4-Pack: Atomi Smart WiFi LED Sconce Lights

  • Not plastic
  • Very cool
  • So many color options
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
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Twinning: a 2-pack Meh-rathon

“Just be warned,” Giles Melbourne continued in the video, “there’s a chance that the twin sibling has won over the crew, and so bringing them back to your side may be more difficult than you’re anticipating. After all, you’re the twin who decided to work in the field of space travel, so there’s a chance you’re a total nerd, and your twin will seem way cooler by comparison.”

“That was just unnecessarily mean,” Collins said over the headset.

“Nothing we need to worry about there,” Jane said. “After all, I’m very cool. Right, Collins?”

There came no immediate response.

“Collins? Did we lose comms for a second there?”

“Oh, uh, yeah, totally, that was it for sure,” Collins said a moment later. “Look, Youssef just sent me an override code for the video. Let me type it on my end.”

“But if you take away just one thing from this video,” Giles Melbourne said, “it’s this: when re-entering the atmosphere, you’ll have to execute a perfect–”

And the screen went blank.

“Okey dokey,” Collins said. “I’m sure that wasn’t as important as it sounded. Let’s get you space-bound, Jane!”

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