120x Printed Fidget Spinners
120x Standard Fidget Spinners
120x Dead LED Fidget Spinners
Here’s a Fun Fact for You
In-house hipster intern, Salinger, claims he “had a fidget spinner a few years back–before they became popular.” When asked what he now does to cut down on fidgeting, Salinger responded with a surprisingly modest and almost normal answer, “I like to practice mindful meditation in the morning, and I’ve cut down on chewing coffee beans.”
I’ve done fidget spinners for Halloween for TWO years in a row now and you’re double-daring me to make it three, aren’t you? I like my house toilet-paper free though so what else is coming down the Meh pipeline?
@OutbackJon@rileyper I don’t know. The only fidget spinner that really got any use from me was this tiny little metal one slightly bigger than an aspirin. Basically because you could keep it in your pocket without noticing it was there. Now waiting on a Mezmocoin to take over that space.
@jml326 I know what you mean. I lived on main street of a small town Halloween of 2017 (so I guess the first fidget spinner year), just a block down from the “haunted house”. That house (large, impressive, run down Victorian) had been on that weird TV show highlighting “haunted” houses, except when I paid to tour that house with friends from work (one kid helping as tour guide said the made about $30,000 a year doing that around Halloween when someone asked them) I noticed they needed to learn how to use photoshop better and not use “ghost detectors” set off by cell phones in use, not reply on boards that when you step on them something at the other end moves, etc. LOL.
Anyway, they had the outside of the house dressed up spectacularly. As a result our block got a lot of kids although since I was in a town house near the back of the parking lot I wasn’t getting much action. Then a kid ran into the street screaming “this house has fidget spinners!!!.”. I got every kid going down the street after that. I was (stupidly unless left over candy is the goal) giving a choice of fidget spinners or candy - only two picked candy. Now I live in an apt building in an area that is commercial so no trick or treaters so buying these is a moot point.
@craigthom seconding this. If someone is buying these, the non LED ones feel much nicer, and the batteries on the light up ones are a year older. Nearly all of the light up ones I purchased last year didn’t work or were very dim. I would suggest getting the non-LED spinners only
@craigthom@jmoor783 What they said!! I got the 50 set two years ago and had to swap around light up units to get many to have all three light up. I then had a bunch of dead ones so I handed them out, after the light up ones were gone, without the LED units in them. Some of those kids knew i had handed out light up ones and expressed disappointment. I gave them three dead LED units and likely made their parents hate me by telling them if they bought batteries these would light up again.
And that’s what I love about Meh. Every so often they put something up for sale that is a light speed fast NO so I can go on to other things without using up my limited decision-making brain cells.
I bought these last year. No trick-or-treaters came to my house and a single seven-year-old can only use so many … I’ve used them as gift toppers (instead of bows) and prizes at work and I still have dozens and dozens of fidget spinners left. I find them everywhere around the house and I still have an unopened bin.
@megania donate to an organization that can use them as hand outs, or teachers as “good behavior” prizes…if that’s still a thing.
What doesn’t get handed out at Halloween, goes into my “event” box for the GSD Rescue I work with. Now the parents not only hate me for having cute puppies their kids beg them for, they also have a fidget spinner the aggravate them.
Hadn’t used my VMP in awhile so I felt the need. Keeping them in the car and giving one or two to every homeless idiot at every red light I see. They will still be hungry and homeless but entertained!
We got these last year. Most of the light up ones were duds. We had to take them apart and recombine the parts and ended up with about 1/3 that lit up.
This year, I think we will hand out knives. It’ll make the evening news more lively.
At this point, I think they should pay us to take these spinners off their hands. I have spent about five minutes and can not think of any use for them.
@ponagathos Oh come on, a little imagination and you might have a piece of interactive art sitting in the MoMA in which you have a wall of fidget spinners arranged so that if you (are able to) spin one, they all will spin as if it were some postmodern clockwork mechanism.
@ponagathos I bought one a few years back, played with it occasionally but not very much. Then recently I noticed I kept spinning the air conditioner remote around while I read stuff online. I didn’t want to break it (I’m sure at some point I’d have knocked it off the table into the floor) so I tried using the fidget spinner instead. It’s perfect. I just spin it around, starting and stopping it instead of doing it to the AC remote. I’m really glad I have one now.
If you’re not the type to fiddle with stuff on the desk when reading or working, you won’t have any use for them.
@ParadisePete I should have mentioned that I already have a ton of them laying around. These from when they were previously offered plus a bunch of nicer ones.
@haydesigner we passed them out too last year, with candy. I was kinda hoping that by now there would be a new totally useless small cheap doodad that was all the rage, so I could hand that out this year. But I guess the time from pet rocks to fidget spinners was a while, so I shouldn’t hold my breathe.
@mtb002 OK, have to ask. Canada ones? Are they filled with maple syrup? Canadian bacon in the ends? Have “eh” written on them? Only spin correctly while watching hockey?
Someone mentioned in the comments on yesterday’s deal how they haven’t bought from Meh.com since they stocked fidget spinners. All right after Meh changed the deal’s price due to the complaining. Interesting streak.
@vvanhee If they are like the ones from 2 years ago they can be replaced. They are those button ones. I don’t have any left to open to tell you but maybe someone else knows. I think on one old thread someone said they bought them for the batteries as it was cheaper this way. Batteries, I think were the same as or similar to the car remote batteries. Not positive but I am pretty sure on one of those threads someone said what they were (too lazy to go look).
@vvanhee as I recall, there were two “models” of LED spinners. They looked the same on the outside, but had different guts inside.
The two models used different button cell batteries.
One used common batteries and folks pondered that version would be a handy way to get batteries cheap.
The other version used a more rare battery that was both less likely to be in your existing fridge battery collection and less likely to be on demand for repurposing.
The odd-ball battery model versions were also far more likely to be DoA.
@vvanhee just looked back - can’t speak for this batch, but the first batches from Meh used CR2025s (the good ones)… and the crappy ones used the impossibly odd-ball CR1220 batteries.
@vvanhee Last time I bought these LED spinners and ordered these: https://www.ebay.com/itm/153227774886
I can’t say as to which “model” of LED spinners I had, but these worked in mine. (Looks like they’re cheaper now than when I got them.) Don’t know whether these will be the ones for the current spinners, but the packaging looks the same. I’d wait until I actually had the spinners to check the actual battery, before ordering these. Mine were fairly easy to replace, took about 2 minutes each (6 for all 3 in the spinner)
So, cost me about $3 to rejuvenate 4 spinners (with replacing 3 batteries in each – but you could just replace 1 or 2 if you wanted, but of course lights will give off a different patter when spun, if not all LEDs working).
@Bumplepimp@freidkin Pinworms can make good pets if their training is started at a young age. It’s those people who own them as a status symbol for their reputation for fighting that has ruined the breed. Then the poor pinworms get in trouble and they get a horrible reputation of to the point the po-po’s are shooting them. smh.
@stevomania If you ever find a site getting rid of their tape backups, look for DLT and SDLT tape cartridges. Except for some of the cheap imitations, they have a very nice bearing inside that is the right size to use on wood router bits (1/4" inside, I believe).
Use them as weights when I go fishing. The action really get the fish excited for a moment. They too have had it with the spinners and all together they turn around sounding off with a bubbly Meh!
Neighbors gave them out last year. I live 4 doors down and the next morning there were 38 thrown in the yards up and down between our houses. Then a week later another neighbor “found” one in his (TOO TALL) front lawn grass…with the lawnmower. The propeller threw it and broke the front picture window, both panes of glass! Two Lessons learned in our neighborhood from this experience:
Just what I want to be thrown back through my window on Halloween. Might as well give out apples.
I’ll stick with full-size candy bars to keep us on the neighborhood hoods…err I mean children’s “good” list.
Last year when Meh was selling these I asked my kids if they thought they could move them for $1 each, or .50, just to make a little money since they were so cheap to buy. They said no. When it’s over it’s over.
I bought a zillion of these last time and gave them out to my officemates — whether they wanted one or not. Every new employee got one too. It was funny and great and awesome exceeeepttttt:
The quality control is low enough that we had to open up a fidget spinner repair shop. We got new batteries and graphite lube for the (really shitty) bearings and were able to return most of them to service.
Just received the non-LED ones. Seven year old kid immediately pounced on the delivery and claimed a chunk for himself away from the future trick or treaters. Solid, heavy spinners. Imma go with a win here.
Just received mine today. Handing them out for Halloween with the candy. Will report back. Probably dropping one on every desk in the office as well since we get about 30 kids for Halloween and we have 90 extras!
Agree with @imzadi22 …good weight to them. At 20 cents each, a definite win.
@chienfou@raccoon81 We just don’t get that many trick-or-treaters. This year the little kids got excited because they didn’t know what they were. The older kids got excited because they haven’t seen them in such a long time. (I accidentally gave one with a Canadian logo to a very tiny Captain America but he didn’t seem to mind.)
I gave out fidget spinners for the first time this year! Made my kid sat and tested all the light up ones for me! The little kids wanted the spinners more than candy!!
Last week, my kid hid a bunch around her campus with notes of encouragement.
What’s in the Box?
120x Printed Fidget Spinners
120x Standard Fidget Spinners
120x Dead LED Fidget Spinners
Here’s a Fun Fact for You
In-house hipster intern, Salinger, claims he “had a fidget spinner a few years back–before they became popular.” When asked what he now does to cut down on fidgeting, Salinger responded with a surprisingly modest and almost normal answer, “I like to practice mindful meditation in the morning, and I’ve cut down on chewing coffee beans.”
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Monday, July 20th
Like a boomerang, the spinners return!
@Zeusandhera yeah this basically confirms we’re going to get candy corn again too
Maybe if you threw in some candy corn…
@MrJazz Fidget spinners are the new candy corn.
and a knife.
@MrJazz that will come in AFTER Oct 31,l
@hems79 @MrJazz
/giphy And my axe!

