Irk Stuffie

  • An icon of the industry
  • Way more huggable than a YouTube video
  • You can make it complain about whatever you want (but it does not talk itself)
  • Like, roughly a foot tall (though to be clear he can’t stand on his own)
  • He also can’t walk, dance, ride motorcycles or hold a knife, just in case you wondered
  • We’re taking a bit of a risk selling these before they’re in stock. That means you’re taking a bit of a risk with us.
  • Mostly, there’s some chance these are delayed longer than we expected.
  • But of course there’s a risk we got the wrong quantity. Or they’re pink. Or somehow they made Glen instead of Irk. (Ok, that would be an amazing mistake.)
  • Let’s just say that by buying this you’re joining the club of Irk Risk-taKers, and if nothing else you’ll be able to follow along with whatever folly follows.
  • We’re not yet ready to call this a Schrödinger’s Irk but…the fact that we’re mentioning that should tell you something.
see more product specs


We’ve arrived at the retail day of the year! The day when all stores, online and IRL, offer deals designed to get everyone abuzz. So, what are we offering here on Meh? Something only the true sickos will enjoy: a stuffed animal of our mascot Irk.

That’s right. This is not an IRK (as in: an Instant Regret Kit) but it is an Irk (as in: a plush Irk that DOES NOT TALK). And we’re so excited, we even put together a little commercial for it. Check it out!

Yep. You’ll be seeing that on all the big channels this holiday season! For example: our YouTube channel. And also: that’s it, just our YouTube channel.

Now, here’s something you should know: these are not totally in stock at present. Like, we haven’t received them yet. Generally, we try to avoid this. We like to have everything in our possession before we run it because it saves us from a lot of headaches later. With this, however, we were willing to take the risk.

We should also say on the rare occasions we’ve done this in the past, it has almost always worked out fine. And, actually, this is kinda like bringing an umbrella when the forecast says there’s a 40% chance of rain; by wasting all this space making a big deal out of it, we’ve likely ensured that everything goes totally fine. Still, we just wanted to let you know.

As for the product itself, this is, as it says in the video, a Meh exclusive. Obviously. Which puts the honus on us to explain its many interesting features. And to do that, we made a quick FAQ! Here goes:

Would this make a good gift for my child?

Very interesting question. Definitely worth considering.

Should I put this in someone’s stocking or wrap it up and put it under the tree?

Hmmm, that’s a big decision you have to make. Good luck!

How do I explain the Meh experience and Irk’s significance to it if I’m giving this to someone unfamiliar with the site?

There’s a doozy for you. Like, wow, yeah, where do you even begin?

Can you provide any information in terms of the size of this Irk plushie or the materials used to construct it?

Huh, could we? Hard to say!

So glad we could help inform your purchasing decision.

Anyway, buy an Irk plushie, and we’ll send it to you whenever it gets sent to us!

So far today...

  • 71525 of you visited.
  • 50% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 3257 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 703 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $15482 total.
  • (including shipping)

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