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Rock Solid Dual Motion Whole Body Vibration Fitness Machine

  • A machine designed to vibrate you into the shape of your life, apparently!
  • It comes with resistance bands and a workout poster.
  • It can also give a massage? What can’t this thing do!?!
  • Uses linear, oscillating, or tri-planer vibrations. Unfortunately no bi-planer vibrations. Sorry, Snoopy fans.
  • Model: RS3DP. And you don’t even need the special 3D glasses to use it!
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A Rock Solid Interview

When we first saw this thing, we were confused. How exactly does it work? What exactly does it do? We needed answers, so we turned to, Doyle Henderson, a health and fitness guru, and one of the foremost experts on the Rock Solid Dual Motion Whole Body Vibration Fitness Machine. Here’s what he had to say:

Meh: Thanks for talking to us, Doyle.

Doyle Henderson: Ttthhhaannnkkkkkss ffooorrr hhaaavvvviinngg mmeeee!

M: Would you like some iced tea?

DH: Sssuuuurrrre.

M: Oh, sorry. We’ll get you a towel.

DH: Aapppprreecccciiaaattte iitt.

M: Now, let’s start with the basics, this is a fitness machine, but it seems like so much more. How would you describe it?

DH: Jjuussst liikke tthhhaat: mmmooorrree thhhannn aaa ffitttnness mmmacchhiiinnne. Iiittt’ss vvvverryyy vvverrrrsattttilllle.

M: How is it versatile? Like, you can work out with the resistance bands, or do one of the exercises on the included poster? That sort of thing?

DH: Exxxxaccctttlllly. Alllll tttthhhe whhhhhilllle, itttt’s vibbbrrraaatttinnng annnnnnd sttttimmmmuullatinnng yyyooouuurrr mmmusssccclesss.

M: Sounds like it could give a nice massage.

DH: Abbbbbsssssollluttteelllyyyyy!

M: We’ve read that you can choose to use linear, oscillating, or tri-planer vibrations. Is that standard on machines like this?

DH: Noooo, thhhattt’s onnnee ooffff thhheee thhhhiiinnngs thhhattt mmmakesss thhhisss onnnee sooooo spppeccciiaalll. Ittt ccann vvvibbbrrraatte inn sooo mmmannnyyy ddifffferrrennt wwayyss ttooo rrrealllly gggivvve yyyoouu a fffulll bbbodddyyyy wwwworrrkkooouuutttt.

M: That’s great to know. Well, that about wraps this up. Thanks, Doyle. This has been really informative.

DH: Nnnnooo ppprobbblllemm. Dooeeesss tthhatt meeean I caann gggettt offff thisss tthhhinngg nnnnowww?

M: Yeah, sure.

DH: Okay, great. Thanks.

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