@yakkoTDI- Yeah, i luv my soup, so i’m a proud souper person. I like Ramen noodle soup because, like Buba’s Shrimp, it goes with eeeverything!! Well, almost every thing, so, i’m in!!
@omally I almost said, as a joke, “Rick Ross flavored soup promoted by Lem’n Peppa Chicken? I’d pay money to try that!”
Then I realized your point: that’s exactly what they’re offering.
I didn’t want someone here to challenge me on it; I’d have to put my money where my mouth is.
@xobzoo if you squint, it kind of looks like a 25 or 35 in that Price is Right wheel font. If you really squint, it looks like Bob Barker spaying a cat. On a related note, Drew Carey seems like a hostage of the Price is Right.
@warpedrotors@xobzoo … somebody snuck in a ‘0’ after the 8 in the contract for years… he didn’t check it twice before signing. I hear Tim Meadows did the same for a 2-year on SNL.
@AaronLeeJohnson Ollie’s had tons of them before Christmas, 75¢ a piece. Tried I think two flavors and was not really a fan, myself. It wasn’t bad, just not good enough to get again in my book.
@AaronLeeJohnson Always thought Mr. Beast was rather vapid and boring, but after what he did to those GSMR diesel locomotives, I’ll never support the guy or any of his ventures.
@AaronLeeJohnson@PooltoyWolf I thought “the train dropped into the pit was actually CGI” was part of the uproar against MrBeast recently … though I didn’t/don’t remember all the details. (and “recently” might be 6-12 months ago…I can’t remember anything anymore)
But my (extremely quick) research found Reddit pointing out a different video I’d never seen, where he apparently used GSMR 711 to push 777 through a brick wall.
(Watching the “Train vs pit” again, it’s painted differently, but I’m not skilled [or patient] enough to determine if the same 711. It looks like it to me.)
Where was I? Oh, MrBeast. I don’t much like the guy. He’s all for show, and not the kind of show I like to watch…
I’ve long felt that every video of his is 80% clickbait and 110% yelling throughout the entire thing. I don’t like the sound of yelling. I don’t like clickbait. I don’t like MrBeast.
I felt rather vindicated when I started seeing the controversy videos popping up last year. I watched a few, then decided/realized that I would be better off just letting go and completely ignoring him.
@AaronLeeJohnson@xobzoo The brick wall video (and a few others AFAIK) were precursors to the giant pit. The engines were repainted at least twice, but he only acquired the two, 711 and 777. (711 was the better off unit) Yes I know both engines were sold as little more than scrap, but one unit (711) was at a bare minimum operating under its own power and I am sure there were museums, possibly even nearby ones, who’d have jumped at the chance to have some spare parts for their own Geeps or a nice static display to attract visitors. Destruction of historically notable equipment for clicks and views is reprehensible, and that is a hill I will very happily die on.
@bugger@shirlema@xobzoo Though a flavor collaboration from Martha Steward and Snoop Dog would definitely be interesting. (hint: when you get the “herb packet” you don’t actually put it in the soup, you roll up part of the package to well, roll, a, you know…)
@blaineg@mediocrebot@yakkoTDI Hmm well his fingers have a few issues. Hopefully AI will stay bad enough at some of this stuff we will be able to tell apart fake from real.
Wow, boy did I miss read this one. Thought it was Ramen you eat on the toilet. That would be a quick way to save time. Or maybe just dump them straight in to save the “middle man.”
@kenrose to borrow from old PC game Jones in the Fast Lane [which played like board game LIFE™], this little gem pops up when you visit their McD homage, Monolith Burgers and try to order a hamburger:
You can save 45 minutes by flushing that right now.
@yakkoTDI Some of them are so hot that I can barely eat them. I suppose I could throw away the spice packet, or most of it. But that goes against my frugal nature. Someday I’ll finish them!
Product: 12-Pack: Rap Snacks Rick Ross Lemon Pepper Chicken Ramen
Model: 2632
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$35.98 (for 12) at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Feb 24 - Tuesday, Feb 25
Yeah man! It’s Ramen!!
Soupy soup for the souper people!!
@yakkoTDI- Yeah, i luv my soup, so i’m a proud souper person. I like Ramen noodle soup because, like Buba’s Shrimp, it goes with eeeverything!!
Well, almost every thing, so, i’m in!! 
What a weird combination of things.
@PooltoyWolf actually my Cambodian daughter likes this combination. It’s very consistent with some Asian food.
please be advised that Lemon Pepper Chicken is actually the name of the rapper, and that this ramen is Rick Ross flavored.
