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Dreame Tech T30 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

  • Way cheaper than a Dyson and still pretty good!
  • It’s got a friggin’ carbon fiber wand… that’s cool!
  • LED display shows battery life and dust concentration
  • You can choose “auto” mode which automatically detects the dust and chooses the right power for the job
  • Comes with a variety of attachments so you can break it down or build it up to deal with messes all over the place
  • Why is it called ‘T30’: Well there was a WWII T30 Heavy Tank, so we assume this is their heavy-duty model (but it weighs 50,000lb less)
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It’s a budget product (sort of) but it actually works!

Amazon user Rachel Black, in a 5-star Amazon review titled “Over the moon,” says:

I cannot write enough great things about this vacuum! I can easily use it to clean out my car, though not as powerful as a car wash vacuum (which would be useless in a residential setting anyways). And it’s so lightweight and easy to use as I clean my house. It makes vacuuming fun!

We highlight this because, well, it’s a very strong review for a product we’re selling, so, duh. But also, we wanted to show just how a lifetime of shitty budget vacuum cleaners affects a person’s psyche. You find yourself doing the heart eyes emoji for a something that [checks notes] performs the job for which it was intended?

It’s ridiculous! Like praising a car simply due to the fact that it has a good steering wheel that doesn’t fly off while you’re driving!

This explains why brands like Dyson charge a mortgage payment for one of their products. It’s like, sure, you could spend less than 600 bucks on a competitor’s, but if all it does is make some vacuum noises while leaving your floors in the exact same state as when you started, are you really saving any money?

Which is, in turn, how you end up with stuff like this from Amazon user Ryan Toyota:

Our seven-year-old Dyson stick vacuum was no longer holding a very long charge, and while we liked it the price of new ones was hard to stomach. My wife saw these and liked the look of them, I expected it to be a cheap knockoff of a Dyson with half the quality but figured it would be worth a chance and we could always send it back if it was super awful.

It’s a 5-star review that goes on highlight the vacuum’s many commendable features, but that’s not the point. The point is, it’s crazy that people are like, “No way this thing that only cost SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS is going to deliver basic results.”

But it does! And what’s more, we are not selling it for several hundred dollars. We are selling it for a hundred and a half dollars.

So maybe buy it! It’s cheap(er than some) and good!

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