Today's SideDeal

12-pack: Grizzly Power Clear Packing Tape Refills

  • It’s tape… for packing
  • Refills
  • Handle thing not included
  • Is it available in Georgia Red: Only if you put it over something that’s Georgia Red
see more product specs

Sticky Stuff

Imagine seeing this sale, passing on it, and then, in a month, needing packing tape only to find your roll is about to run out. How annoying would that be?

Especially as we head into the holiday season, a time of putting stuff in boxes and either sending them to your faraway friends and loved ones, or else wrapping them and putting them under the three.

Or maybe, as we head towards the season of yuletide cheer, your Etsy shop selling Guy Fieri Christmas ornaments is finally picking up steam, so you’ve got a lot of packing/shipping to do. This is going to be your year! You’ll prove your mother wrong once and for all for saying it was unwise to drop out of medical school in favor of a career in novelty knick-knacks!

Our point is: you should buy these rolls of replacement packing tape. In fact, you might almost say you need to buy these rolls of packing tape. It’s like toilet paper or paper towels or salt. If you have more than you need, it can be annoying to figure out where to stash it all, but if you don’t have enough? That has the potential to be DISASTROUS!

Of course, none of this is particularly fun.

So, if you’re looking for something more exciting, might we suggest heading over to SideDeal to check out FALL FEST!

There you’ll find a celebration of delightfully autumnal products! And also some holiday products! (And then a whole bunch of other stuff we managed to group into sales with the word ‘fall’ in the title, though not always in reference to the season.)

There’s even a sale of fall food! By which we mean, food. That we’re selling now. Which is fall. Meaning you can eat the food. In fall. (Actual fall-themed food not guaranteed.)

So head over there and shop around! In a minute. But first, buy some packing tape. Because, again, you can always use packing tape.

So far today...

  • 21318 of you visited.
  • 40% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 1078 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 302 of these.
  • There’s still some left.
  • That’s $4004 total.
  • (including shipping)

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