Is meh ever going to translate this? Then can you translate the Korean on my facebook page? Although out of 5 Korean friends, only one post in the language.
People living in Korea don't complain it is sold out. You have an advantage in buying because when each new deal is posted it is the middle of the night in the USA and midday in Korea… Some deals are sold out by the time people in the USA are even getting up in the morning.
@Kidsandliz New deals aren't released in the middle of the night in any of the contiguous states. Do you perhaps live in the US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico?
마음이 허할땐 다른 지름으로 채우시면 됩니다...허허
yeah you can always wait for other non-meh stuff!!!
Is meh ever going to translate this? Then can you translate the Korean on my facebook page? Although out of 5 Korean friends, only one post in the language.
새로운 지름신의 태양은 다시 떠오른답니다.
People living in Korea don't complain it is sold out. You have an advantage in buying because when each new deal is posted it is the middle of the night in the USA and midday in Korea… Some deals are sold out by the time people in the USA are even getting up in the morning.
@Kidsandliz 정말 그렇네요! 히히 미국분들 화이팅
@Kidsandliz Translation: 한국에 계신 분들, 품절이라고 불평하지 말아요. 당신들은 구매할 때 훨씬 유리한 입장이라구요. 새 딜이 뜰때 미국은 한밤중이지만 한국은 대낮입니다. 일부 딜은 미국에 있는 사람들이 아침에 일어나기 전부터 이미 품절이에요.
@Kidsandliz New deals aren't released in the middle of the night in any of the contiguous states. Do you perhaps live in the US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico?
@bluedyn I guess it depends what you consider middle of the night. It is "midnight" some places so...sort of middle of the night
플스한번 올라왔으면 좋겠다 ㅋㅋ
비싼건 안올라오겠즤?
I hope Playstation is on sale. lol. Expensive products will not be on sale ever. will it?
@ozinger 언젠가 올라 올지도 모르죠?? 매일 매일 확인 해 보세요 ㅋㅋ