@kbaum17 USB-C supports the same commendation on both sides. You don't have to have a USB-A end at all anymore. In fact the Nexus 5X and 6P obly come with USB-C to USB-C cables.
@kbaum17 The point is that eventually, the A side is supposed to be replaced with the C connection. Unlike how there are two different ends for most cables now, the idea with USB-C is that it will be the same plug for everything on each side. But each time one buys a USB-A device they are prolonging the transition.
@halcyoncmdr I know what USB-C is. But, for all intents, no PCs today come with a USB-C port. gonna be years before USB-C is common on PCs and other devices. That means cords with USB-A will remain necessary for years to come. ...those of you with USB-C to USB-C cords can expect to buy adapters until then.
@kbaum17 anything coming with thunderbolt 3 will be usb-c also. Same port for both. macbook (not pro the 12in) and a couple random windows laptops. Give it 6 months max until any laptop worth buying has them.
"A personal computer may be a laptop computer or a desktop computer running an operating system such as Windows, Linux (and it's various operating systems based on it), or Macintosh OS."
@fury Hate to break it to you, but I know what "PC" technically stands for. However, anyone in the know understands that "PC" really means "IBM-compatible" (whatever that means today) and Apple's are "Macs". So, sorry, but you are wrong. Go to Best Buy and any electronics store and ask to see a PC...they won't take you the Apple section. If you want to buy an Apple, you have to specific and say "i want an Apple" or "a Mac".
eerie-harmless-saffron 2x pink ones. Wife and 18-year old daughter stocking stuffers. Always walking around with mostly dead phones. Of course I'll have to be in charge of keeping these charged...
is this a decent Christmas present for someone with an iphone? - and does meh include the price in with the gift?I hope not. I'm going to mail it directly if you all approve. (see, I got that vmp another month and figure it's practically freeee!)
@wew o.k. no more comments! Everyone is getting one unless I don't have your address. If I don't already have your address, too late! better luck next year! Exclamation point!
@AttyVette They throw bones at the thing, right? It's been a few years since I tried to watch that cinematic treatment for insomnia but I'm pretty sure they threw bones.
@MehAmphetamine In three weeks when I get mine and it stinks, I'll come back and add something. Feels like I just left Big Lots and said, "Awl, what the heck... At that price, why not?" again.
@MehAmphetamine@stinks we don't stick our precious phones and tablets into unknown, unreviewed, no track record holes. It is a no brainer for us to spend another five bucks or so to get reputable.
I'm super stoked about this! I needed some more because everyone we know wants one. Hurray for saving my reputation for great stocking stuffers, Meh! I also need more Contigo cups if you wanna do a deal on those tomorrow or something...
For all the people saying stocking stuffers.... delivery estimate is for 12/21 - 12/23, and I have 2 items awol via smartpost that were due today.... just a heads up.
@thismyusername Take a screenshot and hand them a printout and say, "This is coming your way" should it not arrive on time. It doesn't get more exciting than that :-)
nonchalant-feathery-balloon Wow just before I logged on to meh I was trying to charge my backup battery that I let a coworker use at a Christmas party tonight. And it fell apart. The micro sub pot came apart from the motherboard. I'm not sure if it's fixable. So I looked at the meh and said oh hell its only $8. I drank more than $8 tonight so why not. Plus this one has more mAh
Debated buying them since I did buy some last year. Took the plunge - in for 3. Order number small-metric- cockroach. How did Meh know that I just spent the last 2 1/2 weeks working on a unbearable metric project.
Just bought 10 10,000 mAh batteries from Amazon today for $12 each. All for presents. And now 3 of these. Everyone can use them. I'm using the 10,000 mAh purple one I got a few months ago right now!
Fascinating: there was a time on this site where purple was such a poor-selling color it got a price discount. It would seem in these parts purple now sells well enough it doesn't need a discount to move units, but pink does. Did the discounts rally the purple fans to its cause, and did their vociferous love of purple soften the feelings of the rest of us so we're more likely to choose purple now? Have we been somehow socially engineered into supporting purple? Will this happen to pink?
@jqubed Looks like purple is falling flat this time. Meh should have charged five bucks more for them and said that there was a limited quanity. S-E-L-L-O-U-T!
Got 2 and a perfect order name image. Vegan ice cream! (I've been [a very cordial, stereotype defying] vegan since the Clinton administration). Awesome.
@MehAmphetamine Only when it comes up. Which it did in this case (serendipity, right?). I've worked closely with people for years who had no idea until someone else told them.
@alexpope Nope, not 3 batteries in there and definitely not 18650s. This likely just has 6 AA (MiMh) rated at 2000 mah each. But likely each battery gonna give 1200 mah at best.
Look at the size. 3 batteries would not be that big. And 18650s are about the size of AAs, but a bit longer and fatter.
@alexpope These are definitely units that have multiple brand names. But, it ain't 3 batteries. You looking at a imagined internal structure shown in that Amazon page. But three 18650 batteries would not be as big as this unit is...and no way the rest of the unit takes up that much space. Maybe it is 5 or 6 batteries. ...not that it matters, as long as it gives close to 12,000 mah (and as long as all that bulk is due to batteries and not wasted space..this thing is too big to carry around in pocket, so it better not be a bunch of wasted space.)
@kbaum17 no clue on number, 3-5 depending on how cheap they went on this...but 18650s I guarantee, have several shot powerbanks and 18650 were in all of them along with almost every laptop battery I've ever deconstructed.
I just found out about meh 24 hours ago and already purchased three power backs, one chrome book, and two random BAC things that were left overs? New addiction? I'm in trouble.
@beergut Subaru uses pink in their STI and rally car badges. (Well, they call it Cherry Blossom Red)
The only pink on my Outback 3.6R is a set of RallyArmor mudflaps with Breast Cancer Awareness ribbons. (And soon, a 12,000mAh power bank in the console)
@beergut It is a joke on some of the Suburu Forums on what constitutes Pink vs Cherry Blossom Red. Nobody wants Pink, but Cherry Blossom Red is acceptable. (Its all pink to me)
I bought three Anker 22000 mAh units from That River Place just yesterday. Paid $50 and have no fear of explosions, leaks, or callings apart. Still at buy three of these in whatever cools are left just to see how long they power my Raspberry Pi supercluster.
I was temped, but don't really need anymore usb charger battery thingees. I have 2 in my bag at all times, and have 2 anker heavy-duty battery jumpstart doohickeys as well. But seems like a really good deal.
I bought 2. 1 for the kid, 1 for the wife. The kid needs it and will either not have it when his phone dies or the spare battery will be uncharged at the time he needs it. The wife will surely lose this. Just so you know how I wasted my $20.
11 pm stuck on the side of the road, had a tire blowout! Dumbass didn't answer phone until 2am. SERIOUSLY LATE FOR WORK! DON'T FREAKIN TELL ME YOUR PHONE DIED! For Christmas this year he'said getting a new charging system, ' A WALL CHARGER, A CAR CHARGER AND a 12,000 mAh POWER BANK! ... THINK I HAVE IT ALL COVERED?
@jqubed I DID NOT MARRY A MECHANIC TO HAVE TO CHANGE TIRES MYSELF! LOL MY WHITE UNIFORM WOULD NEVER GET CLEAN AGAIN ... no I can't change a tire on the Escalade, and no one ever stops to offer help on the dark country roads, heck your lucky if another car even drives by.
Did the copywriters go on strike? Where are the endless bad jokes, poor puns, and other endless dribble. This is the shortest product description in the history of wo...meh.
Got a blue one to supplement my 10,000 mAh purple one. studious-ubiquitous-hound lands me in a remote part of the Indian ocean. Hmm, I wonder if a certain missing airliner can be found there?
While I wait for an answer, I'll be watching the final hours of the Kickstarter to bring back Mystery Science Theater 3000. http://mst3k.com/finalcountdown/watchnow
@Anorion Seems to be the same with mine! A purple one... I have been charging it for about 8 hours and it is still blinking! No flashlight (double click did nothing!) Oh double clicking real fast got me a flashlight!
