Mophie Juice Pack Flex Charging Case for iPhone 7 & 8 Plus in Black
- Made for iPhone 7 and 8 Plus
- Wireless charging compatible
- Advanced polymer material to absorb and disperse impact energy
The Zaggs in the Walls
Hey hey, it’s a ZAGG-RATHON! You like charging things? You like hearing things? You like lights? You like amateurish psychological/cosmic horror stories? Well, do we have the event for you. 24 hours of nonstop Mophie, Braven, Halo, and iFrogz accessories! Get ’em while they are hot, because we got this food heating lamp at a discount, so it’ll probably die any second, but hey, we’re selling all day!
While tending to the grounds, please mind the open jars of honey. I am collecting bait.