I did all of these things this week, during my annual burn pto before losing it. I also went for a walk every afternoon, made cocktails, ran errands. Not in that order.
@openwater I checked reading but I prefer to do that outside. Hopefully in the sun but wrapped up like a mummy if necessary. Stormy days are my second favorite… Metal roof on the side porch.
Well that would have been today with nothing much to do (well except a long to do list which I will work on) so I was going to go places I seldom go to but there is a fucking grudge match football game in town and the stadium is near where I live. Can’t get anywhere since the traffic is basically at a standstill and most won’t let us get out of the apt driveway, let alone get over into the far lane so we can flip a U turn. There is a center median strip that is full of illegally parked cars and the game doesn’t even start for 3 more hours. Been backed up since 7am. Bah. Last game of the season though. Fortunately.
At the homecoming game I had to go out, put a cone in front of my parking spot (in a private parking lot for the apartment building and labeled as such, not to mention the spot next to mine has a “resident parking only violators will be towed” sign) and came home to find that some asshole had moved my cone to park there. Had football crap in the windows so no question who had parked there. I’d have let the air out of their tires but then they’d just have been there longer. So I super glued a note to their side window (was tempted to do the windshield in the middle of the driver side) that told them this is a private parking lot (as the big sign at the entrance says) and that spot was assigned. Took a pic of the license. Be interesting to see if they come back today. Tow companies were not towing as I tried to get them towed.
Once upon a time, in a different city and life, a carload of idiots parked in our end of the lot instead of the empty part where the guy who’d hired them as day contract labor had his offices. We left a note on the windshield. The next day, they were back, and we verbally told them not to park there, and pointed at the sign reserving those spaces for our unit. One of them flipped us a bird as they walked off. Somehow, about an hour later, their car was in the middle of the right lane of the street out front.
@werehatrack That would have been fun to do only in this case push them into the medical center employee parking where they would have gotten a boot put on their wheel.
Play with Mrs Palmer and her daughters until my hand cramps up.

Surfing the web on my 'puter for awesome deals!!
/giphy surfing the web

Shopping or sleeping. Or maybe both. Maybe eating too. Whatever.
Sleeping, my God I am exhausted
Planning something.
“Day off”, “Nothing planned”. What is the meaning of these? My to-do backlog is 17.9 person-years in length at the moment.
These are Magical Tropes within the High Fantasy genre.
@f00l @werehatrack
Chaotic Evil.
If I have nothing planned, then that’s what I intend to do: nothing.
Sleeping, with a little reading. Perhaps a movie. But mostly sleeping. That’s today, btw.
Working in my woodshop.
Bicycle ride, reading, nap, etc.
Maybe knocking something off my ever growing to do list
I did all of these things this week, during my annual burn pto before losing it. I also went for a walk every afternoon, made cocktails, ran errands. Not in that order.
I would say working on an overdue home project like a messy office, but working from home has broken that urge. So, sleep really sounds good.
Whatever she says.
…yep, that!
Plunk around on my guitar (s) prompting an unscheduled earthquake drill for the neighbors. Get those tvs mounted solidly to the walls!
(PS not that I’m any good at all, but with little encouragement necessary, I can be LOUDLY mediocre!)

Almost all of the above in addition to working on/upgrading my car…
At the very least, breathing.
@rtjhnstn And presumably metabolizing, etc.
Wishing I could be doing any of the above, but instead working on any number of projects around the house.
My “free time” is mostly side-quests too…
@kshayabusa @vfrdirk
Side quests are part of the reason I have no free time…
I’m going outside. Why is outside not an option? Has anyone gone outside recently? Curses on those who attached the garage the house.
@openwater I checked reading but I prefer to do that outside. Hopefully in the sun but wrapped up like a mummy if necessary. Stormy days are my second favorite… Metal roof on the side porch.
To cold to go outside
Think about how much I need to wash the floors. I won’t wash them. I’ll just think about it. Nigh on two years now…
Ride my horse!
Well that would have been today with nothing much to do (well except a long to do list which I will work on) so I was going to go places I seldom go to but there is a fucking grudge match football game in town and the stadium is near where I live. Can’t get anywhere since the traffic is basically at a standstill and most won’t let us get out of the apt driveway, let alone get over into the far lane so we can flip a U turn. There is a center median strip that is full of illegally parked cars and the game doesn’t even start for 3 more hours. Been backed up since 7am. Bah. Last game of the season though. Fortunately.
At the homecoming game I had to go out, put a cone in front of my parking spot (in a private parking lot for the apartment building and labeled as such, not to mention the spot next to mine has a “resident parking only violators will be towed” sign) and came home to find that some asshole had moved my cone to park there. Had football crap in the windows so no question who had parked there. I’d have let the air out of their tires but then they’d just have been there longer. So I super glued a note to their side window (was tempted to do the windshield in the middle of the driver side) that told them this is a private parking lot (as the big sign at the entrance says) and that spot was assigned. Took a pic of the license. Be interesting to see if they come back today. Tow companies were not towing as I tried to get them towed.
ran out of edit time so I guess I’ll be working on my to do list instead of borrowing a friend’s kayak and go to the reservoir.
maybe try some of these next time!
@chienfou I had thought about that…
Once upon a time, in a different city and life, a carload of idiots parked in our end of the lot instead of the empty part where the guy who’d hired them as day contract labor had his offices. We left a note on the windshield. The next day, they were back, and we verbally told them not to park there, and pointed at the sign reserving those spaces for our unit. One of them flipped us a bird as they walked off. Somehow, about an hour later, their car was in the middle of the right lane of the street out front.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack
So they probably got a major ticket as well! 
@werehatrack That would have been fun to do only in this case push them into the medical center employee parking where they would have gotten a boot put on their wheel.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack

@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
They got a ticket to get a ride down to the impound lot, since there wasn’t any on-street parking there.
Oddly enough, after that, they parked at their guy’s end of the lot.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @werehatrack
mission accomplished!
Three dogs that need a bath today.
I need a bath today. Who gets clean first?
Meh, I’m gonna nap and think about dinner.
Sleep well, and dream of large hot tubs.
Today I’m recovering from last night.
If it doesn’t require weeks of physical therapy or counseling, there is still room to try harder next time.
I’d probably be in the hospital recovering from shock.
12 pound brisket on the smoker. It’s good to smell like a camp fire.