12-Pack: T.Taio Esponjabon 2-in-1 Soap Sponge

  • The soap is coming from inside the sponge
  • They smell nice
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
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Twinning: a 2-pack Meh-rathon

“Alright, we’re getting closer to the signal,” Laney said. “At least, that’s what I’m getting from this computer readout.”

“What does it say?” asked Paul.

“It says distance to signal,” Laney said, reading, “and the number is going down.”

“Hmmm,” said Horner, who was not Sarah Horner, but Paula Horner, but who they’d decided to call Horner still, given it was her last name, and also to avoid confusion with Paul. “Are we sure about that? Maybe space distance counts down when it’s going up.”

Gil sighed. “Space distance definitely doesn’t count down when it’s going up. That doesn’t even make any sense.”

“Hey, don’t be so judgmental,” Laney said. “We’re not all space dorks like you, Gil, or whatever your real name is.”

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