Pokémon Go! Got to catch them ALL!
Believe it or not this game take a lot of strategy and you have to ‘walk’ or at least move around to progress in the game. Started playing it because my grandson ask me to during lockdown. Still playing it, probably more than he is!
Digging myself deeper into a spiraling social hole of death by taking the bait on stupid political BS. I’m like a bottom feeding catfish taking the nastiest stink bait and swallowing the hook! Why don’t I learn? I’ll ask R1.
@Wollyhop r/buildapc and r/buildapcforme were my old stomping grounds, but when the pandemic hit and PC parts supply was sporadic, I retreated. It was always fun to be downvoted because I was able to do a build that met the user’s needs below their budget. CAD software does not need a bazillion cores or a high-end gaming card! $$$ worth of RGB does not add actual performance!
Most recently it has been researching/shopping tractors. My old tractor (a mid-90’s John Deere) is on its last legs and is probably not worth rehabilitating.
Only not on my phone - I prefer my Chromebook.
@macromeh Let us know what you pick. Subcompact, compact,or bigger? I was looking at Deere and Kubota a few years ago but never made the move. Also Mahindra. Kioti (pronounced coyote) was advertising but nearest dealer was 100’s miles away.
@pmarin Currently, a compact Yanmar (manufactured in Japan) is at the top of my list. My John Deere’s diesel engine was made by Yanmar and has been incredibly durable and trouble-free. Also, there is a dealer a 1/2 hour drive away - the nearest JD dealer is in another state.
Unfortunately, we have no dealerships very near us, given that the 2 nearest are the Kubota dealerships, which are 10-25 miles away in opposite directions.
While we love and have really used our 2011 B2320 [with front-end loader] to the fullest extent of its capabilities, I always wish we would have spent whatever amount more to get the next higher HP they were offering at the time.
It has been essentially trouble-free, but we do frequently run up against its practical power and lifting limits.
Also, if you’re contemplating mowing with yours- don’t get a mid-mount mower- we really wish we hadn’t, but it was our first >/than lawn tractor purchase, and we have learned a lot since then.
What I would love to get to replace it- [some day when out lottery winnings arrive] is a compact agricultural telehandler- they are so much more empowered and versatile.
Tractor make is like any other personal preference- lovers and haters on both sides, but Yanmars have a good overall reputation on the TBN [tractorbynet.com].
@macromeh@PhysAssist good tip on the “go for more power” idea. I was inclined to say just get the basic tiny one but I think you are right you will want a bit more strength and weight. Also I’ve noticed the wheel/tire sizes bump up a bit and that can be important.
@PhysAssist@pmarin My old JD tractor is larger/more powerful (33/28HP) than the new one I’ve been looking at (25/18HP). So I would have the option of more power (but older and more fussy) if I needed. But I think I could handle most common tasks with the smaller one.
@PhysAssist@pmarin I did put my JD on its side once. Brush mowing across a gentle slope with the front bucket raised to avoid a tree. The low-side rear wheel went into a depression that was obscured by some long grass and the tractor did a slow-mo tip on its side. ROPS was in place, bucket was up and I had the seat belt on, but it was still a sphincter-tightening moment.
@PhysAssist@pmarin No shorts stains that time, but there is a humorous followup story: The upholstery on the seat of my (old, worn) JD tractor is cracked, so when it rains and I’ve forgotten to fold up the seat, the foam cushion gets wet. Well, one time last summer I didn’t realize that the seat cushion was damp and I proceeded to hop on the tractor and do some work with it. I was wearing some khaki shorts at the time, and I later discovered a nasty (and embarrassing) rust-brown stain on the butt. Multiple attempts were made to remove the stain, to no avail. Too cheap and unwilling to toss the (otherwise fine) shorts, I dyed them a darker brown, making the stain virtually invisible. But I still chuckle when I put them on.
We built a barn in 2012, so our 2011 Kubota didn’t have to sit outside.
We had been in the house since 8/94 without a garage or barn, and it took getting the tractor for SWMBO to agree to building one.
