Finally!!! I two-fer Tuesday that I didn't actually want. $229 is a heck of a deal, just not the deal for me. That last picture though almost changed my mind!
Oh, come on! Price is damn good, but consider customers in foreign countries like me. If I buy two tablets, I have to pay additional taxes plus radio approval fees(over 1000$). Please, consider this before you sell things later.
You know what? I'm going to elaborate. My husband wanted to check out more specs and info. Minutes later, he was satisfied and happy with my plan to buy them. Then I hit the button to complete my order and got told NOPE. Crushing disappointment is a side effect of Meh.
On the ambivalent, when I sadly clicked the "meh" button, to continue my streak, it made the same face I did upon seeing this deal sold out.
Now THIS is interesting. It's like Meh is challenging you to a duel... Or is it a dual (because it is a two-for)? Either way, see you at high noon, ya varmints!
I like real books so just .... No. I also dislike the Dark Overlord of retail ecommerce so Double No. No more Amazon products, please. I come here to get away from the out of control virus that is Amazon. How about a Meh tablet?
well i really never wanted a kindle but would pop for one at around $110 just to play around with it and hack it. but i surely don't need two. oh well, a meh gone bad for me.
Good to see meh may be reviving a reason to stay up late again! If you put 3,000 overpriced items on you "one item/day" website, it does tend to make you say "meh" to that idea.
At this point, it's more for bragging rights if you get one at noon... I don't really want 2 of these, but if I get them, that somehow makes me better than the rest of you!
Why do you have to be so popular meh ?!?! =( ... I mean don't get me wrong, I want you to sell out of your items, just not until later in the day/evening so I have time to convince my wife!
People, meh is a lie, run a way and never look back!! Don't worry, i'll stay here to "protect" everyone! =D
For bragging rights, can a meh staffer tell us who made the first noon purchase? I double-refreshed the page after clicking the button, so probably not me.
283 sold now. It looks like the "few more" ended up bigger than the first batch, unless I'm wrong or the calculation is wrong. It was 100 before noon IIRC.
What have I done? Swore off deal-a-day sites when woot! went to hell in a handbasket. Now all I can say is that, I hope these things make good toasted marshmallows.
Nailed a couple in the noon sale. An accident really. Just thought to check the site at 11:59 eastern. Took it as a sign that I should refresh and hit the button. Now, if I could only read.
I realized this morning that this could have been an interesting case of retail conditioning. Send out kindle cases in fuku bags. Customers get the cases, realize they don't have a kindle to put in the cases. Sell kindles. Profit.
Got em! Now to sell one for a slight discount and root the other! I've wanted to check these out since their release, and now I can! This, even though I have an iPad 4, iPad mini, kindle fire (1st), etc. Tech whore. Was holding my iPhone on the meh site at 8:58 pst hitting refresh, refresh, refresh...
So far, I've had 3 "meh." orders, totaling $11 (+ my VMP membership). It's a good thing this sold out quickly -- my average purchase price would have been completely shot to hell. Thanks, Meh community!
So your site tells me they cant accept my 2 types of payments, so i miss out on the deal, yet you were able to successfully charge me for the uneeded VIP shipping.. CLASSY.
I have decided I will hold a conversation with myself. Where is my mail lady? I want my kindle. And tape. And conditioner. And who know what else. Probably other things too. I just don't know what.
It looks like the chargers on the kindle hd and the hdx are the same, can anyone confirm. I already have the hd, and it would be easiest just to use the same charger for both and keep the other one in the box as a spare.
@ctracy for the record, you can see them, but they (supposedly) can't see you. When in doubt, you could always just cover the camera with your finger or a piece of paper with tape.
What have you used yours for so far? I'm curious because I've liked mine but really only use it for browsing. I bought one because I wanted to read more but I have so many unread paper books that it's hard to justify buying ebooks and the free ones are mostly terrible.
@JonT I've been playing some games that I used to play on my old HTC Evo. They are much easier to play with the extra screen real estate. Other than that, I'm trying to figure out how else to use it as I already have an older basic Kindle.
@JonT Old stuff that I would pick up back when I was checking the free app of the day everyday. Age of Zombies, Airport Mania, Cut the Rope, Fieldrunners HD, Flick Kick Field Goal, Super Stickman Golf. Those are a couple. They all have their moments.
Hey @jestermx6 you should contact FedEx and ask them for an update on where the package is. Sadly once we send it out we don't have much control of what people do with it.
