I do two calls… one every other week with my mah jongg group. We used to play in person but now play on a site realmahjongg.com
The other is with a group of friends. We play allbad.cards once a week, an online version of CAH.
If you want to join the Coffee Club of Seattle on Meetup, we’re always looking for good members. We have rules, though, so read them first. All beverages welcome.
Our rural internet has never been fast or reliable enough for Zoom, to the point that we have to borrow a hotspot from the library if we’re planning to use it.
That may change in a few days, though - I just got a shipping notification from Starlink. Eeeee!
@dannybeans I live in a rural location (12 miles to the nearest small town), but a rural connectivity project in our area a couple years ago allows us reasonable speeds (40mbps) and reliability. So I am able to use Zoom and other online tools, as well as work from home effectively. (Connected) rural life is sweet!
@macromeh I’m envious. There’s nothing like that our way, so our choices are Mercury Wireless (basically glorified wifi beamed in from the nearest town), HughesNet (shitty satellite service), or dialup. We’re paying Mercury for 5mbps, and get maybe 3 in practice - less if it’s windy or raining. It’s especially galling because some friends literally three miles away can at least get DSL.
So yeah. I’m refreshing the Starlink tracking page more or less hourly.
no, i actually haven’t had a drink since just over a year ago at all since i only drink [in person] socially. also, i thought having zoom get togethers would be fun-ish, but i’ve since had a few with my dad’s side of the family and tbh i hate it. i literally just sit there and say nothing except hi and bye and wait for it to be over. it’s impossible to hear what anyone is actually saying between people talking over each other, shitty mics, shitty internet connections, kids sitting too close to the mic while they’re doing stuff other than participating in the zoom…it’s just…i don’t understand how it’s enjoyable for anyone.
my bff and his wife had a zoom baby shower recently and that was much better but for some reason it’s just nothing at all like being able to chat in a group in person. i didn’t think it would be exactly the same of course but, i didn’t think it would be like this.
one thing i do like very much though is doing zoom calls with just my parents. i think we’ll keep this up even after we can see each other again since it’s nice to “see” them more (and they like getting to see us too) and also it’s just more comfortable than holding a phone to my ear for an hour or two.
Zoom Open Mic night is my fave! Trivia night is fun too!
We lost the one who organized the happy hour and made us drink.
Tried to do zoom Sunday fun day with grandpa and a few aunts and it went exactly how you would expect.
I do two calls… one every other week with my mah jongg group. We used to play in person but now play on a site realmahjongg.com
The other is with a group of friends. We play allbad.cards once a week, an online version of CAH.
If you want to join the Coffee Club of Seattle on Meetup, we’re always looking for good members. We have rules, though, so read them first. All beverages welcome.
Never too early for beer o’clock!
Definitely not Zoom. A decent amount of hanging out in Discord voice chat, and playing various games.
Our rural internet has never been fast or reliable enough for Zoom, to the point that we have to borrow a hotspot from the library if we’re planning to use it.
That may change in a few days, though - I just got a shipping notification from Starlink. Eeeee!
@dannybeans I live in a rural location (12 miles to the nearest small town), but a rural connectivity project in our area a couple years ago allows us reasonable speeds (40mbps) and reliability. So I am able to use Zoom and other online tools, as well as work from home effectively. (Connected) rural life is sweet!
@macromeh I’m envious. There’s nothing like that our way, so our choices are Mercury Wireless (basically glorified wifi beamed in from the nearest town), HughesNet (shitty satellite service), or dialup. We’re paying Mercury for 5mbps, and get maybe 3 in practice - less if it’s windy or raining. It’s especially galling because some friends literally three miles away can at least get DSL.
So yeah. I’m refreshing the Starlink tracking page more or less hourly.
We did about three Friday EODs when the wuflu shutdowns started. Then everyone thought they’d rather just end their day and it stopped.
no, i actually haven’t had a drink since just over a year ago at all since i only drink [in person] socially. also, i thought having zoom get togethers would be fun-ish, but i’ve since had a few with my dad’s side of the family and tbh i hate it. i literally just sit there and say nothing except hi and bye and wait for it to be over. it’s impossible to hear what anyone is actually saying between people talking over each other, shitty mics, shitty internet connections, kids sitting too close to the mic while they’re doing stuff other than participating in the zoom…it’s just…i don’t understand how it’s enjoyable for anyone.
my bff and his wife had a zoom baby shower recently and that was much better but for some reason it’s just nothing at all like being able to chat in a group in person. i didn’t think it would be exactly the same of course but, i didn’t think it would be like this.
one thing i do like very much though is doing zoom calls with just my parents. i think we’ll keep this up even after we can see each other again since it’s nice to “see” them more (and they like getting to see us too) and also it’s just more comfortable than holding a phone to my ear for an hour or two.