@dave The timer was actually correct in it’s unique and odd way - it will reach 0 after 120 minutes. I’d be interested in hearing how that got coded in …
/image melting clock
@lichme also, while I have your attention, when I click this link in “MorningSave Sales” I was expecting to be taken to the “Celebrity Page Deals” event but instead I end up on some old “Extra Popup Shop”.
Every link in that section is broken in a similar way. Tried to figure out a pattern but it seems totally random.
@shawn Thats because I’ve asked for an actual data feed for morningsave data 5+ times with no response, and scraping isn’t effective when things change so often. There’s also duplicate sale categories when there shouldn’t be.
I agree, stayed up for what? Little John would be proud…
Meh I mean not working timers is ok but it’s also a strike! lying about changing the deal at 2AM ET is another.
I love the Canadian ones. They would be a great goofy gift to take to my annual cottage weekend with my high school friends. Except there are only 7 of us and fidget spinners aren’t fun enough that I’m willing to have 153 extras.
The ones I ordered from Morningsave came today. Your postal workers are gonna hate you. I had trouble carrying it up the stairs. And I’m sooooo excited!
@jhinra@sammydog01 I had maybe 10 left over from Halloween, so I sent them to school with my kid to go into the treasure chest in her classroom. (they get to pick a prize if they do good stuff) Well, she must have done something good because she brought one back home…
What’s in the Box?
160x Fidget Spinners
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Monday, July 20th
y’all know you aren’t getting rid of those unless you do a random whatever-you-call-it-now and only put these in. Same with the gift bags
I’m hoping that put more fidget spinners for sale on the meh-rathon…said nobody ever.
Although, I ran my halloween experiment again this year, and fidget spinners still won handily in a choice against a full size candy bar
Fun counter.
Well that’s an odd timer:
@lichme 6 second base.
@lichme I was wondering about that myself. WTF?
@lichme And now it’s like counting in inverse dog seconds. Guess we can get some sleep.
Is the timer OK?
I just ordered these from Morningsave. I want price matching. Please?
I see what you did there with the time there…
Stop it.
@icehole I can’t figure it out.
@icehole you want them to stop the timer?
@icehole @mdjst5 It looks like it updates ever 10 seconds, but sometimes it decrements 1, other times it decrements 5
@icehole @tkaos no. Don’t stop. Just want to know when to check back.
Oh good, my clinic has been going through quite a few of these. Thanks meh!
Aren’t we all done fidgeting and spinning? Aren’t we clicking and IRKing?
@jake5snooze …and dabbing…
Uh, while we’re working on the timer I’ll just let you know: the next offer launches in 2 hours.
@dave I love how we all assume you were just being cute and it turns out to be broken. At least when Meh messes up, nothing crashes into the ocean.
@dave So it’s short nap time. Yay.
@dave sooooo damn long.
@dave I win!
@dave - Thanks! I was afraid the poisoned Costco flans made everyone sick.
@dave uh, 2 hours, what?? Took all my meth expecting 15 min roundtable mehness!! What am I supposed to do for the next 109 minutes?!?
This is gonna SUCK!
/giphy meth madness
@lichme to the rescue. You rock!
@dave The timer was actually correct in it’s unique and odd way - it will reach 0 after 120 minutes. I’d be interested in hearing how that got coded in …

/image melting clock
Uhhh, giphy, you okay bud?
@Dave Uh, that would be 3:00am ET, not 2:00am ET which is only 1 hour.
@hanzov69 Fixed it
@dave @hanzov69 Thank you!! I was trying to figure out how 2a from now was two hours.
@lichme what’s wrong with those photos? looks like the fidget spinners melted or something.
@shawn They’re just tiny hover over thumbnails that replace the main image, or they melted.
@lichme talking about the main image here

why is it flattened?
@lichme I’m now seeing a 12+ hour countdown. You seeing that too?
@shawn That would be because I use the same w/h for all the pictures and do care about maintaining ratios. Not good, but good enough.
@lichme also, while I have your attention, when I click this link in “MorningSave Sales” I was expecting to be taken to the “Celebrity Page Deals” event but instead I end up on some old “Extra Popup Shop”.
Every link in that section is broken in a similar way. Tried to figure out a pattern but it seems totally random.
@shawn Thats because I’ve asked for an actual data feed for morningsave data 5+ times with no response, and scraping isn’t effective when things change so often. There’s also duplicate sale categories when there shouldn’t be.
@lichme Ah, sorry if I missed that. We don’t have an API for MorningSave.
@shawn My inquiry was about if there was a plan on adding one, but I’m guessing it’s not very high on the list.
Who was responsible for the initial purchase of fidget spinners and have they been flogged enough yet?
@DrunkCat I think they bought almost as many fidget spinners as they bought speaker docks back in the day.
We’ve entered a time warp Captain! Scottie out…
frickin fidget spinners made the timer all fidgety and fugly. Now they took it away for good!
@lilsrm123 Is fidgety and fugly anything like wibbley wobbley and time wimey?
Is that the end - No more countdown clock
The cake is a lie. I mean timer.
Next deals starts at 2:00 am ET? It do?
@gertiestn I think it’s 3:00 AM ET and the main page is wrong.
@lichme Yeah, I wondered.
They put the fidget spinners up as a mirage until they get the clock fixed.
You forgot to put a comma after 2:00 AM and ET. Thanks for letting me know, though.
@shahnm It’s probably supposed to be 3:00 ET and the main page is wrong.
You know what’s better than a timer?
I will tell you in ten minutes.
Now it says at 3:00 ET. But if that were true, they would have used an improper verb.
@gertiestn Meh fuckin’ up this week damn.
I might be the only one dumb enough to buy these, but I swear it’s just for a gag!

/giphy hurried-supreme-hyena
Hey, they just found another two containers of these in the truck lot out back. See y’all in another two hours for these to sell out.
I never needed one, let alone 160
@Talidan Because it will take 159 of them to get 4 working batteries to make one working one?

I agree, stayed up for what? Little John would be proud…
Meh I mean not working timers is ok but it’s also a strike! lying about changing the deal at 2AM ET is another.
Assuming these have four bearings, it’s 5 cents a bearing.
What’s the over/under on the Instant Regret Kit being 160 fidget spinners?
I am going to bed if meh doesn’t cycle to the next one soon and I mean it!
More like… Sit 'n spinners…
h’UP TOP! ^5
I love the Canadian ones. They would be a great goofy gift to take to my annual cottage weekend with my high school friends. Except there are only 7 of us and fidget spinners aren’t fun enough that I’m willing to have 153 extras.
@Pamela I should be able to part with 7 maple leaf printed ones. Whisper your address to me and I’ll drop them in the mail. Unless you live in Canada.
The ones I ordered from Morningsave came today. Your postal workers are gonna hate you. I had trouble carrying it up the stairs. And I’m sooooo excited!
I bought the printed ones at Halloween. They were well made and spin well also
Did anyone else receive their spinners and feel an immense amount of shame when they arrived?
…just me?
@jhinra Me too. I also have a case of the dead light-up ones.

/giphy What did I do?
@jhinra @sammydog01 I had maybe 10 left over from Halloween, so I sent them to school with my kid to go into the treasure chest in her classroom. (they get to pick a prize if they do good stuff) Well, she must have done something good because she brought one back home…
@jhinra @medz Is that because she really liked them or because that’s all that was left in the treasure chest?