Myst. I will never forget the combination to the safe in the tree, because young me wasn’t smart enough to find the combination but smart enough to know that with 3 digits there’s only 1000 answers, how long could it possibly take? I’d love to say starting as of that night, I had learned a lesson by the following morning, but really I didn’t.
@atannir@Tiamat114 At risk of getting flamed:
After having played the eighties and early nineties LucasArts graphic adventures, I wasn’t that impressed by Myst.
Myst was prettier, but I’d pick Day of the Tentacle over it any day of the week.
Phase 2 of serious PC gaming started with Half Life. The games in the poll are all derivative…
Well, except for Wolfenstein and Doom, which predated Half Life. But those older games aren’t even in the same league…
@shahnm Half Life was made using a modified Quake engine, so it’s a derivative too. Unreal came out 6 months before Half Life…the only derivative game is Counter-Strike, which started as a Half Life mod. Even Team Fortress started as a Quake 2 mod before they adapted it for Half Life. Valve is great but they owe a lot to ID software and the modding community for their success.
@ELUNO eventually I used some cheat code to clip through walls and I fucked up my save game. Couldn’t figure out where I was supposed to go after that. That was the end of Hexen for me.
@ELUNO@RiotDemon I wasted countless hours on Doom, Hexen, Heretic, Quake 1, 2 and 3 but that all paled into nothingness when I discovered Unreal Tournament. I was never any good but man it was fun! I also spent some early time on Mechwarrior 2.
@ELUNO@tweezak Unreal Tournament was such a time sink for me. I honestly do not remember if I was good or not.
10-12 years ago I found my disc and loaded it in to see if you could still play online. You could, and there was actually people playing. It was the most disappointing thing ever. Everyone was just using the translocator and teleporting across the map super fast. No one would walk/run anymore. I couldn’t kill anyone.
@RiotDemon I loved Hexen. Sadly this is where I discovered that if a game isn’t on a rail, I get massive headaches. I would probably play first person shooters 24/7 if I didn’t.
@ELUNO@RiotDemon We always played capture the flag. You couldn’t teleport with the flag so you had to run with your posse behind you so if you got shot someone else could pick it up and carry the standard. We ended up playing on my buddy’s private server because he could detect and shut off aimbots and such. Those were good times.
Quake 2. I didn’t get a Windows PC (had macs before then) until 1998 when my parents got a Compaq Presario with a Pentium 2 computer and a voodoo video card. Played a lot of Quake 2, Half Life, and Team Fortress using a dial up modem for multiplayer. Was really into FPS gaming and loved Unreal Tournament (and UT2k3, and UT2K4) but am now very much a casual gamer because I’m too slow and have too much shit to do.
I didn’t play much doom on the PC but had it for the Sega 32x, lol.
First “real” PC gaming rig was three PCs on the office Novell network an running Doom in multi-monitor mode for 270⁰ of glorious demon fragging.
Circa early 90s, maybe?
@narfcake Thankfully I never had to manage a Novel net. But LANman was the antagonist in the early days of my corporate sysadmin life. And DECnet. All seven circles of hell? Check!
WarCraft II and networked Quake II were the first PC games I started on. Quake III beta is what got me building faster computers. I don’t play anywhere near as much as I used to but I still fire up Quake III occasionally.
@JanaS I still have a working TI/99-4A. My kids still regularly ask to play Hunt the Wumpus.
I spent a lot of time playing A-Maze-Ing as a kid, along with TI Invaders.
TI Invaders is SO MUCH BETTER than the Atari 2600 Space Invaders port.
Space Quest 2. Or was that Unserious PC gaming? There was also things like Flight Simulator 2.0, Super Huey, and Starcross on the Atari, and many other Atari 8-bit computer games.
@ELUNO hell yes, that game slapped. Though I was cursed with terrible luck…I could never get that game to run right on my computer. All other games were fine, but that one would never start up right.
I’m a console gamer, specifically Nintendo. To that end, the answer is Super Mario World on the SNES.
The only PC game I ever tried to play was the original Halo, and since I’d already played it on Xbox, attempting it with a keyboard was hell for me compared to a proper controller!
@PooltoyWolf Mario 64 is also an amazingly fun game. Really pioneering. Tight controls, fun levels, and enough content to have plenty to do without that overwhelming “collect-a-thon” that other games like Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Kazooie, and others tried.