I re-read the manual again and it says "DO NOT CHARGE FOR MORE THAN 4 HOURS". Not sure if a USB3 is an issue or not? I just put the thing onto the only USB2 machine I have. Pressing the "battery status button" which should show all 4 LED lights at 100% only show me 1 LED light after 8 hours of USB3 charging!
@Thumperchick I just went to the support page - betting they ask us to pay for a return as it states "a Return Authorization number for your defective merchandise"!
I hate this kind of meh crap especially since it mah-be doa AND the rest of the site over at iWorld is also doa!
@Thumperchick will do. I did just open a ticket with iWorld to see what happens. Will follow up here and if needed with meh. ***btw - it does seem to make a difference with USB3 vs. USB2! After only 2 hours or less on USB2 it seems to be charging. Does NOT seem to be backward compatible with the newer USB3 - I don't know anything about this tech stuff - and seems odd that there is even an USB1 port in this thing... but there ya go.
@fjp999 USB 3.0 only provides 100ma (one hundred milliamps) if the connected items doesn't call itself out as a high power device, in which case the host will then allow up to 900ma.
USB 2.0 allows up to 500ma.
Do you have a regular A/C charger? That'd be the easiest way. Even then, it will take a while. A one amp charger will still take 12 hours to go from zero to full. On USB 3.0, standard power mode ... 5 full days.
@narfcake Thanks for that. (btw, according to the instructions it is suppose to come "partially pre-charged") I wanted to try to drain it then recharge it which I am trying to do now...
I think there is something seriously wrong with this thing. Left it plugged into the USB2 Mac mini and it got to the 2nd LED light. I have another very old Power Bank so I plugged this one into it (I might have a regular A/C charger somewhere - but am somewhat fatigued - sorry) and that old Power Bank got it to the 3rd LED light... but after all these hours never to the forth.
It does seem to be powering up things and right now I am charging my iPad Air2.
The Air2 should drain the thing... then will see what happens trying to recharge it.
I used an a/c wall charger and it won't go beyond two solid lights. Tried charging in intervals of four hours charging and one hour rest, since the manual said not to charge more than four hours. Didn't work, so left it on the charger and its been about seven hours and still only two solid. Contacted the warranty service, now it's wait and see...
I have one that works (started with 3 lights) and one that is DOA...charged for awhile and the lights blink but never go solid. Charging on AC adapter that I use for my tablet etc.
@tightwad I would check on the 3 light one too. Mine came this way and did not get to a full charge after being plugged in for awhile. Didn't want to leave plugged in longer than the 4 hours recommended in the manual. I will deplete it some and see if it takes a charge before warrantying it I guess.
I bought two of these intending to give one as a gift. I opened one to try it out. Started at three lights and after depleting it twice it still won't go beyound three lights solid on a wall-wart.
@wlamar Finally got it o go to four lights solid after a couple more four hour sessions on the wall wart. Working with the second one now. This one had two lights solid out of the packaging.
I told them i charged for 4 hours it would only charge to 2 dots then it died in 20 mins. Meh needs to deal with this I'm not gonna go back and forth with these people.
Thank you for purchasing our product. We apologize for the trouble you are experiencing. Please try to charge for 6 hours.
Just got off the phone with David (X 206) who was very nice.
David claims that we should basically throw out the instructions!
Only three of the four LCD light go solid. The 4th light will NEVER go solid! ***looking at the photo on the box (as I pointed out to him) - this is what it shows.
This thing needs to be charged more than 4 hours. I guess it should be charged for 6 hours as above Agne said. David said NOT overnight. I told him that however long mine was charging - on and off for four hours and six hour etc it was NEVER getting hot... but that it would NOT charge my iPad Air2 fully from 58%.
David said that I should get 1.5 charges off this thing from an 10% depleted iPad Air2.
He was willing to "exchange" it (I think that was the term he used - whatever that means???) but I said I was willing to further test this unit to see if charging and discharging it would help now that I understood his instructions. He thanked me and said any feedback would be appreciated.
I think he was a bit stunned when I told him that over 5,000 units had been sold in one day!
Anyone else as concerned as me about overcharging this thing and causing a fire? I bought a couple for presents and I'm not exactly feeling overly confident in giving them to people who could accidentally leave them plugged in too long. Kind of wishing they were returnable...
@cinoclav yeah. This one is looking like a bust. I'll (like many I'm sure) will have to wait until after Christmas before I know for sure if it'll burn my house down or even charge up.
Hmm.. I was banking on the large capacity of this to charge my phone numerous times. (Firefly festival camping for 3 nights).... as far as I can tell, I will be lucky to get one full charge... depression.
Hey all - if you're having an issue with your power bank and aren't finding a good resolution with the warranty holder, please send a message to meh.com/support and let them know what's going on. Support is made up of humans, working M-F 9-5ish, and they can take 1-2 business days to respond.
Did anybody else get one that looks like a return? Standard product packaging box, but the outside of the thing looks worn. More scratches than I would expect with it sliding around inside the packaging.
@PocketBrain I have the same thoughts. Although not excessive, they certainly don't have that shiny new look one would expect. Couple that with the widely reported charging issues (I put 4 hours in tonight and neither unit moved up a dot--one at two dots, the other at three) and I wonder if this vendor might have sold Meh a load of seconds or even returns as new.
I can get past the light scratches. I likely wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. But the charging issues may be a problem. Taking them to work to charge on my desk all day tomorrow and see if they get somewhere.
Just as a general note, don't ever order this or anything else from meh with standard shipping, not if you hope to see it within about six weeks, or in fact ever. There's a four-day lag between when Meh says it "ships" something and when it actually goes anywhere, after which Fedex takes their sweet time about it, and then hands it off to USPS, which sets about finding new ways to screw up. 11 days since it "shipped" from Texas to Boston and I don't have it yet, and the tracking log is enough to make you cry. The Pony Express did better.
@lbb "standard shipping" is all that is offered. That is the only way the prices will stay so low. If you want cheap shit you gotta deal with slow shipping.
@lbb Said after day 1 of the 3 day published delivery window, and below half a dozen people talking about having already gotten theirs. Except for special deals like the quadcopters, Meh only has regular shipping, and they freely publish expected delivery dates when the item is posted for sale.
@djslack not sure what "day 1 of the 3 day published delivery window" you're talking about. The time between when they tell me it shipped and when it actually does? OK, they said it shipped on the 11th, they didn't even send the information until the 12th, it didn't arrive at Fedex until the 14th, ok, maybe that's a 3 day window in dog years, but a solid week later and it's still not here.
@lbb In the first post (the specs) the estimated delivery date is published. For this item the estimated delivery date is 12/21 to 12/23, so today and tomorrow are still on time. Meh isn't responsible for the gyrations that happen along the way, but they're usually pretty decent at estimating how long they'll take.
@lbb no problem. Smartpost does some dumb stuff, but that's their own fault. Have a shpadoinkle day and hope your power banks arrive soon and working properly.
Maybe I got lucky. At least for a day. Mine arrived. All but one blue light lit when I turned it on. Plug in my cheapo phone, it charges. Plug it into the cigarette lighter (used my own adaptor) and low and behold the last little blue light started to blink. Maybe it will break tomorrow but today it works. So far. After using for maybe 1/2 an hour. The box was only a little dinged up. Maybe someone will send me a winning lottery ticket (no lottery in my state). Maybe the sky will start raining money... Oh wait... this is meh. Not likely.
@Kidsandliz Mine seems fine too, I've used it several times now to charge my phone. while I'm not sure which of these ports is 2A it seems to work fine
Got mine, all three work well, take about 7-8hrs to charge and make all four lights go solid. It takes a lot longer than 4 hours, which I expected. I was able to charge an iphone 6s three times, which is not as good as my anker 13,000mah, but for $8 disposable powerbank in wonderful pink, meh. not a home run, not a strikeout.
So I brought these to work today since I'm here for 12 hours. Plugged one that already had 3 lights lit into the USB port on the computer. Let it sit there blinking until 1 pm. At that point I plugged it into a higher output USB adapter. It's now 5:33 pm and the fourth light is still blinking away. Not sure if it will ever fully light. On the bright side, it hasn't blown up yet. Doesn't even feel warm like I expected it to.
