90 days
Monday, Jul 3 - Wednesday, Jul 5
So freaking cute. No room for this though.
@RiotDemon Me either. Good thing my order didn’t go through.
Ahhhh! Only 5???
boo, sold out in 2 seconds. Would have snagged that for my dog, she LOVES big stuffed animals!
Five of them? I have better luck with IRKs.
A Whale of a Seal!
If only there were more of 5 of them!
I need faster thumbs.
So sad this sold out! I didn’t even get stopped by a captcha and still missed it
As a fellow robot, I understand your pain.
Here you go people: https://www.ebay.com/i/392778138669
$12.99 for the 30cm (13" equivalent) with free shipping.
@cinoclav only 8" long for that price, but not a bad option.
@cinoclav ha! good find. Something about it not coming from “meh” just makes it not as special though
@RiotDemon Modified it to match the size. Only a buck more.
@cinoclav that’s better!
@cinoclav @RiotDemon Same photo even. Cool!
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 Ooh, here’s a 30cm for $9.99! https://www.ebay.com/i/363008057339
@cinoclav @RiotDemon Twice as big for $25! Fortunately Meh is my impulse buy site, not ebay. That would be bad.
I dunno. It’s kind of like an Uncanny Valley version of a seal. Or maybe it reminds me of an artist’s rendition of extraterrestrial life from a gas giant planet.
Does this come with a club?
@tweezak ಠ_ಠ
@RiotDemon Come on, you have to admit bundling a fuzzy stuffed club with a seal pillow would be one of the funniest gag gifts going.
All over Amazon, in a variety of sizes.
Apparently I don’t get out (virtually, of course) enough, but this is a “thing”.
What’s in the box?
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Jul 3 - Wednesday, Jul 5
So freaking cute. No room for this though.
@RiotDemon Me either. Good thing my order didn’t go through.
Ahhhh! Only 5???
boo, sold out in 2 seconds. Would have snagged that for my dog, she LOVES big stuffed animals!
Five of them? I have better luck with IRKs.
A Whale of a Seal!
If only there were more of 5 of them!
I need faster thumbs.
So sad this sold out! I didn’t even get stopped by a captcha and still missed it
As a fellow robot, I understand your pain.
Here you go people: https://www.ebay.com/i/392778138669
$12.99 for the 30cm (13" equivalent) with free shipping.
@cinoclav only 8" long for that price, but not a bad option.
@cinoclav ha! good find. Something about it not coming from “meh” just makes it not as special though
@RiotDemon Modified it to match the size. Only a buck more.
@cinoclav that’s better!
@cinoclav @RiotDemon Same photo even. Cool!
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 Ooh, here’s a 30cm for $9.99!
@cinoclav @RiotDemon Twice as big for $25! Fortunately Meh is my impulse buy site, not ebay. That would be bad.
I dunno. It’s kind of like an Uncanny Valley version of a seal. Or maybe it reminds me of an artist’s rendition of extraterrestrial life from a gas giant planet.
Does this come with a club?
@RiotDemon Come on, you have to admit bundling a fuzzy stuffed club with a seal pillow would be one of the funniest gag gifts going.
All over Amazon, in a variety of sizes.
Apparently I don’t get out (virtually, of course) enough, but this is a “thing”.