30-Pack: Everydaze Essential C's Konjac Jelly

  • You eat the jelly
  • You feel full so you don’t eat other, less healthy stuff
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
see more product specs

Twinning: a 2-pack Meh-rathon

“Honestly, not really,” Horner clarified. “I was born in Colorado, but we left when I was five, so I don’t have many memories of it. And now I never know what to say. Because it’s technically true. I am from Colorado. But I grew up in Wisconsin. So, then, sometimes, I tell people I’m from Wisconsin but then later, Colorado comes up and I’m like, ‘Oh, I was born there,’ and they’re like, ‘What? I thought you were from Wisconsin.’ On the other hand, if I say, ‘I’m from Colorado,’ this happens: someone assumes I possess a knowledge of the place that I just don’t. To be totally honest, sometimes I feel like I’m from nowhere at all.”

“Wow,” Laney said, turning from her own computer. “That’s really deep.”

“You know what else is deep?” Gil tried. “Deep space. Which is, by the way, a place I’ve been.”

Horner closed her eyes and massaged her temples, exasperated. “JFC, Gil or whatever your real name is. No one fucking cares.”

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