45-Pack: Evolve Classic Crafted Cat Food
- None of this new-aged bullshit
- Only the classics for Mr. Mittens
- Don’t forget the IRK!
Twinning: a 2-pack Meh-rathon
“So, there’s some ground we need to cover,” Paul said. “We’re also twins. I’m Paul. That’s Paula, but we’re still calling her Horner.”
“Really?” Jane turned to Gil. “And you didn’t do anything, why? Because you were outnumbered?”
Gil/Cork took a deep breath, preparing to explain, but before he could speak Laney managed to maneuver her head to the side and say, “He’s not who he said he is either. He’s a space hoodlum named Glork McDork or something. But don’t ask him anything about it unless you’ve got a few hours.”
Paul and Horner snickered.
“I’ve talked so much less than all of you,” said Gil/Cork.