@rmeden Just for my own info, what does it cost you (roughly) to print one? How much time/cost of materials? I’m not being snotty, I’m genuinely curious. I think we’ll be needing these for “first responders” for a while yet to go, JMO.
@cbl_wv@rmeden I did this for a very short while, only while there was a shortage. The band was about 50c each in filament material. The plastic sheeting was very hard to get, and ended up costing me about 50c per shield (and only that cheap because I got clever and got rolls of laminating material that goes clear when you laminate), and doing all the necessary cutting and laminating was a ton of time, but it was fun. For a short while.
Then the shortage ran out, and they started being available in bulk at about this price.
@cbl_wv I used the matter-hackers design and it was about 40 cents for filament. (No band, that design doesn’t use one) For the screen , I used 5mil report covers from amazon. 100 for $19.33. A 3-hold punch prepared the report covers.
I also participated in a local group making shields using the Prusa design. That was much more complicated and used about $1.20 in filament. Not sure what they used for the other parts… screen, elastic, and I think some foam. I just helped with the frame.
As you noted there is availability now… so hobbyists have stood down. I may do a bunch for the schools when they open… we’ll see.
@RedOak and when you buy things mail-order, it should be cheaper than what you can get locally otherwise it doesn’t make sense with shipping and the long wait.
@capguncowboy that is exactly what I was thinking why on earth do they need to say face shield? Can I get a shirt that says “shirt” people might not realize what they’re looking at.
@capguncowboy My son is a National Guard medic and was sent to do testing in a breakout area. His shield said “Face Shield” on it also. I don’t recall seeing a picture of one of these that didn’t, though I’m sure they’re out there.
@canuk@capguncowboy It’s a little known fact that they used to only make those caps that are on the front of sneakers. This is just fortunate brand synergy
We bought these at Morningsave for 10 for $ 25 less VMP disc so for $ 22.50. Wife wears them with a mask to exercise class where some of the participants take off their mask to exercise. She is satisfied with them.
@Felton10 I misinterpreted the word “exercise” and had a mental image of a woman walking around all hoity toity with her pinkie out, being fancy with this mask on.
I need to get out more…
I don’t know what to think of this… Certain people definitely need them, the rest of us definitely don’t. Can I just send you $19 and have you bring them to a hospital or blood center?
I mean I am a hospital worker who may need these after switching to a new job, if you are being real I can message you my shipping address and then distribute to my new coworkers. Also note I am in big bad Florida and a bad county at that.
@Kyser_Soze Theoretically these “cover” your eyes, so maybe okay. But yes, you can definitely catch a virus if it contacts your eyeballs. And you’re probably right if it’s a really good mask. But is anyone wearing goggles? (We probably should be — better safe than sorry and all.)
@Kyser_Soze@mehvid1 Yep, eyes are an infection path. My doctor was wearing a mask and face shield when I went in for a routine check a couple of weeks ago.
have to wear mask or shield at work. Work bought 10. Went fast. Mine, due to my “jump in and get shit done” nature, mine is hard to see through already (3 weeks old) . Work won’t buy me another and they’re just so much easier to breathe in! Happy to get this.
@michabailey That’s correct. My job is often in a quality office when I’m by myself but I still need something or the owners get angry with me. So I wear it. They allow it when I’m alone.
@blaineg@mehvid1 If safety were important I would take an air tank around with me instead of that wearable HEPA filter thingy mask. It’d be much simpler, too!
I’m PADI certified, maybe I could get a pony bottle* and take it around with me…
@GLaDOS , A pony bottle will last you for 5, maybe 8 minutes at your SCR, then what? Hold your breath?
Even a full sized backpack SCBA, like a firefighters “Scott Pak”, with a standard tank will give you 30 to 45 minutes of breathing air (more like 15 or 20 minutes when you’re breathing hard, working a fire…)
And a Scott Pak weighs in at about 29 lbs (with a full tank), and each replacement 45 minute cylinder weighs around 16 lbs.
So, “taking an air tank with you” is only practical for short trips, and strong backs…
BTW: When you are underwater, things are totally different. You almost forget about the weight of the equipment on your back.
(Former NAUI SCUBA, and OSHA HAZWOPER certified for SCBA, I’ve used both…)
I’m still selling 100% guaranteed plastic bag full-head shields. Now with my improved elastic and adhesive neck sealant band that eliminates any air seepage that could allow viruses to enter your personal breathing space. Just $10 for 5 though most people only end up using one.
My Other Half ordered these at the beginning of mask-wearing and they are TERRIBLE. You can’t see through them - the “optics” (ha) are truly awful. Even at Meh pricing - do NOT buy these!
