Cool Gear Food Storage Variety Pack

  • BPA-free plastic not recommended for those who enjoy the rich flavor of epoxy resins
  • Includes all five containers shown above: one Bento box, two salad storage kits, two collapsible bowls
  • Remember, if your friends at work make fun of you for bringing your lunch, they aren’t real friends anyway
see more product specs

We found all of our food storage containers!

And who gives a shit? Sometimes we just wonder, like, what’s the point? Of any of it? We struggle and hope and wait and argue and for what? Why put ourselves through this?

Like today, here’s these Cool Gear Food Storage Containers. Simple enough, right? All you guys see is a set of BPA-free containers that make it easy to have a hot or cold lunch at work, instead of trudging to the burger joint yet again. And then you see us having some fun with a dumb little video or whatever. Yeah, that’s us. Wheee, fun. Because if we ever stop laughing you might see the pain in our eyes. And we can’t have that, can we? Can’t spoil the fun, fun, fun by, you know, actually feeling something.

What you don’t see is the heartbreak we had to go through to get here. Do you realize we closed this deal, like, a month ago? A month. We pencilled it in on the schedule. We were so excited. We were so happy. We were so stupid.

Because then, of course, problems. It took longer for our vendor to make up the pallets than we were expecting. We had some issues arranging the pickup. But hey, nothing we couldn’t handle. All in the game, right? If we wanted easy money, we’d open a Jimmy John’s. We swallowed our disappointment, dusted ourselves off, and pushed it back on the schedule.

And then, more than two weeks after we closed the deal, hooray! They got here! Or wait, wait a minute… some of them got here. It seems a pallet or two went astray in the move to our place. Nobody seemed to know where they’d gone. Rather than run a half-assed version of the sale we originally had in mind, we launched a search for the missing Cool Gear Food Storage Containers. Which means we took it off the schedule again.

This was the point where we really started to question some of the decisions we’d made. Not just the decisions that led to this deal. The decisions that led us to this point in our lives. What kind of a business is this for grown adults to be engaged in? Heated phone calls and urgent faxes to track down some low-priced, brightly-colored plastic boxes? This wasn’t the life we’d envisioned for ourselves. Our moms always told us we could do great things. Were our moms lying to us? Or just stupid?

Of course, the missing containers turned up eventually. The details are so boring we keep falling asleep trying to write them. The point is, they’re here now. We can run the sale. Never mind how empty it all feels now. All our anxiety, all those sleepless nights, all that ass we busted, is finally going to pay off.

And that payoff is… some anonymous clown taking one glance at these and posting in the forums “what a pos, this site has gone downhill, whatevr happend to good deals?”

And the hell of it is: we know he’s right. Is that all there is, you guys? Is that what our lives add up to? How much longer can it go on like this? How much longer can we go on?

So far today...

  • 91 of you visited.
  • 1% on a phone.
  • 3864 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

How’d you get here?

  • 89% just typed
  • The other 11% of you came from:

And you bought...

  • 1053 of these.
  • We sold out at 2:39pm.
  • That’s $14540 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?

How many are you buying?