
This reminds me of the phone stands I bought from Meh in 2019. Still in their boxes, never used. I wonder if they’re lonely? I guess they’ve got each other.
@Jonas4321 these sales were probably queued up before New Year’s, but after Christmas. A lot of people take time off during that week. Whoever was left was probably doing many jobs.
I suspect that the next sale was queued up at the same time. Expect it to be off as well. Maybe tonight’s sale will be underpriced.
@joelmw no, not unless you feel that “Not auspicious; ill-omened; unfortunate; unlucky; unfavorable.” is a good thing.
One of my favorite movies, btw so points for that. But posting a diss response without checking a dictionary yields a net negative score.
@hamjudo you’re likely correct. But that makes me think that ALL sales are queued up well on advance, and when was the last time to saw two price adjustments 2 days in a row? Never for me.
@Jonas4321 Um, okay. I understand the fucking word. I disagree that it’s an accurate description of responsive price cuts. I also didn’t mean it as a “diss response”, just a difference in perspective. Hence the “seems . . . to me” vs., for instance, “pull your head out of your ass”. But if you want to feel disrespected because I disagreed, I won’t try to stop you.
@joelmw Okay, I get your point that price drops are not a bad thing, at least for the consumer, but it does suggest a reaction to an incomplete plan imo. It was your confrontation with the “I do not think that word means what you think it means” that prompted my response. I know exactly what the fucking word means. You were not (just) sharing a perspective, you were telling me I was using a word incorrectly, which I was not.
Still love the movie, however.
One of these came on my treadmill. Oddly, it didn’t fit any phone or tablet we had in the house. My husband figured out it’s absolutely perfect as a tissue-box holder (one of the square boxes). Who knew?
Classically, according to those in the community in the '60s and '70s, it was “Miami Beach”, because even that far back, it was widely known that Miami itself was and is a pit. (I grew up there, back then. I escaped for good in 1981.)
I’m actually pleasantly surprised at how stable it is, glad I bought these.
Um, works great with my iPad and iPhone, no adapter required (yeah, I figured it was a fucking joke and I ignored it, but it was unnecessarily confusing). And seriously, fuck people always taking extra shots at Apple. Get an Android already. Better yet, get you a Windows phone. And shut the fuck up already.
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$69.98 for Two on Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Aug 4 - Monday, Aug 8
I will not stand for this kind of Meh!
If I had adjustable height I might get these.
@eeterrific but they have 360 degree rotation!
@Jonas4321 Well, my brother used to tell me…“sit on it and spin”, so I guess I could.
@eeterrific It says this in description: “Adjustable height from 11.4 to 18.1 inches”
“What do you desert wine”? ITYM “What do you call dessert wine…”
@werehatrack a dry wine
@werehatrack Came here to mention this lol
@werehatrack Missing a word distracts from the joke being absolutely rubbish though.
@werehatrack @mcanavino Which is more dry - a desert wine or a grammar w(h)ine?
@macromeh @mcanavino @werehatrack I think it’s a punctuation wine - “What?! Do you desert wine without any muscles?”
Doesn’t seem to help the joke much, though.
@shahnm alt: GLEN WAS STOOD UP!!!
@shahnm Who is Glen?? I don’t see any Glens…
@SEGAStaRBiTS64 We are all Glen.
@shahnm I see…
What do you call a dessert wine…
@bfg9000 Call. The word they seek is “call.”
@bfg9000 @HankB33
And the missing “s” makes a different, too.
@bfg9000 @HankB33 @werehatrack And the word you want is “difference.”
There is a $100 surcharge for the special adapter required if you’re going to use these with iPhones or iPads.
Is this a joke? Why would it need an adapter?
/giphy huh?

