16 - 40-Pack: Samyang Ramen Noodles
- Dare we say this is the most expansive Samyang sale we’ve ever launched?
- We do dare!
- A whole bunch of spicy (and extra spicy) offerings to choose from
- We’ve also got a fancy ramen cooker over on SideDeal to help you out
- Are they available in Georgia Red: Maybe, maybe not, but your face might turn Georgia Red while you eat them…
Can't Beat The Heat
What do people say on Amazon about these Samyang noodles? That they’re pretty great.
And what do people say on noodle review sites about these Samyang noodles? That they’re pretty great.
And what do people say on our own site whenever we sell these Samyang noodles? That they’re pretty great.
But there was one voice missing from this chorus of praise. Mine. Which is why I picked up a single Samyang bowl at the grocery store: to try it and provide my own review.
How come I didn’t just buy a bunch of them from Meh for super cheap, you ask? Because, dear reader, I was afraid.
Here’s what you need to know about me: I love spicy Mexican food, love chipotle peppers, and I enjoy Serrano and habanero levels of heat (though admittedly, for the latter, in drips rather than by the spoonful). I love a good bánh mì, and enjoy biting into a nice fresh jalapeño, even if I need a tall glass of water on hand. At Thai restaurants, when they ask me what spice level I want, I usually order a 3-4 here in the Midwest or a 2-3 on the coasts, depending on the dish. And I absolutely love a good barrel-aged stout brewed with some cayenne and cinnamon to tickle the palate.
In other words, not heat-phobic, by any means, but definitely not a total heat freak. Hence my apprehension.
You see, there’s a clear line between interesting-spicy–as in, a delicious dish that happens to be spicy–and spicy-spicy–which is when something feels less like a meal and more like an endurance test. You know what I mean: that menu item or snack that’s overloaded with Carolina Reapers and ghost peppers to the point where you taste nothing but pain, the kind of thing that nobody actually likes but some people like saying they like, because it allows them to feel tough.
Well, I am happy to report that these Samyang noodles fall into the first category: interesting spicy. Which is not to say that they are only a little spicy. They are very very spicy. And that spice comes on fast and lingers. Yet, for me, the noodles hit a pretty high level of heat quickly but then stayed there, allowing me to go back for further bites with minimal recovery time. Moreover, they tasted fantastic, a clear step up from your basic ramen options indeed.
Or, to put it differently, on the horror scale these are a lot closer to something from A24 or one of the better Blumhouse offerings than a Saw or Human Centipede movie, as in: there’s depth, nuance, and even some joy mixed in with all the terror.
(Albeit, I’ll admit I opted for one of the less spicy options, so the extra spicy noodles might be a heaping helping of artless torture; those of you who have tried them, definitely hop in the comments to weigh in.)
In conclusion, I tried some Samyang noodles, and I think they’re pretty great!