Kitchen Cube 19 All-in-One Measuring Device

  • 19+ measurements in one practical and easy to use device
  • They’re in US and Metric, so fear not
  • It’s like the anti-puzzlebox
  • It solves puzzles
see more product specs

We've Created A Monster

Anyone else getting tired of the same old monsters. Dracula? More like Drab-ula! Zombies? A bunch of real zom-bozos! Werewolves? Get-the-hell-outta-here, wolves! Enough with the masked killers using gardening implements, with the typical ghosts and ghouls, and enough with the clowns! No, it’s about time we forge a bold new direction in horror. I’ve even roped in our own resident monster-sculptor @KoolHandJoe for his expert opinions on the matter. Let’s see what we’ve got.


Everything always has to do with blood. Sacrificial rites? Bloodletting. Vampires? Bloodsuckers. Killers? Bloodshed. Just tons of blood. There are plenty of other important juices in the body, right? Where are the monsters that want your, I don’t know, saliva? Goes in for a big ol’ smooch. Kiss of death.

@KoolHandJoe: “That thing is a real Thirst Trap!”

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