60-Pack: Think Jerky Original Grass-Fed Beef Sticks

  • 40 calories per stick, 0 carbs, 0 sugars, fairly low in salt (165mg of sodium)
  • In other words, actually fairly healthy!
  • Best by 7/28/2024 (which is plenty of time)
  • Can they make a margarita: Oh, totally! You could add them to one of those breakfast margs! You know, the ones with the tomato juice and stuff? What do you mean those are called something else?!
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Stick With It

Meat sticks. You either like them or you don’t.

How you feel about the texture, what you think of the taste, whether or not you eat meat–these factors will dictate whether or not you enjoy just about all options within the product category or disavow the entire concept.

Which is all to say, we’re not going to lay out why meat sticks, in general, are good. You either already like them and know yourself, or you don’t and therefore any pitch about low carb snacking isn’t going to hold water. After all, if a snack cannot be enjoyed at all, its relative healthiness means nada.

Instead, we’re going to focus on comprehensively cataloging, for those who are already confirmed meat stick enjoyers, why these meat sticks are good.

First of all, they’re not just ‘low carb.’ They have zero carbs. Or, well, actually they probably have some fraction of a gram of carbohydrates in there somewhere. But whatever that fraction is, it’s not big enough that it can be rounded up to one. Hence, it says ‘0g’ across from ‘carbohydrate’ in the nutrition information.

Going down, you’ll see another ‘0g,’ this time across from ‘sugars.’ So, no carbs and no sugars (and yes, we know these things are related). What’s more–and this is usually where the ‘healthy snack’ angle breaks down for meat sticks and jerky–these only have 165mg of sodium per stick. Compare that to 410, which is what you’ll find in a Jack Links offering that is not quite double the size.

There, you might think you’ve discovered a flaw, given that, as we’ve just admitted, they’re about half the size of other meat sticks. But this too we choose to consider a strength. After all, the fact that they’re smaller means they’re lower in calories (only 40 per serving). And even then, those other meat sticks that are not quite double the size of these still possess 3 times the calories.

That means you could eat two of these Think sticks and still come up 40 calories and 80mg of sodium short of the competitors. Which would usually be something you wouldn’t want to do, because it’d get expensive eating two at a time, but–and this brings us to our final selling point–today we’re offering them for cheap as hell.

In conclusion, if you like meat sticks, you should definitely buy these meat sticks.

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