@mediocrebot i was almost scared to comment [ for fear that my mailbox would again be the target of @jont 's desire for cheap trash dumping ] but I cannot live in fear.... ...that being said ... I hope that all the late-sleeping east-coasters get a shot at this! let it be a lesson... squeaky wheel and all that...
@mediocrebot damn you! I paid $30 for one last time around. I was happy with my purchase until today. So I just bought 2 more so you'll lower price even more next time!
@JonT these are cool and all...but I think you may have to go to further drastic measures. Maybe give one away with the next dyson order and charge $11 extra for the dyson??!!
But I live on the east coast and made sure to stay up extra late so I could see whatever amazing sure to sellout deal would be posted tonight . . . people on the west coast only had to stay up till 9pm to see speaker docks. Why do you hate people on the east coast, meh?
@gnol I don't think meh hates East Coasters, I think that East Coast early bedtimers are a disgruntled lot. The East Coast up laters though... myself included... we're fine with meh, and as long as we're buying neoprene sleeves in lots of 30, I daresay meh is fine with us.
@harrison Not exactly. Since you can only buy 3 2-packs per account, you'd need 5 accounts to buy 30. So assuming you've got VMP on your existing account, you've got to add $5 shipping for the remaining 4 accounts. So really the total is $680.
@TBoneZeOriginal I'm assuming you're a good meh user who has 4 friends who know about us (thanks to you?!) and have all bought VMP who are willing to let you pay them back for speaker docks.
@harrison I am responsible for at least 4 people signing up for a Meh account and VMP. You're welcome. Now send me a free speaker dock or I'll threaten them into canceling their accounts.
So the tables have turned...for weeks, Twofer Tuesday, that dirty fitchy temptress has seduced me into parting with my precious dollars. You tempt me yet again, however my vow to never purchase a speaker dock remains strong. ....And booms goes the dynamite.
....Ya know, I'm an East Coaster. And, I generally stay up til midnight to check meh. Once in a while (when I was so sick I literally slept the entire day), I won't wake up to check. I actually bought 3 of the 30 packs of Built NY sleeves last night, just for the heck of it...just to see if they would sell out before the morning. I have to admit, I found it funny that they did. I say, throw up whatever, and if it sells out before the rest of them wake up, hey, it's more a chance for me...who stayed up late just to check meh. to actually get the item. Right? ;)
Clearly this is a challenge to keep the sell out train rolling. I may not have an i-phone/pad/mp3/w/e but I'm taking one for the team and ordering two! Err four*. Two sets!
My theory is that if it's under $10 it will always sell out. $44 per order AND they're specifically designed for iproducts? Not seeing any chance of selling out even if you only have a few hundred.
I bought this last time, the sound is really really good. This is the best speaker dock Meh has sold, and that's saying something! I'm in for one (two) just to keep in different rooms.
I don't need ANY more docks I bought one for a gift for someone even after you gave me one in the fuku 2 in which i gave it to my mother who in which doesn't use it, pure uselessness, you couldn't even pay me 22 dollars to take another one or 44 dollars to take 2
Glad I'm not an east coast whiner, I'm a central time zone mild complainer. I SHOULD be going to sleep at 10 but now an forced to stay up til 11. Meh....
As I was laughing at these dumb speakerdocks I realized this is just the dumb thing my two nephews could use for their iPad minis they got for christmas... Then I remembered they had giant otterbox cases on them so there's no way they're fitting in these docks. Whew, that was a close one.
I tried to buy a boatload of these (not really) but the system wouldn't let me buy more then three 2 packs. I'm not going to waste my time with such a small quantity of 6 total.
Seriously though, if Meh seriously wanted to get rid of these, why limit it to three 2 packs per person? If someone wanted to buy out the entire inventory at this price, why not let them?
@shawn As long as you don't require payment, I'll take those 10,000 (or more if you have them). Just send them to the same address as my previous orders (the Florida address).
Sigh, why can't these docks ever be android compatible. Not everyone owns an apple product. And yes I realize I could use an aux cord, but that's not the point.
Are there any suggested uses other than being a speaker dock? Trying to talk myself into this but don't need the speaker dock. Has anyone had any luck using one as a boat anchor? Paperweight? Self-defense tool? TIA!
@jseay65 yes... they are awesome lures for meh.com scouts/buyers ... place them around your yard and meh.com procurement sales staff will find you and take them off your hands....
@Fen_Star TIL: you can actually get shit delivered to someone, for a fairly modest price. What a world we live! With it being tax season, I wonder how many get delivered to the IRS?
OK I got one of these back when they sold em last time. Here is what I have found:
Will it work with a case on?
the apple leather case for the iphone 5s (very thin) NO the ipad air with a thin silicon case on it (very thin) NO any case thicker than the thin leather case... NO (unless there is a giant cutout around the port, then maybe).
Does it sound good?
Yes... sounds pretty good for the price.
What is your solution to not being able to use it as a dock with a case on?
Use the cable... the unit has a usb port on the back (as well as a 3.5 aux in) just plug your apple cable into that port and use your idevice with a case on with no issues ;)
Will the USB port charge my idevice?
Seems to charge my iphone 5s and my ipad air2
Does the USB port work with audio and android devices?
Not that I can tell, Ive tried a nexus 4 and 5 and 7 and no... but you can use the 3.5 aux in.
Did you buy one of those stupid bluetooth to 3.5 adapters meh sold a while back? If so that will turn this into a bluetooth enabled dock :D But remember bluetooth sounds like meh in most cases.
@thismyusername Regarding the iPhone case collisions, have you considered a Lightning Extender? (Google "lightning extender") A concern: would the extender survive the next iOS update? Perhaps there are Apple MFi-certified extenders.
@RedOak To be honest I plugged in the cable and went that route when it wouldn't work with the case. If you have ever dealt with the stupid apple leather case you would know that it's stuck on there like it's part of the phone... takes a long time to get it removed and you usually end up warping it. I did buy 2 more (friend wants one after hearing mine) today, so I might take one apart now that I have a backup and see if I can coax some more length out of the port.
