Wewarm 360-Degree 1500W Digital Surround Ceramic Space Heater with Remote

- 360 [directional] degrees of heat
- 1500W of power, so it’ll heat up quickly
- Plenty of safety features like overheat protection, tip-over switch, and child safety control lock
- Can it make a margarita pleasant: No, but it will warm you up on the outside while the tequila warms you within
Plenty of Time
As I write this, the Midwest finds itself in a strangely mild stretch of February. Current conditions? 61 and windy. This will be the warmest it is for the next several days, but still, according to my in-depth study of meteorological reports (by which I mean: I looked at the weather app on my phone) we won’t be getting back to the ‘high of -12’ we dealt with just a few weeks ago anytime soon.
And so, I find it strange to be sitting here, wearing a t-shirt and shorts inside, writing about a space heater.
But this really speaks to the ruthlessness of the winter.
You see highs in the 40s and 50s on the horizon in mid-February, and, because your mind is so scrambled by the cold, you think, Ooh-la-la! Looks like summer has arrived early this year! But 45 degrees is not very warm. Even 55 degrees will start to get a little unpleasant if you’re just sitting around in it.
Of course, inside your insulated house, you don’t notice. But what about that room in your basement that’s always ten degrees colder? What if you want to do something in there? Or your garage: what if you’ve got something you need to get done out there that’s not exactly intense enough for you to get your core temperature up?
Or, heck, what if you’re just tired of being stuck up in your home and you want to sit out on the back porch, get some fresh air, and read? Or you and your friends want to have a cocktail on the deck during one of those unseasonably warm days, but then the sun goes and, while everyone’s still having a fun time, it’s a little uncomfortable: what do you do about that? You could supply blankets, big sweaters, and hats, perhaps.
Or, you could get one of these, plug it in (maybe with an extension cord in this last example), turn it on, and let its 360-degree heat warm everyone up. (That’s the directional degrees there, by the way; this thing likely can’t do 360 degrees Fahrenheit.)
Then again, you could also turn this thing on and get under a blanket. That sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it? No, you’re right: it’s the opposite of cool. It’s warm as hell.
So buy this space heater. There’s still plenty of time to enjoy it.