4-Pack: Zesty Paws Hemp Elements Omega Bites (360 Soft Chews)

  • A whole bunch of fish oil and vitamins to promote better skin health for your pup
  • ‘Best by’ date is 3/31/23 (yesterday)
  • Your dog won’t care
  • Want some cheaper doggo stuff but also best by 12/22? Check out SideDeal
  • Want some more expensive doggo stuff but with best by 9/23? Check out the SideDeal Bonus
  • What we’re saying is… vote with your wallet
  • And If all you really want is something to celebrate your favorite cars from the 80s, then you should probably head over and grab these shirts from Mediocritee
see more product specs

Best By Yesterday

Happy April Fools’ Day to all who celebrate. We had our fun yesterday, so we’re going to keep it straightforward today. Although to be fair, this sale is a little goofy.

Here’s what you need to know: these dog treats are loaded with fish oil and vitamins, thus promoting healthy skin.

Here’s what else you need to know: the ‘best by’ date for these was yesterday, 3/31/2023.

As we’ve gone over many times, ‘best by’ dates are not expiration dates. Here’s the definition from the USDA:

A “Best if Used By/Before” date indicates when a product will be of best flavor or quality. It is not a purchase or safety date.

Now, your dog may be many things. A friend. A constant companion. A quirky roommate. A stand-in for a child. A hunting partner. A valued employee at your farm. A personal trainer. Someone who keeps the bed warm on cold winter nights.

One thing they are not: a gourmand.

Goose shit. Cat vomit. A paper towel used to wipe grease out of a pan. A pancaked squirrel that’s been sitting on the side of the road for nearly two weeks. Dogs consider all of these things delicacies and, had they not had their wolf souls extracted via centuries of selective breeding, might literally fight each other to the death for them.

In other words, we’d be shocked if your dog turned their nose up to some treats on account of them not being maximally fresh.

So get a bunch of high-quality dog treats for not much money. Your dog won’t care about the ‘best by’ date, and neither should you.

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  • 79012 of you visited.
  • 50% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 3276 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 274 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $6456 total.
  • (including shipping)

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