@cinoclav I've gotten one from two lights to three in about 9 hours of charging. The other one stated with three lights and hasn't moved up. Don't know if I'll hit solid 4 lights before they need to be packed up and go into stockings. They may wind up being pretty meh after all.
The other pack hit 4 solid lights at midnight or so. I was mostly charging off usb ports on a Quirky Space Bar so idk whether they are .5a or 2.1a ports offhand. Probably .5a since they are functional usb ports.
Finally got my powerbanks today. Disregarding the instructions. Does anyone know which USB ports are the 2.0 amp ones? Aside from that, can anyone figure out why the instructions say that it has 2x 2.0 amp USB ports, but if you use both of them, they only charge at 1.0 amp? If that's the case, then you only have one usable 2.0 amp port anyway. Really, I didn't expect a lot out of these, and having 1x 2.0 amp port is all I really need.
Please allow 10 hours of charge time. The three lights shows full charge and four light is only charging indicator. Sorry, as instructions was based 2200 mah.
@chrisi613 they're still not correct. Four lights is full charge, but it seems like that can take up to 24 hours (at 500ma standard usb current) or 6 hours on a 2.1a tablet charger.
@chrisi613 Yes, very useful info, thanks. Two of the three I have took 8-9 hours on a 2.1 amp charger to get the 4th led lit steady. The other I initially had on a 1 amp charger, and it was still blinking after 9 hours, and needed a few more on a 2.1 amp one to get the 4th led to stay lit. Since "instructions were based on 2200 mah" and these are 12000, a factor of 4 or 5 longer charge time is probably needed. So despite the earlier warnings, overnight charging sounds just about right for these, and that is at 2.1 amp. And as @djslack and others indicate, using a lower amp charger might need a day get to a full charge, or perhaps never even get there. Fortunately, these do not seem to get warm at all even when on a 2.1 amp unit.
Hmm, glad I checked this thread--waiting 10 hours and the fourth light never stopped blinking so I unplugged...way to send totally bogus instructions. Now that these are supposedly charge I'm hoping I can get at least 2 charges on my phone.
Anyone have a issue where you got it to charge all 4 lights one time, recharged it plugged it into a device to charge the device and it turns it's self off after a few seconds?
@Foxborn itll turn off if your device isnt drawing enough power, in my experience. It wont charge my bluetooth headset unless I have a higher amp draw charge hooked to one of the other ports. That said, after using this for awhile I am VERY happy with how it works. I live in my rv and while boondocking with no power hookups i use this to charge my phone overnight and it works extremely well, giving me four or more charges before it needs to be charged.
good info but the dive it was charging when It kept shutting off is the same I tested it with and the first charge was no problem second time the device was lower battery too
Ive tested this numerous times and it accepts a 6800mah charge, and outputs around 4400mah before it dies. Nowhere near advertised capacity. also, all three ports will only do 1 amp. not the "one port will do 2 amps for tablets" as advertised. I tried with an ipad, samsung tablet, and lightbulb loadtest, 1 amp is the most any single port would give me.
@car54 Hmm... bought 3, gave two away as presents without thinking about testing output. Third one won't even charge and I have a support request in to iWorld. If and when they get around to replacing it I'll have to test that one. I feel rather guilty for even gifting the other two. Thanks for the heads up about the output.
@Thumperchick I ordered 2 chargers that didn't work. User manual says not to overcharge. Lithium batteries can explode when over charged. IWorld kept telling me to keep charging for longer and longer each email. I told meh support that through numerous emails between iWorld I couldn't get answers as to the safety of the device. What kind of batteries in it. Or just plain how to charge it. every email was a different story on how to charge it. I told meh support I was tired of getting the run around and that if I couldn't get information regarding battery type and proper use I didn't want the product at all. I don't need my house burning down. Meh just repeatedly said that iWorld would replace if I had an issue.
@car54 Mine seems to keep up with charging my tablet, when even an inferior (1 amp) USB cable cannot charge the same tablet. But my tablet's battery is 9800 mah and from a 10% charge it will only take it to about 80%. Not the best and certainly not 12000 mah! Still, for me it performs better than most other powerbanks and you'll only get about 3400 mah (retail) for the $10 this cost. On the other hand I really bought mine for charging my Cheerson micro-quads when outside, so I won't complain too much.
@chrisi613 These cannot overcharge. They shut themselves off automatically. It has a rather smart charging system that tapers off a little bit, then shuts down entirely when it reaches proper voltage on the cells.
Charge for days, it wont keep charging. It shuts off immediately once the cells are fully charged.
Interesting all around. After lots of waiting and calls to usps, angering my postmaster, meh support emails, etc. I/we/collective involved determined this package was stolen from my home. In a twisted sort of way I hope my unit WAS defective. Serves the Christmas thief (delivered Dec 23) right. Hope they have a terrible time with it!
O but an extra thanks to the meh support team. All around helpful and nice!
Anybody else having issues with the LED staying turned ON 100% of the time with these?
I figured out how to turn the LED off & on on another unit (by double tapping the "power" button) but one of my batteries has the LED on and emitting 100% of the time, with no recognition of the power button being pressed.
@jjohns71 Does a single tap still light the power meter display on the 4 annoying blue LEDs? If it does, then you know the button still works. If the button is suspect, you can try mashing it from different angles, and pressing too hard, etc...
If it isn't the button, I would try charging things until it runs out of power, and hoping it shuts off the light when it shuts off the charger. There is no real off switch on these things, so the only way to try turning them off and on is to discharge them, and recharge. I've had this work on a different type of battery bank that went wonky.
If that doesn't work, the warranty may still be in effect. Failing that, I can paypal you a few dollars for shipping. Send it to me and I can do a tear down on it.
I was going to teardown mine, but I needed all of mine for Christmas presents. (Fortunately, all of those are still working.)
@hamjudo The button does not light up any of the LEDs. I have done a full draw down of power (LED stayed on for about a week) and fully recharged it and the light is STILL on. My guess is it is some bad circuitry or soldering. PM me your address I'll ship it to you if you agree to share the results and post pictures of your tear down!
@hamjudo, cool I'll shoot you an email. Do you have a preference on if I ship it fully charged vs just ship it at its current charged level (with the light still on) where it may by the time it gets to you be fully discharged?
I have been going back & forth with iWorld for way too long. They agree that the PURPLE power bank I have is defective. Agreed to send out a replacement. It never comes. I call/email them to remind about the promise (keeping meh support updated with the bull iWorld is pulling).
Get an e & voice mail saying it was sent out on Feb 2nd BUT when the USPS "Priority Mail" FLAT RATE - TRACKED - INSURED - arrives it has a printed USPS of Feb 4th.
Why LIE? So stupid!
The voice mail says the USPS only comes once a week. Can that be true?
I had asked for a PURPLE for PURPLE replacement BUT get a RED! wtf.
David x206 said he would test the unit out before sending it, explaining the full charge, and it seems to be working... don't have a lot of use/charge/discharge so struggling to find something to discharge the thing for #2 discharge...
Was promised a small gift (for all my troubles) and get a iWorld branded earbuds w/ mic. Remote control doesn't work on any device I have tried them on...
Don't think it will be a good idea for meh to offer any future product from iWorld, just my opinion...
i bought 3 of these & everyone in my family has told me these suck. i have noticed they suck too. they cant even charge my iphone 6 once…im no expert, but it cant even stay on for very long either…do these all really suck so badly that theyre unusable or are mine faulty? i use it to charge some microusb devices and the blue lights turn off after 30 sec…does that mean the device turned off? i got a 1 red, 1 white, & 1 blue ones for $2 extra per vs the sold out pink one…this is not even meh, its complete trash. the flashlight works tho but that just makes me more mad for some reason.
@vigneshrk i think if your device doesn’t draw enough power the battery turns off, you might want to try using different charging cables to see if that makes a difference
A few of the sophisticated range of power banks include the additional features for example LED display lighting effects, LCD display screens, stickiness to allow your power bank to stay with the smart phone while chatting, integrated hotspot, and so on. These power banks which have such added options are a bit costly than various other typical charger units but they are fantastic to use together with your smartphones and tablets.