Now there is just barely room for it to fit in there- like getting the most tractor you can, building a bigger barn than you think you’'ll need should be a given.
There are tools, equipment, lumber, firewood, and lots of raw material for my retirement projects also taking up available space.
@PhysAssist@pmarin BTDT
When we built our (metal-sided pole) barn, everyone we talked to suggested going up a size over what we thought we might need. So we did (final size: 36x48 ). And 27 years later, it’s full - to the point that the tractor no longer fits inside.
Mostly bouncing between my apps. Mail, linkedin, facebook, etc. No time for the fun stuff right now as I am assisting in my wife’s job search as she just got laid off.
Who uses their phone for an hour at a time?
I only use mine fit 24 hours at a time.
/giphy doomscrolling

@yakkoTDI Way, WAY more of us than you think. Especially those of us for whom our phone is our only Internet portal.
Shopping for things that I don’t need.
@iluvmingos Ditto.
I love Plants vs. Zombies 2.
None of your business
Waiting for the next Mehathon item with hopes it’s an IRK.
Looking at Cat Videos
@markkorn that can’t be a…
It is.
There’s over 200,000 subscribers.
I’ll be.
/showme Cays doing crazy Cat stuff
Reading comics
You’re here, too!
@lonocat yep
You bastards got me into Clash of Clans with a promise of a mediocre clan but that never panned out.
@Salanth did you not know it was really Clash of the Cats
@mycya4me Eh, I also have a cat game.
Any of the above at various times.
Today I was scrolling back through ancient accumulated emails.
Listening to the 1st of 30+, 1 hour episodes on the history of the Kinks at
Not a paid endorsement.
Email, news headlines and Meh.
Interacting with some deal-a-day site forum.
Pokémon Go! Got to catch them ALL!
Believe it or not this game take a lot of strategy and you have to ‘walk’ or at least move around to progress in the game. Started playing it because my grandson ask me to during lockdown. Still playing it, probably more than he is!
Using R1 to solve coding issues.
Digging myself deeper into a spiraling social hole of death by taking the bait on stupid political BS. I’m like a bottom feeding catfish taking the nastiest stink bait and swallowing the hook! Why don’t I learn? I’ll ask R1.
Reddit. It’s my weakness.
Also Tumblr.
@Wollyhop is that still around? wow
@Wollyhop r/buildapc and r/buildapcforme were my old stomping grounds, but when the pandemic hit and PC parts supply was sporadic, I retreated. It was always fun to be downvoted because I was able to do a build that met the user’s needs below their budget. CAD software does not need a bazillion cores or a high-end gaming card! $$$ worth of RGB does not add actual performance!
@catthegreat Tumblr or Reddit?
All of the above and also shopping for things I don’t need
Catching up on the news from the Washington Post and trying to avoid the Bezos-inspired boot-licker editorials.
scrolling YT shorts and Instagram
Somehow an hour? lol is it impressive because it’s ONLY an hour… and tiktok obvs
Watching Cat videos of them eating & crazy Cat
Scrolling through deals on woot, side deal, morning save…
Scrolling through texts looking for that picture I KNOW I sent my brother and later deleted from the Cloud.
right now, elfster, but not for an hour
i usually actually use a tablet at home, bigger screen and all
Absolutely the Wiki rabbit hole, usually aircraft related.
It was TikTok for awhile, but now it’s Xiaohongshu
Doomscrolling all the terrible things
Most recently it has been researching/shopping tractors. My old tractor (a mid-90’s John Deere) is on its last legs and is probably not worth rehabilitating.
Only not on my phone - I prefer my Chromebook.
@macromeh Let us know what you pick. Subcompact, compact,or bigger? I was looking at Deere and Kubota a few years ago but never made the move. Also Mahindra. Kioti (pronounced coyote) was advertising but nearest dealer was 100’s miles away.