@cengland0 you seem to have chosen the most expensive extender if you're seeing a doubling of the price. They appear to be available for about 6 bucks. But whatever, it was just a thought - especially for someone who already has a dock with the fit issue. Better then messing with cables.
@cengland0 But making that shit cheap is what meh is all about. I'm just worried that they'll go with TOCCS if they ever do offer extenders--no offense, TOCCS, but for a piece like this we need reliability and would rather not have to buy by the gross to have something that works.
I've thought about buying a Meh speaker dock several times, but always hold off with the knowledge that if I ever manage to get a Fukubukuro bag order to go through there's a 95% chance one will be in there.
@matapat When I got my Fukubukuro bag it had a nicer dock. I'm still looking for 1 or two docks more, but I have enough of this model... and the one on my nightstand fell over a few weeks ago and I haven't bothered picking it up.
New to meh but this is absolutely entertaining as hell! Buffet, bottomless,belly-up...thought for sure this had something to do with Mama June and honey boo boo, whew, that would have been a big fucken mehs
@wew you might... the USB port does charge my android devices... just no music comes through the usb... so if you can charge a sansa with usb then it would most likely work.
@thismyusername Thanks again! My sansa's have two diffeent size usb ports, so one of them is bound to work. The post's on the side, but it looks like lay it on it's side to charge it.
@wew Do any of your Sansas have an album on them that you can't delete? I have a vague memory of them selling those sansas like a cd... that is you would buy it and it would have an album on it... forever... and usually something like Britney. Edit: found it .. called a "SanDisk slotMusic" player.
@thismyusername I have a boxed Lady Gaga Purple "The Fame" Sansa slotMusic Clip, which I am is convinces is worth several million dollars. I got it for $5 at the Goodwill.
Would not the contents of a buttload of these depend upon the butt or butts in question? And did you mean to be witty when you said that the buttload after buttload of these form a near bottomless supply?
Well, poopsicles. I wouldn't mind owning one of these for the shiny new iPad mini my hubby surprised me with on Christmas, but I don't have that much money right now. Save one for my next Fuku, mkay?
Just so you know, I'm not into speaker docks. I'm old fashioned. I run a headphone cable from my device to a boombox. It's a sturdier, cheaper and more reliable solution than those Bluetooth speakers.
I need to know if I buy 30 of these will they be big enough to take a bath in them? Or do I need to get 60 like I did yesterday? (Just kidding. Actually I just want to know if any of my neoprene sleeves will be big enough to encase this speaker dock. Because I seriously need to find things to encase now.)
Thanks for mixing things up with the deal quantities available. Snapster promised months ago that more regular visitors meant larger quantity deals, and it is exciting to see that happening.
I suspect that in your warehouse, there is an assembly line spitting out speaker docks. The staff is back there like Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory, trying to keep up, but shoving speaker docks down their pants or under your hats. Good luck with that, OK? I have 3 already, I am saturated with them myself.
You've got a $600 phone or small tablet so the 1st purchase you make is a case to keep it from breaking. None of the speaker docks or clock radios (I've got 2 of them) will work, even with the adapter unless you remove the phone from the case, thus defeating the purpose of having a case. This is why speaker docks suck!
@floridarev1 I've got a cheapo easy slip on case for the back, and a glass screen protector for the front of my iP6+. Adequate protection while keeping relatively slim, and the case is easily removed for the dock.
Meh- While I'm thinking this speaker dock thing through, let me explain why I'm having a hard time. In my apartment there are 7 rooms with outlets. Excluding Closets (why they didn't put outlets in the closets completely boggles my mind, but I digress) I currently have a speaker dock in: The living room, Both Bedrooms, and one Bathroom (Don't ask.) While the Kitchen, the hallway, and the guest Bathroom are tempting targets, I think I'll pass on this one. However if you were to pair them with a good quality lightning extension like the link at the bottom. I'd love to get more. The adapter is the missing link for the speaker dock to work with a case. (alternatively offer a MFI lightning cable, The dock's built in lightning only works on a naked phone.)
Oh... and while I have your attention. My 4 month old LOVES the ask Irk videos. He LOVES Irk more than the TV. I think Irk is the first thing video he really laughed at.
As an east coaster who almost always stays up late for the item turnover, I simply want to bitch about the west coasters who are whining about the east coasters' bitching. Us sleep deprived mehricans on the east coast are sick of you bastards complaining! Hail to the east!
@Cinoclav while I concur with your thoughts, and don't mind my state being shown on your "Eastern Timezone" map (accurately), I must complain about inaccurately being lumped in with you "East coast whiners" since my state is surrounded by fresh, not salty H2O!
@kadagan They are totally worth it. JBL has great quality sound. I received a different style as a gift 5 years ago that was at least $100 retail, and that little speaker is still going strong. Wonderful sound quality! I just wish these ones also had a remote like that one.
@Zypher I actually got one of these later on when they were individual for something like $18, and I'm pretty happy with it. I plan to take it with me on my next business trip.
Stupid Left Coasters! Because you are so greedy and depriving us in the Land Where "Saturday Night Live" Is Actually LIVE of Meh-gasms, Meh is punishing us all with non-Bluetooth speaker docks.
I don't get mad when the grocery store is sold out and that is during regular hours so I can't really complain about sell outs. If I cared enough I would stay up to 11:00PM central time. Being old and cranky I usually don't make it but when I do, its always speaker docks (OK, those irritate me) or something else that will just sit there all day. Meanwhile I save a lot of money not buying anything (Except for those tablet covers yesterday and I have no Idea what I am going to do with them except hide them from my wife who mocks my purchases) My Wife and the Mailman appreciate the lack of buying. So MEH to everyone. Bitch or bitch about bitching, I really don't care. I am a MVP and that is all that matters. (not that it matters)
I would almost get this for my son/daughter/wife's iPhone (I'm an Android user), but the phone looks ridiculously small sitting in that giant dock. Gonna pass. And yes, I woke up at midnight to see what was going to be, but rolled over immediately once I did.
