I’m still feeling the better safe than sorry thing. AND to be perfectly honest, even though i’ve never been one to like costumes I have been finding I like the security of “hiding” behind my blue mask. Just what I needed, more issues!
@pmarin Ditto! I got a box of KN95 masks but the ear loops are too short and/or not elastic enough. They pinch my ears and soon become too painful to wear.
If anyone can vouch for the ear loop size, it would be appreciated.
@pmarin, if ya have a big head & face then nottin will fit that mug, so just curse God & die!! I’m just kidding, Brother,… .I’m on my 5th glass of my old Lady’s wine & she says dat to me from time to time!
I just got 100 masks for under $5 from Amazon. Granted, they’re not individually wrapped and they’re not the KN95 5 layer ones. But then again, I don’t mind the random cat hair and they’ve kept me and my family covid free this far.
I better have not just jinxed myself!
@Lynnerizer Thank you! I’ll check them out.
Sorry about asking for a “little” link—I have a new tablet on my end that’s been modifying my text at times and I’m not sure why. I have to tweak my settings even more I guess.
@caldwell1 I do. I have a friend that has lung damage and is immunocompromised. Any respiratory disease might kill him.
My vaccination ensures that I am very unlikely to get seriously sick from COVID, but it only reduces my chances of becoming a carrier by a factor of 20.
Polite people don’t play Russian roulette with their friends, even if the revolver has 20 cylinders.
FWIW you can use your HSA or FSA account on these. Also the IRS says it can retro back to February 2020 if you bought anywhere else back to then and want to be reimbursed.
I like the fact that they are individually wrapped so you can keep a few in your glove box, console or map pockets without getting random crap spilled on them.
As long as there are idiots around, there will be airborne infectious diseases that a mask could prevent, or at least reduce the risk of contracting.
I still have plenty, but I very well may be ordering more. I’m sorry, people, but we will be wearing masks for awhile. At least smart people. These masks are so much better than everything except for N95’s which are hard to find and need to be properly fitted. And should be reserved for Medical Staff and first responders. This is an Airborne Disease. Wearing them around chin is a waste of time unless of course you have a Trach. Then I suggest, lowering even more to your neck. . Yes, I am a Nurse. RN. Hate to admit I am an anti Vaxxer. It just seems like vaccine was rushed and only time will tell the side effects. To each his own. I wear a mask EVERYWHERE. It doesn’t mean I like it, but I feel like it’s the smart move. Be sure to adjust the nose piece so it’s not gaping. Use Sanitizer, wash your hands and socially distance. This whole thing totally SUCKS, but it may become our new Normal. For a time, then become Endemic. God Help Us…
@Mandamm The one thing the vaccine has had that other clinical trials haven’t is zillions of people who wanted in now. One of the thing that slows down clinical trials is that usually it takes ages to get enough people. Ages as in sometimes more than a year or two. In this case they had that in months. That part isn’t “rushed”, rather the “order was filled way sooner so we saved time”. That enough people signed up quickly didn’t change how they ran the trial one they had people in it, the time it took to do what they were going to do, etc. It just meant it doing it because they weren’t waiting for more people to sign up wasn’t spread out over time. That is the only way it was “done quickly”. Didn’t affect the science side of it. It would have been done far less quickly if people signed up slowly over time.
@Mandamm Hopefully if it become endemic it finally mutates to become less dangerous. As somehow the people version of it is now found in deer (they are checking as people hunt and kill them; didn’t used to be in deer) - that would be the vast majority of deer they have checked - here and in other countries - we now have a reservoir for the virus (well besides the mink - of which 17M of them were slaughtered in some European country because of that about a year ago). There is no evidence so far that the deer have spread that back to humans. Fortunately. On the other hand if deer can serve as a vector to mutate it into something no worse than the common cold that would be good.
There’s an outfit in Ft Worth that was formed in early 2020 for the purpose of manufacturing a certified N95 disposable mask domestically, and their first model was damned good; I have some. They are now working on getting a medical version into production, and if it’s as good as their first effort, I’ll be grabbing some. I have been loving the lack of cases of con crud that I have experienced since resuming my presence selling stuff at conventions, and Spring of 2021 was the first time that I didn’t spend the majority of the first half of the year with my allergies in full alert.
