eh, already bought this in December/January?. It seems cool, but lot of little parts to wash and the insulated parts don't detach so you can't run through the dishwasher. This is like a kickstarter idea gone horribly wrong. Wish you would have given all of these to the last fukubukakke-oro or whatever that is. I should have bought the speaker dock, it was way cooler than this.
I think this is the most excited I have ever been for a Meh item. This will be perfect for my lunches at work. I will be able to eat salads so much more now! I cannot wait!!
@iluvmingos try fried cereal. More like sautéed cereal. Throw a few spoons of butter in a frying pan along with some dry cereal (your blend) and toast it up. Its awesome.
@readnj I'm a bit of a cereal addict. I currently have Cap'n Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, and Life. I just finished off the Cookie Crisp and Choco Zucaritas in the last week. We alternate between Froot Loops and Fruity Pebbles, because my son prefers one and I prefer the other. It's sad really, as a mom I should probably be encouraging Raisin Bran and healthy stuff, but I won't make my son eat something I'm not willing to eat! Life cereal is as close as I get to "healthy", but now thanks to @brianebel I want to try it fried!
I ordered this last time it was up. Not sure how others fared, but mine appeared like it may have been previously used. Washed, but previously used. The stuff was significantly scratched up, more than shelf wear. The lids are sturdy but the containers themselves are really flimsy. Working with support to get it all cleared up, but heads up in any case.
@meh or you could thank Meh for breaking it in for you. The demo sample they used for the promo photos should be more valuable, not less. It is collectible!
I'm confused. Looks like this set does not include the cereal bowl, which is a different item than the soup bowl. The soup bowl does not seem to have a separate "milk container".
I am highly amused that as I always do I looked at the pictures before reading the write up and thought, man, that would make an amazing cereal bowl. I like that Meh agrees with me. As much as I would like to have this cereal bowl as an upgrade from my plastic chinese soup container cereal bowls, I don't need the other stuff.
@kylewood I just like my milk ice cold, but not as ice. I just put my ghetto soup container at my desk and eat at my computer like an animalistic barbarian heathen, using a serving spoon so I can get a single piece of cereal swimming in the maximum milk per bite. I probably should be ashamed, but meh.
This stuff? Meh. I really do miss my Mr. Bento insulated lunch jar though. That thing was really neat. Too bad my wife used its components for cat dishes and such. I may have to buy another one sometime.
I bought these last time around. The salad one is nice, except that the cooling gel is integrated into the lid, so you have to stick the whole mid-tray into the freezer. So you can't pre-pack it the night before.
The soup cup is nice, but no one is going to use the folding spoon. Don't bother. I guess leave it in there in case of emergency when you forget to pack an actually useful one. I don't take soup, but it might be useful for leftover casserole or something like that.
The "meal" one I would say is useless. The lid tabs will break after a few uses. Difficult to remove -- can't imagine doing it with food in it and not spilling the food all over. Ok for kid portions but probably not an adult-size lunch.
I guess it is worth it for the salad bowl -- I have seen similar ones for $10-15 with a lesser dressing cup. This one has a screw-on lid that I think is better.
@katbyter " The salad one is nice, except that the cooling gel is integrated into the lid, so you have to stick the whole mid-tray into the freezer. So you can't pre-pack it the night before." -- well if you buy a second one today, you can indeed prepack by freezing the other not-in-use lid!
Is it true that Minecraft creator Markus Persson bought that "best house" for $70 million? Must have felt great saving $15 million off the asking price.
Really! More items that are in end the end just chores? plastic to be washed glasses to be washed, vacuum... all this does is create chores- Shame on you blessed lawful skunk!!
@phatmass we prefer the random plastics method. As we age the mental and physical dexterity required to arrange and keep bits from tumbling out of the cabinet is a healthy anti-aging exercise.
@rockblossom We practice Safe Plastics. Only goes in the under-counter cabinet. Ceramics and glass goes in the upper cabinets so we don't end up with merely chipped stuff - only full destruction when it falls on the Tile Floor.
