Name: 12-Pack Fresh n Clean Sanitizer 8oz Bottles (96oz)
Model: PB075
Condition: New
Fresh n Clean Hand Sanitizer kills 99.9% of germs and is enriched with Aloe and Vitamin E so you can rest assured that your hands will remain clean and safe
Say no to sticky residue and hello to soft and smooth hands!
Size: 8 fl. oz. each one
Place enough product in your palm to thoroughly cover your hands
Rub hands together briskly until dry
Children under 6 years of age should be supervised when using this product
Active Ingredient: Ethyl alcohol 62%
Note actual product packaging may vary (some have pumps, some may not)
What’s in the Box?
12-Pack Fresh n Clean Sanitizer 8oz Bottles (96oz)
I bought these from MorningSave for more money and only a 6-pack. Our family in Puerto Rico cannot buy sanitizer anywhere. Unfortunately I couldn’t have MorningSave deliver directly there so I had it shipped to my house and then the post office re-sent it again to PR.
Hand sanitizer required special handling when going to PR both because it’s liquid and because it’s flammable. Cannot go by air so had to disclose the contents during shipping and they put a special sticker on the box banning it from any air travel.
Although it cost a fortune to resend (cannot remember exactly how much) it was worth it to give them something since they are having trouble finding it at any store and at any price.
@sammydog01 amazon brand is (was?) 12 for 64oz and germ-x I purchased for 16 a gallon (4x32oz) yes they are bulk but I’d assume there’s lots of empty bottles aground with a “shortage”
@sammydog01 Last weekend the stores were flush with the stuff. This past weekend all the shelves were stripped bare again. At least toilet paper is regularly in stock now except Costco is still out of the TP that fits our holders.
@bigmeh@cfg83 You’re correct about the ethyl vs isopropyl. It took me a few purchases to realize there was a difference! (You’re also correct about higher percentages being less effective! Just sayin’")
Right, but the fidget spinners were super-cheap. This hand sanitizer is not. People still want it, but it’s available for less.
Meh typically sells overstocked merchandise at low prices if demand is average and at bargain-basement prices if demand is low. This is an averageish-demand product at a high price.
It’s as though Meh veered from its lane when an irresistible bulk deal opportunity arose two or three months ago, but the shipment got delayed and just arrived at the Texas warehouse.
Is it April Fools day? No? Then clearly Meh has been taken over by space aliens who watch TV. Please, bring back our Meh, who sales expired Christmas treats in the new year and loads of candy corn, miniature drones, and backup batteries. We miss them.
Most corporate companies are resorting to local manufacturers which are making runny alcohol sanitizer not gel. If i didn’t already have some gel I would get this. Well actually the above $6 deal.
@flehm@Woody1 I buy the isopropyl alcohol on Amazon, verify it with a hydrometer, and mix my own sanitizer. I would not trust amazon or meh for anything medical or health related that can’t be verified.
Does it pass the smell test? I have a gallon of some amz stuff that smells terrible and it doesn’t wash off easy. No way am I making the same mistake more than once.
What I say is, a bottle of name brand sanitizer use to cost a max of $1.99 per 8 oz, so 12 x $2 = $24 which less rhan $29 & a lot less than Amazon’s ridiculous fn price & can be bought on eBay, or Online @ Walmart all day long in wipes, bottles & spray! The active ingedients in these bottles is fn ethyl alchohol!! Everybody wants to get rich offa da COVID-19 virus buying sanitizers, wipes & fn toilet paper & reselling it to desperate people. Not to me, I can make my own, or just purchase it at very fn reasonable prices!!
@carl669, I know, I just like to say fn [ as in f-ing] & most of the time use ‘fn’ to fill out the end of a line, or use the fuckin letters ‘fkn’, or ‘fukn’, if you know what I fucking. mean.
