Pogocam Wearable HD Camera with 100% UV Pogotrack Sunglasses
- Finally, you can see from the prospective of a pair of sunglasses!
- The USB-C charging case can hold 16,000 pictures or 180 30 second 720p videos.
- Model: C4M-U-F33L-TH3-L0V3.
Oh, the Mehmories: a Birthday Meh-rathon!
For our birthday this year, we’re putting on a Meh-rathon to honor the people that make this site so great. That’s right: we’re talking about US! So please, enjoy this epic celebration–or… sell-ebration?–by shopping, laughing, buying, sharing your thoughts, sharing your money, and buying!
Many of you probably look at a site that sells just a single often very stupid thing each day (like maybe a little camera that clips onto sunglasses, for example) and you think… wow, those people must live like gods. But the truth is, we put our pants on every morning just like everyone else:
Step 1: We are awoken by our robot butler who offers us six options for the pants we will wear that day. If none of the options pleases us, the robot butler will short circuit itself out of shame, and a backup robot butler will take its place.
Step 2: Our life coach will arrive and help us envision a future in which we wear the pants we have selected. This way, we do not go into what is called “pants shock.”
Step 3: Our robot butler, having memorized the placement of each thread of the pair we have selected, will begin hastily sewing an exact replica around our legs.
See! We who work here at Meh aren’t that different from you folks at home!