Heh, I just ordered this. I’m going to go into work after hours and put one on every single workstation of my floor and the floor above me.
Because of reasons.
@guybrush01 Just put one every day on the same person’s desk for 120 days.
@guybrush01 Better put one on your desk to so you aren’t the primary suspect. Also wear a mask if there are security camera.
@guybrush01 This is what I did.
Beware, some of them aren’t great, and you’ll get conned into fidget spinner repair.
Surprisingly, these are repairable.
@guybrush01 @Konraden A random person every three days for a year.
I’ve done fidget spinners for Halloween for TWO years in a row now and you’re double-daring me to make it three, aren’t you? I like my house toilet-paper free though so what else is coming down the Meh pipeline?
@a13z “toilet-paper free…” seems unhealthy. Make sure you wash your hands VERY well after.
@Kyser_Soze it’s ok, Meh has me covered with my Biobidet A3
@a13z Same. We’re now known as “the fidget spinner house”. We’re doing it again this year.
@a13z Have you heard of the 3 seashell method?
@mbersiam no. Do I want to know…?
@a13z https://gfycat.com/excitableacidicbluejay
How do you still have so many of these things? I still have a ton from the last time…and somehow I’m still tempted to buy more!
Hey look disappointing halloween candy… can we get candy corn tomorrow too?
@rileyper The only thing more disappointing than these fidget spinners would be if they were “fun size”.
@OutbackJon @rileyper I don’t know. The only fidget spinner that really got any use from me was this tiny little metal one slightly bigger than an aspirin. Basically because you could keep it in your pocket without noticing it was there. Now waiting on a Mezmocoin to take over that space.
Well at least they’re upfront about the dead LEDs this time.
@kuoh they were last year too…
@wifeduck Not the ones from last October.
@kuoh Dang it! Here’s something for you that my husband can’t get…you were right.
Can’t do these again. Last year I was mauled for them walking around trick or treating
@jml326 I know what you mean. I lived on main street of a small town Halloween of 2017 (so I guess the first fidget spinner year), just a block down from the “haunted house”. That house (large, impressive, run down Victorian) had been on that weird TV show highlighting “haunted” houses, except when I paid to tour that house with friends from work (one kid helping as tour guide said the made about $30,000 a year doing that around Halloween when someone asked them) I noticed they needed to learn how to use photoshop better and not use “ghost detectors” set off by cell phones in use, not reply on boards that when you step on them something at the other end moves, etc. LOL.
Anyway, they had the outside of the house dressed up spectacularly. As a result our block got a lot of kids although since I was in a town house near the back of the parking lot I wasn’t getting much action. Then a kid ran into the street screaming “this house has fidget spinners!!!.”. I got every kid going down the street after that. I was (stupidly unless left over candy is the goal) giving a choice of fidget spinners or candy - only two picked candy. Now I live in an apt building in an area that is commercial so no trick or treaters so buying these is a moot point.
Oh this could be a good “teal pumpkin” item for trick or treaters!!
I’ll bet the ones with LEDs have mostly dead batteries. Since they did last year, or whatever year that was.
@craigthom seconding this. If someone is buying these, the non LED ones feel much nicer, and the batteries on the light up ones are a year older. Nearly all of the light up ones I purchased last year didn’t work or were very dim. I would suggest getting the non-LED spinners only
@craigthom @jmoor783 What they said!! I got the 50 set two years ago and had to swap around light up units to get many to have all three light up. I then had a bunch of dead ones so I handed them out, after the light up ones were gone, without the LED units in them. Some of those kids knew i had handed out light up ones and expressed disappointment. I gave them three dead LED units and likely made their parents hate me by telling them if they bought batteries these would light up again.
That guy who’s all died from yesterday doesn’t need batteries he can just get a whole new batch!
I immediately thought itchy butt when I saw this deal.
/buy --type “Standard” --coupon “WHATAMELON”
@lichme It worked! Your order number is: tangible-foolish-wave
/image tangible foolish wave