@decoratedwarvet You ought to try bleach around here. Most places basically $12/gallon. Walmart is about $7/gallon. Where I volunteer (no kill animal shelter) even the bottle of bleach tablets that you put in a gallon of water is about 10x what is had cost prior to covid (although price per gallon made is far less than the “premade” bleach)
@carl669@InnocuousFarmer, not sure what ur post meant, but i fn have no laptop, nor use my lap for keyboard props! If you dislike my answer, you might try to tell me what to say! It won’t work, but you may not have anything else to do if your locked away at home due to this fn virus crap!! LOL!! If u were just being sarcastic, well,… what do you think of mine! Semper Fi
@carl669@rpstrong, to answer your A2A, the Answer is’ Fuck, No! The Fuck Meter’s on the blink, a fn tRumpturd thought it was a fuckn Voting Machine & disabled it, ergo me & the Fuck Meter now fn have something in common!!
@carl669@InnocuousFarmer, nope, not drunk & haven’t had any hard liquor in over a month. Just remember, you started this nice freakn exchange with a ‘Psst’ & my lack of using the fuck word!! I was just trading sarcasm for sarcasm, of which I love, but when I use a few fuckn sarcastic remarks on a platform like Quora, well,…I geta reprimand & a rebuke, so I have to take my toys & find another sandbox!!
The thing I was talking about, laptops these days all have these Fn keys in the corner. Stands for “Fuckin”. Where F3 normally is used for finding the next item of text in a search, Fuckin F3 might raise the screen brightness, or lower the volume or something.
@carl669@InnocuousFarmer, well, that’s just great & Jim Dandy, but I really can’t imagine [even if I were John Lennon] how I could have decifered That out of what you actually did say!! Ergo, I must respectfully cry out, “What The Fuck Choo Talkin Bout, Willis?” BTW, I Will take it all with a grain of salt & hope you do the same & F3, Yes, i have no computer; i have no computer today!!
@carl669@InnocuousFarmer, to be fairer, I quit knowing who I was talkiin to after your initial reply, so we’re all good as a nice shot of fn liquor which I wished I had before I cut my lawn!! Not because it’s hard riding my fn Cub Cadet, but because it takes about 2.5 - 3 hrs to get her done!! But, at least, I got some Beer!!
@carl669@InnocuousFarmer, Wheeew!! I’m through & it only took about 3 hrs!! I only drank 1 brewski because I didn’t have but 4! Now, I have 3, but 2 won’t make it through the night!!
@curtisl42, there’s that good reason, plus, you can make it yourself in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom etc. You can fn Google, or check out WikiHow to find a receipe & even sell it with a fuckn ‘Made In A Bathroom Sink’ on the label!! JSYK!!
@mick 80 proof won’t cut it, that’s 40% alc. you need the bare minimum of 60%, but ideally 75% to be the most effective. 70% sanitizer is the bare minimum as we’re talking covid here. The 62% in this product is barely cutting it. Most hand sanitizers in the stores are 70-75%, some are only 62%, so read the label first. You would need 151 proof Everclear or vodka for 75%, or 190 proof at 80%, and that’s expensive and hard to find, illegal in many areas. 80% is the highest concentration that is effective, needs some water to activate. See my comment below on making your own with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
@danexton i was just kinda of joking…
I don’t use that jelly slimy stuff anyways…
I honestly don’t need to put anything on my hands to make them more dry than they already are.
Be aware, this states only 62% ethyl alcohol (also known as ethanol and drinking alcohol), which is at the lower threshold of recommended effectiveness of 60% by the CDC and WHO. They recommend at least 70% which many other brands are, and ideally 75% for the covid19 virus, which I see some new brands state now. Also needs more than 10% water for it to work, so concentrations of 90% ethyl or isopropyl alc. and over are not as effective either. Don’t want too much of other ingredients such as aloe, etc. Some use isopropyl alchohol aka isopropanaol aka rubbing alcohol which is also effective at the same concentrations, but they say ethyl alc. has a bit of an edge on effectiveness. You can make your own, recipes at the CDC web site, but will have to use isopropyl alc. as ethyl is tightly regulated, and will have to get 99% iso. alc. from chemical supply stores, or 91% iso. alc. from the likes of CVS or Walmart and dilute to 75% with distilled water, and 3% of the mix should be the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution from the same stores that will kill spores that will get into household mixes from the air. Alc. won’t kill spores. But go by the CDC’s recipe, I’m just giving general info.