@omally I almost said, as a joke, “Rick Ross flavored soup promoted by Lem’n Peppa Chicken? I’d pay money to try that!”
Then I realized your point: that’s exactly what they’re offering.
I didn’t want someone here to challenge me on it; I’d have to put my money where my mouth is.
@omally @xobzoo- Don’t worry, ya didn’t use your mouth to make your comment!
/showme a rapper named lemon pepper chicken
Why does that diamond necklace remind me of The Price is Right? Maybe I need more sleep.
@xobzoo if you squint, it kind of looks like a 25 or 35 in that Price is Right wheel font. If you really squint, it looks like Bob Barker spaying a cat. On a related note, Drew Carey seems like a hostage of the Price is Right.
@warpedrotors @xobzoo … somebody snuck in a ‘0’ after the 8 in the contract for years… he didn’t check it twice before signing. I hear Tim Meadows did the same for a 2-year on SNL.
Mr Beast food items or GTFO
@dpease will stick with GTFO
@dpease I have a GTFO allergy.
holding out for wu-tangy beef ramen.
@zippyus How about Wu-Tangy Clam?
@zippyus how would you make that? Are you the Chef? What’s the RZA-pe? What’s the Method, man?
@tweezak @zippyus Wu-Tang Clam Chowder. New England style, of course, with lots of CREAM.
Feastables when?
@AaronLeeJohnson Ollie’s had tons of them before Christmas, 75¢ a piece. Tried I think two flavors and was not really a fan, myself. It wasn’t bad, just not good enough to get again in my book.
@AaronLeeJohnson @djslack those ones at Ollies were the original formula. The new formula is sooo much better.
@AaronLeeJohnson Always thought Mr. Beast was rather vapid and boring, but after what he did to those GSMR diesel locomotives, I’ll never support the guy or any of his ventures.
@AaronLeeJohnson @PooltoyWolf I thought “the train dropped into the pit was actually CGI” was part of the uproar against MrBeast recently … though I didn’t/don’t remember all the details. (and “recently” might be 6-12 months ago…I can’t remember anything anymore)
But my (extremely quick) research found Reddit pointing out a different video I’d never seen, where he apparently used GSMR 711 to push 777 through a brick wall.
(Watching the “Train vs pit” again, it’s painted differently, but I’m not skilled [or patient] enough to determine if the same 711. It looks like it to me.)
Where was I? Oh, MrBeast. I don’t much like the guy. He’s all for show, and not the kind of show I like to watch…
I’ve long felt that every video of his is 80% clickbait and 110% yelling throughout the entire thing. I don’t like the sound of yelling. I don’t like clickbait. I don’t like MrBeast.
I felt rather vindicated when I started seeing the controversy videos popping up last year. I watched a few, then decided/realized that I would be better off just letting go and completely ignoring him.
@AaronLeeJohnson @xobzoo The brick wall video (and a few others AFAIK) were precursors to the giant pit. The engines were repainted at least twice, but he only acquired the two, 711 and 777. (711 was the better off unit) Yes I know both engines were sold as little more than scrap, but one unit (711) was at a bare minimum operating under its own power and I am sure there were museums, possibly even nearby ones, who’d have jumped at the chance to have some spare parts for their own Geeps or a nice static display to attract visitors. Destruction of historically notable equipment for clicks and views is reprehensible, and that is a hill I will very happily die on.
Why does this exist? Like who thought this would be a good idea? I’d love to hear the pitch meeting on this

@shirlema Step one: Smoke 2lbs of bubba cush. Step two: Fucking anything will sound like a great idea. Meeting adjourned.
@bugger @shirlema Sounds like we’re due for a Pitch Meeting video!
@bugger @shirlema @xobzoo Though a flavor collaboration from Martha Steward and Snoop Dog would definitely be interesting. (hint: when you get the “herb packet” you don’t actually put it in the soup, you roll up part of the package to well, roll, a, you know…)
Are you sure this isn’t salt flavor? Because with 1400mg of sodium per cup, I cannot imagine what else I would taste.
@Zott It should come with a stick of lip balm because your lips will swell, shrink then peal in 1.4 hours.
@bugger @Zott
With the much salt, it’ll be good through about 2029.
@Zott only 60% of what you are supposed to have in am entire day in one cup. Maybe these could double as de icer for my sidewalk.
@jchizmar maybe I should have two at once and knock out that sodium allowance in on shot.
@bugger @stolicat @Zott- it will also be a good reason to take my (very) High Blood Pressure meds!!
