10-31-17 Halloween Is Over
20My goatdom is done, but I couldn’t finish without one last post.
Sadly, this Halloween was disappointing. Probably half the amount of children came compared to last year. Last year was probably half the amount of the year before. It’ll be 2020 before Halloween falls on a weekend again. Next year I’ll definitely just have to go to the Halloween festivals on the weekend.
It kind of bummed me out that some ungrateful teenagers came by that weren’t even dressed up. It was towards the end of the night, and I was tired. I was just standing at the end of the driveway, barely even moving when this group comes by. The tallest one gets close to me and says, “What do you think we are, a bunch of kids?” Wtf does that even mean?
I’ll just have to remember the ones that were really appreciative. I posed for several photos. Had a lot of adults tell us how awesome the house looked. One of them actually thanked us for celebrating.
The fog was ok. It was a bit windy. At the end of the night, after 10, we started cleaning up the stuff that couldn’t stay outside. Right before I was leaving, closer to 11, the wind died down completely, the grass was dewy, and it was around 65℉. The fog machines looked awesome. It was rolling into the neighbor’s yards and the streets. I was a little sad that it didn’t look that way all night. It was super creepy and no one got to see it!
Here’s a photo so you can kinda get an idea:
I’m still waiting for people to send me photos of my costume. I took one at home before I left though, just for @mfladd:
Today’s musical selection:
Nine Inch Nails
Probably my favorite band if you asked me for one favorite. Amorphis is pretty close, but I’ve been listening to NIN since I was a young teen or maybe a pre-teen. Not really sure.
Seen them in concert three times now. The first time I think I was 15. I was standing on the floor, fairly close. I was holding my new shirt and an art book that I bought. At one point Trent threw a half empty water bottle into the audience. It landed upside down, in my arms, soaking my book. There was a brief moment that I actually thought about keeping the bottle and drinking out of it. Lesson learned here was, buy stuff at the end of the concert, or at least carry a bag to put it in. Granted, back then, it was really annoying to bring bags.
I know when I watched the video as a teen… I felt funny feelings, haha. Trent is just so good looking, plus he’s blindfolded and hanging from the ceiling. I like men on the thinner side. Longer hair is a plus. Even now that Trent is a lot more buff and has short hair, he still looks handsome as fuck.
The Perfect Drug
How romantic.
Damn. This song is 20 years old.
Terrible Lie
I love watching movies and I can tell so easily when Trent has had his hands in the soundtrack. Him and Atticus Ross are killing it. Way back when Quake was a thing, I remember playing it for the first time at a computer learning center with my friends. The one guy that worked there set up a LAN party so we could all play one night. I was the only girl there. Back then it seemed really rare for women to play. I was terrible at the game, and I died a lot. If you’ve ever played Quake, you know they have a lot of funny death messages depending in the gun you were using. At the time, I just put my actual name as my username. Well, it sounded really weird when you’d see things like “(my name) was penetrated by (some dude)” So, in a whim, I pulled a new username out of thin air, and that’s how RiotDemon was born. Playing the game, the soundtrack was instantly recognizable. NIN did it.
Here’s the main theme:
Get Down Make Love
This song makes me feel funny as an adult. Even his breathing is sexy.
When The Fragile CD came out, I would listen to it every day in this one high school class I had where we basically got free time every day to do whatever we wanted. The class was humanities, and the strangest class I ever took. I appreciated the music time.
We’re In This Together
Mr. Self Destruct
Less Than
One of their newest songs
And that’s it. I’d pretty must post the entire NIN catalog if I could, cuz they’re so awesome.
I want to thank everyone that enjoyed my posts, especially @2many2no for bringing in songs of their own.
- 17 comments, 38 replies
- Comment
I will really miss your posts. I admit to not listening to the music, but I’ve read your commentary on each piece you’ve posted. A couple of times I’ve sampled the first few moments, and verified without a doubt that I’m old, and picky.
Feel free, if you want, to emulate JasonToon, and post a weekend playlist or two. Who knows, maybe January will inspire you?
@Shrdlu aww, thank you so much. I know the music isn’t for everyone, but I’m glad you enjoyed the posts!
@RiotDemon @Shrdlu 's post could have been written by me if I had any talent for writing. Ditto on all points. I have enjoyed your goatdom.
@Shrdlu love NIN! Have you ever watched the nin closure video? Awesome watched it when it was still on VHS! Had the biggest crush on trent too their music got me through some really rough times in HS. They did a really good show in conn.
@ragingredd I doubt @shrdlu ever watched it.
For a moment, I thought you meant the broken video. I have not seen closure, and it’s been a while since I watched the broken film. I just watched it again. I forgot how graphic it was. Gorier than a lot of modern gore films.
@RiotDemon Awesome costume, fantastic yard display, and first rate goatdom all October long! Aces all the way baby!
/giphy winner winner chicken dinner