The last pic of the Aisle Of Speakerdocks ( I Love Speakerdocks? ) is moving! Fucking moving! What kind of Magic Eye bullshit is this? It must be witchcraft / illusion / my high blood pressure. What the fuck ever! !
So what exactly did we prove here? If you put out once again crap no one wants, it won't sell out. Uh huh. It doesn't give me back that Cobra thingy does it?
Maybe set the time for 10pm EST. Nu Yawkers can buy them before they go to bed and the liberal hipsters on the other coast can buy them right after they get home after work. Of course, this assumes the people from Gotham aren't hopped up on cocaine and the hipsters actually have jobs; but it's good in theory, right?
I'd complain about the speaker docks, but... I've bought three of these already. Well, I've got three micros, not minis. My iPad I charge with an old-fashioned cable, like a cave dweller.
I so want to pull the trigger on these, but y'all need to include these little bastards (or meh them some other time). Yaknow, so they work with a case.
@phatmass It seems people are so concerned about how thin their phones are but then they put an otterbox case on it that makes it so fat. I'm one of those with an otterbox but I also didn't care how thin it was to begin with.
I think we can safely say that no one in the solar system has missed out on this Meh as Pluto is at most 4.67 billion km from earth ( http://www.space.com/18566-pluto-distance.html ) and by my calculations last nights Meh reveal has traveled roughly 14.85 billion km (13.75 hours @ 300,000 km/sec).
I can rest easy now knowing that if someone missed the JBL Speakers they can only blame themselves.
I hope everyone is happy about the scurge that they have brought upon this land because they decided they hate the rules of a website they voluntary joined.
Is it possible that mediocre and meh are actually just a project by JBL, and meh is actually the official JBL speaker dock store? They sell other things the other 85.7% of the time just to keep us from figuring it out.
Hmmmm - I do like my Micro... tempted to get this just to take care of charging my iPhone at home - @$22 it is as cheap as an Apple charger, and if I have it on my nightstand I can use it to protect myself from home invaders.
Compare: Me: "Get out, fiend! I have an apple charger with lightning cable I will project towards your head!" Fiend: "AHH HA HAAAA! That puny thing?" to Me: "Get out, fiend! I have a JBL OnBeat Mini speaker/charger I will project towards your head!" Fiend: "YAHHHHHHH! Run away! Run away!!!"
Works every time! (or at least has yet to not work, but admittedly the sample size is really, really small)
if the slot / depression is just wide enough for my pointy head I think I can wear it and run a 3.5mm patch cord down to the flip phone in my pocket, and play the premium ringtones LOUD. built-in RECHARGEABLE battery with up to EIGHT HOURS of "rattle your bifocals" power. YEah.
IF the depression is not the right shape I will need a chin strap or duct tape to hold it on.
Awesome poll (pole?) today! I blame meh for having a lot of meh for sale, with just a teensy tiny sprinkling of the good stuff thrown in. I blame myself for not being motivated enough to check every night for those far too few nights when the good stuff is there.
So, if you really want to know who to blame, blame it on santa claus. Or...have more good stuff and less expensive meh!
Nicely done Meh - at $62,000 sales with a bit over an hour to go and this "no sellout", slow-down deal is at number two behind the $88,000 Dyson DC41 deal over the past 30 days!
@drm1004 That is probably not going to happen. They can take a few business days to ship things out, and their shipping carrier doesn't move much on the weekend. Give it a few days and check https://meh.com/orders to see if your tracking # has updated.
Manufacturer’s Specs
Condition - New
Warranty - 1 Year JBL
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?
Retail boxes
Two units
What’s included
Fits big and little
Or Android with an Aux cable (not included)
It’s like the end of Raiders but just speaker docks
Inset image from Mark Hunter and Nicolas Raymond used under Creative Commons License
Price Check
$399.98 List, $149.98 for 2 at Amazon
90 days
@mediocrebot i was almost scared to comment [ for fear that my mailbox would again be the target of @jont 's desire for cheap trash dumping ] but I cannot live in fear.... ...that being said ... I hope that all the late-sleeping east-coasters get a shot at this! let it be a lesson... squeaky wheel and all that...
@mediocrebot if they paired these with Bluetooth aux adapters they might be able to get rid of them.
@mediocrebot Oh blargh. What do do with captive iOS devices now.
@mediocrebot please ship 2 samples to meh lab to verify they are mediocre before we meh them.
@mediocrebot damn you! I paid $30 for one last time around. I was happy with my purchase until today. So I just bought 2 more so you'll lower price even more next time!
@phatmass Ha Ha Ha good try!
@phatmass Dork!
@phatmass they are now charging you for 10 speaker docks.
@phatmass fuck it, have a speaker dock!
@JonT You certainly keep me highly entertained! :D
@JonT Bath xD😅
@JonT these are cool and all...but I think you may have to go to further drastic measures. Maybe give one away with the next dyson order and charge $11 extra for the dyson??!!
@JonT Oh great! That just blows the profit margin today!!! Now whom shall go into the dragon's den and inform Mr. Rutledge??
He's Waiting!!
@JonT i fucking love you guys. you've made buying shit on the internet fun again.
@JonT I hope you're not doing this just because I keep a picture of you in my wallet.
@phatmass Keep it next to the (un)used condoms?
@JonT I love the fact that this is a bullying encouraged zone - and it occurs when you send people crap. I. Love. It.
you guys just cant get rid of these things can you?
If I get two, do I have to buy another iPhone?
Great write up as always, @JasonToon!
@jsh139 @jasontoon... where's the Briggs-Meyer personality survey!??
@jsh139 I starred this product for that write-up.
I hate you Meh.