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year iWorld
Estimated Delivery: 12/21 - 12/23
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Powerbank
1x Micro USB
Other colors
Retail box
Overrated movie
Price Comparison
$50 List, $24.99 at Burkes Outlet
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
Meh bank-with a flashlight- bright ideal!
@Barney there's a purple one!
@carl669 Wut? Aw, I want purple purple.
Needs USB C.
@fury Agreed! My new phone has USB-C so now I can never buy anything other than USB-C ever again. Yay future.
@fury Not sure what you are trying to say. USB-C is only on the phone side of the cord. .. I guess u are joking. But u never know with people.
@kbaum17 USB-C supports the same commendation on both sides. You don't have to have a USB-A end at all anymore. In fact the Nexus 5X and 6P obly come with USB-C to USB-C cables.
@halcyoncmdr my 6p came with a usb a to usb c cable and a usb c cable. The 5x only comes with usb c cable.
@fury My OnePlus 2 came with a USB-A to USB-C too. It can be plugged into just about any computer, or any 2.1 wall charger (I've tried it).
@kbaum17 The point is that eventually, the A side is supposed to be replaced with the C connection. Unlike how there are two different ends for most cables now, the idea with USB-C is that it will be the same plug for everything on each side. But each time one buys a USB-A device they are prolonging the transition.
@stoopkid Then I'm going to keep buying USB-A. Not in a hurry for this one.
@stoopkid what phone is that?
@halcyoncmdr I know what USB-C is. But, for all intents, no PCs today come with a USB-C port. gonna be years before USB-C is common on PCs and other devices. That means cords with USB-A will remain necessary for years to come. ...those of you with USB-C to USB-C cords can expect to buy adapters until then.
@stoopkid same. Nexus 6p here.
@kbaum17 MacBook Pro.
@kbaum17 anything coming with thunderbolt 3 will be usb-c also. Same port for both. macbook (not pro the 12in) and a couple random windows laptops. Give it 6 months max until any laptop worth buying has them.
@fury MacBook Pro is not a PC
@kbaum17 hate to break it to you, but PC means personal computer. And a MacBook Pro is a personal computer.
"A personal computer may be a laptop computer or a desktop computer running an operating system such as Windows, Linux (and it's various operating systems based on it), or Macintosh OS."
@fury Hate to break it to you, but I know what "PC" technically stands for. However, anyone in the know understands that "PC" really means "IBM-compatible" (whatever that means today) and Apple's are "Macs". So, sorry, but you are wrong. Go to Best Buy and any electronics store and ask to see a PC...they won't take you the Apple section. If you want to buy an Apple, you have to specific and say "i want an Apple" or "a Mac".
For $8, why not? The pink is not that noticeable.
@conandlibrarian, agreed. I have no problems using the pink.
@conandlibrarian Indeed, it's an accent color. I'll take that for two bucks less.
@zgranowitz bathtub
@zgranowitz lol
eerie-harmless-saffron 2x pink ones. Wife and 18-year old daughter stocking stuffers. Always walking around with mostly dead phones. Of course I'll have to be in charge of keeping these charged...
is this a decent Christmas present for someone with an iphone? - and does meh include the price in with the gift?I hope not. I'm going to mail it directly if you all approve. (see, I got that vmp another month and figure it's practically freeee!)
@wew I have never seen a packing slip of any sort in any shipments from meh.
@wew dooooooooo it. I just ordered it for my wife. I have a red one already. Charged my 6s+ 1.5x on my flight back from Brazil.
@wew darn! $2 extra for other than pink. Now I gotta put a price on this friendship.
@wew o.k. no more comments! Everyone is getting one unless I don't have your address. If I don't already have your address, too late! better luck next year! Exclamation point!
@wew Sharpie.
In for one in the pink.
@pzy and two in the...
@thismyusername Done. Purple ordered.
@thismyusername @heartny But it's not very purple.
@jml326 Can't help it, I'm seeking purple perfection.
@Barney purple purfection?
@jml326 -sigh- If forced to choose, I guess I'll take dinosaur Barney over the purple lips. Those lips are creepy.
What do I not need? More power banks for my collection. What did I just buy? ..... 3 more powerbanks
@MsELizardBeth can you use one power bank to charge the othe power bank while charging your tablet/phone?
@TheDagda OMG, this is wicked...sooo gonna try powerbank > powerbank > powerbank > powerbank > device (maybe?).
If the Pacific NW blows up...you know why folks.
@TheDagda like a powerbank human centipede
@PHRoG i think this brings my collection up to 17. Buh bye midwest lol
@MsELizardBeth Oh dear god why?!?! (in training and can't splice powerbank/human centipede caps in right now tho).
@PHRoG ..it's ok...No one will Miss Moses Lake...
people are going charge the site on this one
@rmeden you can bank on it
I'm in because purple. And who doesn't need more power banks when you already have more than you will ever use in a lifetime.
@heartny I love purple.
At that price, they're stocking stuffers for the in-laws.
Meh is knocking it out of the park with this cheap shit, in for two.

@smigit2002 +1 if the in-laws don't have mobile devices.
I like pink. In for 2.
Throwing bones at this product shouldn't it be STONES??? Oh well make no bones about it, this deal rocks and people will get a charge out of it!
@AttyVette They throw bones at the thing, right? It's been a few years since I tried to watch that cinematic treatment for insomnia but I'm pretty sure they threw bones.
and I don't think they throw anything at it...
@Moose you are thinking of this scene:
@AttyVette Yup. Bones! It's a 2001: A Space Odyssey reference. I feel like such a sci-fi geek knowing this now.
@Moose I take it you're the one who listed the image above as "overrated movie"?
@jqubed Yeah, that was me.
I can't decide if I like saving $2 more or hate pink more.
@christinerenee Saving $2, duh. This is meh, after all. horrific-triumphant-library myself. ;)
@stinks Normally I'd agree, but I went with the white.
Any good reviews for this?
@MehAmphetamine The only one asking the real questions.
@MehAmphetamine In three weeks when I get mine and it stinks, I'll come back and add something. Feels like I just left Big Lots and said, "Awl, what the heck... At that price, why not?" again.
@MehAmphetamine @stinks we don't stick our precious phones and tablets into unknown, unreviewed, no track record holes. It is a no brainer for us to spend another five bucks or so to get reputable.
@MehAmphetamine If it's this one:
It's got pretty decent reviews.
@PHRoG Read closer. No bias at all.
@PHRoG They spelled Meh wrong, idiots...
But why does it say 12000Meh?
@RedOak No, they all made in the same place with the same internals.
Wished there were some reviews (more than 1) on this bad boy.
I'm super stoked about this! I needed some more because everyone we know wants one. Hurray for saving my reputation for great stocking stuffers, Meh! I also need more Contigo cups if you wanna do a deal on those tomorrow or something...
Spent the extra $2 for the purple one. Because purple.
@narfcake Purple is worth it.
For all the people saying stocking stuffers.... delivery estimate is for 12/21 - 12/23, and I have 2 items awol via smartpost that were due today.... just a heads up.
@thismyusername Take a screenshot and hand them a printout and say, "This is coming your way" should it not arrive on time. It doesn't get more exciting than that :-)
I saw them move a bit ago... me thinks fedex is straining under the load right now. :)
sooo not the picture i expected to pop up first:
@carl669 hmmm...the order numbers mean something?
@PHRoG We post the Google Image Search results for our order phrase.
@jqubed Ah ha! I experienced the same fate...quite disappointing for the potential it had!

@PHRoG Desks can take the fun out of anything, even atomic things.
got the pink one to gift my mother, thanks again meh.
Stocking stuffer score...colors too!
Just ordered the Jackery Fit 10,200 mAh from Amazon though...curious how they will compare.
Anyone find it anywhere other than Burks?
@PHRoG I am certain that these will be roughly 1/3 the cost of the Jackery.
@PHRoG uh, yours is proven reputable by 500+ reviews. Sleep well.
@SinNYC Got the Jackery on a lightning deal for $19!
This is seriously junk..
@Heat214 It might be... and it might not be. How do we know?
@RedOak schrodinger's junk?

I have a 2200 mah charger in black and one in white. So I got this charger in black AND white.
Might get another charger if there are any left later this evening. Leaning towards the blue one and the purple one.
