@rileyper Whoever is having their temp taken there is definitely either sick or in a crematory. Also, that is near the prime temperature for a “420” vape!
@shahnm Looks like some troublesome claymation llamas not enjoying their feed and about to ransack the farmer’s grocery delivery. But you should check out Shawn the Sheep the Farmer’s Llamas for yourself. It’s worth watching IMO.
@heartny@Kyser_Soze@legnip@RiotDemon You’re gonna need someone to hold the third one, though. I think alternating between ear-ear and ear-forehead is good enough.
If there was a weird delicious-looking red substance in your thermometer then it was not a mercury thermometer. Do people grow up these days without ever seeing mercury? Also, although glass sounds like a terrible idea those old thermometers were tough.
I’d kind of like one of these cool new thermometers but I can’t justify it because I take my temperature so rarely.
@Pamela@ravenblack I’m glad someone is throwing down some science on this misinformation. Mercury is silver, although if you’re talking about the planet, it’s the shiny dot brighter than the stars you see right after the sun sets…
@cinoclav I don’t think so, although if my Dr. had used one before switching to digital I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I’ve never owned one like that. Thermometers aren’t the kind of thing that needs to be replaced often. I eventually went from mercury to digital because digital seemed cool and didn’t cost much.
@Pamela Ours must have been a mercury thermometer, because I remember turning it this way and that to get a reading — reflective silver inside a glass tube doesn’t have much contrast.
I’m old. I don’t trust the new-fangled ones. I have several of the mercury thermometers. Didn’t you ever play with mercury when you were kids? All of my peers did. Lots of fun to roll those little balls around.
@pooflady I remember, about 50 years ago, the dentist would put a blob of mercury on a white glass tray for his younger patients to play with while he mixed up the stuff to fill their cavities.
God I’m old.
Had to buy after watching the exciting video explaining the fever strips. I’m pretty sure this is the guy who tried to sell me Vigara yesterday. And activated my cell phone service…and my cable service. he calls often offering a variety of wonderfully worthwhile products. FML.
I went looking for an old-fashioned non-digital thermometer a year or so ago. I figured, why pay $15 bucks for something that needs to have its batteries replaced? I’ll get a non-digital one for a couple of bucks.
I don’t think they exist any more. At least, I couldn’t find them.
I just got mine today, incidentally I’m not feeling well today (thanks to these, I know that I don’t have a fever!). However, for giggles I took the temperature of my leg, the little screen went green and said 85.5 or something. THAT’S NOT GREEN! I’d be DEAD (and probably decomposing) if my actual temperature was 85.5
@stampurr@therealjrn i just found my other one during COVID lockdown (this was a 2-for-Tuesday!) and found it to be pretty accurate, while the first one was reporting absolute garbage (like 85 or something!). Perhaps they have SERIOUS quality control issues? At any rate, just dropped a benjamin on a Withings smart thermometer. Not sure how much I trust even the one that’s consistent.
I still don’t have a thermometer. I was going to buy a $25 one from Woot, but then I read the awful reviews on Amazon. I was going to buy a stick thermometer but by then I discovered the Covid Crowd cleaned them all out from local shops and online. So…
I guess I’ll just wait…I mean I can tell if I’m running a temperature. Little low grade fevers are supposed to be the body’s way of fighting off bugs.
I should make a GOAT blame post telling people they need to give me a thermometer because I might die without it. Being the nice person I am, the world needs me.
What’s in the Box?
2x IR Thermometer
2x Feverscan strip
Price Comparison
Was $79.98 (for 2) at Amazon
$59.98 (for 2 similar) at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
When did mercury and glass up the butt go out of style?
@Woody1 it didn’t; now it’s just a recreational thing.
@Woody1 You gotta pay fo dat shit.
@shahnm @Woody1