@danexton And frankly, being made in China, I’m not even sure I trust that to be true. When it comes to hand sanitizer and other PPE at the moment, I’m sticking strictly to trusted, reputable sources.
Before COVID-19, an 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer was $1 at the Dollar Tree store (where everything is $1 - but they had it!!). So even at this price, better than most at the moment, I still feel like there’s some crisis price gouging going on.
i bought two 8-oz bottles at dollar tree three months ago and they’re still half full, one for the car and one for the front door; btw I also have a sink and soap
This hand sanitizer is another item that mercatalyst/meh sells/has sold that Menards also sells/has sold. One other item being the COB stick-on lights/puck lights. Interesting.
Edit: And like the lights, Menards is again cheaper. $6-$8 cheaper at Menards for 12x of this hand sanitizer.
@GLaDOS I had a similar observation with the Poo-Pourri and something else that escapes my memory at the moment. The buyers must be on the same mailing lists.
@duodec@Outer78 I expect that cutoff is quite conservative. They had to pick a number and they made it a nice round one. You’re probably fine even at lower concentrations. (I used to work in ingredient quality at a chemical plant.)
@sammydog01 I saw a video of a 4th grade teacher’s very clever experiment with her students involving dirty hands (and other dirty things) then same things after hand sanitizer and same things after soap. They looked at what then grew on bread. While hand sanitizer cut it back the growth of junk on the breaad only the soap and water resulted in almost “clean” bread.
Delivered. Meh-ssy too. I’m grateful Meh packaged them in a plastic bag inside the box for shipping, 3 bottles popped open during shipment and shared their contents with all the others.
@blaineg it might need something like a wick to get started, like try wetting a cloth with it and lighting it. Careful though, in some cases it might burn without a visible flame, so you think it’s not working and touch it and get sticky gelled burning sanitizer on yourself(think napalm)
@blaineg I once burned hand sanitizer for … reasons and it burned much easier when spread thinly over a surface. Just make sure the surface isn’t flammable.
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$105.96 at Amazon for Similar 12 Pack
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Watch how fast these go
@PooltoyWolf is it still hard to get hand sanitizer? Around here (PA) it’s everywhere and stores can’t give it away.
@jsh139 I think it depends highly on area. Our state (FL) is most likely about to see another resurgence in its sale.
@PooltoyWolf that makes sense. Stay safe.
I bought these from MorningSave for more money and only a 6-pack. Our family in Puerto Rico cannot buy sanitizer anywhere. Unfortunately I couldn’t have MorningSave deliver directly there so I had it shipped to my house and then the post office re-sent it again to PR.
Hand sanitizer required special handling when going to PR both because it’s liquid and because it’s flammable. Cannot go by air so had to disclose the contents during shipping and they put a special sticker on the box banning it from any air travel.
Although it cost a fortune to resend (cannot remember exactly how much) it was worth it to give them something since they are having trouble finding it at any store and at any price.
@cengland0 wow, sounds like a lot of hoops to jump thru. Glad you were able to get them some, though!
I’m sorta surprised that Bacardi didn’t ramp up to produce Hand Sanitizer locally…
@jsh139 Same to you!
Meh. Kinda missed the boat on this one.
Ohhhh they’ll be delivered right when the vaccine is ready!
Can I drink these? Asking for a friend, haha.
@ShotgunX People do. I saw it on Dr. Phil.
@ShotgunX well, they are liquid, so sure
@ShotgunX you can, are you wanting to win the Darwin awards?

@ShotgunX 2 people just died and one other is permanently blind from drinking hand sanitizer in New Mexico. Probably a bad idea.
@btwonder @ShotgunX That’s from methanol. Don’t drink methanol.
They have hand sanitizer in pretty much every store now. The price is right though if you need a lot.
@sammydog01 here too. They are even selling gallon sizes at the grocery store now.
@sammydog01 amazon brand is (was?) 12 for 64oz and germ-x I purchased for 16 a gallon (4x32oz) yes they are bulk but I’d assume there’s lots of empty bottles aground with a “shortage”
@sammydog01 Last weekend the stores were flush with the stuff. This past weekend all the shelves were stripped bare again. At least toilet paper is regularly in stock now except Costco is still out of the TP that fits our holders.