Deer might also be the reservoir from which the next deadly-to-us variant emerges, too. There is nothing to guarantee that something benign in one species will be the same for all. As long as a pool exists, the risk of a deadly-killer version remains present. Evolution may eventually favor the emergence of a dominant strain that doesn’t try to kill us, but that could take many millennia; over the short term, any variant that is virulent and robust can emerge, have broad effect, and fade, including those with a target mortality of more than 50%. Whether it kills the host eventually is less critical to immediate success than whether it becomes communicable before it becomes disabling.
United States Mask (dot com). They are currently out of stock on their original design; getting the next version approved is taking some time. They have a mailing list for those who want updates.
Not to each their own if they affect OTHERS. If your decision only affected you and no one else then I would agree. Do what you want.
But your choice affects everyone you come in contact with - INCLUDING when at work a ton of people with compromised immune systems who have much higher odds of getting sick and dying. In my mind that is both unethical and irresponsible.
I have a compromised immune system due to a blood cancer and my response to the vaccine was not the best and waned faster than the “general public”. The booster finally gave me a better response but who knows how much longer that will last (I am part of a clinical trial that is looking at that). As a result any time I come in contact with you or people like you, unless you are wearing a properly fitted N-95 and wearing it like you are supposed to, it’s not damp, too old, etc., you/them are putting me at potential risk. This would be risk I otherwise would not be put at were you/them vaccinated.
If I get sick with covid and am hospitalized I have a 51% chance of dying because I have a cancer of my B cells, the very cells that fight viruses. Your actions (and those like you) DO affect me. As a result your refusal to believe science isn’t just an “each to their own” situation. You are being completely irresponsible. I hope your medical system makes a vaccine required rule so people like you don’t endanger their co-workers and patients.
@Mandamm@TheStas If it doesn’t work to protect most people who are vaccinated from breakthrough cases (and it’s protection against covid is better then the flu shots against flu) then why are the vast majority of people hospitalized or who die from covid unvaccinated with only a tiny percent of that vaccinated people?
@Kidsandliz@Mandamm You forgot money. Usually vaccine development has to wait for funding, from the government, from the parent company, whatever. Research, trials, approval, etc are expensive and in the current healthcare climate the ROI of the research has to be evaluated and the company bottom line considered.
Not the case with these vaccines there was, basically, unlimited funding to get them developed. I would suspect that these vaccines were better tested in a year than most are in the normal 5-10 year cycle. The research was likely also better/more widely scrutinized.
@Kidsandliz@Mandamm@werehatrack It may already be too late for us Re: Deer+Covid. I snapped this photo of a headless mutant zombie deer shuffling across my yard yesterday!
@Mandamm@TheStas The makers of the vaccination don’t blame the occasional breakthrough case on the vaccinated. There are breakthrough illnesses with ALL vaccinations. No vaccination is 100%. Yes your risk is far less when you are vaccinated, but it isn’t zero. It is the unvaccinated that I fault for not getting vaccinated. There isn’t the issue with so many people refusing to be vaccinated with respect to tetanus shots, polio shots, flu shots. etc.
@TheStas I’m struggling to follow. Despite the overwhelming evidence from people who have spent a lot of time in the field of vaccines and studied this vaccine in particular and who produce evidence that this vaccine is highly effective, you claim it doesn’t work.
You undermine this argument by saying that you’re vaccinated (a good choice in my opinion).
You fail to account for breakthrough COVID cases. No vaccine is 100% effective. The polio vaccine, which you cite is between 60%-90% effective (depends on the polio variant). The reason we don’t see polio as a pandemic is because of the historically high uptake of the polio vaccine essentially generating “herd” immunity and eliminating the disease in the US (there’s no community spread). With a much lower vaccination rate for polio it would likely not have been eliminated and we’d see community spread and breakthough infections.
With a higher uptake of the COVID vaccines, the scientific evidence is that we could decrease community spread which would decrease breakthrough infection. The vast majority of cases, and therefore people spreading the disease and causing breakthrough cases in the vaccinated are the unvaccinated.
The final piece of science is mutations. More infections, more mutations, more likelihood of a variant on which the vaccine does not work (or work as well). More vaccinated people, less infections, less mutations. We should be providing vaccines worldwide. It’s not just altruism, but motivated self-interest.
Oh, and mask probably help, and even if they don’t help much it’s not a major inconvenience to wear one.
@Mandamm WOW… I knew I would opening a box of worms with my comments, but I never thought I would get 16 responses… Will have to wade through them now.
@Kidsandliz If I were currently working in the Medical field, I would possibly reconsider. I am Not working, just working to stay Covid Free… So Far So Good. I am sorry that you have a blood disorder and I wish you good luck with that. I just have concerns about the vaccine as is my right. Please stay safe, and I appreciate your comments.
