Today's SideDeal

2-Pack: Ultra Plush 24" x 24" Calming Pet Bed Set

  • Two super soft little donut-shaped beds
  • The shape and the “orthopedic cushion” help relieve anxiety and joint pain, apparently
  • They also come with blankets
  • Are they Mac-compatible: Maybe don’t let your Mac sleep in one of these; it might get too comfortable and stop doing all the stuff you need it to do
see more product specs

Take A Load Off, Mittens

Alright, so let’s just get this out of the way: what makes these “calming” pet beds?

Here’s what the copy says:

A unique donut shape & high padded walls provide a safe, private place for dogs and cats who love to curl up. The orthopedic dog bed design offers a sense of security and helps reduce anxiety and discomfort in your cat or dog.

Elsewhere we see that their “orthopedic foam chip cushion offers joint and muscle pain relief.” Also, they come with blankets.

Now, if you’re thinking, So, they’re round pet bed with some little walls? Aren’t those just… pet beds?, that’s fair. I had the same thought while reading about these. But what I’ve learned is this: those other donut-shaped pet beds? They’re marketed as “anti-anxiety” beds as well, but you maybe didn’t realize it.

Which is all to say, these are beds. For pets.

But are they good ones?

The reviewers of Amazon seem to think so. These earn an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 based on a healthy 377 reviews.

Here’s what Ruth has to say:

My dogs LOVE these beds. I have two of the beds, both bought as replacements for something similar. As soon as I put them out, the dogs took right to them. One dog loves to chew and shake them… hard… and so far (several weeks) the beds are fine. He’s 25 lbs. I have smallish beds. The smaller dog curls up and sleeps in them all the time. So, they are evidently comfy, fun, durable, and bonus: washable with comfy blankets!

Elizabeth Durante’s review is similarly positive:

I ordered this bed for my new Frenchie puppy. It is so very soft and comfortable that even my 18 month old cuddles up in it with the puppy. I love that it comes with a blanket because I can take the blanket to travel in the car without taking the whole bed. Of course we all know puppies so I have already had to clean it from an accident. It was so easy to take apart, wash, and put back together. I am even planning on ordering another one for my other Frenchie. Thank you for such a durable yet soft product!

But of course, some of you are probably seething by now due to the fact that we’re highlighting only dog reviews. So here’s one from cat parent D.M. Harral:

My new kitty LOVES this bed! He is a medium-sized (but overweight) kitty. He loves that he can curl up and sleep…or…since it is raised on one side, just lean against it to stare out the window. There is a rubber bottom that keeps it in place on my window bench.

In conclusion: dog and cat owners agree that these beds are soft and good. Will they help with your pet’s anxiety? Who knows. But we’re selling two for cheaper than one costs on Amazon. So get them if you have pets. (It would be weird if you got them but didn’t have pets.)

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