@duodec Yikes. I better check my stock.
No silly picture?!?! I read through the last picture just to see if there was a hidden gem and didn’t find one.
@Bigbearballs I was just about to say the same thing! Super disappointed.
@Bigbearballs Oh, it’s there. You have to look close to see where it says “Made in China.”
@Bigbearballs me too!!
@Bigbearballs @tweezak Wait. What?
If you have bottles you can refill, this may interest you instead.

@cinoclav I believe that’s the one I had to use today. It was definitely the equate brand. Super sticky residue left over.
@cinoclav Thanks, I grabbed one. And some stuff I didn’t really need, to get the free shipping.
70% alcohol is best but these are ok at 62%. If you don’t think so give them to friends you don’t like.
@bigmeh I believe 70% is appropriate for isopropanol and 62% for ethanol.
@bigmeh @tartanknickers 70% for isopropanol and 60% for ethyl alcohol are the MINIMUM recommended by the CDC.
@bigmeh it’ll still catch fire, so if you’re concerned about adequate disinfection, that’s an alternative
62% ethyl alcohol. It needs to be 70%, right?!?!? Oh well, just add a little Everclear.
@cfg83 I think cdc says 60% ethyl or 70% isopropyl. Dont go much higher or actually is LESS effective
@cfg83 seems like the higher proof just taste worse. These might be tolerable at least.
@bigmeh @cfg83 You’re correct about the ethyl vs isopropyl. It took me a few purchases to realize there was a difference! (You’re also correct about higher percentages being less effective! Just sayin’")
@benj @bigmeh Ok, learned something new that might Save MY LIFE! Thanks Meh-ians.
@bigmeh @cfg83 Sure doesn’t say that greater than the minimum recommended percentages are LESS effective on the CDC website.
@bbf @bigmeh @cfg83 they are though. They dry too fast. The alcohol doesn’t have time to penetrate the ‘bugs’.
@bigmeh @cfg83 Isopropyl alcohol has a higher molecular weight than ethanol. So it weighs more.
@bbf @cfg83 Here are a couple of links:
This reminds me of when meh had fidget spinners. Kind of a day late and a dollar short here, guys.
@petefm815 You know what kind of site this is, right? You don’t get bulk deals for resale on products that are currently in demand, or hard to find.
@GeckoD @petefm815
Right, but the fidget spinners were super-cheap. This hand sanitizer is not. People still want it, but it’s available for less.
Meh typically sells overstocked merchandise at low prices if demand is average and at bargain-basement prices if demand is low. This is an averageish-demand product at a high price.
It’s as though Meh veered from its lane when an irresistible bulk deal opportunity arose two or three months ago, but the shipment got delayed and just arrived at the Texas warehouse.
@GeckoD @petefm815 @Rowsdower
Must have been dropped shipped by Pitney Bowes as part of their ‘service’
Is it April Fools day? No? Then clearly Meh has been taken over by space aliens who watch TV. Please, bring back our Meh, who sales expired Christmas treats in the new year and loads of candy corn, miniature drones, and backup batteries. We miss them.
@hchavers I want an atmos receiver and atmos speakers… Refurb would be fine even.
this stuff makes really shitty margaritas- literally.
(it’s the glycerin)
Sometimes I say “Sand Hanitizer” without realizing it.
@awk And sometimes say that intentionally, though usually just to myself
@awk So does my 4 year old daughter, but it’s probably cuter when she does it
@awk Mom does this all the time
@awk That’s why you’re not supposed to drink it.
Most corporate companies are resorting to local manufacturers which are making runny alcohol sanitizer not gel. If i didn’t already have some gel I would get this. Well actually the above $6 deal.
At least it’s not on the recent “Do Not Buy, It’ll Kill You” list the FDA put out a week ago: FDA advises consumers not to use hand sanitizer products manufactured by Eskbiochem
@PHRoG Did you see their defense? “We didn’t submit it to the FDA for testing, and we’re gonna punish the people that did.”
@blaineg @PHRoG Came here to ask if these discount hand sanitizers definitely weren’t the methanol kind. Glad to see three other people already did.