Now we have a box full of these pieces of crap and I don’t know what to do with them. Gah!
@BadKitten@endi1276 This brand I don’t think has a protective film. I saw them in Olie’s (a bottom of the heap remainder store around here - cross a dollar store with a bad outlet mall)
@endi1276: Well, I appreciate your confidence in my abilities . . . but as Kidsandliz mentioned, it has none, which we discovered when we tried that troubleshooting approach.
@dalex A closer look reveals that meh is actually selling FARCE SHIELD™s. Whoops!
Here’s the link if anyone actually wants to buy them, monoprice (one of my favorite stores) has 10 for only $15 with free shipping over $39: https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=42062
@dalex@Superllama7 Oh, man…now there’s a marketing idea! In the current political climate, spit guards that say FARCE SHIELD would sell like hotcakes! You should totally do that!
@dalex I loved Monoprice, until they re-vamped their website and made it all 2.0y. When I could do a search and get a big list of thumbnail pictures, it was much easier to use.
(Goes to look now.) Oh… okay, they changed it at some point. This is much more useful than their initial redesign, which limited the search results to 6 large images per page. Thank you so much @dalex for prompting me to go re-look at it!
Regarding the price… I’ll wager that the “free shipping” is faster than what Meh will provide.
As another reminder; these shields do not do the same as a mask. This should not be purchased as a mask substitute.
-Shields, Vented masks, Neck Gaiters: all do not offer protection that a normal mask does.
@ApatheticSAR I agree these can be useful, and also not the same as a mask. wearing both together is of course a good idea, especially for someone in close contact with others frequently (like a store worker, or of course your dentist). I did see some people (including my mother) saying that if you wore these, you don’t need a mask – seems totally ridiculous to me.
Just… Don’t. These are splatter shields. Guess what they don’t protect anyone from? Literally everything else. Except looking like a normal person, I guess.
@Bfoofoo They’re fine as a supplement to a mask, but totally worthless as a mask substitute. COVID-19 can infect you via the eyes as well, so a face shield is useful, especially if you know you’re going to be around someone who has the disease. If you wear eyeglasses, it’s probably more than enough eye protection just for shopping, however.
@Bfoofoo@KevinS10 COVID-19 cannot actually infect you through the eyes. In fact, it cannot infect you at all. COVID-19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, which can (unlikely, but possible) be contracted through the eyes.
A face shield should always be worn WITH a mask, and the better the mask the better. What many doofus do not realize is that Covid can be caught by contact with the eyes as well as with the nose and mouth.
To be sure, it seems that the nose is the primary infection route as there are two types of cells in the front of the nose that have ACE2 enzyme covered surfaces which is one of the main routes to entry for the virus.
The face shield helps to deflect virus particles, while a tight fitting mask acts as a filter. The more protection the better, I say.
Damn good thing it has the words “Face Shield” dominating the device, otherwise we would have no way of knowing what to do with this fine medical device.
@dmercure That piece of it measures 13" long and 1.5" high (roughly as I am sure it was done in metric and I just used a tape measure in inches). Some duct tape to get a clean slate (see no way to remove the blue band without wrecking it) and then a meh sticker would work well too.
@dmercure@Kidsandliz Now there’s an idea… I was tempted by the apparent better deals from nearly every other seller in the world – now that the supply chain of these from China is restored – but bundle them with a nice “Meh!” sticker for the same price, and I’d buy the pack for sure. 10 Chinese “Face Shield” and 10 “Meh” stickers that say “sticker printed in Texas; mask made in China.”
I’m so glad that they have a big “FACE SHIELD” label on them. Otherwise, others and myself might not know what it is, nor what it’s for!
Also, the model looks like a real person! I.e., someone that happened to be around for the photo shoot. Is that a Meh’er? If so, I’m somewhat surprised that the “splashy dot” picture didn’t also have paint also over her clothes and neck!
If it was 'shopped, like most are here, I request Meh edit it to include such dots! Hurry up! Not much time left to make this all important correction
These things are fucking up natural selection/survival. How we evolved from slime to a dominant species creating these f’d up viruses is just sad. To think we survived this long is a mystery. And now that some of you are hiding behind this plastic waste is even more sadistic as you lemmings think this will save you from the forces of nature or something.
Wear these masks with pride as I sneeze all over you with joy as you wipe the snot off your silly shields.
@Woody1 My first question is how your particular gene pool has managed to survive at all! Obviously you must be a tag along to a “dominant species” as most of your kind has been eliminated during past pandemics! Please, party on!
This is likely the VERY WORST purchase I’ve ever made on MEH.com. These shields suck ass! They are all milky and cloudy. You can’t see through them. Horrible!