@Bandrik@PooltoyWolf I seem to be the only one, but I do not like Super Mario 64. I actively dislike it. I love the earlier 2D games.
I found there to be way too many situations of ambiguous depth or object placement, and struggled to deal with the camera. I’ve played through it more than once, but I don’t really have any interest in collecting more than the bare number of stars required to face Bowser.
@Bandrik@Limewater The best thing I can say is though I’m sure you’re not the only one, you’re definitely one of the very few. Mario 64 is pretty much universally critically acclaimed, being in many ‘Best Video Games of All Time’ lists, and topping more than a few of those.
EDIT: It occurs to me that the problems you describe having with Mario 64 might apply to most 3D games, or more specifically, 3D entries in series that were traditionally 2D. Do you experience similar issues with other games like SM64? Or is your disdain exclusive to that title?
@Bandrik@PooltoyWolf Oh yeah, I know I’m in the minority.
I would say that I am not a huge fan of 3D platformers generally. I recall not being as annoyed playing Conker’s Bad Fur Day, with the exception being that awful part where you have to navigate the hallway that is full of lasers. The lasers are just lines on the screen without enough context clues to really decipher depth.
I think Mario 64 did a lot of things well. It looks gorgeous and has some really breathtaking scenes, particularly in the Bowser levels. The whole world has a lot of personality, and the levels are great for squeezing a lot to discover into a relatively small play area.
But far too many of my deaths could be attributable to things they just hadn’t figured out yet that really lower the player experience. I died so many times because the camera was too close and wouldn’t show me where I had to jump. Or because I was walking along a very narrow path and the designers wanted to pan the camera around to show off the cool scene, changing which direction is forward. There are also several instances of objects suspended in the air without sufficient context to gauge depth, such as all of the flying hat coin gathering sequences. These aspects are enough to put me off a game that I would otherwise really like.
Descent and Descent II. One of the few six degrees of freedom games ever made. Very ambitious for its time. Still a thrill to play to this day. It aged well in my eyes.
I don’t do serious PC gaming, but I was totally into 2-D Duke Nukem for awhile. I think I may have even beat the original. Can’t remember. Never got into the FPS thing. Still more of a platformer gal. Guess the perspective of an FPS creates an overpersonalization of killing people and things for me.
I’d been playing arcade ports on our Commodore 128 for years, but I didn’t really start losing a lot of time to gaming until we got a 486 and my uncle sent me copies of Civilization and Master of Orion. Hell, I still fire up MoO in DOSBox at least once a month - my original install has been following me from computer to computer for 25 years now.
@steve149 I remember playing Adventure back in 1979 on a computer at work. I hacked it to give myself a basically indestructible character, then a coworker and I wandered around in the game and drew a map of all the paths. After that, it wasn’t much fun.
@jmoor783@jnicholson0619 A friend used the mnemonic “I DeKlare, Fuckin’ Ammo!” to teach me the weapons cheat. Even with the misspelling, I remember it to this day.
Wolfenstein was more of my “last hurrah” in gaming. I was really past the video game stage of my life, but the hacks that would allow you to edit and create your own levels fascinated me.
… never really got into “serious” gaming. At some point I concluded that I would never put the time in to git gud or learn maps, and the mean time between headshots (received) was always pretty low.
I have very warm memories of X-Wing, and later, Morrowind. Was too young with X-Wing to beat the missions, which required, as far as I remember, actually understanding things, but I did beat level 10 in the time trials, better than my dad did. Split the cost, with my brother, of a Thrustmaster… joy… stick… remember when sound cards had game ports?
Morrowind though, what an atmospheric, alien, transportive game that was. The followup TES games don’t even try for that same glorious experience of being cast into another world, with that slower pacing and relative absence of direction… mmmmm… No wonder they keep remixing Morrowind’s theme. Hard to believe 90% of it was BSoDs.
I have played and enjoyed some Zork, Moria/Angband, and Nethack, but that was later.
I tend to be into puzzles, simulators, walking sims, indies, RPGs without dialog trees… barely have the patience to suffer through a boss fight, even in your Zelda-Castlemetroid sort of area (probably my favorite genre of games which are… gamer-ish). Can’t into real time competition, fighting, FPS, and RTS games. Keep bouncing off 4X and strategy. I’ll dig into one of those some day, probably.
The Sims is what originally got me. Then RuneScape, and then Anarchy Online, and then finally Fallout 3 and that’s when I just stayed stuck on PC gaming.