@djames85 < --- I love @djames85
Ah, back to good old fashioned nor-meh-cy. If these sellout and spew another tsunami of complaints I won't know whether to laugh or cry.
Thanks east coast whiners....
@wyk3d Hey man just because you
@wyk3d I am pretty sure its spelled winners........ last time I checked sir.... east coast winners.........
@sp3ar "Wieners"?
@joelmw Damn! Look at all those yummy wieners.
Yay buffet!
Hmm... Eh... Maybe if it was a 30 pack. I'm going to bed now.
I literally just laughed out loud. Thanks, Meh.
But I live on the east coast and made sure to stay up extra late so I could see whatever amazing sure to sellout deal would be posted tonight . . . people on the west coast only had to stay up till 9pm to see speaker docks. Why do you hate people on the east coast, meh?
@gnol i thnk we should be compensated
@gnol I don't think meh hates East Coasters, I think that East Coast early bedtimers are a disgruntled lot. The East Coast up laters though... myself included... we're fine with meh, and as long as we're buying neoprene sleeves in lots of 30, I daresay meh is fine with us.
Nothing quite like the status quo. Thanks East coast, thanks a lot.
Sell them in bundles of 30?
Hooray, it's FRIDAY! No... wait... i'm so confused.

@JonT in for 30 now
@JonT Go home knight, You are drunk...
@JonT bath^2
@rileyper extreme chess, you must knock all pieces into the ocean when you take them.
@JonT Do we get the ipads pictured?
@JonT this isn’t checkmate, it’s a stalemate with a heavy emphasis on stale
@YahSah15 Absolutely. If they're in the picture, they're part of the purchase. It's the law.
this must be a joke. Must be. no. NO. NO!
Booooooo to these JBL speaker docks.
Three minute page load for this :/ Meh.
@JazzyJosh Exactly! I am on the east coast and when the page finally loaded my first thought was "I stayed awake for this?"
How much for 30 of them?
@mehmeyousweet Let me Wolfram that for you
@harrison Not exactly. Since you can only buy 3 2-packs per account, you'd need 5 accounts to buy 30. So assuming you've got VMP on your existing account, you've got to add $5 shipping for the remaining 4 accounts. So really the total is $680.
@TBoneZeOriginal I'm assuming you're a good meh user who has 4 friends who know about us (thanks to you?!) and have all bought VMP who are willing to let you pay them back for speaker docks.
@harrison I am responsible for at least 4 people signing up for a Meh account and VMP. You're welcome. Now send me a free speaker dock or I'll threaten them into canceling their accounts.
@TBoneZeOriginal I don't have that power, and you'll have to pry my box of speaker dock parts from my cold, dead hands
@harrison Then have your man @JonT do it. You don't want the blood of these cancellations on your hands.
But I don't even want 1! Stupid timezones! ;)
It's Friday! Oh wait, no it's not. Bummer :-(
Suck it East Coast these will never sell out, Not even I want one of these.

Wait, is it Friday? Twice?
@zgranowitz cat
@zgranowitz I hate cats. Want mine?
헐.. 이게 더 싸게 나오다니..
bem 스피커 한번 안해주십니까 ㅋㅋ
@sherryblue 출석 ㅋ
@exart7 올것이 왔네요 ㅎㅎ
So the tables have turned...for weeks, Twofer Tuesday, that dirty fitchy temptress has seduced me into parting with my precious dollars. You tempt me yet again, however my vow to never purchase a speaker dock remains strong. ....And booms goes the dynamite.
@studerc Your vow is weak! and no match for meh's vow (to off load stuff you don't need at a price you can't pass on). Begin!!
Challenge accepted.
yep Mehing this one mainly due to price and just don't have any need for these, so East Coasters, Mid Coasters and West Coasters have at them
Love the writeup! And yeah, I don't see this one selling out ...
AWWWW YISSSSSS I've been waiting for these. Thanks for the great deal!
Great Job Eastcoast whiners
2 baths.
OK, Meh. You're suppose to be selling things to fill the cases you sold, yesterday.
Can we just make the entire east coast the goat for Feb?
....Ya know, I'm an East Coaster. And, I generally stay up til midnight to check meh. Once in a while (when I was so sick I literally slept the entire day), I won't wake up to check. I actually bought 3 of the 30 packs of Built NY sleeves last night, just for the heck of it...just to see if they would sell out before the morning. I have to admit, I found it funny that they did. I say, throw up whatever, and if it sells out before the rest of them wake up, hey, it's more a chance for me...who stayed up late just to check meh. to actually get the item. Right? ;)
@SavvySapphire Did you get the extra 10 pack for the cool 100?!
@v Sadly, no. But then again, I think that maybe 90 of them is more than enough. As it is, I'm sure I won't be able to unload half of them lol
I am NOT going to buy any of these to help make sure someone in California will have a chance to...... yeah that's it. You're welcome left coasters!
Ahhg what about us east coasters who stay up like real mediocre people?!
Well played, meh. Bravo.
i have the micro, sound quality is not bad, just saying
@commodog I have a mini... and it sounds better than my Soundfreaq Kick... of course it's bigger, but they both have batteries.
You should try selling speaker docks in quantities of 30.
What time is it in South Korea? I don't hear them Bitching...
@somf69 That's because it's 2 PM there!
@somf69 we didnt bitch much yet.
I had so much fun buying tons of stuff yesterday, that only two items feels like a let down. No options to buy 30? Meh!
I can't believe I stayed up for this
@abuilding I can't believe it's not butter
@abuilding BELIEVE IT!
I finally check right at the new day and it's freakin' speaker docks. Meh.
Double Meh.
Clearly this is a challenge to keep the sell out train rolling. I may not have an i-phone/pad/mp3/w/e but I'm taking one for the team and ordering two! Err four*. Two sets!
Not so clever now, are you meh?
@Sane you are clearly much smarter than us!
@Sane begins slow clap
Can't stay up til midnite??? But its meh merizing
Bought it as an impulse, hope the gf loves it as a Valentine's Day gift.