@mandamm Literally hundreds of millions of people have had the jab with no ill effects. It is safe. Get the shot.
Here in the NYC area covid cut a swath of death through my friends parents in the early days and it was utterly horrible. One friend lost both parents in three months. I have no sympathy for vax refusers.
And if you lose your job for refusing, do not come whining here about it.
My mom, her sister and her brother-in-law all had covid 2 weeks shy of a year ago, all at the same time. My aunt and uncle died within 12 hours of each other (so my cousins lost both parents at once) and fortunately my mom lived. One of the hardest things I had to do is tell my mom her sister and brother-in-law died.
@rlux Currently my job is to stay safe, and so far so good. The last place I would be right now is in a Hospital that fails to provide PPE. I personally know someone whose 19 year old Daughter got the J&J vaccine, and a few months later walked out of the house and dropped dead… It was probably a PE. Unfortunately autopsy’s are running behind. (Go Figure). I know how many deaths have occurred not just here in the US, but all around the world. I am all for people who choose to sign up and get the shot. I am just not one of them. As a Nurse, I know it may not make sense. I am all about the Science, but fear transparency is not always present. Time will tell. Sorry to turn a fun loving crazy ass site such as Meh into a political battleground… Wear a Mask, wash your hands, avoid stupid people and God Bless. Hopefully the mutations won’t continue to assault.
Oh boy this comment section is sure to be filled with rational, levelheaded, mature discussion about the massive body of scientific evidence surrounding the transmission of infectious, airborne diseases and the efficacy of vaccines!
I love using these where a simple dust mask was needed before. While a N95 is superior for confined/high dust generating activities, these style masks are great to leave at a saw station or while sanding outside, etc.
The earloops make it easier to take off/put on while keeping safety glasses on.
@clutchdude I wear the cheap disposable KN95 masks that I purchased earlier from meh when I mow the lawn, clean out the chicken coop or any other job that involves lots of dust/pollen/etc. in the air. Works great.
I received the masks but one has a missing ear strap in a box with broken seal. Now I am concerned about it’s quality control and kn95 certification. Am I being sold returned items?
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$51.98 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Nov 12 - Wednesday, Nov 17
Nooo…it’s going to be 25 hours until the next meh reveal!! How can this happen?? I don’t know if I can stand the wait!
@eeterrific, Smoke A Blunt & You Will Be High N Fine!!
I will be ecstatic once face-diapers have become a thing of the past.
@tjwbiowa you can’t say that loud enough.
@hchavers @tjwbiowa My scruffy beard agrees!
@tjwbiowa Wait, you…pee and poop out of your face? Ew!
@phonepole I’ve met more than a few people who spew piss and shit with everything they say, sadly.
@phonepole I do not wear them, so no. I see some people who do wear them who must “pee and poop” out of their faces, though.
@lljk Quite often it comes from the mouths of those who wear face-diapers.
@phonepole @tjwbiowa, how dare you talk to our brother like dat!! We all know that he Pisses & Shits outta that stinky mouth of his!!
Pfizer has announced the end of the Pandemic with their pill. Meh, we expect you to really start selling these now.
I’m still feeling the better safe than sorry thing. AND to be perfectly honest, even though i’ve never been one to like costumes I have been finding I like the security of “hiding” behind my blue mask. Just what I needed, more issues!
@hchavers @Lynnerizer, ‘Perfectly Honest’, Ha, Ha, Ha,…To be honest, ya sound like CHEETO, with that damn, “Believe Me”, shit!!
My last batch of this style mask was completely unusable due to straps WAY too short. This box looks different but need some info on strap size.
@pmarin Ditto! I got a box of KN95 masks but the ear loops are too short and/or not elastic enough. They pinch my ears and soon become too painful to wear.
If anyone can vouch for the ear loop size, it would be appreciated.
@pmarin, if ya have a big head & face then nottin will fit that mug, so just curse God & die!! I’m just kidding, Brother,… .I’m on my 5th glass of my old Lady’s wine & she says dat to me from time to time!
I just got 100 masks for under $5 from Amazon. Granted, they’re not individually wrapped and they’re not the KN95 5 layer ones. But then again, I don’t mind the random cat hair and they’ve kept me and my family covid free this far.
I better have not just jinxed myself!
@Lynnerizer Can you share a little link? Thx.
