LetsFit Kaloc TWS Noise Cancellation Earbuds with Charging Case
- The noise cancelling might work! Might not!
- The batteries might last 6 hours! Might not!
- These might be good earbuds! Might not!
- Can they make a margarita: No, but they cost less than a margarita at a lot of places
Just Fine
Last time we sold these, @Pufferfishy said:
“These suck but they’re only 10 bucks” is an interesting marketing strategy.
You’re damn right it was! And it worked! Just look at what @leeeoooooo had to say:
“They’re not great, but they’re cheap.” I couldn’t resist and I’m not disappointed. They work, and that’s good enough for me, especially at the price!
@kmand gave a bit more detail:
I bought these during the mehathon. The basics work ok, but the ANC is useless. It announces whether it’s in ANC mode or not, but I can’t detect any change in the sound. Also the Kaloc website is basically not functional, registration fails. It smells like a failed product with a company out of business. Again, basic functionality works pretty well for $10.
@Duanewill disagrees, in regards to the ANC. After being called upon by @troy, they posted this:
They are holding up well, I was really surprised by the difference between noise canceling on or off.
@Zach, meanwhile, disagreed with this assertion (thus agreeing with @kmand):
I can’t tell the difference between anc off or on.
@jnhasty7 meanwhile takes some issue with the battery life:
Bought these last time. They are decent, but a full charge lasts less than 2 hours.
Why are we posting negative things people said about a product we’re trying to sell? Because, friends, we are DRUNK! Drunk on freedom, that is. As in the freedom that comes with selling a product for so cheap that you don’t have to write sales-y marketing copy. Some people will think they’re worth more than $10. Others will think they’re worth less, but they won’t be too upset, because they only spent $10.
It’s a glorious place to be! But it would be more glorious if you bought some earbuds.