@JT954 You can't go wrong with purple.
Wow just before I logged on to meh I was trying to charge my backup battery that I let a coworker use at a Christmas party tonight. And it fell apart. The micro sub pot came apart from the motherboard. I'm not sure if it's fixable. So I looked at the meh and said oh hell its only $8. I drank more than $8 tonight so why not. Plus this one has more mAh
Debated buying them since I did buy some last year. Took the plunge - in for 3. Order number small-metric- cockroach. How did Meh know that I just spent the last 2 1/2 weeks working on a unbearable metric project.
Just bought 10 10,000 mAh batteries from Amazon today for $12 each. All for presents. And now 3 of these. Everyone can use them. I'm using the 10,000 mAh purple one I got a few months ago right now!
Fascinating: there was a time on this site where purple was such a poor-selling color it got a price discount. It would seem in these parts purple now sells well enough it doesn't need a discount to move units, but pink does. Did the discounts rally the purple fans to its cause, and did their vociferous love of purple soften the feelings of the rest of us so we're more likely to choose purple now? Have we been somehow socially engineered into supporting purple? Will this happen to pink?
@jqubed Hmm, I like purple.
@jqubed tell the Phoenicians that. :)
@Barney And I believe your tireless campaign in behalf of purple's virtues have increased its acceptance and even love in these parts.
@thismyusername I'm not following this reference; maybe it's too late at night for me.
@jqubed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrian_purple
@jqubed - I like pink.
@thismyusername Ah, thanks!
@Barney I think we've found your homeland.
@jqubed I guess my secret is out.
@jqubed Looks like purple is falling flat this time. Meh should have charged five bucks more for them and said that there was a limited quanity. S-E-L-L-O-U-T!
@Barney Pink is winning because WE ARE ALL CHEAPSKATES :)
Think I found it:
LEATON® 12000 Mah 3-port Power Bank External Battery Portable Charger - $16.99
@PHRoG And those reviews are truly confidence-inspiring. No bias detected at all.
@RedOak Great point...I'm also pretending to work so merely glanced at them. ;)
Why buy anything but pink?
That band of daintiness wouldn't even use up a single Sharpie
(And Sharpies can be had for less than 50 cents)
Hopefully the batteries won't leak when they arrive.
Got 2 and a perfect order name image. Vegan ice cream! (I've been [a very cordial, stereotype defying] vegan since the Clinton administration). Awesome.
@00 The only vegan stereotype I'm familiar with is that you'll make sure to tell me. So there's that.
@MehAmphetamine Only when it comes up. Which it did in this case (serendipity, right?). I've worked closely with people for years who had no idea until someone else told them.
I ordered 3....one for me and two for gifts...
Also worried about it blowing up my phone though....
Part of me says "for 10 bucks, why not" The other part says cancel the order...
@GeordiD the meh conundrum... think about it for an hour and a half.
@thismyusername And if you're really lucky the item sells out in that time frame, saving you the tough decision. Looking at you, last night.
@GeordiD More likely to fall apart or break itself than to blow up your phone. And I say that having ordered some myself.
Fuck yeah. Bought three in pink
@isabel THREE in the pink?!
I wonder if you can daisy chain them and make a power block
@jdmst77 or a fire
@MehAmphetamine power bank centipede
In for one for firefly music festival
Kinda wanna get one just to take apart & figure out some kind of lifehack for it.
@ruouttaurmind well, three 18650 batteries are inside of it...and those are awesome for very bright (expensive) flashlights.
@alexpope I'm thinking it's (4) 3,000mah cells.
@alexpope Nope, not 3 batteries in there and definitely not 18650s. This likely just has 6 AA (MiMh) rated at 2000 mah each. But likely each battery gonna give 1200 mah at best.
Look at the size. 3 batteries would not be that big. And 18650s are about the size of AAs, but a bit longer and fatter.
@ruouttaurmind because...
@kbaum17 Nope, pretty sure it's (5) 18650 cells rated at 2400 mAh each.
@kbaum17 good point - it doesn't say Lithium-xxx chemistry in the specs.
@kbaum17 Yup, if it's this rebranded one which it probably is, then they are 18650s. Three 18650s sitting vertically in the cross section picture. http://www.amazon.com/Leaton-External-Battery-Portable-Smartphone/dp/B00XI381N4
@alexpope These are definitely units that have multiple brand names. But, it ain't 3 batteries. You looking at a imagined internal structure shown in that Amazon page. But three 18650 batteries would not be as big as this unit is...and no way the rest of the unit takes up that much space. Maybe it is 5 or 6 batteries. ...not that it matters, as long as it gives close to 12,000 mah (and as long as all that bulk is due to batteries and not wasted space..this thing is too big to carry around in pocket, so it better not be a bunch of wasted space.)
@kbaum17 no clue on number, 3-5 depending on how cheap they went on this...but 18650s I guarantee, have several shot powerbanks and 18650 were in all of them along with almost every laptop battery I've ever deconstructed.

Pretty picture for mine.
For $2 savings I can get a power bank that matches my Monster thumb drive? I'm IN!
And it's not pink...It's Cherry Blossom Red :D
(Subaru ppl get this reference)
I thought it was a History of the World reference, and was like "How DARE you insult Mel Brooks, Meh. How DARE you I say!
I just found out about meh 24 hours ago and already purchased three power backs, one chrome book, and two random BAC things that were left overs? New addiction? I'm in trouble.
@lapisa22 one.of.us. one.of.us
@lapisa22 Welcome to Meh !
Be sure to join in the forum quirky fun !
Pro tips
~ google your order "number" and post the image.
~if you want to get in on the FFL playoff contest a sure winner would be Team Ceagee ;-)
@ceagee @lapisa22 Vote Sammydog too. Girls rule!
In for 3 pink stocking stuffers
Image from
3 pink stocking stuffers!! Meh-ry Christmas!!
How do I post my image
@arrykka you go and view the direct image and post the .jpg link
I really hope this shows up for Christmas. I see the delivery is on the forum page but not the front page...
Got the ultimate name, the odds of this are just stunning: contemptible-mildish-company. Let me bow and exit stage left, fading off into eternity...
Because I own a Suburu i saved 2 bucks.
What in the hell is that supposed to mean?
Does it burn oil?
@beergut Subaru uses pink in their STI and rally car badges. (Well, they call it Cherry Blossom Red)
The only pink on my Outback 3.6R is a set of RallyArmor mudflaps with Breast Cancer Awareness ribbons. (And soon, a 12,000mAh power bank in the console)
Almost forgot: drifting-prudish-sphinx

@beergut It is a joke on some of the Suburu Forums on what constitutes Pink vs Cherry Blossom Red. Nobody wants Pink, but Cherry Blossom Red is acceptable. (Its all pink to me)
I bought three Anker 22000 mAh units from That River Place just yesterday. Paid $50 and have no fear of explosions, leaks, or callings apart. Still at buy three of these in whatever cools are left just to see how long they power my Raspberry Pi supercluster.
I was temped, but don't really need anymore usb charger battery thingees. I have 2 in my bag at all times, and have 2 anker heavy-duty battery jumpstart doohickeys as well. But seems like a really good deal.
@ACraigL I have a couple of friends who travel. I think they'd like these. And I got pink. Not because I'm cheap, but because pink.
@lisaviolet You must have got the last pink ones :-(
Lucky you! Merry Christmas!
@accelerator Do you want one?
@lisaviolet Well, I would have wanted two for my daughters but since the pink was sold out, I got the purple ones instead. Thanks though!
(I suppose this qualifies...)
my dog chewed up my old one a couple of weeks ago. in for two to replace it. pink and purple. yea team!
This will be our first battery back-up for the devices. Pretty sure we'll only need it for power outages.
@Felicianomiko they are nice when traveling or just when you're out and about but are without power (not in the car or a house/building).
Can Meh please verify the Dimensions: 1 x 5.625 x 2.5 in? 1" thick? really? sure does not look like it!
@Dubhlaine Oh, it is definitely close to an inch thick. But, it probably longer than 5.625 inches.
@Dubhlaine About the size of a Blackberry Z30......but smaller than a Samsung Galaxy Note 4.