Gotta love the FDA’s powers. “Don’t sell mislabeled poison, or else… we shall be very cross.”
You can buy 48 2-ounce bottles for $26 shipped from Amazon right now. And that’s still overpriced.
@Woody1 I’ve had everything from bootleg socks to bootleg PlayStations controllers from amazon. There no way I’m trusting anything health related.
@flehm @Woody1
Fake computer memory!
Fake CPUs!
@flehm @narfcake @Woody1 Fake or relabeled MicroSD cards are rampant right now and have been for a while. I buy mine directly from SanDisk
@flehm @Woody1 I buy the isopropyl alcohol on Amazon, verify it with a hydrometer, and mix my own sanitizer. I would not trust amazon or meh for anything medical or health related that can’t be verified.
Mehght as well.
/giphy fanciful-animated-show

Will these sanitizer my soul?
@MrMikenIkes You need the gallon size for that.
@MrMikenIkes Yes, but you have to take it out to do it, and it’s really hard to get back in.
@macromeh @MrMikenIkes Hmm I though you used a coffin as transportable “bathtub” to do it in. Guess I was wrong.
Does it pass the smell test? I have a gallon of some amz stuff that smells terrible
and it doesn’t wash off easy. No way am I making the same mistake more than once.
What I say is, a bottle of name brand sanitizer use to cost a max of $1.99 per 8 oz, so 12 x $2 = $24 which less rhan $29 & a lot less than Amazon’s ridiculous fn price & can be bought on eBay, or Online @ Walmart all day long in wipes, bottles & spray! The active ingedients in these bottles is fn ethyl alchohol!! Everybody wants to get rich offa da COVID-19 virus buying sanitizers, wipes & fn toilet paper & reselling it to desperate people. Not to me, I can make my own, or just purchase it at very fn reasonable prices!!
@decoratedwarvet psst… it’s ok to say ‘fuck’ here. I say it all the time.
see? just did it right there.
@carl669, I know, I just like to say fn [ as in f-ing] & most of the time use ‘fn’ to fill out the end of a line, or use the fuckin letters ‘fkn’, or ‘fukn’, if you know what I fucking. mean.
@carl669 @decoratedwarvet Taking inspiration from laptop keyboards?
@carl669 @decoratedwarvet Is the fuck-meter running? If so, “fuck fuck fuck”. If not, nothing.
@decoratedwarvet You ought to try bleach around here. Most places basically $12/gallon. Walmart is about $7/gallon. Where I volunteer (no kill animal shelter) even the bottle of bleach tablets that you put in a gallon of water is about 10x what is had cost prior to covid (although price per gallon made is far less than the “premade” bleach)
@carl669 @InnocuousFarmer, not sure what ur post meant, but i fn have no laptop, nor use my lap for keyboard props! If you dislike my answer, you might try to tell me what to say! It won’t work, but you may not have anything else to do if your locked away at home due to this fn virus
crap!! LOL!! If u were just being sarcastic, well,… what do you think of mine! Semper Fi
@carl669 @rpstrong, to answer your A2A, the Answer is’ Fuck, No! The Fuck Meter’s on the blink, a fn tRumpturd thought it was a fuckn Voting Machine & disabled it, ergo me & the Fuck Meter now fn have something in common!!
@Kidsandliz, Bunker Boy, Cheeto, bought the bleach all up to make a vaccine!! JSYK!!
@carl669 @decoratedwarvet You seem kinda drunk, but me too, so I’m upvoting all your replies.
@carl669 @InnocuousFarmer, nope, not drunk & haven’t had any hard liquor in over a month. Just remember, you started this nice freakn exchange with a ‘Psst’ & my lack of using the fuck word!! I was just trading sarcasm for sarcasm, of which I love, but when I use a few fuckn sarcastic remarks on a platform like Quora, well,…I geta reprimand & a rebuke, so I have to take my toys & find another sandbox!!
@carl669 @decoratedwarvet In that case, carl started it.
The thing I was talking about, laptops these days all have these Fn keys in the corner. Stands for “Fuckin”. Where F3 normally is used for finding the next item of text in a search, Fuckin F3 might raise the screen brightness, or lower the volume or something.