The one’s that I got for $0.05 each ($2.40 for 50) aren’t in stock today, for that price I’m not surprised. That’s why I bought 2 boxes! Bet they’ll get more in stock soon.
I did find these, they’re the same thing but for $0.11 each, ($5.25 for 50) free shipping with prime membership. Good luck and stay safe!
@Lynnerizer Brother, I think ya did!! Sorry!!
@Lynnerizer Thank you! I’ll check them out.
Sorry about asking for a “little” link—I have a new tablet on my end that’s been modifying my text at times and I’m not sure why. I have to tweak my settings even more I guess.
Who was that masked man?
@yakkoTDI, Kanosobi Bro!
People still wear these?
It’s about 50/50 here in CT. I’m not ready to throw them away yet. Jus sayen.
@caldwell1 I do. I have a friend that has lung damage and is immunocompromised. Any respiratory disease might kill him.
My vaccination ensures that I am very unlikely to get seriously sick from COVID, but it only reduces my chances of becoming a carrier by a factor of 20.
Polite people don’t play Russian roulette with their friends, even if the revolver has 20 cylinders.
@caldwell1 @hamjudo
Thank you!
Peace, prayers, hope and happiness for your friend.
@caldwell1 around here, not so much. It’s quite nice.
@caldwell1 Still have a mask mandate here.
@caldwell1, Yeah!! Whenever Sleepy Ass Joe says, “Wear Them!!” then Just Do It & No Questions Axed!!
FWIW you can use your HSA or FSA account on these. Also the IRS says it can retro back to February 2020 if you bought anywhere else back to then and want to be reimbursed.
I like the fact that they are individually wrapped so you can keep a few in your glove box, console or map pockets without getting random crap spilled on them.
@Fuzb0 I was going to say that if you have a problem with your IRKs spilling onto your masks you might have bigger issues. . .
Then I remembered the glitter bomb some mehtizens and I received in the last one: Valid point!
That last product picture with Irk looks like it was taken in a hospital ward. How good are these masks, again?
@phendrick Masks are required in hospitals for visitors and staff. These aren’t rated for medical use, so he must be visiting.
@hamjudo @phendrick
Or he’s a patient! Patients must still wear them, especially when traveling through the hallways.
Model number
So how many of these did meh buy again? We will be seeing these well beyond when all illness causing viruses and bacteria on the planet are extinct?
As long as there are idiots around, there will be airborne infectious diseases that a mask could prevent, or at least reduce the risk of contracting.
Ugh, not masks again. Should really rename yourself mehsk.com
Thanks, but I’ve still got plenty from previous sales. Also scored some genuine 3M K95’s from Amazon a couple of months ago.
@blaineg How expensive were the real ones?
@Kidsandliz $26 for 20, but looks like it’s dropped to $18.
@blaineg Thanks
I still have plenty, but I very well may be ordering more. I’m sorry, people, but we will be wearing masks for awhile. At least smart people. These masks are so much better than everything except for N95’s which are hard to find and need to be properly fitted. And should be reserved for Medical Staff and first responders. This is an Airborne Disease. Wearing them around chin is a waste of time unless of course you have a Trach. Then I suggest, lowering even more to your neck. . Yes, I am a Nurse. RN. Hate to admit I am an anti Vaxxer. It just seems like vaccine was rushed and only time will tell the side effects. To each his own. I wear a mask EVERYWHERE. It doesn’t mean I like it, but I feel like it’s the smart move. Be sure to adjust the nose piece so it’s not gaping. Use Sanitizer, wash your hands and socially distance. This whole thing totally SUCKS, but it may become our new Normal. For a time, then become Endemic. God Help Us…
@Mandamm The one thing the vaccine has had that other clinical trials haven’t is zillions of people who wanted in now. One of the thing that slows down clinical trials is that usually it takes ages to get enough people. Ages as in sometimes more than a year or two. In this case they had that in months. That part isn’t “rushed”, rather the “order was filled way sooner so we saved time”. That enough people signed up quickly didn’t change how they ran the trial one they had people in it, the time it took to do what they were going to do, etc. It just meant it doing it because they weren’t waiting for more people to sign up wasn’t spread out over time. That is the only way it was “done quickly”. Didn’t affect the science side of it. It would have been done far less quickly if people signed up slowly over time.
