6-Pack: T.Taio Esponjabon 2-in-1 Soap Sponge

- The sponge is part soap
- Or maybe the soap is part sponge?
- Choose between lavender and cucumber melon scents
- Can they make a margarita: No, but they can enliven a restorative bath the morning after you have a few too many margaritas
The Long View
If you’re wondering why we offer these things so often, @troy was kind enough to explain in the comments of the recent Meh-rathon. It’s not because they’re bad. It’s:
Because 1. We bought an insane amount and 2. We have a limited customer base unlike the mothership
And if you’re like, “Of course the guy who sells these things is gonna tell us it’s just an over-supply thing rather than a quality problem,” well, just scroll down on that same sale and you’ll see a bunch of positive reviews.
@Echenanci said:
Love these. Bought some. And - I also got some in my Irk.
@sammydog01 seconded this:
I have soooo many of these. They’re great but my closet is looking like the Meh warehouse.
And @bofis thirded it:
These are great, but I already have an entire cabinet full… even at the rate our 6yo daughter goes through them we’re set for a bit
It’s very possible you’re facing the same predicament: you’ve got a whole pile of these things and so you think you don’t need any more right now. And you’re correct. But we’d say the key phrase there is: “right now.”
In the present moment, you’re preoccupied with issues of storage. Where do you put more of them?
What you’re not thinking about is the future. You have so many that you’ve developed an over-reliance. You’re taking them for granted.
In eight months, though, when you finally run out, how are you going to feel then? Sure, at this rate, we might still be offering them. But what if we’re not? You either need to buy them at about $8 per sponge or find another solution for your six-year-old (or whoever in your household uses them all).
At that point, you’ll be pretty annoyed that you didn’t get another 6 of them for just 6 bucks and find a shelf in the basement to stash them.
So buy some, is what we’re saying. You’ll use them. Eventually.