@JonT haha. halp. i love it. edit: fedex says it was delivered to USPS. they're opening up a tracker incident on it to find out what happened. watch it be at my door today just because i made a fuss about it.
@ctracy nothing when I got home from work. rep at fedex said they need 24-48 business hours before I'll be contacted. They have my phone number. Funny part is they asked for my order number. She was confused when I gave her three random words.
@ctracy Just got the call back from FedEx trace department. they said they cannot locate the item and there's nothing else they can do. I called USPS and they said all they have is a shipment number but never received the shipment. They directed me back to FedEx.
@barnabee FedEx said to contact Meh. Meh said to open a lost item ticket with FedEx. While opening the ticket i got this: so replied back to meh support with that info.
@jestermx6 hey! Send something to the halp email (if you haven't already), and I'll see what I can do. Hopefully, Bo the "Totally-Not-a-Drug-Reference" Frog didn't get a hold of it.
@hart@ctracy@JonT@barnabee Well Holly at mediocre support has been great through this whole thing. FedEx still has no idea what happened to my Kindles so she filed a lost item claim. Holly offered to send me another pair of kindles or refund my money. Given that this wasn't meh/mediocre's problem I said that while i'd love the kindles, a refund would be fine. Just got a message from Holly that my kindles are on their way once again. Thanks to Meh and Mediocre for all their work. And a giant F.U. to what is likely a fedex/USPS worker that pocketed 2 kindles.
Lots of stuff on the interwebz about this, but so far I haven't found an answer to my specific problem. I rooted and installed the google apps, but when I open the google play store, it shows there is no connection with a retry button. I know I'm connected to the Internet cuz everything else works. I've tried reinstalling google apps, restarting, and clearing the cache/data for the google apps with no luck. Anyone here successful in getting google play store to work?
Manufacturer’s Specs
Condition - New
Warranty - 1 Year Amazon
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the box!?
Roasting Marshmallows
Price Check
$229 at Amazon for 1 (12,000+ Reviews)
90 days
Man I wish it was payday! Can you save me two until Friday?
That's what credit cards are for. Buy now, pay later.
Meh twice.
I didn't want a Kindle Fire, and I doubly don't want two of them. Meh.
Do you think the agents might get upset if you hit the Mayday button when you're lonely?
I kind of hope it connects to the German coastguard:
You would not be the first. 35 marriage proposals.
Finally!!! I two-fer Tuesday that I didn't actually want. $229 is a heck of a deal, just not the deal for me. That last picture though almost changed my mind!
Well, you finally came up with a two-for-Tuesday that I'll have to pass on. Great deal, I'm sure, but too rich for my blood. Meh.
Wait, that's just the normal price of... oh, it's for two of them. Wow. Jeepers.
Pretty sick deal if you need kindles, meh otherwise
Incredible price. I have the original Fire and don't need a replacement, let alone two of 'em, but even I am tempted.
I have the original and it's in dire need of replacing. I keep having to clean it up, and the power port is fudged up.
My wallet feels $11 dollars lighter than it should.
I bought one Kindle when it was offered a couple of weeks ago. If I get two more, I could use them to practice juggling!
Man, what a deal! If I had a spare $200 laying (lying?) around, I would jump on this. Anyone want to go in 1/10ths with me? ;)
Oh, come on! Price is damn good, but consider customers in foreign countries like me. If I buy two tablets, I have to pay additional taxes plus radio approval fees(over 1000$). Please, consider this before you sell things later.
It's an America-based company.
Not our fault your country has a $1000 radio approval fee. :P
This sounds like a tacit admission that you wish you lived here.
Dang, sorry, but there's nothing we can do about that. We don't have any international lobbying power.
@dintury777 It is unfortunate, but meh currently only ships to customers in the USA. They aren't expecting foreigners to purchase, so they..
..are rather unlikely to consider foreign policies when putting items up for sale. Good luck, though! :)
Why are you even here???
simple solution: move to America (legally please, we have plenty of other criminals thank you) and you'll save all that money.
I was tempted but ... I'm going to pass.
Still, I'm loving the copy you-all put together. The description, the other description, elsewhere on the site...
I love this site and am so glad that the daily deal system is revived!
Meh. Using a galaxy Note I like the handwriting option Using It now In fact
Pretty good. Looks just like Arial.
Took a lot of Practice
o.O Next gen tablets might be right around the corner but holy jebus, that price for 2 HD's is a steal, 2 HDXs is mind blowing
I had a couple of 7" tablets and reading on that small a screen just sucks donkey balls, so this is more lousy than meh.