@ggomes Yup, because 2 speaker docks say "fuck me" everytime I look at them.
@somf69 hopefully she'll get the message right!
@somf69 I always say fuck you when I see speaker derks.
@annwat Uma.
@ChunkyBitz oprah
@annwat Doctor.
My theory is that if it's under $10 it will always sell out. $44 per order AND they're specifically designed for iproducts? Not seeing any chance of selling out even if you only have a few hundred.
I bought this last time, the sound is really really good. This is the best speaker dock Meh has sold, and that's saying something! I'm in for one (two) just to keep in different rooms.
@mehdaf I'm in for none (zero) just to keep indifferent...
@ruouttaurmind I see what you did there
@mehdaf They do charge the iDevice while in the dock right? Does it charge if the dock is running on the battery too?
@TehMaliron Just tried it with the usb cable, and no charge when not connected to AC.
Nice try with the Android - Meh!
I'd be as likely to buy 30 as to buy two. Time for sleep instead of ordering. . . meh!
"So belly up to the buffet, Eastern Time Zone! The food stinks but there's plenty of it."

Ya slobbered a bib full there @JasonToon.
I think people would start complaining of you tried giving these away.
Oh, if only you were wrong again. But then, tomorrow night you'd have a mehbie asking if you ever sell speaker docks.
I don't need ANY more docks I bought one for a gift for someone even after you gave me one in the fuku 2 in which i gave it to my mother who in which doesn't use it, pure uselessness, you couldn't even pay me 22 dollars to take another one or 44 dollars to take 2
what is with the goat on the previous writeup today's page links to?
@Barney No purple Not baby arm compatible.
Looks like speaker docks are the sellout C-C-COMBO BREAKER!
bought one for work and one for garage. the micro is going in the camp trailer
These are cute, and could be useful, but too rich for my blood. Meh.
Meh don't think so.
lol speaker docks!
the only reason I'm up this late is watching the ducks suck.
their coach looks whinier than John & Jim Harbaugh combined.
@ekw Boy did they get smoked. Smoked duck.
Glad I'm not an east coast whiner, I'm a central time zone mild complainer. I SHOULD be going to sleep at 10 but now an forced to stay up til 11. Meh....
Man, what I wouldn't give for a speaker dock. I'd give anything. Except for my money.
As I was laughing at these dumb speakerdocks I realized this is just the dumb thing my two nephews could use for their iPad minis they got for christmas... Then I remembered they had giant otterbox cases on them so there's no way they're fitting in these docks. Whew, that was a close one.
Saved me as well, good otterbox catch! Thank you good samaritan...
Huh? It isn't friday yet!
Koreans would fear to grab this because a Korean law do not allow two same electronic products to pass the customhouse at the same time.
@BreathTaker is that like fan death?
@VeeDubTDI Did you get that from Judge John Hodgman?
I tried to buy a boatload of these (not really) but the system wouldn't let me buy more then three 2 packs. I'm not going to waste my time with such a small quantity of 6 total.
Seriously though, if Meh seriously wanted to get rid of these, why limit it to three 2 packs per person? If someone wanted to buy out the entire inventory at this price, why not let them?
@cengland0 Because of the bitching when they sell out.
@cengland0 more logical questions?? Did I not already tell you?
@cengland0 how many do you want? I'm sure we could arrange a special order of 10,000 for you.
@shawn @cengland0
@shawn As long as you don't require payment, I'll take those 10,000 (or more if you have them). Just send them to the same address as my previous orders (the Florida address).
so far more than99% didn't bite. Once again I'm not the 1%. I don't have the meh-ney.
I have space in my house for 60 neoprene sleeves of yet untold sizes, but I do not have space for even one of these.
This is a pretty damn good deal. I've had one of these for a while and I really like it.
@Archeanthus <------------
Sigh, why can't these docks ever be android compatible. Not everyone owns an apple product. And yes I realize I could use an aux cord, but that's not the point.
Damn Meh - just how many Chinese freighters full of JBL onBeats DID you hijack?
One of these days we'll look back on these speakerdocks and laugh at its outdatedness - or, like, just do it now.
Are there any suggested uses other than being a speaker dock? Trying to talk myself into this but don't need the speaker dock. Has anyone had any luck using one as a boat anchor? Paperweight? Self-defense tool? TIA!
@jseay65 yes... they are awesome lures for meh.com scouts/buyers ... place them around your yard and meh.com procurement sales staff will find you and take them off your hands....
I really like the JBL Micro I bought from Meh for $18.
And with the larger speakers + rechargeable battery this Mini is definitely 22% better than the Micro.
So that means I'd almost gladly buy one of these Minis for $22. But I don't need three JBL speaker docks.
@RedOak Meh. I'm holding out for the Macro Speaker Docks.
@ciabelle What about the mega version?
@ciabelle i think they call it the Maxi.
Meh really should allow you to put in another user's name for delivery to, during check out, just so you could 'gift them' crap.
@TehMaliron This is my favorite idea.
@TehMaliron I'd rather get a bucket of literal crap then a speaker dock. Forget poopsenders.com, go to meh.com.
@Fen_Star TIL: you can actually get shit delivered to someone, for a fairly modest price. What a world we live! With it being tax season, I wonder how many get delivered to the IRS?
@TehMaliron Then @unixrab would receive too much crap and would have something else to complain about.
@TehMaliron @cengland0
OK I got one of these back when they sold em last time. Here is what I have found:
the apple leather case for the iphone 5s (very thin) NO
the ipad air with a thin silicon case on it (very thin) NO
any case thicker than the thin leather case... NO (unless there is a giant cutout around the port, then maybe).
Yes... sounds pretty good for the price.
Use the cable... the unit has a usb port on the back (as well as a 3.5 aux in) just plug your apple cable into that port and use your idevice with a case on with no issues ;)
Seems to charge my iphone 5s and my ipad air2
Not that I can tell, Ive tried a nexus 4 and 5 and 7 and no... but you can use the 3.5 aux in.