Wolfenstein I guess, back in the day. As a youngster I got in as a beta tester for Softdisk and Apogee, before iD became a thing, but a lot of those guys like the Carmacks were involved. Softdisk was in my hometown. The biggest name game I remember betaing was Redneck Rampage. In fact Taylortown, where you started, is a scant few miles from where I live now, just down the road from a guy’s place where the developers may have hung out some.
Got out of it after college. But a couple of Christmases ago my wife got me Oculus Rift so I had to get myself a rig to run it. It sees a couple hours burst of usage every few months I guess, but I did get pretty decent driving, flying, and rc setups to connect with it. So VR was my latest gateway to serious PC gaming spending.
Bard’s Tale - on an Apple ][gs - in color (4 color, lol)
Dungeon Hack and other SSI dnd variants
After the internet
I mudded. my favorites were
The Rose - damn, can’t remember the full name, but it was the first one I mastered. Had to pay for it too
Then discovered AVATAR - it’s still out there. I was senior staff when I finally retired.
AVATAR flooded Cybernations, I did that for a lot of years, ran several successful alliances that were not the usual destroy the world types before I’d had enough
These days I play wartune, a simple cough flash game - we’ll see where it goes this year. sigh
Exile : Escape From the Pit was the first game I ever payed my own money for. I counted out coins so my mother could send in the registration. It was also the first game where I figured out how to open up the .bmp files in the game, so I could edit the PC character sprites. As an aside, the game’s story and play STILL hold up well enough I keep a Windows XP machine around to play it when nostalgia hits.
King’s Quest (IBM PCjr…).
Then all of the other Sierra On-Line “Quest” games…
Microsoft Flight Simulator.
The Infocom text adventures…
World of Warcraft
@JT954 Yeah! for headbanger music! (Always suspected there were some birdbrains behind it.)
Myst. I will never forget the combination to the safe in the tree, because young me wasn’t smart enough to find the combination but smart enough to know that with 3 digits there’s only 1000 answers, how long could it possibly take? I’d love to say starting as of that night, I had learned a lesson by the following morning, but really I didn’t.
@Tiamat114 ahhh Myst, a worthy nomination
@Tiamat114 There is a Myst documentary project on Kickstarter that I just discovered yesterday. Hopefully it will get funded.
@atannir @Tiamat114 At risk of getting flamed:
After having played the eighties and early nineties LucasArts graphic adventures, I wasn’t that impressed by Myst.
Myst was prettier, but I’d pick Day of the Tentacle over it any day of the week.
Untitled Goose Game
@sammydog01 honk
Phase 2 of serious PC gaming started with Half Life. The games in the poll are all derivative…
Well, except for Wolfenstein and Doom, which predated Half Life. But those older games aren’t even in the same league…
@shahnm Half Life was made using a modified Quake engine, so it’s a derivative too. Unreal came out 6 months before Half Life…the only derivative game is Counter-Strike, which started as a Half Life mod. Even Team Fortress started as a Quake 2 mod before they adapted it for Half Life. Valve is great but they owe a lot to ID software and the modding community for their success.
Correction TF started as a Quake 1 mod
@jmoor783 Yeah? Well my dad can beat up your dad!
@shahnm DAD FIGHT!
The OG Rise of the Triad.
@jaggedbubbles OMG so many death matches and triggering taunts!
It’s where I pulled my username out of thin air during a Lan party with a bunch of dudes.
I seriously got into Unreal Tournament, Hexen, and StarCraft at home.
@RiotDemon Ah I remember Hexen. Good ol’ times.
@ELUNO eventually I used some cheat code to clip through walls and I fucked up my save game. Couldn’t figure out where I was supposed to go after that. That was the end of Hexen for me.
@RiotDemon A lot of maps back then were impossible to figure out. (Looking at you Doom)
I think Duke Nukem was my favorite tho
@ELUNO @RiotDemon I wasted countless hours on Doom, Hexen, Heretic, Quake 1, 2 and 3 but that all paled into nothingness when I discovered Unreal Tournament. I was never any good but man it was fun! I also spent some early time on Mechwarrior 2.
@ELUNO @tweezak Unreal Tournament was such a time sink for me. I honestly do not remember if I was good or not.
10-12 years ago I found my disc and loaded it in to see if you could still play online. You could, and there was actually people playing. It was the most disappointing thing ever. Everyone was just using the translocator and teleporting across the map super fast. No one would walk/run anymore. I couldn’t kill anyone.