Note: This sale is for 10 Face Shields only (masks shown in images are NOT included)
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Sep 21 - Monday, Sep 27
Nope. Seems like a preying move, these aren’t helping anyone.
More pandmehmic paraphernalia.
No thanks… I 3d print my own for local police and docs
@rmeden Just for my own info, what does it cost you (roughly) to print one? How much time/cost of materials? I’m not being snotty, I’m genuinely curious. I think we’ll be needing these for “first responders” for a while yet to go, JMO.
@rmeden I first read that as “police and dogs”. I was disappointed when I realised the mistake.
Animal Face Shields search does not return what I hoped. Looks like my dawg will have to go on unprotected!
@cbl_wv @rmeden I did this for a very short while, only while there was a shortage. The band was about 50c each in filament material. The plastic sheeting was very hard to get, and ended up costing me about 50c per shield (and only that cheap because I got clever and got rolls of laminating material that goes clear when you laminate), and doing all the necessary cutting and laminating was a ton of time, but it was fun. For a short while.
Then the shortage ran out, and they started being available in bulk at about this price.
@cbl_wv I used the matter-hackers design and it was about 40 cents for filament. (No band, that design doesn’t use one) For the screen , I used 5mil report covers from amazon. 100 for $19.33. A 3-hold punch prepared the report covers.
I also participated in a local group making shields using the Prusa design. That was much more complicated and used about $1.20 in filament. Not sure what they used for the other parts… screen, elastic, and I think some foam. I just helped with the frame.
As you noted there is availability now… so hobbyists have stood down. I may do a bunch for the schools when they open… we’ll see.
These should be like 10 for a dollar.
@awk was that about what they cost before The Pandemic? I see surgical masks are coming back down close to where they were a year ago.
Sams club has face shield for 4 for $4.99
@cengland0 yep, came here to say the same thing - available all the time at area Sams Clubs for a buck twenty five each in a four pack.
@RedOak and when you buy things mail-order, it should be cheaper than what you can get locally otherwise it doesn’t make sense with shipping and the long wait.
@cengland0 yep
How to be awkward in public
Brought to you by Meh.
Good thing it says face shield on it. Otherwise, people might not know what you’re wearing
@capguncowboy Does this same company print bumper stickers that say “CAR” on them?
@capguncowboy Goes on your ass, right?
/giphy your ass

@capguncowboy that is exactly what I was thinking
why on earth do they need to say face shield? Can I get a shirt that says “shirt” people might not realize what they’re looking at.
@capguncowboy My son is a National Guard medic and was sent to do testing in a breakout area. His shield said “Face Shield” on it also. I don’t recall seeing a picture of one of these that didn’t, though I’m sure they’re out there.
@canuk @capguncowboy It’s a little known fact that they used to only make those caps that are on the front of sneakers. This is just fortunate brand synergy
@canuk @capguncowboy To be fair, when I first saw the thumbnail for these, I thought meh was selling tighty whities.
@capguncowboy @phendrick No, the bumper stickers say Bumper Sticker.
@capguncowboy On second thought, maybe “Face Shield” is instructions for the user.
Something for the homeschool teacher in your life, especially on “Vegetables are good for you” lunch days.
We bought these at Morningsave for 10 for $ 25 less VMP disc so for $ 22.50. Wife wears them with a mask to exercise class where some of the participants take off their mask to exercise. She is satisfied with them.
My gym won’t allow these don’t know why. Even if you wear a mask underneath it was a big fight this random lady had with the employees.
@Felton10 I misinterpreted the word “exercise” and had a mental image of a woman walking around all hoity toity with her pinkie out, being fancy with this mask on.
I need to get out more…
@Willijs3 When we got these, my wife put one on with a mask and took a selfie and posted it to FB with the caption “Take me to you leader”.
I don’t know what to think of this… Certain people definitely need them, the rest of us definitely don’t. Can I just send you $19 and have you bring them to a hospital or blood center?
I mean I am a hospital worker who may need these after switching to a new job, if you are being real I can message you my shipping address and then distribute to my new coworkers. Also note I am in big bad Florida and a bad county at that.
I’d feel funny wearing one of these without the motorcycle helmet to go with it.

/giphy Eric estrada
@phendrick @stinks Saturday Night Slightly Elevated Temperature?
@blaineg @phendrick I was going for C.Hi.Ps, but that works too.
I think you’d be better off with a good mask and goggles. I think you can catch the virus if droplets get in your eyes.