Video review of Rick’s ramen…
@OnionSoup I was actually just wondering how Rick Ross Ramen would differ from Rickrolled Ramen.
/showme Rick rolled Ramen
@heartny @OnionSoup Buying this will automatically rick roll you.

/giphy Rick roll
@heartny @iggy71 yes, the confirmation email is:
Track your package here
@heartny @OnionSoup Sorry, I don’t click blind links.

/giphy no way
@heartny @iggy71 no one did more for IT security than Rick Astley
@heartny @iggy71 @OnionSoup it’s a youtube
@heartny @iggy71 @OnionSoup Hi Rick, long time no see.
reply with your guess for the number of days until meh has the rick ross sweet chili lemon pepper flavored potato chips that go with this.
first place prize: a cup of ramen.
second place prize: two cups.
How about Bob Ross Ramen with happy little noodles and MSG.
@tweezak It’s “Extra Happy MSG” FYI
@bugger @tweezak
/showme uncle roger fuiyoh!
/showme Ross Perot Ramen
@mediocrebot big fail. That doesn’t even remotely look like Ross Perot.
@Kidsandliz @mediocrebot Even worse, look at that CHOPSTICK!!! O! M! G!
@Kidsandliz @mediocrebot @yakkoTDI We’re not commenting on AI fingers anymore?
@blaineg @mediocrebot @yakkoTDI Hmm well his fingers have a few issues. Hopefully AI will stay bad enough at some of this stuff we will be able to tell apart fake from real.
@OnionSoup AI should know to make Ross eat his ramen with this:
As a child, all I could focus on was that pointer he used during his presentation.
I also thought Bob Ross Lemon Chicken when I saw this
@st_ellis I am probably going to buy the ramen that uses that as its mascot
Yeesh - the audience in that last picture looks truly terrifying.
@uvassassin It worked! Your order number is: slender-poised-chess
/showme slender poised chess
If you bought a $40 January 2025 IRK, use one of your $5 coupons to get this baby for $4.
/showme one and a half grams of sodium
@mediocrebot that’s also how I measure out my MSG
The P. Diddy noodles are good for 25-30 years.
Is this good ramen? I scrolled through everything and it seems everyone is just taking a piss. My ramen reserves are low.
@phelmurh Not until it expires.
First of all…Who?? Rick Ross was the name of the janitor back in high school. The only rappers that I know are The Fat Boys. uhuhuhuhuhu!
Wow, boy did I miss read this one. Thought it was Ramen you eat on the toilet. That would be a quick way to save time. Or maybe just dump them straight in to save the “middle man.”
@kenrose to borrow from old PC game Jones in the Fast Lane [which played like board game LIFE™], this little gem pops up when you visit their McD homage, Monolith Burgers and try to order a hamburger:
You can save 45 minutes by flushing that right now.
I’m still wondering why the writeup talked about Subway but didn’t make an “end of the line” joke.
I’m holding out for Rob Zombie Ramen. Meh, please work this.
/showme moving-measured-marble
@mediocrebot whoa. biblically accurate marble.
“Best by March 22nd, 2025”.
@scottkuhl That’s plenty of time. It is a best by date and not an expiration date.
@yakkoTDI with the salt this ramen will be no less edible in the year 3000.
/showme short-good-weaver
My current ramen supply is starting to overtake my pantry. I’ll have to wait until the next time it comes around.
@IAMIS It’s only a 12-pack! Not a 24- or 36-pack. I did this for YOU!
@IAMIS Why are you not eating them?
@troy These might actually go faster. But I seriously need to make some room.
@yakkoTDI Some of them are so hot that I can barely eat them. I suppose I could throw away the spice packet, or most of it. But that goes against my frugal nature. Someday I’ll finish them!
@IAMIS I saved some of the hotter spice packets to be used in other meals where they wouldn’t be so concentrated.
@yakkoTDI That’s a good idea. I think the packet for one could spice a huge pot of chili.
“Rap snacks are crap snacks”
@kdemo This guy likes 'em (see feedback at 3 minutes 45sec)
I. Would not bring any Raman cups to a party. True.
every once in a while something comes along that is too stupid not to buy
You never ask:
That was an interesting read - I bet you’re spot-on with your analysis. It may also depend on the cultural tastes in the region, as some have noted.
/showme ambivalent-lethal-bell
36g of carbs? I’d be better off eating chocolate.
@blaineg you’re always better off eating chocolate.
Mehrathon starts in 3 minutes
The broth carries
of the lemon pepper flavor. Yet I’m not disappointed by this item. I light have to try other rap snacks now.
/giphy rap snacks