I feel like I should have bought one of the 20 speaker docks I've been offered on here but alas I didn't.....but now I can buy this and put my phone in the bowl,bowl speaker dock probably gets to the same volume as the docks I'm sure.
@dashcloud I have two sets from the last time we sold these. I've only used the blue one so far, and it was meh, but I didn't use its "stay cool" feature. Not a fan of the included spork/knife -- they're just going to break eventually (probably sooner rather than later) or get lost.
However I'm pretty stoked about the other two whenever I get a chance to use them. I think the salad one would be great for preparing a salad early in the week that you're not going to eat until later, since you can really keep everything separate. I just haven't gotten into a routine of doing that.
I'm also looking forward to using the soup one and seeing for how long it keeps my soup warm. If it can keep it warm for a couple hours, then I can bring soup for lunch without having to use the scary breakroom microwave that sounds like it's going to explode.
Sorry I can't be more helpful... I'm just really lazy and my husband usually prepares my lunch for me. I don't think he even knows this kit exists because it's in a different cabinet than most of our tupperware.
The other cool gear kit we sold gets a lot more use, and I can testify that it keeps my lunch cool until lunchtime if you keep the trays in the freezer until use. However, if you take it out of the freezer and put immediately put it in your salad box, you are going to have a sad salad because the lettuce will freeze, and thaw out by lunch time, and then be gross. We keep the salad box trays in the fridge.
Wow, 1,132 sold by 2pm Eastern. Blew by total sales last time of 860. Must be either that today is a Saturday or that last time was Christmas eve. Or a combo of both.
I bought this the last time it came up. I'm actually quite pleased with it. Been taking my lunch to work a lot more and eating out less, though i'm not claiming the lunch boxes were ENTIRELY the reason for that, but still, they make it easier to make that choice.
The red one says it's for soup but i've been throwing pasta in it, chinese food, really anything with a sauce. Works great (although you need to unscrew the top before microwaving or it can expand itself sealed shut).
Green salad thing is great. Holds a good amount of lettuce, refrigerated divider thingy holds a good amount of fixin's and keeps it cold, and the separate cup for the dressing is a revelation (as opposed to my life before this, where it was either soggy salad or carry a bottle).
I've yet to find any use for the blue thing, since the freezable top isn't microwaveable and i already use the red thing for anything the blue thing might be selling. Still, two out of three ain't bad.
I am still VERY upset I stayed up every night to get in on a bag and it finally comes and IRK was my best friend until it popped up sold did me wrong on that.....I buy the junk...should have been able to get the bag....mehbee I should just stop buying....
@Cloudscout This happens sometimes when we delete tracking numbers. Don't worry, you're only getting one shipment - only one will show movement. We're actually working on a fix for that now. Growing pains....
@Ignorant they are both separate FedEx SmartPost I believe. @Cloudscout as you said, only one is showing movement. @hart Honestly, I wouldn't mind anothter set...if you really want to get rid of them. ;)
@StrangerDanger I had my first one come all dinged and scratched up with some smears of crud on it. It took some back and fourth with CS, where they offered me a 10% refund. I replied that really seemed kinda cruddy given that I got used tupperware instead of new as advertised. They kindly consented to send me a replacement. Just recieved the 2nd - it's actually worse, there are orangey crusty bits of food(?) stuck on parts of it. So, I would hold your ground on asking for a refund. As for me...I give up. You win, meh.
@hollboll why thank you! While I do expect to get what's advertised, given you guys sent a replacement, I do put the blame on the vendor here. Clearly that had some QC issues on these...refurbished? containers. Thanks for coming through for them.
Deluxe Salad Kit
Soup Container
Lunch 2 Go
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 2/4 - 2/6
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Deluxe Salad Kit
1x Soup Container
1x Lunch 2 Go
The whole bundle
Salad bowl closed
Salad bowl opened
Lunch 2 Go closed
Lunch 2 Go lid open
Lunch 2 Go opened
Soup closed
Soup lid open
Soup spoon unfolded
Soup open
Price Check
$8.70 for Lunch 2 Go at Amazon
$12.09 for Soup Container at Amazon
$11.16 for Deluxe Salad at Amazon
90 days
@mediocrebot why is my phone password wrong but my computer one is right? They are the same. It is auto fil , wrong, hand type it in stil wrong. :(
@mediocrebot Are the plastic BPA free?
