2-Pack: Griffin 10W Wireless Charging Stands

  • You know how phones need to charge?
  • These do that
  • They also stand your phone up
  • Are they available in Georgia Red: Wait, has this just meant ‘normal red’ all along?
see more product specs

Don't Lay Down

There are two types of recipes:

Type 1: The New Adventure - After roughly four months of making nothing but pre-approved staples, you’ve decided to branch out. You’re going to get a little risky, a little wild. You’re going to try something new.

And because this is 2024, you don’t go to your favorite cookbook and search the table of contents for something you’ve never attempted before. You head to Google with a meal in mind and choose whatever recipe at the top of the page has the highest rating based on the most reviews. This means you might not be familiar with the author’s approach, how they phrase things, et cetera. And likely, there’s going to be a step that utterly baffles you, like, “cut against the grain into 1-inch pyramids” or something.

Hence, you might want to watch a video as you go, so you know what you’re supposed to be doing.

Type 2: The Old Stand-By - Maybe you’re having friends over for dinner and you’re not willing to risk your reputation as “a good home cook” by thinking outside the box. Maybe it’s been a long day, and you need the comfort of a meal you know well. Maybe it’s your kid’s birthday, and they’ve requested an old favorite.

Your reason for making it doesn’t matter. What’s important here is that, whatever the meal, you could make that thing in your sleep. You don’t need to consult the recipe because you know it by heart, down to the quarter teaspoons of the required spices. Hell, you probably don’t even need measuring spoons at this point. You can just eyeball it.

In other words, you can let your mind winder.

Hence, you might want to watch something fun while you cook, or maybe video chat with a friend or family member.

In either case, having something to hold your phone for you while you cook would be nice. And having something to hold your phone and charge it would be even nicer. That’s what these are: they’re stands that charge your phone. And you can get two of them for ten bucks. Not bad, huh?

So get some. You’ll probably end up using them more than you think.

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