^^ approves of this message
/giphy Thermometer

@rileyper Whoever is having their temp taken there is definitely either sick or in a crematory. Also, that is near the prime temperature for a “420” vape!
Does it have an authentic “shake down the mercury” reset function?
Rectal probe not included? No go for me.
@wmbarr hey man, nothing’s stopping you from trying …
Pah, dang kids — REAL thermometers are full of liquid mercury goodness, not some wussy red alcohol solution.
Obligatory: These are hot sellers…
/giphy yuk yuk yuk

@shahnm I don’t know what the hell is going on in this giphy, but ima go with it.
@shahnm Looks like some troublesome claymation llamas not enjoying their feed and about to ransack the farmer’s grocery delivery. But you should check out Shawn the Sheep the Farmer’s Llamas for yourself. It’s worth watching IMO.
@salaosantiago @shahnm’Shawn the Sheep is a long time fave at our house. It’s a family go to.
/giphy popular whimsical lice

I would of probably bought one for $10.
I have no need for two, and I’m too lazy to find someone to buy the other one off of me.
@RiotDemon ditto.
@RiotDemon You could put one in your ear and the other on your forehead and average the temperatures for more accurate results.
@heartny @RiotDemon Assuming no birth defects nor horrible accidents, you have TWO ears, no?
@heartny @Kyser_Soze @RiotDemon
Great… so now we all need 3?? 2 ears AND the forehead… going to have to rethink this.
@heartny @Kyser_Soze @RiotDemon Never assume, because when you assume…
@heartny @Kyser_Soze @legnip @RiotDemon You’re gonna need someone to hold the third one, though. I think alternating between ear-ear and ear-forehead is good enough.
@heartny @Kyser_Soze @legnip @TheFLP

/giphy dizzy
I just got one from Amazon (~ a week ago) for under $7; this is not that great a deal, sorry guys. You should do better!
@cbl_wv What brand?
If there was a weird delicious-looking red substance in your thermometer then it was not a mercury thermometer. Do people grow up these days without ever seeing mercury? Also, although glass sounds like a terrible idea those old thermometers were tough.
I’d kind of like one of these cool new thermometers but I can’t justify it because I take my temperature so rarely.
@Pamela The red ones are alcohol and coloring. Ethanol even, so maybe not delicious, but not poisonous.
@ravenblack Interesting. I’ve never seen one of those.
@Pamela @ravenblack I’m glad someone is throwing down some science on this misinformation. Mercury is silver, although if you’re talking about the planet, it’s the shiny dot brighter than the stars you see right after the sun sets…
@Pamela You’ve never seen one of these???

@cinoclav I don’t think so, although if my Dr. had used one before switching to digital I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I’ve never owned one like that. Thermometers aren’t the kind of thing that needs to be replaced often. I eventually went from mercury to digital because digital seemed cool and didn’t cost much.
@Pamela Ours must have been a mercury thermometer, because I remember turning it this way and that to get a reading — reflective silver inside a glass tube doesn’t have much contrast.
The Amazon reviews look fake.
@JekiTheRogue Fakespot is on the fence about that. https://www.fakespot.com/product/medical-forehead-and-ear-digital-thermometer-baby-to-adult-fahrenheit-celsius-instant-results-large-screen
At least it’s not an oral/rectal one. That would be a hell of a mix up to make!
@MrMikenIkes So you’ve seen “Idiocracy” too!
I’m old. I don’t trust the new-fangled ones. I have several of the mercury thermometers. Didn’t you ever play with mercury when you were kids? All of my peers did. Lots of fun to roll those little balls around.
@pooflady I remember, about 50 years ago, the dentist would put a blob of mercury on a white glass tray for his younger patients to play with while he mixed up the stuff to fill their cavities.
God I’m old.
@pooflady If you have them you might want to keep them because disposing of them can be a hassle.
Seems like a generic Chinese made product flood. There’s a billion of the same design with different logos on Amazon for varying prices.
These things always say the same thing:
Well, I’m hot blooded, check it and see
I got a fever of a hundred and three
@hchavers @phendrick
(The Cramps do a nice down and dirty version of it too.)
@hchavers @phendrick @wew
Always go for the Lux version…
@hchavers @phendrick @surfeit I miss you Lux, but I’m grateful I got to see you a few times.
I have fallen in love with my order number: vintage-soft-hedgehog.