@mediocrebot is the junkyard of products.... @snapster is Fred Sanford
@mediocrelab in this description it says BPA free but no where on the box does it say in anyway that its BPA free as I am staring at it right meow
I kinda want these just for the bowl, but already have a cabinet full of random plastic crap. Decisions!
@Arsh Not cheap plastic, very good quality
@someguysweb very good quality plastic can still be random crap!
Meh servers not happy. Stop. And. Go.... And. Stop.
Makes me want a speaker dock.
@ACraigL Watch out, you will get what you ask for!
List bit or last bit?
9 minutes until responsiveness. Thats half the time as yesterday!!!!
@msimard8 but once the site starts working properly, where will I go to feed my F5 addiction?
But you should this like last month. I really wanted it then, now I like REALLY want it.
Did the speaker docks sell faster than these or is it just the server issues?
In for one $10 cereal bowl!
eh, already bought this in December/January?. It seems cool, but lot of little parts to wash and the insulated parts don't detach so you can't run through the dishwasher. This is like a kickstarter idea gone horribly wrong. Wish you would have given all of these to the last fukubukakke-oro or whatever that is. I should have bought the speaker dock, it was way cooler than this.
Got these lunch-haulers from Meh the last time - the day before Christmas/VMP day. Very pleased. That I didn't pay more than the same 10 bucks.
I think this is the most excited I have ever been for a Meh item. This will be perfect for my lunches at work. I will be able to eat salads so much more now! I cannot wait!!
@conandlibrarian Salad!!!!
Sorry, but I drink my breakfast. Got the best glass to drink scotch?
@eeterrific Cereal bowl/mug thingy has a handle, easier to hold your scotch!
You had me at "cereal". Time to stock up on Cap'n Crunch!
@iluvmingos fruity pebbles or gtfo.
@Headly I have 2 boxes in the cupboard. I just tried chocolate Frosted Flakes for the first time, those are pretty good too.
@Headly Round here we eat strictly cocoa pebbles. We don't take kindly to you fruity pebble types. You best get on down the road.
@iluvmingos Choco Zucaritas! They are pretty awesome. So is Chocolate Toast Crunch.
@iluvmingos Everyone knows cookie crisp is the one true cereal.
@iluvmingos What no fruit loops? Pebbles are mere wanna be's
@iluvmingos try fried cereal. More like sautéed cereal. Throw a few spoons of butter in a frying pan along with some dry cereal (your blend) and toast it up. Its awesome.
@brianebel now i want to fry cereal and then put milk on it
@brianebel thx for the good laugh. I wonder what that guy in Denver is doing with all the "cereal dust" everyone is sending him?
@4G_Reaper I just finished a box yesterday.
@readnj I'm a bit of a cereal addict. I currently have Cap'n Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, and Life. I just finished off the Cookie Crisp and Choco Zucaritas in the last week. We alternate between Froot Loops and Fruity Pebbles, because my son prefers one and I prefer the other. It's sad really, as a mom I should probably be encouraging Raisin Bran and healthy stuff, but I won't make my son eat something I'm not willing to eat! Life cereal is as close as I get to "healthy", but now thanks to @brianebel I want to try it fried!
@iluvmingos Sadly I am currently on a "bargain bin cereal only" moment
You link to the best car and the best house, but not to the best sex?
@dgarozzo I asked them to remove the link; wife complained.
Dreary-Fruity-Lawyer... By Gawd! Aren't they ALL fruits...?
Rerun Saturday
Page load clocked in at 10 minutes! Progress!

It seems to me that something went terribly wrong for about 10 minutes. Unfortunately, Irk was not available to entertain me.
Nah nah nah hey hey----MEH!