@Mandamm Hopefully if it become endemic it finally mutates to become less dangerous. As somehow the people version of it is now found in deer (they are checking as people hunt and kill them; didn’t used to be in deer) - that would be the vast majority of deer they have checked - here and in other countries - we now have a reservoir for the virus (well besides the mink - of which 17M of them were slaughtered in some European country because of that about a year ago). There is no evidence so far that the deer have spread that back to humans. Fortunately. On the other hand if deer can serve as a vector to mutate it into something no worse than the common cold that would be good.
There’s an outfit in Ft Worth that was formed in early 2020 for the purpose of manufacturing a certified N95 disposable mask domestically, and their first model was damned good; I have some. They are now working on getting a medical version into production, and if it’s as good as their first effort, I’ll be grabbing some. I have been loving the lack of cases of con crud that I have experienced since resuming my presence selling stuff at conventions, and Spring of 2021 was the first time that I didn’t spend the majority of the first half of the year with my allergies in full alert.
@werehatrack What is that mask company called? Url?
@Kidsandliz @Mandamm
Deer might also be the reservoir from which the next deadly-to-us variant emerges, too. There is nothing to guarantee that something benign in one species will be the same for all. As long as a pool exists, the risk of a deadly-killer version remains present. Evolution may eventually favor the emergence of a dominant strain that doesn’t try to kill us, but that could take many millennia; over the short term, any variant that is virulent and robust can emerge, have broad effect, and fade, including those with a target mortality of more than 50%. Whether it kills the host eventually is less critical to immediate success than whether it becomes communicable before it becomes disabling.
@Mandamm jfc
United States Mask (dot com). They are currently out of stock on their original design; getting the next version approved is taking some time. They have a mailing list for those who want updates.
Not to each their own if they affect OTHERS. If your decision only affected you and no one else then I would agree. Do what you want.
But your choice affects everyone you come in contact with - INCLUDING when at work a ton of people with compromised immune systems who have much higher odds of getting sick and dying. In my mind that is both unethical and irresponsible.
I have a compromised immune system due to a blood cancer and my response to the vaccine was not the best and waned faster than the “general public”. The booster finally gave me a better response but who knows how much longer that will last (I am part of a clinical trial that is looking at that). As a result any time I come in contact with you or people like you, unless you are wearing a properly fitted N-95 and wearing it like you are supposed to, it’s not damp, too old, etc., you/them are putting me at potential risk. This would be risk I otherwise would not be put at were you/them vaccinated.
If I get sick with covid and am hospitalized I have a 51% chance of dying because I have a cancer of my B cells, the very cells that fight viruses. Your actions (and those like you) DO affect me. As a result your refusal to believe science isn’t just an “each to their own” situation. You are being completely irresponsible. I hope your medical system makes a vaccine required rule so people like you don’t endanger their co-workers and patients.
@Kidsandliz @Mandamm you guys are clowns, this vaccine doesn’t work
Try the Polio vaccine, that one’s great, you won’t get Polio
jfc wake up
@Mandamm @TheStas If it doesn’t work to protect most people who are vaccinated from breakthrough cases (and it’s protection against covid is better then the flu shots against flu) then why are the vast majority of people hospitalized or who die from covid unvaccinated with only a tiny percent of that vaccinated people?
@werehatrack Thanks.
@Kidsandliz @Mandamm
You know what? You’re right.
I’m breaking my own rules here.
I’m not supposed to be waking up sheep, only wolves. Go back to bed, I’m sorry.
@Mandamm @TheStas and that is what the unvaccinated are: wolves who are potentially lethal weapons.
@Kidsandliz @Mandamm You forgot money. Usually vaccine development has to wait for funding, from the government, from the parent company, whatever. Research, trials, approval, etc are expensive and in the current healthcare climate the ROI of the research has to be evaluated and the company bottom line considered.
Not the case with these vaccines there was, basically, unlimited funding to get them developed. I would suspect that these vaccines were better tested in a year than most are in the normal 5-10 year cycle. The research was likely also better/more widely scrutinized.
@Kidsandliz @Mandamm except I’m vaccinated, where’s your narrative go now?
Please name for me ONE product sold that BLAMES ITS FAILURE ON THOSE WHO DON’T USE IT.
For the love of god, just a little critical thinking would do you wonders
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack I bought some from DemeTECH (https://shop.demetech.us/) They are in FL, not TX, but still USA made…
@Kidsandliz @Mandamm @werehatrack It may already be too late for us Re: Deer+Covid. I snapped this photo of a headless mutant zombie deer shuffling across my yard yesterday!