@lichme Where’d you get a coupon code for Meh??
@PooltoyWolf Watermelon carving contest from their birthday
@lichme Oh! Neat o3o
And that’s what I love about Meh. Every so often they put something up for sale that is a light speed fast NO so I can go on to other things without using up my limited decision-making brain cells.
There’s no price comparison, so I did the math for you: $216. What savings! What merriment to be had!
Methodology: picked first Amazon result which was a 5-pack for $9. now I will get fidget spinner ads forever
@Fej thank you for your sacrifice.
Amazon Browsing History -> Remove. I can’t guarantee that you won’t see targeted ads in the future, but it should eliminate a lot of it.
I bought these last year. No trick-or-treaters came to my house and a single seven-year-old can only use so many … I’ve used them as gift toppers (instead of bows) and prizes at work and I still have dozens and dozens of fidget spinners left. I find them everywhere around the house and I still have an unopened bin.
@megania Is that usual no tricker treaters coming to your house?
@megania No trick or treaters? How do you do that? What’s your secret!? The rest of us would like to know…
@megania donate to an organization that can use them as hand outs, or teachers as “good behavior” prizes…if that’s still a thing.
What doesn’t get handed out at Halloween, goes into my “event” box for the GSD Rescue I work with. Now the parents not only hate me for having cute puppies their kids beg them for, they also have a fidget spinner the aggravate them.
I max’d out on the last batch last Halloween. A handful lit up for a couple months, then ZERO lit up in 2019 - not a single one. M E H. BLETCH
@cheppy poke out the light out units and you can hand them out as non-light up ones. The kids will never know.
I’m not a Zoomer so I have no interest in these
Is this Meh’s way of saying, sit and spin?
Do you think the bearings could be removed and repurposed to fabricate gerbil scooters?
@RedOak Easily, actually — but be prepared with some dry graphite lubricant for the bearings. The quality control leaves something to be desired.
I mean, you get what you pay for, right?
I’m surprised you still have them
I got my hundo twenty ordered! If I laid them all out they’d be sitting out like:
Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner
/eightball difficult-glib-glue
It is certain

