Ginsu Kiso 14-Piece Knife Set with Wood Block
- All the knives you need for any cooking job
- Also, a whole bunch of steak knives
- Available in red or black
- Are they available in Georgia red: see above bullet
A Cut Above
A transcript of an episode of Chopped where one of the contestants has the same busted-ass knife collection as you
TED ALLEN: Competitors, you have just fifteen minutes left!
MANEET CHAUHAN: We are halfway through the entree round and Chef Bill has not touched his lamb, his nori, his pickled eggs, or his broccoli rabe.
AMANDA FRIETAG: He seems to really be struggling with chopping that onion. I swear he’s been working on it for most of the round.
MARCUS SAMUELSON: Is he using an old bread knife?
TA: Funny you say that. Of the knife set chef Bill brought with him, the producers only allowed two onto the show, the others being too discolored, dull, or rusted to be used safely.
MS: You’re saying this is actually one of his better knives?
TA: That’s right.
MC: What kind is the other one?
TA: A paring knife, and not from the same set. In fact, he appears to be using that one right now, to butcher his lamb.
AF: Honestly, I can’t watch this. I’m done.
TA: Amanda, wait!
AF: No, Ted. Frog eyes in a dessert basket? That’s no problem. But seeing someone break down such a beautiful cut of meat with such an awful tool is too much. Especially when you can get a great set of Ginsu Knives on Meh for $29.99. It’s crazy, Ted! And I won’t stand for it!
TA: Wow, she wasn’t kidding. She really just stormed off the set. But don’t worry, the producers are in my ear telling me they have a backup judge in case this happens. Maneet, Marcus, please join me in welcoming your esteemed colleague, chef and restauranteur, Christian Petroni.
CHRISTIAN PETRONI: Hey, hey, gabagools and gabagoolettes. The big hambino is here to issue culinary takes as nona’s fra diavolo, capiche?