Hows that for a random size comparison?
Needed? No. Wanted? Yup. worthwhile-flecked-finger
Linked images? I'm a loser.
I'm in for 2
In for three. No fucking idea why. This is why it's bad to wake up and meh....I'll blame it on dream shopping...
I don't think I need this...
yet here we are: pink-primo-cheese.
I bought 2. 1 for the kid, 1 for the wife. The kid needs it and will either not have it when his phone dies or the spare battery will be uncharged at the time he needs it. The wife will surely lose this. Just so you know how I wasted my $20.
In for 3 - Blue, Red and Purple - 3 sons that are constantly running off with my 16000mAh brick

Bought two, confirmation was too good to let pass. rich-mature-nut Any public figures come to mind?
@krmugn52 You might want to have Safe Search on when you Google Image Search that.
@cinoclav Minus the mature.
@PocketBrain Mature as in aged not mentally advanced.
Been needing one of these for a while. What the hell, I'll try it out. Purple and Blue.
Order number for this one?
Yup. Gonna have to do it.

How else ya gonna recharge your drones' batteries when you're at a dronefest?
11 pm stuck on the side of the road, had a tire blowout! Dumbass didn't answer phone until 2am. SERIOUSLY LATE FOR WORK! DON'T FREAKIN TELL ME YOUR PHONE DIED! For Christmas this year he'said getting a new charging system, ' A WALL CHARGER, A CAR CHARGER AND a 12,000 mAh POWER BANK! ... THINK I HAVE IT ALL COVERED?
@CRoyleSmith I'm confused, were you unable to change your tire yourself and needed help? No one stopped to offer help?
@jqubed I DID NOT MARRY A MECHANIC TO HAVE TO CHANGE TIRES MYSELF! LOL MY WHITE UNIFORM WOULD NEVER GET CLEAN AGAIN ... no I can't change a tire on the Escalade, and no one ever stops to offer help on the dark country roads, heck your lucky if another car even drives by.
I would have grabbed it but pink is my favorite color and it was already out of stock. I'll wait on another one.
Shame it limits at 3. Great stocking stuffer.
Sheeit, for 10 bucks a pop, why not. My kids will love them.
Did the copywriters go on strike? Where are the endless bad jokes, poor puns, and other endless dribble. This is the shortest product description in the history of wo...meh.
Don't forget to submit your photoshop creations in the contest!
Got a blue one to supplement my 10,000 mAh purple one.
studious-ubiquitous-hound lands me in a remote part of the Indian ocean. Hmm, I wonder if a certain missing airliner can be found there?

Are all of the colors still available?
While I wait for an answer, I'll be watching the final hours of the Kickstarter to bring back Mystery Science Theater 3000. http://mst3k.com/finalcountdown/watchnow
@JT954 why not click "Buy It" and look?
The ones that are no longer available will show up grayed out in the color dropdown.
@JT954 click on buy and then you can see what colors are left. Doesn't commit you to buy when you do that.
@Kidsandliz if it did amazon's lawyer drones would be all over it. :)
@thismyusername Amazon??? LOL
@Kidsandliz yes, they own the concept of buying with 1 click... crazy ehh?
Thanks for the replies. Noticed all but pink was left so I also bought a purple charger.
Spent more at Meh and towards MST3K. Everyone wins!
I received mine today. Does anyone know how to use the flashlight?
@conandlibrarian Double click.
@narfcake Thanks!
@conandlibrarian Curious, did you not receive the instruction paper inside the box?
@cinoclav nope.
My two pinky's also arrived today.
One flashlight turns on.
The other doesn't.
The documentation nor packaging say exactly nothing about what type of batteries are in these either.
Probably crappy old ni-cad batteries.
@beergut You may want to hit up the warranty for replacement for the broken flashlight. Maybe they'll be able to tell you which batteries are in, too?
@beergut I think it was determined earlier in this thread that it likely contains 18650 lithium ion batteries.
Methinks these things are waaaaaaaay too heavy to have li-ion batteries.
I have never purchased something with li-ion batteries that has arrived completely dead.
I charged that one for six hours yesterday and it shows two blue lights.
@beergut Interesting. I was going off of this discussion https://meh.com/forum/topics/12000mah-power-bank#566a67f92190b088055b1bd1
Mine won't be here until Monday.
@beergut Do the math. (6) hours with a 1,000 mAh input = 6,000 ... or about half this pack's capacity.
Given the weight, I won't be surprised if there's (6) 2,000 mAh cells inside.
Received mine today. It won't charge. :(
@Anorion You could try to hit up the warranty for replacement.
@Anorion Seems to be the same with mine! A purple one... I have been charging it for about 8 hours and it is still blinking! No flashlight (double click did nothing!) Oh double clicking real fast got me a flashlight!
I re-read the manual again and it says "DO NOT CHARGE FOR MORE THAN 4 HOURS". Not sure if a USB3 is an issue or not? I just put the thing onto the only USB2 machine I have. Pressing the "battery status button" which should show all 4 LED lights at 100% only show me 1 LED light after 8 hours of USB3 charging!
@Thumperchick I just went to the support page - betting they ask us to pay for a return as it states "a Return Authorization number for your defective merchandise"!
I hate this kind of meh crap especially since it mah-be doa AND the rest of the site over at iWorld is also doa!
@fjp999 if the warranty doesn't take care of you, let the people at meh.com/support know what happened.
@Thumperchick will do. I did just open a ticket with iWorld to see what happens. Will follow up here and if needed with meh. ***btw - it does seem to make a difference with USB3 vs. USB2! After only 2 hours or less on USB2 it seems to be charging. Does NOT seem to be backward compatible with the newer USB3 - I don't know anything about this tech stuff - and seems odd that there is even an USB1 port in this thing... but there ya go.
@fjp999 USB 3.0 only provides 100ma (one hundred milliamps) if the connected items doesn't call itself out as a high power device, in which case the host will then allow up to 900ma.
USB 2.0 allows up to 500ma.
Do you have a regular A/C charger? That'd be the easiest way. Even then, it will take a while. A one amp charger will still take 12 hours to go from zero to full. On USB 3.0, standard power mode ... 5 full days.
@narfcake Thanks for that. (btw, according to the instructions it is suppose to come "partially pre-charged") I wanted to try to drain it then recharge it which I am trying to do now...
I think there is something seriously wrong with this thing. Left it plugged into the USB2 Mac mini and it got to the 2nd LED light. I have another very old Power Bank so I plugged this one into it (I might have a regular A/C charger somewhere - but am somewhat fatigued - sorry) and that old Power Bank got it to the 3rd LED light... but after all these hours never to the forth.
It does seem to be powering up things and right now I am charging my iPad Air2.
The Air2 should drain the thing... then will see what happens trying to recharge it.
iWorld phone number is 212-244-5170.
Advertised delivery 12/21 - 12/23. I have it gift wrapped today, 12/19. Thanks Meh. for getting it here fast.
@Steveoooooo do you live near texas(meh's warehouse is in texas)? if you live closer to either coast, meh packages can take over a week?
@communist I'm just outside Philly and mine were here Saturday too. Pdq!
I used an a/c wall charger and it won't go beyond two solid lights. Tried charging in intervals of four hours charging and one hour rest, since the manual said not to charge more than four hours. Didn't work, so left it on the charger and its been about seven hours and still only two solid. Contacted the warranty service, now it's wait and see...
I have one that works (started with 3 lights) and one that is DOA...charged for awhile and the lights blink but never go solid. Charging on AC adapter that I use for my tablet etc.
@tightwad I would check on the 3 light one too. Mine came this way and did not get to a full charge after being plugged in for awhile. Didn't want to leave plugged in longer than the 4 hours recommended in the manual. I will deplete it some and see if it takes a charge before warrantying it I guess.
@thewynner I am trying that too. Got the 3 LCD solid then put my iPad Air2 (58% charged) on this thing. It charged it to 90% and died.
Ad on box says "UP TO 6 FULL CHARGES...". NOT.
Am trying to charge again and after various types of units am at 3 LCDs solids again.
@fjp999 those are LEDs not LCDs
Mine won't charge past 2 dots. Seems like a repeat of crappy leaking battery fiasco.