For me it's a step up from my 4" iPod Touch. Especially in landscape orientation, text is plenty large on the 7" Kindle..
can you tape them together and make a 14" tablet?
Not really, but with some fancy digital page turning you can emulate reading a paper book
You'll need to be more specific. What kind of tape? Cassette? Mix? Measuring? So many kinds of tape.
double-sided duct
You would need 4 of them to do that.
so, i'm dense. are these the current latest models?
As of today, these are latest model. They won't be latest model for long, however.
ok, thanks. that's what i figured. basically, resell them QUICK!
Does anyone know if these take an SD card? Also, regarding apps, are you limited to the Amazon store or can you download Google Play?
Amazon App Store unless you root. I think you can side load apps without root though.
@Ignorant, thank you!
No SD card. Unless u try slicing a hole with a jigsaw, but then inside parts might escape.
@lchaim, thanks for the laugh & info.
You can sideload without rooting. You just need to find downloadable .apk files. I don't know if there's a way to access Google Play content
Amazon's phone doesn't even have an SD card slot. They're turning into Apple in terms of lack of extensibility in their products.
458 at amazon.....why...because they can
Hmm, I want to buy this because of the Kindle case I got in my fukubububox. Someone tell me that's a good enough reason, quick!
sorry we were not quick enough :(
Oh, nice. I was looking for a deal on a tablet with a bezel that takes up half the screen.
@fuckit Easier to hold without having a accidentally having a finger on the screen.
If you are like me, you just paid $229 for kindle.
If you are like me, you have no idea what you're gonna do with them.
Keep them, put them on different Amazon accounts, and wait for the special offers and get $20 Keurigs and $19 paper whites
So basically if you buy this crap, you get the privilege of spending on more junk you'll never use. Twice.
I feel like a real winner...
Halfway through paying for it... It sold out....meh
I'm simultaneously sad and relieved. For me, I mean. Not you. I'm sorry for you because you seem disappointed.
Not disappointed, just blahhh. Which I think goes well with Meh :-)
It should be like voting. If you're in line at closing time, you still get to foolishly mark your ballot (or buy from meh).
aaaaaand gone! Fastest yet? 1 hour 2 minutes I think.
Soo, that sucked. I wanted to double check ONE thing and it sold out on me.
one of mehs quickest sellouts so far...
Since this is 2-for-Tuesday, it'd probably make sense if there were 2 deals today too, right?
will you have 3-For-Wednesday?
Not jumping in until it goes 7-For-Saturday.
So can we meh twice?
i am unsure why i did this, but this first batch only being 100 pairs makes me dumbly justified? no, prob just dumb.
You know what? I'm going to elaborate. My husband wanted to check out more specs and info. Minutes later, he was satisfied and happy with my plan to buy them. Then I hit the button to complete my order and got told NOPE. Crushing disappointment is a side effect of Meh.
On the ambivalent, when I sadly clicked the "meh" button, to continue my streak, it made the same face I did upon seeing this deal sold out.
You maaaaay want to refresh.
Hope you get one later today (and also hope the servers stay online).
I saw! I'll be back at 11:59, F5ing like mad!
I tried refresh, promising my first born to the gods and standing on my head while doing a rain dance....nope...
so was that 100 x2 ?
Right, we sold 100 2-packs (200 total Kindles)
Now THIS is interesting. It's like Meh is challenging you to a duel... Or is it a dual (because it is a two-for)?

Either way, see you at high noon, ya varmints!
When it was sold out I just had vague regret. Now I have to decide if I actually want to try for a pair.
Meh. Calling in the thundering herds for software testing so soon? I'll pass; QA gets paid normally.
Oh well, couldn't of bought them anyways, my account is still messed up and Meh hopefully working on it.
I like real books so just .... No. I also dislike the Dark Overlord of retail ecommerce so Double No. No more Amazon products, please. I come here to get away from the out of control virus that is Amazon. How about a Meh tablet?
With you. Amazon kills local stores faster and deader than Walmart.
Judging from the sales map it looks like about half the sales went to Los Angeles. I wonder if that's where one of the Korean shopper services is.
Interesting thought, @ardgedee... AND 12PM EST is 1AM in Korea. Coincidence? Probably. Interesting? Meh.
I noticed that area (and one in Florida) were very dark for the speaker dock sale, so I would guess prolly so.