@ruouttaurmind thanks!
I’m gonna miss you being Goat. Well done!
@Barney thanks. I’m glad I did ok.
@RiotDemon You did more than ok. Anytime you want to be Goat again, you’ve got my vote.
@Barney hopefully it won’t come to the point where we have to re-goat anyone.
@RiotDemon You did awesome!
@sammydog01 thanks!
Whoa! That was your Halloween and you’re disappointed? That’s so over-the-top, it’s very impressive. Did you have a good time?
It seems like fewer kids get to go trick or treating door-to-door anymore because of the organized activities and the higher level of fear in today’s world. Our town is really small, where everybody is still into everybody else’s business, but even here, we gradually get fewer kids each year. The spinners were a hit and we had fun this year, but we didn’t have anything like the setup you had - no costumes or decorations, just a porch light, bowls of candy and spinners, and Rob Zombie, Powerman 5000 and Mushroomhead for background. Around here, your house and costume would definitely be the best in town.
As for Nine Inch Nails, they have a unique and alluring way of combining sounds, rhythm, harmony and melody.
I bet the live shows are awesome.
Uh, also… TMI. Ew, now I feel funny listening to them too
Since Halloween is over, and it is now Día de Muertos, there really is just one band to fit the occasion. In case anyone doesn’t already know, they are from England.
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Thank you for all the fun this month. I’ve “met” some new bands and had a great time. @Shrdlu is right, an occasional playlist of what you’ve been listening to would be cool.
but still plenty of
No longer
@2many2no you probably feel funny in a different way, lol
I was disappointed because there was so few kids. Most of them didn’t say thank you. Just basic manners were lacking. My friend definitely goes all out, and it looks awesome, but this is the second year in a row that the city he is in did Trunk or Treat on Halloween night. All the other towns did stuff on the weekends, so you could still do your regular stuff on Halloween.
I have fun when I scare people. There was several teenagers that were terrified of me, and a few kids. Mostly I had kids taunting me telling things like “come at me boy!” And then running when I stepped towards them, unfolded my wings, or moved my scythe in their general direction. I also had some random kid talking shit about my boots. It’s just weird.
I was bummed that several people that said they were coming by, totally flaked out.
I just regret not going to the pre Halloween stuff in my town to show off my costume. Now it’ll be another year that it just does in the closet unused. Sad times.
@2many2no Actually, November 1st is All Saints Day. Día de los muertos (Day of the Dead) is November 2nd.
@2many2no It looks like we were both partially right… Apparently Day of the Dead begins on Halloween and ends November 2nd. (I blame both @djslack and high school Spanish classes for the confusion.)

/giphy donde esta el day of the dead
@msklzannie Día de Muertos starts with Halloween (in the evening) and runs through November 2. Halloween is All Saints’ Eve, November 1 is All Saints’ Day, November 2 is All Souls’ Day, together they are Allhallowtide, which actually corresponds to Día de Muertos (it’s actually more than 1 day.)
Of course, we anglicize it, call it Día de los Muertos, and change the meaning, but it’s still kinda cool.
So now that we know what your house looks like during the year, what did it look like for Halloween?
@mflassy it’s not my house so don’t try to find me! I’ve mentioned a few times that I don’t get trick or treaters, so I go to a friend’s… But I appreciate the comment because if I owned the decorations he had, I would keep several of them out year round.
You were an excellent goat 10/10 would goat you again.
@CaptAmehrican I’ll decline!!
@RiotDemon, I’m still kinda new around here, but I thoroughly enjoyed your October Goatdom so much! You really put the oat into Goat! Thank you for your service.
@therealjrn thanks! You’ve been here over 200 days more than me, what’s this new business?
@RiotDemon Kid, if you don’t have a “K”, you’re always going to be a n00b.
NIN has been one of my favorite bands since I was just 10. I have never seen them live could have once for $600 but did not have the money to spend. This is also the best post I have ever read on meh and enjoyed the 30, maybe more (who’s counting), minutes it took to get through that playlist.
On a side note your house was perfect and I wish I could have seen it. I am stuck in Kentucky for 3 weeks and my last 2 days is upon me. Finally almost time to go back to Kansas where I belong
@boredashell best post ever on meh? What a nice compliment, thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the musical selection.
Awwwe…you had a finger just for me? I am touched in suchan eViL way. That house and your costume were awesome!
You have been a fantastic GoaT! We have learned and shared about so may aspects of Halloween thru your posts. We have been entertained and experienced a lot of metal music. You have even found a new musical kindred spirit in @2many2no.
I would have loved a little more eViL, but I doubt anyone here will fill this need of mine.
But you have been granted Dark GoaT membership for reasons you and I are aware of.