Did you buy one of those stupid bluetooth to 3.5 adapters meh sold a while back? If so that will turn this into a bluetooth enabled dock :D But remember bluetooth sounds like meh in most cases.
@thismyusername thanks for the FAQ!
@thismyusername Regarding the iPhone case collisions, have you considered a Lightning Extender? (Google "lightning extender") A concern: would the extender survive the next iOS update? Perhaps there are Apple MFi-certified extenders.
@RedOak To be honest I plugged in the cable and went that route when it wouldn't work with the case. If you have ever dealt with the stupid apple leather case you would know that it's stuck on there like it's part of the phone... takes a long time to get it removed and you usually end up warping it. I did buy 2 more (friend wants one after hearing mine) today, so I might take one apart now that I have a backup and see if I can coax some more length out of the port.
@RedOak Those extenders are expensive that would practically double the price of each unit.
@cengland0 Mine were just a few bucks with free shipping from China. I've been happy. I just wish I didn't have 3 of the Micros already
@cengland0 you seem to have chosen the most expensive extender if you're seeing a doubling of the price. They appear to be available for about 6 bucks. But whatever, it was just a thought - especially for someone who already has a dock with the fit issue. Better then messing with cables.
@cengland0 But making that shit cheap is what meh is all about. I'm just worried that they'll go with TOCCS if they ever do offer extenders--no offense, TOCCS, but for a piece like this we need reliability and would rather not have to buy by the gross to have something that works.
I've thought about buying a Meh speaker dock several times, but always hold off with the knowledge that if I ever manage to get a Fukubukuro bag order to go through there's a 95% chance one will be in there.
@matapat When I got my Fukubukuro bag it had a nicer dock. I'm still looking for 1 or two docks more, but I have enough of this model... and the one on my nightstand fell over a few weeks ago and I haven't bothered picking it up.
New to meh but this is absolutely entertaining as hell! Buffet, bottomless,belly-up...thought for sure this had something to do with Mama June and honey boo boo, whew, that would have been a big fucken mehs
Can I get this to work with any of my Sansa players-the clip zip, clip zip+, clip+. ?? They're cheap for me and I like using them.
Please don't stress about moving them out--they'll move.
@wew Does it have an analog audio out (like for headphones?) if so then YES.
@thismyusername thanx! but might not be able to use charge feature.
@wew you might... the USB port does charge my android devices... just no music comes through the usb... so if you can charge a sansa with usb then it would most likely work.
@thismyusername Thanks again! My sansa's have two diffeent size usb ports, so one of them is bound to work. The post's on the side, but it looks like lay it on it's side to charge it.
@wew Do any of your Sansas have an album on them that you can't delete? I have a vague memory of them selling those sansas like a cd... that is you would buy it and it would have an album on it... forever... and usually something like Britney. Edit: found it .. called a "SanDisk slotMusic" player.
@thismyusername I have a boxed Lady Gaga Purple "The Fame" Sansa slotMusic Clip, which I am is convinces is worth several million dollars. I got it for $5 at the Goodwill.
Would not the contents of a buttload of these depend upon the butt or butts in question? And did you mean to be witty when you said that the buttload after buttload of these form a near bottomless supply?
Speaker dock punishment. ....
Is that not against the Geneva Convention?
@cthrift1980 This is what we call enhanced interrogation. Not torture per se. This guy can explain it all for you.
The important thing about this is that we are all learning the terrifying persuasive power of Jason Toon.
worst day of my life, thanks MEH
Well, poopsicles. I wouldn't mind owning one of these for the shiny new iPad mini my hubby surprised me with on Christmas, but I don't have that much money right now. Save one for my next Fuku, mkay?
Just so you know, I'm not into speaker docks. I'm old fashioned. I run a headphone cable from my device to a boombox. It's a sturdier, cheaper and more reliable solution than those Bluetooth speakers.
@Yakuman It is not a bluetooth speaker.
@Comma In fact can you imagine how bad ass Yakuman would look with a couple of these, one on each shoulder?
@thismyusername what do you mean by yakuman? I just can imagine how bad is yours
Meh, too expensive at half that price. Brilliant trolling though, and it'll be quite amused if they actually sell out.
could you ship to Korea?
I can not pill the blank of State. What should I do?
@Comma you have to sign up for a shipping forwarder
@communist I bought it by shipping forwarder thanks
This speaker dock doesn't look like a strange spaceship. No spaceship, no sale.
If I seriously had the 40 odd dollars I would get a pair. Alas I don't! Good luck meh!
meh i already have 1 more speakerdock than i need from a fuku, also no purple
@vampje where is @Barney? He should be here by now
@Sarahsda I love purple.
These don't need a bath nor shower, they need a drowning >.>
Meh meh meh...,,,...
I need to know if I buy 30 of these will they be big enough to take a bath in them? Or do I need to get 60 like I did yesterday? (Just kidding. Actually I just want to know if any of my neoprene sleeves will be big enough to encase this speaker dock. Because I seriously need to find things to encase now.)
Why Meh hates the east coast theory: Shipping costs are fixed, and it's cheaper for them to ship to the west coast.
Really damn glad I opted for sleep instead of staying up for this one. Enjoy your Meh whiny east coast people!
East coaster here waking up to this garbage? Ugh I feel dirty, time to take a bath.
Dear Meh,
Thanks for mixing things up with the deal quantities available. Snapster promised months ago that more regular visitors meant larger quantity deals, and it is exciting to see that happening.
I suspect that in your warehouse, there is an assembly line spitting out speaker docks. The staff is back there like Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory, trying to keep up, but shoving speaker docks down their pants or under your hats. Good luck with that, OK? I have 3 already, I am saturated with them myself.
I live in Texas, saw the deal, waited for the east coasters to wake up and complain, just to hard meh this deal.
It seems that there could be a solution to the East Coast/ West Coast problem.