@Kyser_Soze Theoretically these “cover” your eyes, so maybe okay. But yes, you can definitely catch a virus if it contacts your eyeballs. And you’re probably right if it’s a really good mask. But is anyone wearing goggles? (We probably should be — better safe than sorry and all.)
@Kyser_Soze @mehvid1 Yep, eyes are an infection path. My doctor was wearing a mask and face shield when I went in for a routine check a couple of weeks ago.
have to wear mask or shield at work. Work bought 10. Went fast. Mine, due to my “jump in and get shit done” nature, mine is hard to see through already (3 weeks old) . Work won’t buy me another and they’re just so much easier to breathe in! Happy to get this.
@AuntMean67 I hate to break it to you, but just wearing a shield is mostly useless. You’re supposed to have one of these over your mask.
@michabailey That’s correct. My job is often in a quality office when I’m by myself but I still need something or the owners get angry with me. So I wear it. They allow it when I’m alone.
@AuntMean67 Ah. Fair enough.
I bought 10 of these on amazon for $15 the other day. They’re even cheaper there now!
Where are the electronics I so desperately want to see on sale here???
@GLaDOS Give it 22 hours.
@GLaDOS @mehvid1 Can electric face shields be far behind?
This looks like prime Meh stuff, you guys might want to get in line for the inevitable surplus.
@blaineg @mehvid1 If safety were important I would take an air tank around with me instead of that wearable HEPA filter thingy mask. It’d be much simpler, too!
I’m PADI certified, maybe I could get a pony bottle* and take it around with me…
*A small air tank used in scuba diving.
@GLaDOS , A pony bottle will last you for 5, maybe 8 minutes at your SCR, then what? Hold your breath?
Even a full sized backpack SCBA, like a firefighters “Scott Pak”, with a standard tank will give you 30 to 45 minutes of breathing air (more like 15 or 20 minutes when you’re breathing hard, working a fire…)
And a Scott Pak weighs in at about 29 lbs (with a full tank), and each replacement 45 minute cylinder weighs around 16 lbs.
So, “taking an air tank with you” is only practical for short trips, and strong backs…
BTW: When you are underwater, things are totally different. You almost forget about the weight of the equipment on your back.
(Former NAUI SCUBA, and OSHA HAZWOPER certified for SCBA, I’ve used both…)

She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an “L” on her forehead.
Take off the “FACE SHIELD” brand plastered across the front!
@katbyter THIS
I’m still selling 100% guaranteed plastic bag full-head shields. Now with my improved elastic and adhesive neck sealant band that eliminates any air seepage that could allow viruses to enter your personal breathing space. Just $10 for 5 though most people only end up using one.
@tweezak Better be first to market — not too many repeat customers.

@cengland0 This is on one of those “in real life” IQ tests (the second photo - can’t see the first one). Right? (groan)
@cengland0 @tweezak oh my
Every time I see “Face Shield” I let out a SCOTT STERLING!!! under my breath.
FACE SHIELD … just to be sure
My Other Half ordered these at the beginning of mask-wearing and they are TERRIBLE. You can’t see through them - the “optics” (ha) are truly awful. Even at Meh pricing - do NOT buy these!
Now we have a box full of these pieces of crap and I don’t know what to do with them. Gah!
@BadKitten did you remove the protective film? I have some of these and they work fine, i can see fine through them unless they get dirty.
@BadKitten @endi1276 This brand I don’t think has a protective film. I saw them in Olie’s (a bottom of the heap remainder store around here - cross a dollar store with a bad outlet mall)
@endi1276: Well, I appreciate your confidence in my abilities
. . . but as Kidsandliz mentioned, it has none, which we discovered when we tried that troubleshooting approach.
@BadKitten I debated saying anything, haha. But I’ve found that my most intelligent friends often need a push in the direction of the simple answer.
@BadKitten @endi1276 We all derp from time-to-time. ECC memory can do only so much.
@BadKitten @Chmarr @endi1276 Wait, you got ECC memory?
@BadKitten @blaineg @Chmarr @endi1276 That time I got ECC memory but found out you need a motherboard that supports it
/giphy d’oh

I can’t say for sure, but these look like exactly the same FACE SHIELD™s that Monoprice has been selling for a while now.
@dalex A closer look reveals that meh is actually selling FARCE SHIELD™s. Whoops!
Here’s the link if anyone actually wants to buy them, monoprice (one of my favorite stores) has 10 for only $15 with free shipping over $39: https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=42062
@dalex @Superllama7 Oh, man…now there’s a marketing idea! In the current political climate, spit guards that say FARCE SHIELD would sell like hotcakes! You should totally do that!
@dalex I loved Monoprice, until they re-vamped their website and made it all 2.0y. When I could do a search and get a big list of thumbnail pictures, it was much easier to use.
