저는 의 선물을 지지 사정 할.
2오전 일어나는 일들더 많은 할 수 있습니다 녹색으로 서 부 정금 일 오전 좋아하세요 입력하십시오하지 않습니다 것이 얼마나? 악어의 온도 조절 장치 많은 사람들이 은 JBL 스피커를을 일반적인 팬티는거기에 도킹 할인가? 저는 을 세 번 이론적으로는당신은 플렉스 케이블 낙뢰가 마련 할 의 연금술 분석 한 난 내 적합한 같은 기원을해야합니까 페니스 동사가 상황에 맞는 아이들 보내 겠 캘빈 아라미드 섬유전원을나섭니다
저는 오랜 가슴이 고동 치는 대화가 스트로 킹하는 즐거움주셔서 감사합니다
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그런소리는 쉽게.
@unkabob 유아 수십억의 죽음 등 많은.
@er1c .. 미안하지만 난 당신의 언어를 잘못 해석했다.
@unkabob Está bien, me idealmente filtrada un párrafo original que escribí a través de google traducir tantas veces se hizo imposible de interpretar! Que he añadido los sustantivos y adjetivos aleatorios entre palabras porque mierda por qué no.
@er1c ...bueno..
I am more things happening, you can not enter the green sub specie am standing like how to get? Crocodile thermostat panties and a lot of people is a common docking JBL speakers are there discounts? Euroneun you three times the theoretical analysis of the alchemy I like I do I have to pray for my penis verb Calvin took the children aramid fibers zap power contextual Speaker, I have a long conversation beating heart beat of the flex cable to provide lightning Thank you for your stroking pleasure.
Thank you Google Translate. Crystal clear now.
@Telyman ... Yeah, and my response to that just might have insulted an entire nation.. I recanted with an apology).
This is too weird. Even for meh standard too weird. For Korean standard it's way too weird. Fuck translation. I'm out.
@nathanK I'd give you more stars if I could.
cop out. Go for it man, else your epi-status of employed will be devoid when I pay a bigger company to hire you, like Bank of America! Than you'll have to choose between fun and idealistically terminal illness. 
@er1c terminal illness sounds too much like K-drama.. Where did you get that pharagraph(or a jumble of words)?
@nathanK I typed a semi coherent paragraph in english then proceeded to stack various verbs and nouns in contextless/incoherent phrases. Than I accepted the longest alternate translation of every korean phrase, than ran it through google translate from korean to arabic, than added more various prepositions stacked in meaningless areas, than posted it here, than ate three boxes of cereal.
@er1c I'm going to guess that cereal had a lot of sugar in it.
@Mehrocco_Mole It was the postrequisite.