@Mandamm @TheStas The makers of the vaccination don’t blame the occasional breakthrough case on the vaccinated. There are breakthrough illnesses with ALL vaccinations. No vaccination is 100%. Yes your risk is far less when you are vaccinated, but it isn’t zero. It is the unvaccinated that I fault for not getting vaccinated. There isn’t the issue with so many people refusing to be vaccinated with respect to tetanus shots, polio shots, flu shots. etc.
@TheStas I’m struggling to follow. Despite the overwhelming evidence from people who have spent a lot of time in the field of vaccines and studied this vaccine in particular and who produce evidence that this vaccine is highly effective, you claim it doesn’t work.
You undermine this argument by saying that you’re vaccinated (a good choice in my opinion).
You fail to account for breakthrough COVID cases. No vaccine is 100% effective. The polio vaccine, which you cite is between 60%-90% effective (depends on the polio variant). The reason we don’t see polio as a pandemic is because of the historically high uptake of the polio vaccine essentially generating “herd” immunity and eliminating the disease in the US (there’s no community spread). With a much lower vaccination rate for polio it would likely not have been eliminated and we’d see community spread and breakthough infections.
With a higher uptake of the COVID vaccines, the scientific evidence is that we could decrease community spread which would decrease breakthrough infection. The vast majority of cases, and therefore people spreading the disease and causing breakthrough cases in the vaccinated are the unvaccinated.
The final piece of science is mutations. More infections, more mutations, more likelihood of a variant on which the vaccine does not work (or work as well). More vaccinated people, less infections, less mutations. We should be providing vaccines worldwide. It’s not just altruism, but motivated self-interest.
Oh, and mask probably help, and even if they don’t help much it’s not a major inconvenience to wear one.
@ergomeh tldr
@TheStas At least we can agree on 3.
@Mandamm WOW… I knew I would opening a box of worms with my comments, but I never thought I would get 16 responses… Will have to wade through them now.
@Kidsandliz If I were currently working in the Medical field, I would possibly reconsider. I am Not working, just working to stay Covid Free… So Far So Good. I am sorry that you have a blood disorder and I wish you good luck with that. I just have concerns about the vaccine as is my right. Please stay safe, and I appreciate your comments.
@Kidsandliz @Mandamm @TheStas kevlar vests?
power supplies, masks, and bluetooth speakers.
I’m good bro
@mandamm Literally hundreds of millions of people have had the jab with no ill effects. It is safe. Get the shot.
Here in the NYC area covid cut a swath of death through my friends parents in the early days and it was utterly horrible. One friend lost both parents in three months. I have no sympathy for vax refusers.
And if you lose your job for refusing, do not come whining here about it.
@rlux I agree.
My mom, her sister and her brother-in-law all had covid 2 weeks shy of a year ago, all at the same time. My aunt and uncle died within 12 hours of each other (so my cousins lost both parents at once) and fortunately my mom lived. One of the hardest things I had to do is tell my mom her sister and brother-in-law died.
@rlux Currently my job is to stay safe, and so far so good. The last place I would be right now is in a Hospital that fails to provide PPE. I personally know someone whose 19 year old Daughter got the J&J vaccine, and a few months later walked out of the house and dropped dead… It was probably a PE. Unfortunately autopsy’s are running behind. (Go Figure). I know how many deaths have occurred not just here in the US, but all around the world. I am all for people who choose to sign up and get the shot. I am just not one of them. As a Nurse, I know it may not make sense. I am all about the Science, but fear transparency is not always present. Time will tell. Sorry to turn a fun loving crazy ass site such as Meh into a political battleground… Wear a Mask, wash your hands, avoid stupid people and God Bless. Hopefully the mutations won’t continue to assault.
Oh boy this comment section is sure to be filled with rational, levelheaded, mature discussion about the massive body of scientific evidence surrounding the transmission of infectious, airborne diseases and the efficacy of vaccines!
/image dumpster fire gif
@Hiz Now if we could only send all the misinformation out to sea like that dumpster in your gif LOL
Non-COVID related points:
I love using these where a simple dust mask was needed before. While a N95 is superior for confined/high dust generating activities, these style masks are great to leave at a saw station or while sanding outside, etc.
The earloops make it easier to take off/put on while keeping safety glasses on.
@clutchdude I wear the cheap disposable KN95 masks that I purchased earlier from meh when I mow the lawn, clean out the chicken coop or any other job that involves lots of dust/pollen/etc. in the air. Works great.
I received the masks but one has a missing ear strap in a box with broken seal. Now I am concerned about it’s quality control and kn95 certification. Am I being sold returned items?