Enjoy the pasture, you have earned it.
@mfladd I think you’ll have to get @KittySprinkles to come out of hibernation for the amount of evil you need.
I appreciate you letting me join the dark goats.
Hope you had fun with your gifts!
@RiotDemon Whaaaaaat? You summoned that witch!?
Close The Portal!!!

@mfladd oh, oh no…
Forgot to add a photo of the last NIN concert I went to. The day before the concert I asked my brother if he’d go, and surprisingly they had really good seats left. A lot of people were buying the cheap seats on the lawn.
The seats were not cheap, but the concert was awesome. Soundgarden put on a 45 minute show before NIN. R.I.P. Chris.
The visuals during the concert were great. I loved this part where they had huge led screens projecting Trent’s face real time while he was behind them.
I don’t know that I commented in any of your goatposts, but I read quite a few of them. You were a good goat.
@brhfl thanks!
une chèvre sans pair
@duodec thank you
@RiotDemon Actually thank Google Translate
But it was a fun month.
Add me to the list of people who’ve been reading each day and enjoying your commentary (even though I only watched part of a couple of videos). Thanks for all the work you put in.
I’m not really a metal fan and was surprised that I liked Skillet when I saw them as part of the Winter Jam 2015 East tour. I almost left early to beat the crowd since I’d thought I wouldn’t like them. I wasn’t a TFK fan when I saw them in 2014 and then again in 2017 (although the lead singer has a pretty cool microphone stand that’s shaped like a human backbone) and had expected my experience of Skillet to be the same. Anyhow Skillet is going to be back for the 2018 tour too!
Btw, I was listening to Skillet when I went on the walk all the way around town and got the 4 blisters. The album lasted for all but the last about 4 or 5 blocks. Good exercise music.
Not a great picture but it’s the best I have on my phone of TFK’s mic stand. There are better ones online.

@msklzannie I totally forgot about them. Went on a walk down memory lane. They were a couple of Christian bands that kinda snuck in without throwing it in your face.
Thanks for reading!
@RiotDemon You can now blame the new goat for forgetting (at least in this day’s topic).
@RiotDemon I absolutely love you! I have been enjoying your posts every day but need to go back to them for the music selections, it’s too early to blast them and they aren’t the same at low volume. Do you have music lists? Better yet, a blog? You will be sorely missed, you’ve become part of my morning routine. Oh and I think we may be related.
@callow you are too sweet.
No lists or blogs. I might revive the metal head thread eventually. Right now it has a lot of bands that I’ve already mentioned this month.
I love how you even got the dog to join the fun. Great costumes!
@callow Awesome!
No kids came at all to my place
Oh well, I get to return the unopened bag of candy!
@ELUNO Well that is sad.Good thing you don’t have 50 fidget spinners left over. Did kids even come to your street? Because of where I was (back end of the parkinglot) I had to stand at the sidewalk end to hand out my stuff or no one would have come either.
@ELUNO just eat it!
/youtube eat it
@riotdemon Also meant to say I love your costume and love your decorations. We don’t get a lot of that in our neighborhood anymore- I would have driven over to your friend’s place to check it out if I lived nearby.
@sammydog01 thank you!
So for whatever reason I didn’t ask anyone to get photos of me with my own phone, so I’ve been waiting for pictures from a couple of friends that stopped by. Here’s a random photo of me before I put my rope belt on and I’m not holding my scythe… But you can get a better idea of what the entire costume looks like.
And here’s a blurry photo of sad Death at night.

@RiotDemon NICE!
I live in a slightly older area (relatively speaking), so overall, it’s much more subtle around here. This giant black cat stood out, though.

@RiotDemon That is very scary! Love the tattered wings.
@2many2no glad you like them. I was a little afraid to cut them up, since I didn’t have more fabric on hand. They need a little tweaking because I added that “creepy cloth” mesh stuff on top, and you can see in the one photo it’s dragging on the ground. I kept getting it caught on my scythe, or random decorations. I actually caught it on the neighbors mailbox one time, haha.
I would love to do black feathers. Real ones would cost a fortune… I’ve seen people make ones out of foam, but it takes forever. Maybe next year, I dunno.