Ballsy B2 Balls & Body Trimmer for Men

  • It’s a shaver… for your balls!
  • (Can also shave your body)
  • With a name like ‘Ballsy’ you can feel confident this thing is ready to shave… your balls!
  • If you need help tending to some unfortunate nose hair, head over to SideDeal
  • Can it make a margarita: Nope, but it can shave… your balls!
see more product specs

Our Shave-ior!

Is this not exactly what online shopping is for? Products like this?

Like we said last time we sold this: we enjoy the fact that Ballsy, with their choice of name and aggressive packaging, makes it very clear what area of the body this thing is designed to tend.

Yet, for that exact reason, you might not want to walk into Target and say, “Excuse me, friend, would you mind showing me to the area of the store where you keep your various products for testicular grooming? You see, the boys downstairs have grown quite an embarrassing little beard, and I’d like something with which I can trim them up and have them looking ready to join the Marines in no time!”

Oh, and by the way, you don’t have to say any of that stuff. You could just say, “Could you tell me where I might find… uhh… male grooming products?” The problem is no matter how coy you are about it, what’s written above is what will register in the mind of the sales assistant you talk to. In fact, there’s a chance that your level of withholding will only lead them to believe the inverse: the less you come right out and say what you’re looking for, the more dire the situation you’re looking to correct will seem.

Hence, to return to where we started, it is the perfect product to buy online, where the only person who has to know you bought it is the string of code that processes your payment.

And we’re not just assuming here. We say this is the perfect thing to buy online because we know it is. Last time we sold this thing, we moved 1,592 units. And we’re willing to bet that’s because it’s something people want but don’t want to go to a store for.

Also: we’re offering it for a really good price. That probably has something to do with how well it did, too.

In conclusion, buy this thing for shaving your balls! It’s cheap and good! For shaving your balls!

(Oh, and by the way, if you’re more concerned about the hair in your nostrils than the stuff on your junk, SideDeal has you covered.)

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  • 72477 of you visited.
  • 43% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 3220 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 341 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $7966 total.
  • (including shipping)

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