@pmarin Currently, a compact Yanmar (manufactured in Japan) is at the top of my list. My John Deere’s diesel engine was made by Yanmar and has been incredibly durable and trouble-free. Also, there is a dealer a 1/2 hour drive away - the nearest JD dealer is in another state.
@macromeh @pmarin
IMHO, dealer proximity is a huge deal.
Unfortunately, we have no dealerships very near us, given that the 2 nearest are the Kubota dealerships, which are 10-25 miles away in opposite directions.
While we love and have really used our 2011 B2320 [with front-end loader] to the fullest extent of its capabilities, I always wish we would have spent whatever amount more to get the next higher HP they were offering at the time.
It has been essentially trouble-free, but we do frequently run up against its practical power and lifting limits.
Also, if you’re contemplating mowing with yours- don’t get a mid-mount mower- we really wish we hadn’t, but it was our first >/than lawn tractor purchase, and we have learned a lot since then.
What I would love to get to replace it- [some day when out lottery winnings arrive] is a compact agricultural telehandler- they are so much more empowered and versatile.
Tractor make is like any other personal preference- lovers and haters on both sides, but Yanmars have a good overall reputation on the TBN [tractorbynet.com].
@macromeh @PhysAssist good tip on the “go for more power” idea. I was inclined to say just get the basic tiny one but I think you are right you will want a bit more strength and weight. Also I’ve noticed the wheel/tire sizes bump up a bit and that can be important.
@PhysAssist @pmarin My old JD tractor is larger/more powerful (33/28HP) than the new one I’ve been looking at (25/18HP). So I would have the option of more power (but older and more fussy) if I needed. But I think I could handle most common tasks with the smaller one.
@macromeh @pmarin
Wider-wheelbase = more stable under load.
Especially important with front-end-loader use [and when lifting with the 3-point hitch, but to a lesser degree].
Also kind of important in hilly terrain- which is most of my land.
@PhysAssist @pmarin I did put my JD on its side once. Brush mowing across a gentle slope with the front bucket raised to avoid a tree. The low-side rear wheel went into a depression that was obscured by some long grass and the tractor did a slow-mo tip on its side. ROPS was in place, bucket was up and I had the seat belt on, but it was still a sphincter-tightening moment.
@macromeh @pmarin
How long did it take you to de-suction your posterior from the seat?
“Bring me my brown pants!!”
@PhysAssist @pmarin No shorts stains that time, but there is a humorous followup story: The upholstery on the seat of my (old, worn) JD tractor is cracked, so when it rains and I’ve forgotten to fold up the seat, the foam cushion gets wet. Well, one time last summer I didn’t realize that the seat cushion was damp and I proceeded to hop on the tractor and do some work with it. I was wearing some khaki shorts at the time, and I later discovered a nasty (and embarrassing) rust-brown stain on the butt. Multiple attempts were made to remove the stain, to no avail. Too cheap and unwilling to toss the (otherwise fine) shorts, I dyed them a darker brown, making the stain virtually invisible. But I still chuckle when I put them on.
@macromeh @pmarin
Waste not want not.
We built a barn in 2012, so our 2011 Kubota didn’t have to sit outside.
We had been in the house since 8/94 without a garage or barn, and it took getting the tractor for SWMBO to agree to building one.
Now there is just barely room for it to fit in there- like getting the most tractor you can, building a bigger barn than you think you’'ll need should be a given.
There are tools, equipment, lumber, firewood, and lots of raw material for my retirement projects also taking up available space.
@PhysAssist @pmarin BTDT
). And 27 years later, it’s full - to the point that the tractor no longer fits inside.
When we built our (metal-sided pole) barn, everyone we talked to suggested going up a size over what we thought we might need. So we did (final size: 36x48
@macromeh @pmarin
Yup- but for us although it’s getting tight, SWMBO has made it clear- ‘her’ tractor must sleep in the barn or else…
Mostly bouncing between my apps. Mail, linkedin, facebook, etc. No time for the fun stuff right now as I am assisting in my wife’s job search as she just got laid off.
God bless and best of luck with her job search!