10-11-17 Gifted Fuko


Apparently @legendornothing isn’t the only one that was lucky enough to be gifted a fuko. Apparently there’s at least two people that are crazy generous enough to share.

enter image description here

Sorry about my terrible photo. I received:

  • Red bag, not sure if fuko or fuku
  • Cow thermometer, now I just need a steak to test it on
  • Green Power wraps, will go on my bike, or my dog’s harness. Whichever fits better.
  • black 3D printed bowl… Guess I can throw something in it
  • Mediocre socks, I know these are coveted, but they might not fit… Curious to try. If they don’t fit, I suppose I’ll throw them through the wash and gift them to someone.
  • 24k face mask set. This retails for $250 (lol) on their website and ~$60 on eBay. I’m going to give them a shot.

A big THANK YOU to whoever was generous enough to send this to me. This really lifted my spirits.

Tonight’s musical selection is:

Social Repose - Filthy Pride

Only one song tonight because I’m so very tired.