Presto Bento Cooker

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Tricky "Treats": a Meh-rathon

A boy dressed as a ghost and a boy dressed as a boy dressed as a swamp monster met on the sidewalk to compare their hauls.

“What’s that?” the ghost asked, pointing to a large box in his friend’s treat bag.

“Oh, it was from Mr. Thompson,” said the swamp monster. “It’s for cooking ramen. He said he liked it because he could make his lunch at his desk without using the break room fridge.”

“Do you think that’s what’s going on here?” asked the ghost. “Do you think grown-ups are so sad to be grown up that they’re trying to ruin our childhoods by handing out products that look like they’d have infomercials this Halloween?”

“It’s a good theory,” said the swamp monster.

Follow along all day for great deals on products you could (technically) hand out on Halloween!

So far today...

  • 189282 of you visited.
  • 37% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 292 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 25 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $380 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?