@joelmw @mike808
It so true and frustrating and ridiculous that it’s sort of funny, buts it’s no joke.
I own an iPhone, but Apple can be a bit ridiculous.
One: Their $5,000 computer screen where the stand is sold separately for $1,000. If you don’t buy their stand, you must pay $200 for Apple’s VESA adapter to use the display with a third party stand or mount. https://www.google.com/search?q=apple+monitor+stand+stand
Two: all the adapters and such that are absolutely needed or are very commonly needed to use an iPhone are sold separately but the prices on the iPhones keep going up. You can’t charge an iPhone or use it with headphones without adapters and accessories that are sold separately.
@GLaDOS @joelmw @mike808 Apple is evil that way. Third-party charging cables wouldn’t work for my iPhone 4 or 5C, and I refused to pay Apple $50 so i could have a spare for my car. I escaped the tyranny and switched to Android. Now I can have charging cables in every room and 2 in my car!
@GLaDOS @joelmw @lisagd @mike808
All those things are true, but no, you don’t need an adapter to use this with an iPhone or iPad. It doesn’t charge. It just holds things.
@GLaDOS @joelmw @Kyeh @lisagd
So, just like a monitor stand just holds up a monitor?
@GLaDOS @joelmw @lisagd @mike808
Yeah, with adjustable height and rotation.
@GLaDOS @joelmw @Kyeh @lisagd
Wow. Adjustable height and rotation. Usually you can get only one or the other. What a deal!
@GLaDOS @joelmw @Kyeh @mike808 Oh, yeah, I know.
What is the widest that the jaws of the tablet holder can open? I’m wondering if I can use this to hold a USB monitor.
From Amazon:
I have these. I measured one and can confirm that those measurements are accurate.
@Kyeh Thanks!
This reminds me of the phone stands I bought from Meh in 2019. Still in their boxes, never used. I wonder if they’re lonely? I guess they’ve got each other.
@awk The real reason for Two-fer Tuesdays.
@awk @mehcuda67 Are they the green ones?
And the bots at Amazon are now aware. I am being offered a 45% off coupon bringing the total for one (all I really need) to $18 with tax. Not bad.
Ah shucks, I just ordered an Aduro version of this on the SITE THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED for $9. Otherwise I might have taken the bait.
Heads up, we just dropped the price on this one down to $25. We’ll be giving partial refunds for those who bought earlier at the higher price.
@dave thanks and because of that I just bought it here instead of Amazon. Solid move.
One day, that might even add speakers to these phone stands.
And a 2.4A high-speed USB charging port…
Hmmm… 2 days, 2 stands (of sorts), 2 price drops after launch… what an inauspicious beginning for 2022.
@Jonas4321 these sales were probably queued up before New Year’s, but after Christmas. A lot of people take time off during that week. Whoever was left was probably doing many jobs.
I suspect that the next sale was queued up at the same time. Expect it to be off as well. Maybe tonight’s sale will be underpriced.
Inauspicious? Seems like a good thing to me.
@joelmw no, not unless you feel that “Not auspicious; ill-omened; unfortunate; unlucky; unfavorable.” is a good thing.
One of my favorite movies, btw so points for that. But posting a diss response without checking a dictionary yields a net negative score.
@hamjudo you’re likely correct. But that makes me think that ALL sales are queued up well on advance, and when was the last time to saw two price adjustments 2 days in a row? Never for me.
@Jonas4321 Um, okay. I understand the fucking word. I disagree that it’s an accurate description of responsive price cuts. I also didn’t mean it as a “diss response”, just a difference in perspective. Hence the “seems . . . to me” vs., for instance, “pull your head out of your ass”. But if you want to feel disrespected because I disagreed, I won’t try to stop you.

@joelmw Okay, I get your point that price drops are not a bad thing, at least for the consumer, but it does suggest a reaction to an incomplete plan imo. It was your confrontation with the “I do not think that word means what you think it means” that prompted my response. I know exactly what the fucking word means. You were not (just) sharing a perspective, you were telling me I was using a word incorrectly, which I was not.
Still love the movie, however.
One of these came on my treadmill. Oddly, it didn’t fit any phone or tablet we had in the house. My husband figured out it’s absolutely perfect as a tissue-box holder (one of the square boxes). Who knew?
What’s a favorite Jewish Wine? “I want to go to Miii-aaaa-mi”
Classically, according to those in the community in the '60s and '70s, it was “Miami Beach”, because even that far back, it was widely known that Miami itself was and is a pit. (I grew up there, back then. I escaped for good in 1981.)
I just noticed that these have an “elaborate clip”. Wow!
But will it hold my beer?
Only if you put it in a “tall boy” hip flask.
420 Blaze it
I really only need one…

/giphy kindhearted-abstract-oak
I’m in! With sidecar for apple devices it actually makes my iPad work with my laptop stand.
/giphy gory-woolly-country

Actually, not that great of a deal: price on Amazon is currently $32 - 45% = $17 for the pair
@jjenser That’s not for the pair, that’s for one.