What if you started at 6am Eastern?
Then East Coasters could be awake, and since the West Coasters don't see any problem with it, they can stay up late...unlike the whiney East Coaters.
Problem solved. You're welcome.
@tarkshark I'm never awake at 6am but I am on East Coast time. Yet I am almost always awake at 12am - so I vote no ;)
@tarkshark It's easier for me to stay up to midnight than to wake up at 6am.
Ugh. I can't believe I got up at 6am for this.
Now the whiny east coast people are going to COMPLAIN about the Meh. You just can't please some people.
Speaker docks are good for at least one thing: how else would you charge your alarm clock?
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I love purple.
I already bought two of them! I don't want four! (They are quite nice actually. I'm happy with them.)
You've got a $600 phone or small tablet so the 1st purchase you make is a case to keep it from breaking. None of the speaker docks or clock radios (I've got 2 of them) will work, even with the adapter unless you remove the phone from the case, thus defeating the purpose of having a case. This is why speaker docks suck!
@floridarev1 I've got a cheapo easy slip on case for the back, and a glass screen protector for the front of my iP6+. Adequate protection while keeping relatively slim, and the case is easily removed for the dock.
God, I love this site.
Meh- While I'm thinking this speaker dock thing through, let me explain why I'm having a hard time. In my apartment there are 7 rooms with outlets. Excluding Closets (why they didn't put outlets in the closets completely boggles my mind, but I digress) I currently have a speaker dock in: The living room, Both Bedrooms, and one Bathroom (Don't ask.) While the Kitchen, the hallway, and the guest Bathroom are tempting targets, I think I'll pass on this one. However if you were to pair them with a good quality lightning extension like the link at the bottom. I'd love to get more. The adapter is the missing link for the speaker dock to work with a case. (alternatively offer a MFI lightning cable, The dock's built in lightning only works on a naked phone.)
Oh... and while I have your attention. My 4 month old LOVES the ask Irk videos. He LOVES Irk more than the TV. I think Irk is the first thing video he really laughed at.
@sohmageek I double posted for you, because I was lazy and stupid. but, yes, on the extension.
As an east coaster who almost always stays up late for the item turnover, I simply want to bitch about the west coasters who are whining about the east coasters' bitching. Us sleep deprived mehricans on the east coast are sick of you bastards complaining! Hail to the east!
@Cinoclav while I concur with your thoughts, and don't mind my state being shown on your "Eastern Timezone" map (accurately), I must complain about inaccurately being lumped in with you "East coast whiners" since my state is surrounded by fresh, not salty H2O!
@RedOak Point being, the west coast folk think that all of us in the EST are whiners. We're not!
@Cinoclav Except, of course, when whining about being seen as whiners.
raspy-succinct-cast. HaHa! It'll be useful at camp and it rather resembles a BATHtub while naked!
I think I'd actually really like to have one of these.. But spending close to $50 for two of them isn't really something I want to do..
@kadagan yeah, I'd be in for 1 @ $20.
@kadagan They are totally worth it. JBL has great quality sound. I received a different style as a gift 5 years ago that was at least $100 retail, and that little speaker is still going strong. Wonderful sound quality! I just wish these ones also had a remote like that one.
@Zypher I actually got one of these later on when they were individual for something like $18, and I'm pretty happy with it. I plan to take it with me on my next business trip.
Stupid Left Coasters! Because you are so greedy and depriving us in the Land Where "Saturday Night Live" Is Actually LIVE of Meh-gasms, Meh is punishing us all with non-Bluetooth speaker docks.
Leaf Blower
I don't get mad when the grocery store is sold out and that is during regular hours so I can't really complain about sell outs. If I cared enough I would stay up to 11:00PM central time. Being old and cranky I usually don't make it but when I do, its always speaker docks (OK, those irritate me) or something else that will just sit there all day. Meanwhile I save a lot of money not buying anything (Except for those tablet covers yesterday and I have no Idea what I am going to do with them except hide them from my wife who mocks my purchases) My Wife and the Mailman appreciate the lack of buying. So MEH to everyone. Bitch or bitch about bitching, I really don't care. I am a MVP and that is all that matters. (not that it matters)
I would almost get this for my son/daughter/wife's iPhone (I'm an Android user), but the phone looks ridiculously small sitting in that giant dock. Gonna pass. And yes, I woke up at midnight to see what was going to be, but rolled over immediately once I did.
Why I I need Speaker Dock???? Oh wait I bought 2............. Darn Meh.
Mega meh (mĕh'-gəh gmĕh')
Pull me out of the bath when you reach Meh-ga Desperation® and they're down to 30 bucks for a pair.
Speaker docks rock. I have proof.
That's what I love about Meh that the other site lost when its founder left (what a coincidence) , you listen to the crap we write on these forums!
It is the morning and the speaker docks still going strong. Mission accomplished, and all was right once more.
The last pic of the Aisle Of Speakerdocks ( I Love Speakerdocks? ) is moving! Fucking moving! What kind of Magic Eye bullshit is this? It must be witchcraft / illusion / my high blood pressure. What the fuck ever! !
@EffinMojo Switch to decaf, maybe?
The write up says it's compatible with the newest iPhones, specs say only 5, no 6??? :(
@ea1 totally works with iPhone 6. we'll update the specs.
So what exactly did we prove here? If you put out once again crap no one wants, it won't sell out. Uh huh. It doesn't give me back that Cobra thingy does it?
Meh selling speaker docks
It feels like it's a Friday
But nope! Just Tuesday.
@Durago Haiku fail.
@Cinoclav You didn't think I'd do it right, did you? Here?
@Durago I had my hopes...
Maybe set the time for 10pm EST. Nu Yawkers can buy them before they go to bed and the liberal hipsters on the other coast can buy them right after they get home after work.
Of course, this assumes the people from Gotham aren't hopped up on cocaine and the hipsters actually have jobs; but it's good in theory, right?