/giphy difficult-glib-glue
Hadn’t used my VMP in awhile so I felt the need. Keeping them in the car and giving one or two to every homeless idiot at every red light I see. They will still be hungry and homeless but entertained!
@mydrivec just because they are homeless doesn’t mean they are idiots. Geez dude, have some compassion.
@aperfecttool72 @mydrivec maybe he was specifically referring to homeless people who are idiots.
@aperfecttool72 @kennn01 @mydrivec oh well then carry on
We got these last year. Most of the light up ones were duds. We had to take them apart and recombine the parts and ended up with about 1/3 that lit up.
This year, I think we will hand out knives. It’ll make the evening news more lively.
@caribou Hand out the dead ones this year without the LED units in them. The kids will never know.
@caribou @Kidsandliz Day of the Dead and all, they’d be appropriate.
At this point, I think they should pay us to take these spinners off their hands. I have spent about five minutes and can not think of any use for them.
@ponagathos You see, these are so good that they even work remotely, keeping you occupied for at least five minutes.
@ponagathos Oh come on, a little imagination and you might have a piece of interactive art sitting in the MoMA in which you have a wall of fidget spinners arranged so that if you (are able to) spin one, they all will spin as if it were some postmodern clockwork mechanism.
@ponagathos I bought one a few years back, played with it occasionally but not very much. Then recently I noticed I kept spinning the air conditioner remote around while I read stuff online. I didn’t want to break it (I’m sure at some point I’d have knocked it off the table into the floor) so I tried using the fidget spinner instead. It’s perfect. I just spin it around, starting and stopping it instead of doing it to the AC remote. I’m really glad I have one now.
If you’re not the type to fiddle with stuff on the desk when reading or working, you won’t have any use for them.
@ponagathos I think we’re still waiting on a certain gameboard to be built with surplus spinners…
@ciabelle @ponagathos This is an idea that my inner artist likes! Thanks!
@ParadisePete I should have mentioned that I already have a ton of them laying around. These from when they were previously offered plus a bunch of nicer ones.
@ponagathos fidget spinners hold their value like gold
@Asparagus So, a hundred years from now, after inflation, they will be worth what Meh is charging for them today?
I’ve been waiting for these, 3rd year in a row… kids in my 'hood absolutely love getting them!
/giphy outrageous-carbonated-leopard