@RiotDemon @tweezak you need to git gud again
@RiotDemon I loved Hexen. Sadly this is where I discovered that if a game isn’t on a rail, I get massive headaches. I would probably play first person shooters 24/7 if I didn’t.
@ELUNO @RiotDemon We always played capture the flag. You couldn’t teleport with the flag so you had to run with your posse behind you so if you got shot someone else could pick it up and carry the standard. We ended up playing on my buddy’s private server because he could detect and shut off aimbots and such. Those were good times.
Zork. On a TRS-80. On casette.
Before that, it was Empire on the school’s DEC PDP-11 running RSTS/E. But that wasn’t a “personal” computer, so, ok.
Tomb Raider, tho I played a ton of the Doom engine derivatives like Sigil and Hexen.
01 Squad assemble
02 Exit the bunker
03 BAM!
04 Go to 01
BTW, Noobs welcome.
@2many2no Greetings fellow bullet trap.
Quake 2. I didn’t get a Windows PC (had macs before then) until 1998 when my parents got a Compaq Presario with a Pentium 2 computer and a voodoo video card. Played a lot of Quake 2, Half Life, and Team Fortress using a dial up modem for multiplayer. Was really into FPS gaming and loved Unreal Tournament (and UT2k3, and UT2K4) but am now very much a casual gamer because I’m too slow and have too much shit to do.
I didn’t play much doom on the PC but had it for the Sega 32x, lol.
@jmoor783 Compaq presario was my first computer! Win 95.
First “real” PC gaming rig was three PCs on the office Novell network an running Doom in multi-monitor mode for 270⁰ of glorious demon fragging.
Circa early 90s, maybe?
@mike808 Novell … it’s been nearly two decades since I had to work with one. I’m happy to say I’ve forgotten every administrative aspect about them!
@narfcake Thankfully I never had to manage a Novel net. But LANman was the antagonist in the early days of my corporate sysadmin life. And DECnet. All seven circles of hell? Check!
@narfcake @ruouttaurmind
Bunch of token ring poseurs. Get off my lawn!
@mike808 @ruouttaurmind I did not work on any token ring back in the days. 10Base2 sure had its
annoyancescharm, though.@narfcake @ruouttaurmind
Who didn’t like their ethernet thicc?
WarCraft II and networked Quake II were the first PC games I started on. Quake III beta is what got me building faster computers. I don’t play anywhere near as much as I used to but I still fire up Quake III occasionally.
Tunnels of Doom on the TI99A.

/image TI99A
@JanaS that photo didn’t age well.
@JanaS @RiotDemon look at the way he’s touching that poor PC!
@ELUNO @JanaS @RiotDemon At least it’s awake.
@JanaS I still have a working TI/99-4A. My kids still regularly ask to play Hunt the Wumpus.
I spent a lot of time playing A-Maze-Ing as a kid, along with TI Invaders.
TI Invaders is SO MUCH BETTER than the Atari 2600 Space Invaders port.
Space Quest 2. Or was that Unserious PC gaming? There was also things like Flight Simulator 2.0, Super Huey, and Starcross on the Atari, and many other Atari 8-bit computer games.
@kazriko I guess you didn’t neglect to take the jock strap from the locker.
I thought weed was “the” gateway.

/giphy chase the dragon
@phendrick not what I was looking for, but meh
MTM: Monster Truck Madness then MTM2.
@FearTheNoFear omg yes!
Zork got my interest, the Ultima series introduced me to a real RPG, but Diablo convinced me that computer’s had finally reached their true potential.
@hchavers Ahhhhh,Ultima! Played up through IV (Black Gate maybe?) and then found Doom/Quake etc. and never went back to the genre.
/image terminal velocity pc game

@ELUNO hell yes, that game slapped. Though I was cursed with terrible luck…I could never get that game to run right on my computer. All other games were fine, but that one would never start up right.
@ELUNO Wasn’t that a Charlie Sheen movie?
@yakkoTDI unrelated to the movie
What? No love for The Bilestoad on the Apple II?
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, Ultima III, and Castle Wolfenstein were all regularly seen on my Apple II+'s Green Screen monitor.
I’m a console gamer, specifically Nintendo. To that end, the answer is Super Mario World on the SNES.
The only PC game I ever tried to play was the original Halo, and since I’d already played it on Xbox, attempting it with a keyboard was hell for me compared to a proper controller!