I'd complain about the speaker docks, but... I've bought three of these already. Well, I've got three micros, not minis. My iPad I charge with an old-fashioned cable, like a cave dweller.
I so want to pull the trigger on these, but y'all need to include these little bastards (or meh them some other time). Yaknow, so they work with a case.
@joelmw These would be awesome. Why don't speaker docks make adjustable connectors like this to work with cases.
@phatmass It seems people are so concerned about how thin their phones are but then they put an otterbox case on it that makes it so fat. I'm one of those with an otterbox but I also didn't care how thin it was to begin with.
Frequency response is not low enough to play good dubstep.
@macdaddy that's the first good thing ever said about a speaker dock.
@macdaddy @Ignorant Isn't "good dubstep" a contradiction in terms? Oh, I kid!
@macdaddy There's good dubstep?
I think we can safely say that no one in the solar system has missed out on this Meh as Pluto is at most 4.67 billion km from earth ( http://www.space.com/18566-pluto-distance.html ) and by my calculations last nights Meh reveal has traveled roughly 14.85 billion km (13.75 hours @ 300,000 km/sec).
I can rest easy now knowing that if someone missed the JBL Speakers they can only blame themselves.
@ilovereality It's all fun and games until Aliens show up next year wanting damn speaker docks and Meh is finally sold out.
that is good deal
안녕하세요! 반갑습니다
직구도 처음이고 이 사이트에서 주문도 처음인지라 이게 잘 된건지 모르겠네요..
한국말 하시는분이 조금 계셔서 올려봐요!
제가 영어를 할줄은 알지만 확실하진 않아서 그런데 제가 지금 주문한 이 물건이 2개에 44달러, 배송비 5달러 별도=총 49달러 맞나요? 배대지 신청서에 작성을 해야되는게 이게 2개에 44달러인지 1개에 44달러인지 감이 오질 않네요..
답변 부탁드릴게요! 감사합니다!
@conitmas 2개 해서 44 입니다. 좋은 딜이죠!
@conitmas zzzzzzzzzzz
You guys have generated almost 50 grand today on speaker docks nobody wants.....
Just for the hell of it, you should put the sold out icon up and listen to more bitching and complaining!
@somf69 Yeah but that is actually South Korean Won which translates to about $46.36 US which is about right.
I hope everyone is happy about the scurge that they have brought upon this land because they decided they hate the rules of a website they voluntary joined.
meh sells speaker docks
leftovers for everyone
meh does not sell out
Is it possible that mediocre and meh are actually just a project by JBL, and meh is actually the official JBL speaker dock store? They sell other things the other 85.7% of the time just to keep us from figuring it out.
In for 3 (or 6 however you count it). Thanks MEH for giving the whiners something new to whine about.
Hmmmm - I do like my Micro... tempted to get this just to take care of charging my iPhone at home - @$22 it is as cheap as an Apple charger, and if I have it on my nightstand I can use it to protect myself from home invaders.
Me: "Get out, fiend! I have an apple charger with lightning cable I will project towards your head!"
Fiend: "AHH HA HAAAA! That puny thing?"
Me: "Get out, fiend! I have a JBL OnBeat Mini speaker/charger I will project towards your head!"
Fiend: "YAHHHHHHH! Run away! Run away!!!"
Works every time! (or at least has yet to not work, but admittedly the sample size is really, really small)
if the slot / depression is just wide enough for my pointy head I think I can wear it and run a 3.5mm patch cord down to the flip phone in my pocket, and play the premium ringtones LOUD. built-in RECHARGEABLE battery with up to EIGHT HOURS of "rattle your bifocals" power. YEah.
IF the depression is not the right shape I will need a chin strap or duct tape to hold it on.
Wish I could order some for my friends and direct-ship to Grand Forks -- just to get North Dakota colored in on the map.
Awesome poll (pole?) today! I blame meh for having a lot of meh for sale, with just a teensy tiny sprinkling of the good stuff thrown in. I blame myself for not being motivated enough to check every night for those far too few nights when the good stuff is there.
So, if you really want to know who to blame, blame it on santa claus. Or...have more good stuff and less expensive meh!
Nicely done Meh - at $62,000 sales with a bit over an hour to go and this "no sellout", slow-down deal is at number two behind the $88,000 Dyson DC41 deal over the past 30 days!
what do wyoming, montana and north dakota know that we dont?
메님~~~ 완전 사랑해요.
한가지만 빼고... 배송이 너무 느려요. :(
다 좋은데 배송이 느려서 99점!
그럼 계속 메질하겠습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ
please ship out asap.
@drm1004 That is probably not going to happen. They can take a few business days to ship things out, and their shipping carrier doesn't move much on the weekend. Give it a few days and check https://meh.com/orders to see if your tracking # has updated.
아직도 배송이 안되는데, 제 구매에 문제가 있어서인가요?
~?왜 이렇게 느림메~~
멤메 맞고 싶음메?
나 저번달에 vmp이벤트할때 신청해서 두달 무료배송 적용중인데 이번에 스피커신청할때 배송비는 왜 빼간거에요?돌려줘요 5달러ㅡㅡ
트래킹 번호가 오늘 떳네요~ 감사합니다. ^^
처음 구매했다... 메
너좀 지켜라 배송이 너무늦다힘내라~~ 좋은 상품으로 보답바란다
초면에 반말해서 미안하다..형원래 이런사람이다..
ㅎㅎ 도대체 이거 언제 받을수 있는거죠?? 받을 수 있으면 좋겠네요. hey meh. give me damn docks
@Comma 저는 FedEx 사무소에 도착했네요. 트래킹번호 한번 확인해 보세요~
@Comma 저는 배대지에 도착했어요. 생각보다 많이 느리네요^^;;
jbl onbeat mini powers off after 10 minutes auto-standby, doesn't work as alarm clock due to this functionality.
어제 받았어요~ 감사합니다
생각보다 좋네요
Man, I got this today. It's awesome. Very worth the money meh.