@carl669 @InnocuousFarmer, well, that’s just great & Jim Dandy, but I really can’t imagine [even if I were John Lennon] how I could have decifered That out of what you actually did say!! Ergo, I must respectfully cry out, “What The Fuck Choo Talkin Bout, Willis?” BTW, I Will take it all with a grain of salt & hope you do the same & F3,
Yes, i have no computer; i have no computer today!!
@decoratedwarvet @InnocuousFarmer to be fair, i was the one that said the initial ‘psst’. but then i got distracted and made an old fashioned.
@carl669 @InnocuousFarmer, to be fairer, I quit knowing who I was talkiin to after your initial reply, so we’re all good as a nice shot of fn liquor which I wished I had before I cut my lawn!! Not because it’s hard riding my fn Cub Cadet, but because it takes about 2.5 - 3 hrs to get her done!! But, at least, I got some Beer!!
@decoratedwarvet @InnocuousFarmer 2.5-3 hours? that’s at least a 6-pack of beer.
@carl669 @InnocuousFarmer, Wheeew!! I’m through & it only took about 3 hrs!! I only drank 1 brewski because I didn’t have but 4! Now, I have 3, but 2 won’t make it through the night!!
Hand sanitizers are returning to online sellers! Proof the Earth is healing!!
@jst1ofknd I still say face masks will be forming into floating islands in the oceans very soon.
Compared to gallon size these are little, but 8oz is a decent size bottle. Not pocket or purse size.
I was ready to buy it until I saw the “made in China” on the label.
@curtisl42 amen
@curtisl42 That’s the comedy in the last pic, I think
@curtisl42, there’s that good reason, plus, you can make it yourself in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom etc. You can fn Google, or check out WikiHow to find a receipe & even sell it with a fuckn ‘Made In A Bathroom Sink’ on the label!! JSYK!!
@curtisl42 What’s wrong with it being made in China?
@curtisl42 WARNING… In China methanol is often substituted for ethanol so you cannot trust the label.
@cmwalkerart @curtisl42, if you have to axe, well,…they have few manufacturing regulations & no OSHA which we sometmes regret having!!
@cmwalkerart @curtisl42 methanol, ethanol, melanine, what does it matter to them if its for export to us?
you can get a 1/2 gallon of cheap 80 proof vodka, like 10 - 12 bucks… put a squirt top thingy on it. voilà! lol
@mick 80 proof won’t cut it, that’s 40% alc. you need the bare minimum of 60%, but ideally 75% to be the most effective. 70% sanitizer is the bare minimum as we’re talking covid here. The 62% in this product is barely cutting it. Most hand sanitizers in the stores are 70-75%, some are only 62%, so read the label first. You would need 151 proof Everclear or vodka for 75%, or 190 proof at 80%, and that’s expensive and hard to find, illegal in many areas. 80% is the highest concentration that is effective, needs some water to activate. See my comment below on making your own with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
@danexton @mick Yeah. Even the Dollar Tree sanitizer is 70% (Last I checked anyway) And that would be $12 for 12 10oz…
@danexton @mick
difference in what you need depending on the type of alcohol
this is fine
@danexton i was just kinda of joking…
I don’t use that jelly slimy stuff anyways…
I honestly don’t need to put anything on my hands to make them more dry than they already are.
62% isn’t 70% like on every bottle in my house, Purell, even Kroger and bulk bottles on our ambulances.
Hard pass
@craigcush Purell’s active ingredient is isopropyl alcohol. These are ethyl alcohol. CDC says 60% ethyl or 70% isopropyl.
One year ago people would balk at that price.
@FightingMongoos I’m just doing it now - I’m always behind the times in following fads.
@FightingMongoos, I balk & bitch about it NOW!!