/giphy vintage-soft-hedgehog
Don’t need a thermometer.

Forehead and Rear Digital Instant-Read Thermometers…Stick It Meh!
@fastharry What? You can’t find your forehead?
@fastharry @Joy823 Maybe his head is up his ass?
Can I use this to test the temp of my oatmeal?? I like it just soooo.
Had to buy after watching the exciting video explaining the fever strips. I’m pretty sure this is the guy who tried to sell me Vigara yesterday. And activated my cell phone service…and my cable service. he calls often offering a variety of wonderfully worthwhile products. FML.
“These thermometers, meanwhile, can register a temperature in seconds from the mouth or the forehead, thus disallowing for any alteration of results.”
Shouldn’t it say “in seconds from the EAR or the forehead”? I wouldn’t stick this thing in my mouth, although my kids might like it.
Anyone check out the YouTube for the disposable strips?
“Feverscan - an easy and safety way to know your body situation”
Meh, you know the red stuff isn’t mercury, right? Mercury is a metal; it’s silvery.
The red stuff is safer alcohol and red dye. Broken glass in your mouth is still less than fun, though.
@P1h3r1e3d13 came here to say the same thing. Good job!
Came out of the dark ages. Obscene-blonde-produce
I went looking for an old-fashioned non-digital thermometer a year or so ago. I figured, why pay $15 bucks for something that needs to have its batteries replaced? I’ll get a non-digital one for a couple of bucks.
I don’t think they exist any more. At least, I couldn’t find them.
@Chakolate I bought a digital thermometer at Dollar tree. It seems pretty accurate.
For what it’s worth [your call]:
@PhysAssist Wow, I wish I had read this first. This is sooooo inaccurate. Basically trash.
Gotta be honest here… the last picture made the sale.
I just got mine today, incidentally I’m not feeling well today (thanks to these, I know that I don’t have a fever!). However, for giggles I took the temperature of my leg, the little screen went green and said 85.5 or something. THAT’S NOT GREEN! I’d be DEAD (and probably decomposing) if my actual temperature was 85.5
C’mon, really?
@jds2001 Did you say your leg? Why?
@sammydog01 cuz I could? I’m wearing shorts so had some exposed skin that was easy to get to. Just for giggles.
Sad, but these are trash! Sorry I wasted $25 (that is alot of Pumpkin Lattes and they make me feel better)
Not even close to acurate - trash! And wasted money
@stampurr Let them sit another 6 months. Maybe they’re not ripe yet.
@stampurr @therealjrn i just found my other one during COVID lockdown (this was a 2-for-Tuesday!) and found it to be pretty accurate, while the first one was reporting absolute garbage (like 85 or something!). Perhaps they have SERIOUS quality control issues? At any rate, just dropped a benjamin on a Withings smart thermometer. Not sure how much I trust even the one that’s consistent.
@jds2001 @stampurr
I still don’t have a thermometer. I was going to buy a $25 one from Woot, but then I read the awful reviews on Amazon. I was going to buy a stick thermometer but by then I discovered the Covid Crowd cleaned them all out from local shops and online. So…
I guess I’ll just wait…I mean I can tell if I’m running a temperature. Little low grade fevers are supposed to be the body’s way of fighting off bugs.
I should make a GOAT blame post telling people they need to give me a thermometer because I might die without it. Being the nice person I am, the world needs me.
@DrWorm doesn’t celebrate Mother’s Day because they think it’s a Hallmark Holiday.
@DrWorm @mediocrebot
I don’t either because my mom is dead.
More blame.
@DrWorm bought your mom that necklace you hated.