I ordered this last time it was up. Not sure how others fared, but mine appeared like it may have been previously used. Washed, but previously used. The stuff was significantly scratched up, more than shelf wear. The lids are sturdy but the containers themselves are really flimsy. Working with support to get it all cleared up, but heads up in any case.
@meh or you could thank Meh for breaking it in for you. The demo sample they used for the promo photos should be more valuable, not less. It is collectible!
It really does sound like the best cereal bowl ever.
Let me guess: you intentionally changed the number of living humans to 6 billion in order to see who would correct you.
Or maybe you just made the mistake, I don't know. In any case, it's 7 billion.
Very meh deal today.
@cleverogre - That's amazing!
@KDemo Amazing, depressing… whichever!
I bought it but I don't want to lose my meh button streak!
@OneMHz So click the button. You can do that.
@pitamuffin Seems disingenuous, though.
@OneMHz Just beause you bought it, doesn't mean it's not meh.
@OneMhz @pitamuffin @ChunkyBitz I made a chart for this situation
Meh deal today. Tupperware takes up way too much space for me
Nothing says another exciting weekend is upon us like injection-molded plastic kitchenware. Big MEH.
My Uncle Kip was selling a 24-Piece set of these. Came with a free ship.
No Meh!
I woke up for this?
green, red, and blue containers and this is the first thing that comes to mind
I love purple.
@billymayfield thanks nerd
Are these gluten free?
Are they mac compatible?
@joedel263 how about droids?
@Shata Looks like it's only compatible with battle droids.
I'm confused. Looks like this set does not include the cereal bowl, which is a different item than the soup bowl. The soup bowl does not seem to have a separate "milk container".
@K1K The girl is eating cereal out of the thermos/soup cup/bowl
@K1K If you put the milk in the thermos and had the cereal in a box at work, you could easily make this work.
Those are two great videos, especially the Top Gear one. The fancy tupperware not so much.
I am highly amused that as I always do I looked at the pictures before reading the write up and thought, man, that would make an amazing cereal bowl. I like that Meh agrees with me. As much as I would like to have this cereal bowl as an upgrade from my plastic chinese soup container cereal bowls, I don't need the other stuff.
@Tiamat114 and it is not cold on you because it insulated.
@kylewood I just like my milk ice cold, but not as ice. I just put my ghetto soup container at my desk and eat at my computer like an animalistic barbarian heathen, using a serving spoon so I can get a single piece of cereal swimming in the maximum milk per bite. I probably should be ashamed, but meh.
This stuff? Meh. I really do miss my Mr. Bento insulated lunch jar though. That thing was really neat. Too bad my wife used its components for cat dishes and such. I may have to buy another one sometime.
@kazriko Another wife?
@SSteve That would be a solution to avoid a repeat performance, but no... Another Mr. Bento.
I bought these last time around. The salad one is nice, except that the cooling gel is integrated into the lid, so you have to stick the whole mid-tray into the freezer. So you can't pre-pack it the night before.
The soup cup is nice, but no one is going to use the folding spoon. Don't bother. I guess leave it in there in case of emergency when you forget to pack an actually useful one. I don't take soup, but it might be useful for leftover casserole or something like that.
The "meal" one I would say is useless. The lid tabs will break after a few uses. Difficult to remove -- can't imagine doing it with food in it and not spilling the food all over. Ok for kid portions but probably not an adult-size lunch.
I guess it is worth it for the salad bowl -- I have seen similar ones for $10-15 with a lesser dressing cup. This one has a screw-on lid that I think is better.
@katbyter " The salad one is nice, except that the cooling gel is integrated into the lid, so you have to stick the whole mid-tray into the freezer. So you can't pre-pack it the night before." -- well if you buy a second one today, you can indeed prepack by freezing the other not-in-use lid!
Is it true that Minecraft creator Markus Persson bought that "best house" for $70 million? Must have felt great saving $15 million off the asking price.
@RedOak - Probably because no crown molding. And I didn't see french doors anywhere!
