Wush Pro Water-Powered Ear Cleaner

  • Shoots water into your ear to clear out wax blockages
  • Tri-jet tips clean along the ear canal while avoiding direct pressure at the eardrum
  • Choose the power setting you prefer
  • The cup will catch what comes out
  • Is it available in Georgia Red: No, and if what comes out looks Georgia Red, that’s probably a bad sign
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Are We Clear?

When we sold this previously, we discussed the grave dangers of using Q-tips in your ears. Okay, maybe ‘grave danger’ is overstating it. They can, however, cause issues, and if you use them really stupidly, they can create some big problems.

Something like this, on the other hand, shoots water into your ear to clean the wax out if it’s obstructing the canal. (If the wax is not obstructing the canal, however, it should be left alone. It’s there to help!)

And you know what? We got some great, helpful comments, some of them from actual (unverified) medical professionals!

@docflash–who, it turns out, is a real doctor, not just someone with a fun username–said:

We use a similar device in my medical office. water should be close to body temperature or can cause vertigo, nausea and vomiting.

The good doctor went on to correct something we said in the write-up:

woot! [sic] wrote: “First off, you shouldn’t use Q-tips to clean your inner ear” when they mean your external ear canal. THAT IS 100% TRUE! Irrigation like this is much safer. don’t use if you have bleeding or a discharge from your ear- you might have a hole in your eardrum causing it!!!


@AaronLeeJohnson expressed interest in the product:

I need this device. I am one of those people that gets ear gunk chronic. Likewise, I assume I’ll mix the water with peroxide because I’ve never seen just warm water on its own work.

But @PhysAssist–who we assume is a physician’s assistant, and not just the assistant to the regional physician–chimed in and said:

This is a non-medical recommendation that instead you should try OTC Debrox= Carbamide peroxide formulated specifically for use in ear canals.

@Ozzie2191, meanwhile, offered some reassurances, in terms of its intensity:

I’ve used one of these before. For those concerned, it’s not coming out at laser speed, but it’s certainly stronger than your shower. I didn’t find it had much impact for me, but I also don’t have impacted wax concerns. I tried it basically out of curiousity. Very easy to use, so if you’re someone who feels they get exceso wax and you want to avoid using qtips, give it a run.

All this sounds pretty good to us. And you know what else will sound good? Most things after you use one of these to clear a blockage.

In conclusion, you can use it in the shower.

So buy one.

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