@Tin_Foil In Ny .08 is legally drunk and .05 impaIRED either way your going to jail 6 month suspension and they sell your car … enjoy… oh i bought these last time haven’t tried them yet 1.40 each is worth your freedom i would say ?
@Tin_Foil They are a novelty. I had some, they don’t work very good. Magic crystals heat up when alcohol is present. It’s good to tell if you have it on your breath, that’s about it.
What’s in the Box?
10x Alcograd single-use breathalyzers
Ha! I love Canadian Bacon
Price Comparison
$29.23 USD for 10 at manufacturer
30 day Alco Prevention Canada
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Jan 21 - Thursday, Jan 23
Perfect product for the day after a DIY Beer Starter Kit.
@cengland0 They knew what they were doing.
No occifer, I’m not as think as you drunk I am.
@jsh139 What arrows, Occifer? I didn’t see any Indians.
Yes, I saw the one-way signs. I was only going one way. Duh.
Excellent pairing this weekend! Bravo!!!
Really, more breathalyzers? I haven’t drank enough to even try the last batch.
@bleedmichigan Don’t blame meh for your failures.
Buy them; sell 'em for $10 each outside the local college bar.
For best results, hire someone with a DWI/DUI to tell his/her story as people come out. (A mug shot should help.)
Beer kit yesterday, breathalyzers today. Lemme guess… Handcuffs tomorrow?
@mehcuda67 or maybe a get out of jail free card.
@Enigma A bucket and wire for bailing you out.
@mike808 soap on a rope
@mehcuda67 Honestly if Meh got into minor kink gear I…would be slightly afraid, not entirely surprised, and would consider buying based on what it is.
@Kawa You missed the ‘personal massage wand’, didn’t you?
@mike808 Sadly, yes. I actually would have gone for it too, but the Mehrathon came at a bad time for me.
Put it on Morningsave, Meh. I believe in you.
I’d have to be pretty drunk to blow a stick.
@Woody1 with a name like Woody, you make a comment like that?
@cengland0 Love you more and more each day!
So these register from not drunk (0.0%) to not legally drunk (0.08%)?
@Tin_Foil Yep. Good news, Professor!
Everyone is a winner!
See what they did there?
@Tin_Foil In Ny .08 is legally drunk and .05 impaIRED either way your going to jail 6 month suspension and they sell your car … enjoy… oh i bought these last time haven’t tried them yet 1.40 each is worth your freedom i would say ?
@Tin_Foil They are a novelty. I had some, they don’t work very good. Magic crystals heat up when alcohol is present. It’s good to tell if you have it on your breath, that’s about it.
And tomorrow we’ll get pillows for hangovers, right?
Which I wouldn’t mind. I could use a new pair (preferably featherless).
@JT954 Well you got a deal with a pair and they’re featherless- just not pillows.
Beer kit then this perfect planning meh planners.
They never sold out on morning save so I’m assuming that they sent them back to you? It’s the expiration that keeps killing it for me.
@WTFsunshine mediocre owns both meh and morning save, so likely they ship from the same warehouse. So no moving of product is necessary.
@RiotDemon Huh! I learn something new everyday I come here. Thank you for explaining that.
This deal blows.
Coulda used one of these last night, though I was smart enough to arrange a ride ahead of time.
how much were these again?