@PooltoyWolf Super Mario World is still my favorite Mario game. Just so polished and perfect.
@Bandrik It is still a fantastic bit of 2D platforming. One of the few games that tops it in my mind is Super Mario 64!
@PooltoyWolf Mario 64 is also an amazingly fun game. Really pioneering. Tight controls, fun levels, and enough content to have plenty to do without that overwhelming “collect-a-thon” that other games like Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Kazooie, and others tried.
@Bandrik Indeed, which is why I still play it regularly. Did you see the news about Luigi finally being found in the game’s code??
@PooltoyWolf wait. No way. Really?! Link me!
@Bandrik Here is one of several news articles:
@Bandrik @PooltoyWolf I seem to be the only one, but I do not like Super Mario 64. I actively dislike it. I love the earlier 2D games.
I found there to be way too many situations of ambiguous depth or object placement, and struggled to deal with the camera. I’ve played through it more than once, but I don’t really have any interest in collecting more than the bare number of stars required to face Bowser.
@Bandrik @Limewater The best thing I can say is though I’m sure you’re not the only one, you’re definitely one of the very few.
Mario 64 is pretty much universally critically acclaimed, being in many ‘Best Video Games of All Time’ lists, and topping more than a few of those.
EDIT: It occurs to me that the problems you describe having with Mario 64 might apply to most 3D games, or more specifically, 3D entries in series that were traditionally 2D. Do you experience similar issues with other games like SM64? Or is your disdain exclusive to that title?
@Bandrik @PooltoyWolf Oh yeah, I know I’m in the minority.
I would say that I am not a huge fan of 3D platformers generally. I recall not being as annoyed playing Conker’s Bad Fur Day, with the exception being that awful part where you have to navigate the hallway that is full of lasers. The lasers are just lines on the screen without enough context clues to really decipher depth.
I think Mario 64 did a lot of things well. It looks gorgeous and has some really breathtaking scenes, particularly in the Bowser levels. The whole world has a lot of personality, and the levels are great for squeezing a lot to discover into a relatively small play area.
But far too many of my deaths could be attributable to things they just hadn’t figured out yet that really lower the player experience. I died so many times because the camera was too close and wouldn’t show me where I had to jump. Or because I was walking along a very narrow path and the designers wanted to pan the camera around to show off the cool scene, changing which direction is forward. There are also several instances of objects suspended in the air without sufficient context to gauge depth, such as all of the flying hat coin gathering sequences. These aspects are enough to put me off a game that I would otherwise really like.
Descent and Descent II. One of the few six degrees of freedom games ever made. Very ambitious for its time. Still a thrill to play to this day. It aged well in my eyes.
@Bandrik when I saw today’s keyboard I wondered how Descent ] [ would have been impacted if I had this. Spent far too many hours in those mines.
@Bandrik OMG I loved the Descent series and it’s Skinnypuppy soundtrack in Descent 2
@Euniceandrich yessss, but that time was so much fun. Zipping around, not knowing which way is “up”, looking for secret access tunnels… So much fun.
@shadowmajere that soundtrack slapped so hard. I still listen to it to this day
@Bandrik I still rock that soundtrack at work. My Desktop might not have a CD/DVD player anymore but I still have the Tri-fold Descent 2 discs
Solitaire all the way baby!!
Half-Life 2, got a boxed copy and bought my first ever video card for it, a whopping 512 MB of VRAM!
@InsideDayLabor That was such a great game. I’m still amazed Valve got it to run on the original Xbox.

/image maziacs
I don’t do serious PC gaming, but I was totally into 2-D Duke Nukem for awhile. I think I may have even beat the original. Can’t remember. Never got into the FPS thing. Still more of a platformer gal. Guess the perspective of an FPS creates an overpersonalization of killing people and things for me.
Marathon on our family Macs. We had some amazing LAN parties back in the mid-nineties!
I’d been playing arcade ports on our Commodore 128 for years, but I didn’t really start losing a lot of time to gaming until we got a 486 and my uncle sent me copies of Civilization and Master of Orion. Hell, I still fire up MoO in DOSBox at least once a month - my original install has been following me from computer to computer for 25 years now.
my partner is the one who games, not me. however i did love fringer and jewel thief as a kid
King’s Bounty on my Commodore 64. Damn you Arech Dragonbreath!

/giphy Oregon trail

Actually, first gaming was the text game “Adventure”. It was built-in as an Easter Egg in one of the early 80’s computer products I sold.