@haydesigner we passed them out too last year, with candy. I was kinda hoping that by now there would be a new totally useless small cheap doodad that was all the rage, so I could hand that out this year. But I guess the time from pet rocks to fidget spinners was a while, so I shouldn’t hold my breathe.
Oh good, just in time, we were running low on these at the clinic. For some reason, the canada ones have not been popular.
@mtb002 OK, have to ask. Canada ones? Are they filled with maple syrup? Canadian bacon in the ends? Have “eh” written on them? Only spin correctly while watching hockey?
They are white with a red maple leaf, it looks like the Canadian.
What do you bet the next trend Meh will be behind on is Tide Pods.
Oh, what the hell…I’m in for 120 more of the (probably dead) LED ones again. Trick-or-treaters loved them last year!
/image crass-whiny-arsenic

Someone mentioned in the comments on yesterday’s deal how they haven’t bought from Meh.com since they stocked fidget spinners. All right after Meh changed the deal’s price due to the complaining. Interesting streak.
Can the batteries be replaced? What kind of batteries do they take?
@vvanhee If they are like the ones from 2 years ago they can be replaced. They are those button ones. I don’t have any left to open to tell you but maybe someone else knows. I think on one old thread someone said they bought them for the batteries as it was cheaper this way. Batteries, I think were the same as or similar to the car remote batteries. Not positive but I am pretty sure on one of those threads someone said what they were (too lazy to go look).
@vvanhee Sure, just use the trackr batteries…wait…uh. Yeah, better go buy some.
@Kidsandliz @vvanhee a ways back, someone [probably older, like me] promoted them as a way to score hearing aid batteries at discount…
/giphy huh?

@vvanhee as I recall, there were two “models” of LED spinners. They looked the same on the outside, but had different guts inside.
The two models used different button cell batteries.
One used common batteries and folks pondered that version would be a handy way to get batteries cheap.
The other version used a more rare battery that was both less likely to be in your existing fridge battery collection and less likely to be on demand for repurposing.
The odd-ball battery model versions were also far more likely to be DoA.
@RedOak thanks I ordered some. I just got a crap ton of CR2032 batteries on AliExpress that I ordered probably in the spring… Hopefully they work
@vvanhee just looked back - can’t speak for this batch, but the first batches from Meh used CR2025s (the good ones)… and the crappy ones used the impossibly odd-ball CR1220 batteries.
@vvanhee Last time I bought these LED spinners and ordered these:
I can’t say as to which “model” of LED spinners I had, but these worked in mine. (Looks like they’re cheaper now than when I got them.) Don’t know whether these will be the ones for the current spinners, but the packaging looks the same. I’d wait until I actually had the spinners to check the actual battery, before ordering these. Mine were fairly easy to replace, took about 2 minutes each (6 for all 3 in the spinner)
So, cost me about $3 to rejuvenate 4 spinners (with replacing 3 batteries in each – but you could just replace 1 or 2 if you wanted, but of course lights will give off a different patter when spun, if not all LEDs working).
Well, I’d still rather have these spinners then pinworm…
@Bumplepimp Let’s not be hasty… are they wish granting pinworms?
@Bumplepimp @freidkin Pinworms can make good pets if their training is started at a young age. It’s those people who own them as a status symbol for their reputation for fighting that has ruined the breed. Then the poor pinworms get in trouble and they get a horrible reputation of to the point the po-po’s are shooting them. smh.
Just wanted the bearings for 3D printer projects… Plus wife is teacher - cheap “reward bin” prizes… Win Win for me.
@stevomania We didn’t need no reward bin in our school. Just not getting beaten with a ruler was enough.
@stevomania If you ever find a site getting rid of their tape backups, look for DLT and SDLT tape cartridges. Except for some of the cheap imitations, they have a very nice bearing inside that is the right size to use on wood router bits (1/4" inside, I believe).
@duodec @stevomania
Cool thought but I stopped using 1/4 inch shaft router bits a long time ago since they tend to chatter a lot more than 1/2 shaft bits.
Use them as weights when I go fishing. The action really get the fish excited for a moment. They too have had it with the spinners and all together they turn around sounding off with a bubbly Meh!
@CosmicTwister bet they would like a few pinworms though…
/giphy pocket fisherman