Los Angeles is also a very populated place where millions of people live... like more people than several midwest states combined. :P
Los Angeles is large, but it's not 50% of the country's population. It's not even 50% of California's.
well i really never wanted a kindle but would pop for one at around $110 just to play around with it and hack it. but i surely don't need two. oh well, a meh gone bad for me.
Good to see meh may be reviving a reason to stay up late again! If you put 3,000 overpriced items on you "one item/day" website, it does tend to make you say "meh" to that idea.
No reason to stay up late if they're just going to "find" a few more to sell later in the day. Clever strategy, meh.
Bull hocky... Meh only had 100 of these.. That SUX!!!
Anyone want to go halfsies?
too late ...sold out..
Check again. There is a note saying they'll sell a couple more at noon Eastern.
No, that's a lie, don't bother coming back at noon eastern =/
yep. thread here:
Suggest name change from "meh" to "tease"..... or how about "Toot".... Anyone else wanna suggest a name change??
I have the best forum name. I just changed it. You all wish you came up with it. :D That's got real possibilities. Good one.
This may have been the perfect write up to use some of these awesome phrases.
At this point, it's more for bragging rights if you get one at noon... I don't really want 2 of these, but if I get them, that somehow makes me better than the rest of you!
I have absolutely no need for these, yet the race is on. Your fucking experiment is working.
Why do you have to be so popular meh ?!?! =( ... I mean don't get me wrong, I want you to sell out of your items, just not until later in the day/evening so I have time to convince my wife!
People, meh is a lie, run a way and never look back!! Don't worry, i'll stay here to "protect" everyone! =D
Yay! I got one... err... two...!
humorous-gullible-grasshopper! perfect.
Got it! Did not miss any of The Rockford Files!
Damn it. I fell for it. That was too easy...
BAM! Uh thanks for the interesting order #? creamy-rambunctious-bulb
Aw yeah, snagged one of the Noon restocks.
Haha! Got 'em!
Snagged a big one!
Your ploy worked. Got in on the noon sale. Now I have instant buyer's remorse. Good work guys. :^l
EDIT: So you "found" a "few" more, and ended up "selling" 198 more, or 396 more "Kindles".... Hmmm, just how big is your "warehouse" anyway?!
You have 15 minutes to cancel. Then you'll have cancel remorse.
go to and click the red cancel link next to the status!
I too have buyers remorse. Damn you meh! But cancelers remorse is even worse.
I'm fine with my purchase...until the wife finds out...
If Meh fabricated a 12:10 window where cancelling would have been available for a short time, I may done it. I'm a sucker for a challenge.
Got mine. aw yisss. noon resale ftw
it's a trap! still not sold out
Could have bought a pair but was able to resist. I'll keep my cash this time.
For bragging rights, can a meh staffer tell us who made the first noon purchase? I double-refreshed the page after clicking the button, so probably not me.
283 sold now. It looks like the "few more" ended up bigger than the first batch, unless I'm wrong or the calculation is wrong. It was 100 before noon IIRC.
Yep it was 100 the first go around.
And gone!
And it appears that 283 was the limit. SOLD OUT in seven minutes!
Or was it? Refresh
@MEHcus it is approaching 300, 298 at last glance
Curses! Foiled again! Oh wait a sec, I didn't try to buy one since I'm broke. Congrats to all the lucky purchasers.
You and me both which is leaving me totally meh.
Good job servers! That might be the hardest hit they've seen. @shawn?
Certainly the fastest order pace we've seen. But launch day brought more traffic overall.
How can you tell how many were sold?
(Nevermind, it's on the front page - 298!)
Go to the main website page, scroll down, look towards your left.
Thank you Meh, was sound asleep when the first batch went up. Selling one, keeping the other for special offers. xo
WHY the order doesn't show in my Amazon account? Is it normal?
because you ordered from Meh, not Amazon. go here to see your order.
if you got a three word order phrase located at you're good
This isn't Woot.
What have I done? Swore off deal-a-day sites when woot! went to hell in a handbasket. Now all I can say is that, I hope these things make good toasted marshmallows.
You clearly didn't get a fuku box. If you had, you would've been able to use all of the reading glasses to see the fine print on that pic.8)
Meh. Missed it both times...but maybe that's for the best since I don't have that much money! So maybe I should say thanks. Meh.
I'm glad I was around for the second sale. It did take a bit of searching to find my order
It's a SHAM!!!
Now you have 3 of my CC numbers....Enjoy your spending spree!!!
I don't think that's how this works.
