Cool Gear Stay Fit Combo Set
- Model: 1152 STAYFIT
- The insulated, ergonomic Soup 2 Go bowl is actually the best cereal bowl in the galaxy
- The Deluxe Salad Kit and Lunch 2 Go containers have freezer inserts to keep things cold, and compartments to keep them separate
- For real though, you guys, try that cereal bowl
Breakfast container of champions.
You’ll never drive the best car in the world. Or even get close enough to inhale its fumes. You’ll never live in the best house. You’ll never wear the best clothes. You’ll never eat the best food. You’ll probably never have the best sex. Nothing personal about you and your equipment or whatever. Just, you know, statistically, with 6 billion humans, it’s unlikely.
But you can buy the best cereal bowl. Right now. And the funny thing is, it’s not even called a cereal bowl. It’s the so-called Soup 2 Go bowl included with this bundle.
It’s insulated, to keep the milk cold to the last slurp. The handle is perfect for moving around in the morning without interrupting your breakfast, and for drinking down that list bit of (still cold) milk. And its nice tall profile preserves that progression from crunchy to chewy to soft to soggy that is the essence of the cereal experience.
That essential progression, by the way, is why those fancy cereal bowls that attempt to achieve a perfect balance of milk and cereal are so misguided. Every bite of a bowl of cereal should not feel the same.
A bowl of cereal is a story. A logical unfolding of cause and effect. A mythical quest. As it evolves, as we feel it grow and change and die in our very mouths, our bowl of cereal enacts the drama at the heart of the human condition. The Soup 2 Go container reminds us that today is but one more bite from the steadily emptying bowl of our lives. Seize it! Taste it! Exult in its sweetness while yet ye live!
Oh, yeah, you get some other containers too. They seem fine.