I was just forced -- forced, I say -- to go fix and consume a bowl of raisin bran at 12:45 a.m. Should make for some interesting dreams.
@pooflady and flatulence
harmless-kissable-creator checking in. Just wanna say ya'll are beautiful. Glad I made everything. :*
No HDMI? That kills it for me.
I shall buy this set and dutifully make my lunch every morning so I don't have to eat out.
And THIS time it will be different. You'll see.
I got this the last time. The soup bowl is deceivingly big but a bit leaky, so I use it as a sugar bowl for my coffee.
According to the reviews on Amazon, even though this is BPA free is made from toxic POLYPROPYLENE. For that I will give a pass.
@jayman007 go here for the entire dialog - seems to debunk that risk... unless you like hauling glass to the office.
@RedOak I actually do like hauling glass to the office. And stainless. Fuck plastic.
This is the follow up to "daily deal sites suck"? meh
More Tupperware? Meh!
Really! More items that are in end the end just chores? plastic to be washed glasses to be washed, vacuum... all this does is create chores- Shame on you
blessed lawful skunk!!
I bought these last time.
They're still in the box.
I should look at them.
Do these come in other pictures besides red, green and blue? I would love to get all of them in the same color.
I love purple.
I've already committed to Rubbermaid. Once you commit, you can't use something else because it will screw up your entire cabinet arrangement.
@phatmass we prefer the random plastics method. As we age the mental and physical dexterity required to arrange and keep bits from tumbling out of the cabinet is a healthy anti-aging exercise.
@RedOak And when it tumbles out on your head, it hurts less and doesn't leave shards of glass all over the floor.
@rockblossom We practice Safe Plastics. Only goes in the under-counter cabinet. Ceramics and glass goes in the upper cabinets so we don't end up with merely chipped stuff - only full destruction when it falls on the Tile Floor.
I feel like I should have bought one of the 20 speaker docks I've been offered on here but alas I didn't.....but now I can buy this and put my phone in the bowl,bowl speaker dock probably gets to the same volume as the docks I'm sure.
Why can't meh sell anything good?
Have the bowl. Can confirm that music from the Notch house video plays during every bowl of cereal.
the spork almost sold me, but my accountant says I need to quit using plastic, so a giant meh today....
@beachhead I'm not going to lie, the plasticware sold it for me
@Sane I bought it last time for the folding spoon. I mean, come on people! It's a SPOON and it FOLDS!!
Like others have said, you had me at cereal bowl. The rest will be perfect for the lunches I take to work.
@marvelljones Mine was round-athletic-crawdad. I would enjoy seeing my round-athletic-crawdad go up against your undersized-tepid-soldier.
Soup Container is the only one that's microwave safe?
I'll put them to the test...
@1UpRusso I also like to live dangerously.
@1UpRusso Accoding to the manual i got wit mine the bottom of the blue one is microwaveable, just not the freezable top part.
This deal is a rerun. Meh.
Sounds like lunch to me.
@katylava As someone who enjoys storage containers, what's your opinion on this particular storage container?
@dashcloud I have two sets from the last time we sold these. I've only used the blue one so far, and it was meh, but I didn't use its "stay cool" feature. Not a fan of the included spork/knife -- they're just going to break eventually (probably sooner rather than later) or get lost.
However I'm pretty stoked about the other two whenever I get a chance to use them. I think the salad one would be great for preparing a salad early in the week that you're not going to eat until later, since you can really keep everything separate. I just haven't gotten into a routine of doing that.
I'm also looking forward to using the soup one and seeing for how long it keeps my soup warm. If it can keep it warm for a couple hours, then I can bring soup for lunch without having to use the scary breakroom microwave that sounds like it's going to explode.
Sorry I can't be more helpful... I'm just really lazy and my husband usually prepares my lunch for me. I don't think he even knows this kit exists because it's in a different cabinet than most of our tupperware.