It does when you fall for a fake sale. "Something-went-wrong" or "You-are-gullible" as a receipt.
Not a fake sale. I ordered successfully. My order number was similar to "dirty-manual-analysis". Sorry you missed it.
@nfi Just because you don't like the order number (in this case the order words) generated, it doesn't mean you won't get your Kindles.
@nfi email, cancel, and let's see how fast those two sell out again. I'd love to see two for sale at 4:31pm eastern...
Woot! I mean meh, I guess two of these things will be delivered to my office.
Also this matches the case I got in my fuku box.
I'd like to say that's why we sent the cases in the fuku boxes but that would imply that we put thought into them.
Worked on me!
also worked on me, I was compelled to purchase this so that my case wasnt lonely
Nailed a couple in the noon sale. An accident really. Just thought to check the site at 11:59 eastern. Took it as a sign that I should refresh and hit the button. Now, if I could only read.
HA thats a good call
+1 for the Se7en reference, "What's in the box!?" - not sure if that's been on all products, but I noticed it this time.
i noticed that it wasn't on the batteries.
I realized this morning that this could have been an interesting case of retail conditioning. Send out kindle cases in fuku bags. Customers get the cases, realize they don't have a kindle to put in the cases. Sell kindles. Profit.
It's a brilliant new marketing strategy!
The other way around might be more effective.
both ways would be best...give cases to some, sell kindles to many, sell cases to more
in for twofer
Ah well, got pulled away from the desk for 10 minutes and missed out. Probably for the best.
Got em! Now to sell one for a slight discount and root the other! I've wanted to check these out since their release, and now I can! This, even though I have an iPad 4, iPad mini, kindle fire (1st), etc. Tech whore. Was holding my iPhone on the meh site at 8:58 pst hitting refresh, refresh, refresh...
Oh, I have amazon prime, so let's get these out to me by Thursday, huh?
Ok, friends. Let's not all post the extra one to ebay at the same time. Competition is our enemy in the auction setting. I call the first week!
So far, I've had 3 "meh." orders, totaling $11 (+ my VMP membership). It's a good thing this sold out quickly -- my average purchase price would have been completely shot to hell. Thanks, Meh community!
Do they ever give you a tracking number on these orders? How long does each order usually take to arrive?
Tracking numbers will eventually show up on your page. They'll try to ship out in a couple of days. Might take 2 weeks to get
So your site tells me they cant accept my 2 types of payments, so i miss out on the deal, yet you were able to successfully charge me for the uneeded VIP shipping.. CLASSY.
@assitch We're in the process of refunding you for the VMP right now. Sorry you couldn't get in on these.
If you decide for whatever reason to buy anything else and have trouble, give us a shout via email:
Thank you. I have been impressed with your customer service.
My kindle is out for delivery, I cannot stand the suspense. I am so excited to get them. Oh I mean meh, they should be okay I guess.
Mine is too!

I am sad, I could not reply to you with a pic, but it is there.
I have decided I will hold a conversation with myself. Where is my mail lady? I want my kindle. And tape. And conditioner. And who know what else. Probably other things too. I just don't know what.
Why is it so loud in here. So many voices all talking at once. They say they are my friends.
Hi! So I am not the last person on the planet. Horray. The zombie appocalypse has not wiped out the rest of mankind.
That being said, my mail lady no longer has an excuse. Where is she?
I am so excited I am going to do a dance
I fully imagine you at the door like
I totally am.
I gave my mail lady homemade white chocolate covered caramel popcorn and a dunkin doughnuts gift card last Christmas. Where IS she?

I hate that you got your first.
Benefits of shipping most everything to my work =D
Mine should be here VERY soon, she usually gets here between 2 and 4. It is 3:30 now.
I am going to cry if it doesn't get here soon.
I just got mine a few minutes ago. :)
I got it. I am so happy!!
Mine won't be out for delivery until tomorrow. :(
We will be here to support you in your time of waiting until it arrives. Group hugs.
It looks like the chargers on the kindle hd and the hdx are the same, can anyone confirm. I already have the hd, and it would be easiest just to use the same charger for both and keep the other one in the box as a spare.
Yes I am replying to myself. I just got off with amazon chat, and they confirmed that the chargers are the same.
Did you use the Mayday feature? Is it as creepy as I imagine?
No, I didnt use the mayday feature. I used chat on amazon website. Didnt want them to see me in my pajamas
@ctracy Yeah they should be the same as any android phone/tablet.