Be aware, this states only 62% ethyl alcohol (also known as ethanol and drinking alcohol), which is at the lower threshold of recommended effectiveness of 60% by the CDC and WHO. They recommend at least 70% which many other brands are, and ideally 75% for the covid19 virus, which I see some new brands state now. Also needs more than 10% water for it to work, so concentrations of 90% ethyl or isopropyl alc. and over are not as effective either. Don’t want too much of other ingredients such as aloe, etc. Some use isopropyl alchohol aka isopropanaol aka rubbing alcohol which is also effective at the same concentrations, but they say ethyl alc. has a bit of an edge on effectiveness. You can make your own, recipes at the CDC web site, but will have to use isopropyl alc. as ethyl is tightly regulated, and will have to get 99% iso. alc. from chemical supply stores, or 91% iso. alc. from the likes of CVS or Walmart and dilute to 75% with distilled water, and 3% of the mix should be the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution from the same stores that will kill spores that will get into household mixes from the air. Alc. won’t kill spores. But go by the CDC’s recipe, I’m just giving general info.
@danexton And frankly, being made in China, I’m not even sure I trust that to be true. When it comes to hand sanitizer and other PPE at the moment, I’m sticking strictly to trusted, reputable sources.
I hope these don’t end up on a recall list because of having methanol.
/giphy glassy-dejected-quarter

@FrostByte darn government trying to take my pina colada flavoured hand sanitizer away from me.
Out! Out! Damn spot.
Not Coronaphobic.
If they package them like they do nail polish, they’ll be busted open and leaking everywhere
Before COVID-19, an 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer was $1 at the Dollar Tree store (where everything is $1 - but they had it!!). So even at this price, better than most at the moment, I still feel like there’s some crisis price gouging going on.
i bought two 8-oz bottles at dollar tree three months ago and they’re still half full, one for the car and one for the front door; btw I also have a sink and soap
This hand sanitizer is another item that mercatalyst/meh sells/has sold that Menards also sells/has sold. One other item being the COB stick-on lights/puck lights. Interesting.

Edit: And like the lights, Menards is again cheaper. $6-$8 cheaper at Menards for 12x of this hand sanitizer.
@GLaDOS I had a similar observation with the Poo-Pourri and something else that escapes my memory at the moment. The buyers must be on the same mailing lists.
idk - I picked up a 12 pack of 8oz Germ-X brand from Amazon in May for $27. Hard to call this no name brand a deal at a higher price.
@Outer78 But it is also only 62% so at the low end of acceptable…
@duodec @Outer78 I expect that cutoff is quite conservative. They had to pick a number and they made it a nice round one. You’re probably fine even at lower concentrations. (I used to work in ingredient quality at a chemical plant.)
@duodec low end but still above the 60% recommended.
Just a reminder that soap and water work better than hand sanitizer, especially on Covid, if they’re available.
@sammydog01 I saw a video of a 4th grade teacher’s very clever experiment with her students involving dirty hands (and other dirty things) then same things after hand sanitizer and same things after soap. They looked at what then grew on bread. While hand sanitizer cut it back the growth of junk on the breaad only the soap and water resulted in almost “clean” bread.
Assume the only people who need 12 bottles of this are Trump supporters who plan to drink it. Bottoms up.
@Felton10 maybe…
you are not as loving and tolerant of a person as you think you are…
@mick Well then I am just like Orange Toilet Turd am I not?
Says delivered. I have nothing. This is the 2nd package I have a problem with. Last one was a necklace.
Delivered. Meh-ssy too. I’m grateful Meh packaged them in a plastic bag inside the box for shipping, 3 bottles popped open during shipment and shared their contents with all the others.
Mine showed up just fine. I thought I’d try a little science experiment to test for methanol, but I couldn’t get the stuff to ignite.
Is hand sanitizer supposed to burn? Or did I buy a 12-pack of water?
Normal vodka (40%) won’t burn. 151 proof rum (75%) will.
So I don’t know if it’s supposed to burn, but certainly a 60% concentrate won’t burn as easily as the pure stuff in the video you link.
@blaineg it might need something like a wick to get started, like try wetting a cloth with it and lighting it. Careful though, in some cases it might burn without a visible flame, so you think it’s not working and touch it and get sticky gelled burning sanitizer on yourself(think napalm)
@blaineg I once burned hand sanitizer for … reasons and it burned much easier when spread thinly over a surface. Just make sure the surface isn’t flammable.
Got mine ok. 12 bottles in a padded pack. Luckily none opened. Smells a bit like tequila. No residue.