I bought two of these intending to give one as a gift. I opened one to try it out. Started at three lights and after depleting it twice it still won't go beyound three lights solid on a wall-wart.
@wlamar Finally got it o go to four lights solid after a couple more four hour sessions on the wall wart. Working with the second one now. This one had two lights solid out of the packaging.
@wlamar Mine had 3 out of the box. Plugged into the car the 4th started blinking.
I told them i charged for 4 hours it would only charge to 2 dots then it died in 20 mins. Meh needs to deal with this I'm not gonna go back and forth with these people.
Thank you for purchasing our product. We apologize for the trouble you are experiencing.
Please try to charge for 6 hours.
Agne Salauskaite
iWorld LLC.
Email: agne@iworldnyc.com
Web: www.iworldnyc.com
Just got off the phone with David (X 206) who was very nice.
David claims that we should basically throw out the instructions!
Only three of the four LCD light go solid. The 4th light will NEVER go solid! ***looking at the photo on the box (as I pointed out to him) - this is what it shows.
This thing needs to be charged more than 4 hours. I guess it should be charged for 6 hours as above Agne said. David said NOT overnight. I told him that however long mine was charging - on and off for four hours and six hour etc it was NEVER getting hot... but that it would NOT charge my iPad Air2 fully from 58%.
David said that I should get 1.5 charges off this thing from an 10% depleted iPad Air2.
He was willing to "exchange" it (I think that was the term he used - whatever that means???) but I said I was willing to further test this unit to see if charging and discharging it would help now that I understood his instructions. He thanked me and said any feedback would be appreciated.
I think he was a bit stunned when I told him that over 5,000 units had been sold in one day!
Anyone else as concerned as me about overcharging this thing and causing a fire? I bought a couple for presents and I'm not exactly feeling overly confident in giving them to people who could accidentally leave them plugged in too long. Kind of wishing they were returnable...
@cinoclav Yep I bought two. Looks like a total loss unless I can get a refund. I don't want another crap power bank to replace the two I have
@cinoclav yeah. This one is looking like a bust. I'll (like many I'm sure) will have to wait until after Christmas before I know for sure if it'll burn my house down or even charge up.
Hmm.. I was banking on the large capacity of this to charge my phone numerous times. (Firefly festival camping for 3 nights).... as far as I can tell, I will be lucky to get one full charge... depression.
Hey all - if you're having an issue with your power bank and aren't finding a good resolution with the warranty holder, please send a message to meh.com/support and let them know what's going on.
Support is made up of humans, working M-F 9-5ish, and they can take 1-2 business days to respond.
Advertised condition: New.
Did anybody else get one that looks like a return? Standard product packaging box, but the outside of the thing looks worn. More scratches than I would expect with it sliding around inside the packaging.
@PocketBrain If it makes you feel better that's kinda feel about my new meh speaker
@PocketBrain hurry blame @TaRDy, I saw that goat messing with your power bank...
@PocketBrain I have the same thoughts. Although not excessive, they certainly don't have that shiny new look one would expect. Couple that with the widely reported charging issues (I put 4 hours in tonight and neither unit moved up a dot--one at two dots, the other at three) and I wonder if this vendor might have sold Meh a load of seconds or even returns as new.
I can get past the light scratches. I likely wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. But the charging issues may be a problem. Taking them to work to charge on my desk all day tomorrow and see if they get somewhere.
@thismyusername and @PocketBrain, I may have hooved around on that one trying to get it to work, still getting used to these things...
Just as a general note, don't ever order this or anything else from meh with standard shipping, not if you hope to see it within about six weeks, or in fact ever. There's a four-day lag between when Meh says it "ships" something and when it actually goes anywhere, after which Fedex takes their sweet time about it, and then hands it off to USPS, which sets about finding new ways to screw up. 11 days since it "shipped" from Texas to Boston and I don't have it yet, and the tracking log is enough to make you cry. The Pony Express did better.
@lbb "standard shipping" is all that is offered. That is the only way the prices will stay so low. If you want cheap shit you gotta deal with slow shipping.
@lbb Said after day 1 of the 3 day published delivery window, and below half a dozen people talking about having already gotten theirs. Except for special deals like the quadcopters, Meh only has regular shipping, and they freely publish expected delivery dates when the item is posted for sale.
In other words:

@djslack not sure what "day 1 of the 3 day published delivery window" you're talking about. The time between when they tell me it shipped and when it actually does? OK, they said it shipped on the 11th, they didn't even send the information until the 12th, it didn't arrive at Fedex until the 14th, ok, maybe that's a 3 day window in dog years, but a solid week later and it's still not here.
@lbb In the first post (the specs) the estimated delivery date is published. For this item the estimated delivery date is 12/21 to 12/23, so today and tomorrow are still on time. Meh isn't responsible for the gyrations that happen along the way, but they're usually pretty decent at estimating how long they'll take.
@djslack fair enough, and thanks for the info. I must remember to read the fine print.
@lbb no problem. Smartpost does some dumb stuff, but that's their own fault. Have a shpadoinkle day and hope your power banks arrive soon and working properly.
@lbb and remember the Post office, UPS, FedEx, DHL Ect are overloaded
@lbb Mine was delivered like 5 business days after ordering.
Maybe I got lucky. At least for a day. Mine arrived. All but one blue light lit when I turned it on. Plug in my cheapo phone, it charges. Plug it into the cigarette lighter (used my own adaptor) and low and behold the last little blue light started to blink. Maybe it will break tomorrow but today it works. So far. After using for maybe 1/2 an hour. The box was only a little dinged up. Maybe someone will send me a winning lottery ticket (no lottery in my state). Maybe the sky will start raining money... Oh wait... this is meh. Not likely.
@Kidsandliz Mine seems fine too, I've used it several times now to charge my phone. while I'm not sure which of these ports is 2A it seems to work fine
@RedHot According to the instructions I got with mine, the top port is the 2A one.
Got mine, all three work well, take about 7-8hrs to charge and make all four lights go solid. It takes a lot longer than 4 hours, which I expected. I was able to charge an iphone 6s three times, which is not as good as my anker 13,000mah, but for $8 disposable powerbank in wonderful pink, meh. not a home run, not a strikeout.
So I brought these to work today since I'm here for 12 hours. Plugged one that already had 3 lights lit into the USB port on the computer. Let it sit there blinking until 1 pm. At that point I plugged it into a higher output USB adapter. It's now 5:33 pm and the fourth light is still blinking away. Not sure if it will ever fully light. On the bright side, it hasn't blown up yet. Doesn't even feel warm like I expected it to.
@cinoclav I've gotten one from two lights to three in about 9 hours of charging. The other one stated with three lights and hasn't moved up. Don't know if I'll hit solid 4 lights before they need to be packed up and go into stockings. They may wind up being pretty meh after all.
@djslack i just checked, the one that started with 3 lights went to all 4. Partial success!
The other pack hit 4 solid lights at midnight or so. I was mostly charging off usb ports on a Quirky Space Bar so idk whether they are .5a or 2.1a ports offhand. Probably .5a since they are functional usb ports.
Disregarding the instructions, I had my purple one plugged in since last night. All 4 lights are solid and I'm using it now to charge my tablet.
Finally got my powerbanks today. Disregarding the instructions. Does anyone know which USB ports are the 2.0 amp ones?
Aside from that, can anyone figure out why the instructions say that it has 2x 2.0 amp USB ports, but if you use both of them, they only charge at 1.0 amp? If that's the case, then you only have one usable 2.0 amp port anyway.
Really, I didn't expect a lot out of these, and having 1x 2.0 amp port is all I really need.
@OutbackJon Top one is the 2 amp port. Middle and lower are 1 amp ports.
Double click to turn the LED on and off.
Please allow 10 hours of charge time. The three lights shows full charge and four light is only charging indicator.
Sorry, as instructions was based 2200 mah.
Agne Salauskaite
iWorld LLC.
Email: agne@iworldnyc.com
Web: www.iworldnyc.com
@chrisi613 Thanks for posting this. Useful information.
@chrisi613 they're still not correct. Four lights is full charge, but it seems like that can take up to 24 hours (at 500ma standard usb current) or 6 hours on a 2.1a tablet charger.