@steve149 I remember playing Adventure back in 1979 on a computer at work. I hacked it to give myself a basically indestructible character, then a coworker and I wandered around in the game and drew a map of all the paths. After that, it wasn’t much fun.
@macromeh @steve149 this is an interesting read on the story behind Adventure and those maps.
If you remember Adventure and wind up in that cave system, you might be in luck.
@djslack @macromeh @steve149
Which cave system? The maze of little twisty passages or the twisty mazy of little passages?
@mike808 Both, combined into one mammoth cave system.
I still even remember some of those old cheat codes to Wolfenstein.
Oop, actually, those cheat codes im thinking of were for Doom.
@jnicholson0619 IDDQD off the top of my head heh
@jmoor783 @jnicholson0619 A friend used the mnemonic “I DeKlare, Fuckin’ Ammo!” to teach me the weapons cheat. Even with the misspelling, I remember it to this day.
Wolfenstein was more of my “last hurrah” in gaming. I was really past the video game stage of my life, but the hacks that would allow you to edit and create your own levels fascinated me.
… never really got into “serious” gaming. At some point I concluded that I would never put the time in to git gud or learn maps, and the mean time between headshots (received) was always pretty low.
I have very warm memories of X-Wing, and later, Morrowind. Was too young with X-Wing to beat the missions, which required, as far as I remember, actually understanding things, but I did beat level 10 in the time trials, better than my dad did. Split the cost, with my brother, of a Thrustmaster… joy… stick… remember when sound cards had game ports?
Morrowind though, what an atmospheric, alien, transportive game that was. The followup TES games don’t even try for that same glorious experience of being cast into another world, with that slower pacing and relative absence of direction… mmmmm… No wonder they keep remixing Morrowind’s theme. Hard to believe 90% of it was BSoDs.
I have played and enjoyed some Zork, Moria/Angband, and Nethack, but that was later.
I tend to be into puzzles, simulators, walking sims, indies, RPGs without dialog trees… barely have the patience to suffer through a boss fight, even in your Zelda-Castlemetroid sort of area (probably my favorite genre of games which are… gamer-ish). Can’t into real time competition, fighting, FPS, and RTS games. Keep bouncing off 4X and strategy. I’ll dig into one of those some day, probably.
Elite 2 Plus.
The Sims is what originally got me. Then RuneScape, and then Anarchy Online, and then finally Fallout 3 and that’s when I just stayed stuck on PC gaming.
Wolfenstein I guess, back in the day. As a youngster I got in as a beta tester for Softdisk and Apogee, before iD became a thing, but a lot of those guys like the Carmacks were involved. Softdisk was in my hometown. The biggest name game I remember betaing was Redneck Rampage. In fact Taylortown, where you started, is a scant few miles from where I live now, just down the road from a guy’s place where the developers may have hung out some.
Got out of it after college. But a couple of Christmases ago my wife got me Oculus Rift so I had to get myself a rig to run it. It sees a couple hours burst of usage every few months I guess, but I did get pretty decent driving, flying, and rc setups to connect with it. So VR was my latest gateway to serious PC
gamingspending.Before the internet I had
After the internet
These days I play wartune, a simple cough flash game - we’ll see where it goes this year. sigh
GGG gamer geek girl forever!
I’ve never been a serious gamer, but it was hard to pry me away from Lode Runner when I first used a Mac.

yes,I’m that old…
@Cappo But, out of the selections available, Wolfenstein. (Wolf3D)
The Catacomb Abyss was my gateway drug into FPS.
Might and Magic: Secret of the Inner Sanctum
Ultima I
Strategic Conquest
Civ. Nuff said.
Exile : Escape From the Pit was the first game I ever payed my own money for. I counted out coins so my mother could send in the registration. It was also the first game where I figured out how to open up the .bmp files in the game, so I could edit the PC character sprites. As an aside, the game’s story and play STILL hold up well enough I keep a Windows XP machine around to play it when nostalgia hits.
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
Dune 2000
Command and Conquer / Red Alert
Also the obligatory SimCity/Jezzball/Tetris
@ComputerMD82 totally forgot about SimCity 2000! 1993, woo!
@RiotDemon Oh yes, so many hours… The original too… and SimTower
@ComputerMD82 @RiotDemon that visceral memory of the gleeful experience of interactivity
I remember trying to follow a guide to get SimCity to generate a particular pattern of gardens, I think.