Hello, Are you able to establish a partnership with a Korean company? There are some questions I cannot ask in public, so if you can email me at the address below, I will explain you the details. Please reply this post. Thank you. leejudot@dimc.co.kr
As long as it is a partnership to provide products at a low price, I will welcome the partnership. But like some of the buying service providers, if Meh raises price to match the service providers price, I am so against it.
partnerships with Korean companies... I am so worried about this because many of the Korean companies regardless of the size of the company) treat customers like pushovers. I just hope Meh does not lose their strength.
Isn't this the viral marketing that the company hires bloggers/online users to increase the brand awareness or something like that? I super-hate it. T.T that viral..that power blogger... is anything like that in process, I hope Korean staff would speak out to continue the fresh, third-rate image of Meh in Korea.
Hello, Are you able to establish a partnership with a Korean company? There are some questions I cannot ask in public, so if you can email me at the address below, I will explain you the details. Please reply this post. Thank you. leejudot@dimc.co.kr
@MasterST @derek
@nathanK @MasterST got it, thanks for the ping!
@MasterST I would suggest they email sourcing@mediocre.com
sourcing@mediocre.com 으로 이메일 해주시길 바랍니다
@MasterST @leejudot
좋은 가격대의 협력이면 환영할만 하지만 업체다 보니 현 구매대행 업체들처럼 터무니없는 가격에 올리고 파는거면 .. 더군다나 협력업체랑 가격대 맞춘다고 meh자체에서도 가격을 올린다면 그건 진짜 반대
@jaeseungkim 저희는 그런 분야의 협력이 아닙니다. 판매 촉진 프로모션쪽입니다....
As long as it is a partnership to provide products at a low price, I will welcome the partnership. But like some of the buying service providers, if Meh raises price to match the service providers price, I am so against it.
We are not in that kind of partnership. We do sales promotions.
@leejudot 아 넵 죄송합니다 요즘 그쪽으로 가격 높게 먹이는 사람들때문에..
ah. ok. I apologize. Recently, there are companies who does that, and charge extra for consumers.
@MasterST 한국업체와의 제휴라... 워낙 한국기업들이 소비자를 봉으로 아는데 (재벌 대기업이든 중소기업이든) 불안하네요 메의 장점이 사라지지 않으면 좋겠어요
partnerships with Korean companies... I am so worried about this because many of the Korean companies regardless of the size of the company) treat customers like pushovers. I just hope Meh does not lose their strength.
무언가 진행이 되고있나요?? 궁금하네요
이거 바이럴 마케팅~ 블로거들 고용해서 네이버에 후기 200개 검색되게 하기~ 뭐 이런 거 아닌가요? 그런거 신물나게 싫은데. ㅠㅠ 그놈의 바이럴 그놈의 파워블로거... 혹시 뭔가 진행된다면 한국인 스탭 여러분들이 인풋 잘 넣어주셔서 meh의 신선한 삼류 이미지를 한국에서도 이어갈 수 있게 되길 바래요.
Isn't this the viral marketing that the company hires bloggers/online users to increase the brand awareness or something like that? I super-hate it. T.T that viral..that power blogger... is anything like that in process, I hope Korean staff would speak out to continue the fresh, third-rate image of Meh in Korea.
@mia 걱정마세요. 저희들이 지켜내드릴께요.
@MasterST 저놈의 독수리 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 너무 귀엽네요