@chrisi613 Yes, very useful info, thanks. Two of the three I have took 8-9 hours on a 2.1 amp charger to get the 4th led lit steady. The other I initially had on a 1 amp charger, and it was still blinking after 9 hours, and needed a few more on a 2.1 amp one to get the 4th led to stay lit. Since "instructions were based on 2200 mah" and these are 12000, a factor of 4 or 5 longer charge time is probably needed. So despite the earlier warnings, overnight charging sounds just about right for these, and that is at 2.1 amp. And as @djslack and others indicate, using a lower amp charger might need a day get to a full charge, or perhaps never even get there. Fortunately, these do not seem to get warm at all even when on a 2.1 amp unit.
Hmm, glad I checked this thread--waiting 10 hours and the fourth light never stopped blinking so I unplugged...way to send totally bogus instructions. Now that these are supposedly charge I'm hoping I can get at least 2 charges on my phone.
Anyone have a issue where you got it to charge all 4 lights one time, recharged it plugged it into a device to charge the device and it turns it's self off after a few seconds?
@Foxborn itll turn off if your device isnt drawing enough power, in my experience. It wont charge my bluetooth headset unless I have a higher amp draw charge hooked to one of the other ports. That said, after using this for awhile I am VERY happy with how it works. I live in my rv and while boondocking with no power hookups i use this to charge my phone overnight and it works extremely well, giving me four or more charges before it needs to be charged.
good info but the dive it was charging when It kept shutting off is the same I tested it with and the first charge was no problem second time the device was lower battery too
@Foxborn yeah, if i plug my phone in three blue lights come on and the phone indicates charging, then after a few seconds it just shuts off.
Ive tested this numerous times and it accepts a 6800mah charge, and outputs around 4400mah before it dies. Nowhere near advertised capacity. also, all three ports will only do 1 amp. not the "one port will do 2 amps for tablets" as advertised. I tried with an ipad, samsung tablet, and lightbulb loadtest, 1 amp is the most any single port would give me.
@car54 worst purchase I've ever made on meh. Asked for a refund and was ignored by support people.
@car54 yeah these things suck. Only 1 amp for me in all three as well. My galaxy note struggles to get power.
@car54 Hmm... bought 3, gave two away as presents without thinking about testing output. Third one won't even charge and I have a support request in to iWorld. If and when they get around to replacing it I'll have to test that one. I feel rather guilty for even gifting the other two. Thanks for the heads up about the output.
@chrisi613 What do you mean "ignored" - did you not get a response to your message?
@Thumperchick I ordered 2 chargers that didn't work. User manual says not to overcharge. Lithium batteries can explode when over charged. IWorld kept telling me to keep charging for longer and longer each email. I told meh support that through numerous emails between iWorld I couldn't get answers as to the safety of the device. What kind of batteries in it. Or just plain how to charge it. every email was a different story on how to charge it. I told meh support I was tired of getting the run around and that if I couldn't get information regarding battery type and proper use I didn't want the product at all. I don't need my house burning down. Meh just repeatedly said that iWorld would replace if I had an issue.
@hollboll ^^
@Thumperchick Above your paygrade...
@cinoclav technically, everything is above my paygrade.
@Thumperchick Exxxxactly
@cinoclav that many x's is definitely above my paygrade.
@car54 Mine seems to keep up with charging my tablet, when even an inferior (1 amp) USB cable cannot charge the same tablet. But my tablet's battery is 9800 mah and from a 10% charge it will only take it to about 80%. Not the best and certainly not 12000 mah! Still, for me it performs better than most other powerbanks and you'll only get about 3400 mah (retail) for the $10 this cost. On the other hand I really bought mine for charging my Cheerson micro-quads when outside, so I won't complain too much.
@chrisi613 These cannot overcharge. They shut themselves off automatically. It has a rather smart charging system that tapers off a little bit, then shuts down entirely when it reaches proper voltage on the cells.
Charge for days, it wont keep charging. It shuts off immediately once the cells are fully charged.
Interesting all around. After lots of waiting and calls to usps, angering my postmaster, meh support emails, etc. I/we/collective involved determined this package was stolen from my home. In a twisted sort of way I hope my unit WAS defective. Serves the Christmas thief (delivered Dec 23) right. Hope they have a terrible time with it!
O but an extra thanks to the meh support team. All around helpful and nice!
Anybody else having issues with the LED staying turned ON 100% of the time with these?
I figured out how to turn the LED off & on on another unit (by double tapping the "power" button) but one of my batteries has the LED on and emitting 100% of the time, with no recognition of the power button being pressed.
@jjohns71 Does a single tap still light the power meter display on the 4 annoying blue LEDs? If it does, then you know the button still works. If the button is suspect, you can try mashing it from different angles, and pressing too hard, etc...
If it isn't the button, I would try charging things until it runs out of power, and hoping it shuts off the light when it shuts off the charger. There is no real off switch on these things, so the only way to try turning them off and on is to discharge them, and recharge. I've had this work on a different type of battery bank that went wonky.
If that doesn't work, the warranty may still be in effect. Failing that, I can paypal you a few dollars for shipping. Send it to me and I can do a tear down on it.
I was going to teardown mine, but I needed all of mine for Christmas presents. (Fortunately, all of those are still working.)
@hamjudo The button does not light up any of the LEDs. I have done a full draw down of power (LED stayed on for about a week) and fully recharged it and the light is STILL on. My guess is it is some bad circuitry or soldering. PM me your address I'll ship it to you if you agree to share the results and post pictures of your tear down!
@hamjudo, cool I'll shoot you an email. Do you have a preference on if I ship it fully charged vs just ship it at its current charged level (with the light still on) where it may by the time it gets to you be fully discharged?
My not so super secret email address is my username @ gmail dot com. Last I knew Meh didn't support PM.
@hamjudo that is great, what do you want us to e-mail you?
@thismyusername oops. I intended to reply to @jjohns71.
I typed it on my phone. The new comment box and the reply box look identical. I probably typed it into the wrong one.
@hamjudo that's ok... I already signed you up for linked in... (j/k).
@thismyusername I am sure you could write a better, far more interesting profile, than the one I wrote.
I have been going back & forth with iWorld for way too long. They agree that the PURPLE power bank I have is defective. Agreed to send out a replacement. It never comes. I call/email them to remind about the promise (keeping meh support updated with the bull iWorld is pulling).
Get an e & voice mail saying it was sent out on Feb 2nd BUT when the USPS "Priority Mail" FLAT RATE - TRACKED - INSURED - arrives it has a printed USPS of Feb 4th.
Why LIE? So stupid!
The voice mail says the USPS only comes once a week. Can that be true?
I had asked for a PURPLE for PURPLE replacement BUT get a RED! wtf.
David x206 said he would test the unit out before sending it, explaining the full charge, and it seems to be working... don't have a lot of use/charge/discharge so struggling to find something to discharge the thing for #2 discharge...
Was promised a small gift (for all my troubles) and get a iWorld branded earbuds w/ mic. Remote control doesn't work on any device I have tried them on...
Don't think it will be a good idea for meh to offer any future product from iWorld, just my opinion...
i bought 3 of these & everyone in my family has told me these suck. i have noticed they suck too. they cant even charge my iphone 6 once…im no expert, but it cant even stay on for very long either…do these all really suck so badly that theyre unusable or are mine faulty? i use it to charge some microusb devices and the blue lights turn off after 30 sec…does that mean the device turned off? i got a 1 red, 1 white, & 1 blue ones for $2 extra per vs the sold out pink one…this is not even meh, its complete trash. the flashlight works tho but that just makes me more mad for some reason.
@vigneshrk i think if your device doesn’t draw enough power the battery turns off, you might want to try using different charging cables to see if that makes a difference
A few of the sophisticated range of power banks include the additional features for example LED display lighting effects, LCD display screens, stickiness to allow your power bank to stay with the smart phone while chatting, integrated hotspot, and so on. These power banks which have such added options are a bit costly than various other typical charger units but they are fantastic to use together with your smartphones and tablets.
@donperinon You may want to checkout my article about best Portable Power Banks
@liamepayne what’s with all the spam lately?