@ctracy for the record, you can see them, but they (supposedly) can't see you. When in doubt, you could always just cover the camera with your finger or a piece of paper with tape.
Got them two days ago. Much better than I thought. Super useful. I don't plan on using Mayday unless the kids press it accidentally/on purpose.
What have you used yours for so far? I'm curious because I've liked mine but really only use it for browsing. I bought one because I wanted to read more but I have so many unread paper books that it's hard to justify buying ebooks and the free ones are mostly terrible.
@JonT I've been playing some games that I used to play on my old HTC Evo. They are much easier to play with the extra screen real estate. Other than that, I'm trying to figure out how else to use it as I already have an older basic Kindle.
@Mac454 Awesome, I need some good games. What are you playing?
@JonT Old stuff that I would pick up back when I was checking the free app of the day everyday. Age of Zombies, Airport Mania, Cut the Rope, Fieldrunners HD, Flick Kick Field Goal, Super Stickman Golf. Those are a couple. They all have their moments.
Should I be worried that mine are stuck in limbo?
FedEx says :
8/01/2014 - Friday
7:32 am
In transit
In transit to U.S. Postal Service
USPS Says:
July 31, 2014
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS
Hey @jestermx6 you should contact FedEx and ask them for an update on where the package is. Sadly once we send it out we don't have much control of what people do with it.
@JonT thanks. I'll give them a call. I know once it leaves you guys it's out of your hands.
@jestermx6 If you have any issues give us a shout!
@JonT haha. halp. i love it. edit: fedex says it was delivered to USPS. they're opening up a tracker incident on it to find out what happened. watch it be at my door today just because i made a fuss about it.
@jestermx6 I am way too invested. I need to know if they arrived yet? I am concerned for the general wellbeing of your kindles.
@ctracy nothing when I got home from work. rep at fedex said they need 24-48 business hours before I'll be contacted. They have my phone number. Funny part is they asked for my order number. She was confused when I gave her three random words.
@jestermx6 That is hillarious. That must have confused her so much LOL.
@ctracy Just got the call back from FedEx trace department. they said they cannot locate the item and there's nothing else they can do. I called USPS and they said all they have is a shipment number but never received the shipment. They directed me back to FedEx.
@jestermx6 So, that's it? You're out the money you spent with no Kindles to show for it? That sucks.
@barnabee FedEx said to contact Meh. Meh said to open a lost item ticket with FedEx. While opening the ticket i got this:
so replied back to meh support with that info.
@jestermx6 they've been superb with us customers from what I've seen so far, so they should take care of you as well as they can. Good luck!
@jestermx6 Geez, what a runaround. I think Meh will end up helping you out, but that's still a lot of hoops to jump through.
@ctracy lol 'what's your order number' voracious-slippery-bunghole.
@jestermx6 hey! Send something to the halp email (if you haven't already), and I'll see what I can do. Hopefully, Bo the "Totally-Not-a-Drug-Reference" Frog didn't get a hold of it.
@hart Ah, i sent something via the "help with this order" button. I"ll send a message to halp now. Thanks
@hart @ctracy @JonT @barnabee Well Holly at mediocre support has been great through this whole thing. FedEx still has no idea what happened to my Kindles so she filed a lost item claim. Holly offered to send me another pair of kindles or refund my money. Given that this wasn't meh/mediocre's problem I said that while i'd love the kindles, a refund would be fine. Just got a message from Holly that my kindles are on their way once again. Thanks to Meh and Mediocre for all their work. And a giant F.U. to what is likely a fedex/USPS worker that pocketed 2 kindles.
@jestermx6 <3
@jestermx6 Glad to see you finally got this resolved. @hollboll, you rock!
@hollboll there was a box on my porch when I arrived home tonight. you're the best!
@jestermx6 Yay! I'm glad :) and I guess I could give the credit to @hart he threw it in the truck after all.
@hollboll @hart Well it's very much appreciated. I'm told my wife is happily playing Plants vs Zombies on one of them right now.
@hollboll Literally "threw". Glad it worked out @jestermx6!
Lots of stuff on the interwebz about this, but so far I haven't found an answer to my specific problem. I rooted and installed the google apps, but when I open the google play store, it shows there is no connection with a retry button. I know I'm connected to the Internet cuz everything else works. I've tried reinstalling google apps, restarting, and clearing the cache/data for the google apps with no luck. Anyone here successful in getting google play store to work?
@medz make sure the clock and calendar are set correctly. I know my son's galaxy player won't connect if the clock isn't in sync.