The other cool gear kit we sold gets a lot more use, and I can testify that it keeps my lunch cool until lunchtime if you keep the trays in the freezer until use. However, if you take it out of the freezer and put immediately put it in your salad box, you are going to have a sad salad because the lettuce will freeze, and thaw out by lunch time, and then be gross. We keep the salad box trays in the fridge.
Ever so meh. No soup (container) for me. A lunch box would be cooler.

Wow, 1,132 sold by 2pm Eastern. Blew by total sales last time of 860. Must be either that today is a Saturday or that last time was Christmas eve. Or a combo of both.
Best order number ever!! limber-sporty-crack
I bought this the last time it came up. I'm actually quite pleased with it. Been taking my lunch to work a lot more and eating out less, though i'm not claiming the lunch boxes were ENTIRELY the reason for that, but still, they make it easier to make that choice.
The red one says it's for soup but i've been throwing pasta in it, chinese food, really anything with a sauce. Works great (although you need to unscrew the top before microwaving or it can expand itself sealed shut).
Green salad thing is great. Holds a good amount of lettuce, refrigerated divider thingy holds a good amount of fixin's and keeps it cold, and the separate cup for the dressing is a revelation (as opposed to my life before this, where it was either soggy salad or carry a bottle).
I've yet to find any use for the blue thing, since the freezable top isn't microwaveable and i already use the red thing for anything the blue thing might be selling. Still, two out of three ain't bad.
I like purple.
These were so horrible I didn't even bother to bring them to goodwill.
I am still VERY upset I stayed up every night to get in on a bag and it finally comes and IRK was my best friend until it popped up sold did me wrong on that.....I buy the junk...should have been able to get the bag....mehbee I should just stop buying....
Hi, I new here. Do this site sell sex toys? I only ask for glorious leader like
The speaker dock cavity will hold cereal. Maybe it's lactose-tolerant.
What else is good for holding cereal? Neoprene sleeves. (Does desiccant absorb milk?)
So if they were selling it for $10 and they sold 1400 of these, how did you they raise 15222?
@supersekhon94 Shipping costs
@supersekhon94 and tax is charged in some states.
@supersekhon94 Plus some of us leave the change in the tip jar. (Well, if Meh had one, I'd do that.)
Congratulations on the superb timing!
Do these really ship in multiple packages? I only ordered one but I have two tracking numbers.
@Cloudscout I also have two tracking numbers. Guess we will find out soon enough.
@MzSooze Only one of the two tracking numbers shows movement. I think they just reprinted their shipping labels or something.
@Cloudscout @MzSooze might be a FedEx tracking number and a USPS tracking number.
@Cloudscout I as well have 2 sets of numbers with the same weight.
@Cloudscout This happens sometimes when we delete tracking numbers. Don't worry, you're only getting one shipment - only one will show movement. We're actually working on a fix for that now. Growing pains....

@Ignorant they are both separate FedEx SmartPost I believe. @Cloudscout as you said, only one is showing movement. @hart Honestly, I wouldn't mind anothter set...if you really want to get rid of them. ;)
Mine came in today opened, scuffed and with bonus dried food in the bowl. Contacted support :( was looking forward to using it.
@StrangerDanger that's the 2nd person I've heard of getting a used set. So weird!
@StrangerDanger I had my first one come all dinged and scratched up with some smears of crud on it. It took some back and fourth with CS, where they offered me a 10% refund. I replied that really seemed kinda cruddy given that I got used tupperware instead of new as advertised. They kindly consented to send me a replacement. Just recieved the 2nd - it's actually worse, there are orangey crusty bits of food(?) stuck on parts of it. So, I would hold your ground on asking for a refund. As for me...I give up. You win, meh.
@meh Yikes! I'm sorry about that. You should have let me know. Just refunded you.
@hollboll why thank you! While I do expect to get what's advertised, given you guys sent a replacement, I do put the blame on the vendor here. Clearly that had some QC issues on these...refurbished? containers. Thanks for coming through for them.
I like @hollboll.
@Barney you oughta, this was all your fault in the first place.
Not nice, @meh. Not nice!
(purpleblush) Aw @Barney I like you too!