Does Canada even Halloween?
@RedHot Not exactly. The Canadian fidget spinner is to Halloween as the Jewish dreidel is to Christmas.
Neighbors gave them out last year. I live 4 doors down and the next morning there were 38 thrown in the yards up and down between our houses. Then a week later another neighbor “found” one in his (TOO TALL) front lawn grass…with the lawnmower. The propeller threw it and broke the front picture window, both panes of glass! Two Lessons learned in our neighborhood from this experience:
@not2bforgotten Lesson:
3. Don’t hand out a LED spinner unless the LED’s are working.
Just what I want to be thrown back through my window on Halloween. Might as well give out apples.
I’ll stick with full-size candy bars to keep us on the neighborhood hoods…err I mean children’s “good” list.
/giphy dead-fish

Well the kids in the neighborhood should be happy… the husband… not so much.

/giphy gray-cantankerous-worm
@Vrysen cool giphy
Where’s the damn candy corn?
@caffeineguy Likely it will come post thanksgiving in brick form.
Still got a butt ton from last year.
@goldnectar ahem, that is not a sanctioned use for spinners.
Almost afraid to do this giphy but we’re going to hand these out with candy this year. We’ll see what happens.
/giphy winding pudgy hole

@duodec Hope this wasn’t filmed in an “adult” bookstore bathroom…
The first time I gave these out for Halloween they were a huge hit. Last time, not so much. I still have a few left.
Last year when Meh was selling these I asked my kids if they thought they could move them for $1 each, or .50, just to make a little money since they were so cheap to buy. They said no. When it’s over it’s over.
But the kids don’t truly learn innovative sales techniques when the product sells itself! Get them out there! Sell, Sell, Sell!
@robin0575 its not over till we say it’s over!
was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
/buy --type “Dead LED”
@dave It worked! Your order number is: motley-assorted-judge
/image motley assorted judge

/giphy motley assorted judge

@dave evidence you didn’t cancel the order within 60 minutes?
I bought a zillion of these last time and gave them out to my officemates — whether they wanted one or not. Every new employee got one too. It was funny and great and awesome exceeeepttttt:
The quality control is low enough that we had to open up a fidget spinner repair shop. We got new batteries and graphite lube for the (really shitty) bearings and were able to return most of them to service.
Anyway, buy these and become an office monster.
I’ll leave it up to Lauri to deal with these:
I resisted this time
Huge Halloween hit last year and we will see how things go a second time.
Just received the non-LED ones. Seven year old kid immediately pounced on the delivery and claimed a chunk for himself away from the future trick or treaters. Solid, heavy spinners. Imma go with a win here.
Just received mine today. Handing them out for Halloween with the candy. Will report back. Probably dropping one on every desk in the office as well since we get about 30 kids for Halloween and we have 90 extras!
Agree with @imzadi22 …good weight to them. At 20 cents each, a definite win.
All of the Canadian ones I received…
This is my 3rd year giving out fidget spinners for Halloween.
@chienfou @mdiaz Still have about half a package left. Try to keep some for any allergy kids.
@chienfou @raccoon81 We just don’t get that many trick-or-treaters. This year the little kids got excited because they didn’t know what they were. The older kids got excited because they haven’t seen them in such a long time. (I accidentally gave one with a Canadian logo to a very tiny Captain America but he didn’t seem to mind.)
@chienfou @mdiaz @raccoon81 I didn’t give them out for Halloween, but I did find another stash of them last week. Are they breeding?
@blaineg @chienfou @mdiaz @raccoon81 Well they might be breeding but I think trackers are breeding faster.
I gave out fidget spinners for the first time this year! Made my kid sat and tested all the light up ones for me! The little kids wanted the spinners more than candy!!
Last week, my kid hid a bunch around her campus with notes of encouragement.
Still have fidget spinners!