Instant Regret Kit

  • It’s not good stuff
  • We really don’t know how to stress this enough
see more product specs

Trick-or-Treat: a Meh-rathon

We interrupt this trick-or-treat-themed Meh-rathon to offer you this instantly regrettable item.

Is it an elaborate trick to get you to pay for things we’d otherwise throw away?

Or is it a veritable wellspring of amazing treats?

We won’t tell you!

But we will give you this hint: it’s not a veritable wellspring of amazing treats.

So far today...

  • 96822 of you visited.
  • 23% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 101 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 38 of these.
  • We sold out at 6:35am.
  • That’s $202 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?