(Goes to look now.) Oh… okay, they changed it at some point. This is much more useful than their initial redesign, which limited the search results to 6 large images per page. Thank you so much @dalex for prompting me to go re-look at it!
Regarding the price… I’ll wager that the “free shipping” is faster than what Meh will provide.
@mediocrebot Meh! you need to up your game, here
As another reminder; these shields do not do the same as a mask. This should not be purchased as a mask substitute.
-Shields, Vented masks, Neck Gaiters: all do not offer protection that a normal mask does.
@ApatheticSAR I agree these can be useful, and also not the same as a mask. wearing both together is of course a good idea, especially for someone in close contact with others frequently (like a store worker, or of course your dentist). I did see some people (including my mother) saying that if you wore these, you don’t need a mask – seems totally ridiculous to me.
Just… Don’t. These are splatter shields. Guess what they don’t protect anyone from? Literally everything else. Except looking like a normal person, I guess.
@Bfoofoo They’re fine as a supplement to a mask, but totally worthless as a mask substitute. COVID-19 can infect you via the eyes as well, so a face shield is useful, especially if you know you’re going to be around someone who has the disease. If you wear eyeglasses, it’s probably more than enough eye protection just for shopping, however.
@Bfoofoo @KevinS10 COVID-19 cannot actually infect you through the eyes. In fact, it cannot infect you at all. COVID-19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, which can (unlikely, but possible) be contracted through the eyes.
@Bfoofoo @KevinS10 @lwheatcraft LOL!
A face shield should always be worn WITH a mask, and the better the mask the better. What many doofus do not realize is that Covid can be caught by contact with the eyes as well as with the nose and mouth.
To be sure, it seems that the nose is the primary infection route as there are two types of cells in the front of the nose that have ACE2 enzyme covered surfaces which is one of the main routes to entry for the virus.
The face shield helps to deflect virus particles, while a tight fitting mask acts as a filter. The more protection the better, I say.
Now if they looked like the “Captain America” shield, I’d be all in…
@eeterrific Kinda hard to see through though.
@blaineg yeah, but nothing can get through
Damn good thing it has the words “Face Shield” dominating the device, otherwise we would have no way of knowing what to do with this fine medical device.
@xian Argh. I just said essentially the same thing. Credit to you! I’m just riding your coat-tails! (Or real tail, as the case may be.)
Does it look to anyone else that the headband with the “Face Shield” on it looks large enough to put a bumper sticker on it?
@dmercure That piece of it measures 13" long and 1.5" high (roughly as I am sure it was done in metric and I just used a tape measure in inches). Some duct tape to get a clean slate (see no way to remove the blue band without wrecking it) and then a meh sticker would work well too.
@dmercure @Kidsandliz Now there’s an idea… I was tempted by the apparent better deals from nearly every other seller in the world – now that the supply chain of these from China is restored – but bundle them with a nice “Meh!” sticker for the same price, and I’d buy the pack for sure. 10 Chinese “Face Shield” and 10 “Meh” stickers that say “sticker printed in Texas; mask made in China.”
I’m so glad that they have a big “FACE SHIELD” label on them. Otherwise, others and myself might not know what it is, nor what it’s for!
Also, the model looks like a real person! I.e., someone that happened to be around for the photo shoot. Is that a Meh’er? If so, I’m somewhat surprised that the “splashy dot” picture didn’t also have paint also over her clothes and neck!
If it was 'shopped, like most are here, I request Meh edit it to include such dots! Hurry up! Not much time left to make this all important correction
@Chmarr Wow, I am so late to the party with that comment!
These things are fucking up natural selection/survival. How we evolved from slime to a dominant species creating these f’d up viruses is just sad. To think we survived this long is a mystery. And now that some of you are hiding behind this plastic waste is even more sadistic as you lemmings think this will save you from the forces of nature or something.
Wear these masks with pride as I sneeze all over you with joy as you wipe the snot off your silly shields.
@Woody1 Ignore the troll.
But remember to vote twice.
@Woody1 Agreed. This society is getting dumber by the minute. Logic is long gone. And PPE companies are making money faster than they can count it.
@Woody1 My first question is how your particular gene pool has managed to survive at all! Obviously you must be a tag along to a “dominant species” as most of your kind has been eliminated during past pandemics! Please, party on!
For what it’s worth: “Plastic face shields seem to make masks better”
This is likely the VERY WORST purchase I’ve ever made on MEH.com. These shields suck ass! They are all milky and cloudy. You can’t see through them. Horrible!
@acherry65 Just checking - this was done, right?